Celebrate today: Chris, Christie, Christina, Christine, Christy, Cris, Cristina, Tina.
View moreIn Tauriano, Calabria, saint Fantino el Viejo, nickname "Caster" (s. IV).
In Stary Sacz, Tarnów, Poland, saint Kinga or Cunegonde, daughter of the King of Hungary and married to Prince Boleslao, who, according to her husband, retained her virginity, and died, professed religious life under the rule of Saint Clara, in the Monastery founded by herself.
Ferrara, city of the Emilia, blessed John de Tossignano Tavelli, Bishop, of the order of Jesuati.
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saint José Fernández, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, beheaded because of his faith in Christ, being Emperor Minh Mang.
In Durhan, in England, saint Juan Boste, priest, who, being Queen the same Isabel I, being priest suffered martyrdom and judge not ceased give encouragement to teammates.
In the region of Albi, Aquitaine, saint Sigolena, religious (s. c. VI).
Saint Sarbelio (Joseph) Makhluf, priest of the order of the Lebanese Maronites, that love of solitude and to achieve the highest perfection, left the monastery in Annaya, in the Lebanon, and retired to the desert, where he served God day and night, living with great austerity, fasting and praying.
In la Tebaida, saint Eufrasia, Virgin, who, being of senatorial family, opted to make eremitical life in the desert, in humility, poverty, and obedience (s. V).
Saints Nicetas and Aquilesia, martyrs, Lycia (Asia minor), s. III.
Saints wiggle and Cape o' Tbelly, martyrs, Licia, s. III.