In Hanoi, in Tonquin, saint Lucas Vu Ba Loan, priest and martyr, beheaded in the time of Emperor Minh Mang for their faith in Christ.
In the city of Vinh Long, on Conchinchina, saint José Nguyên Van Luu, martyr, farmer and Catechist, who volunteered instead of the priest Pedro Luu, who was wanted by the soldiers, dying in prison in the time of Emperor Tu Duc.
Near the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saint Juan Luis Bonnard, priest of the same society of missions foreign de Paris, after having been sentenced to death for having baptized twenty-five children, reached the Crown of martyrdom to be beheaded.
In the village of An Bái, in Tonquin, saint José Tuan, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, who, denounced in the time of Emperor Tu Duc, was arrested while he administered his ailing mother the sacraments, being beheaded.
In the territory of Auvergne, in Aquitaine, saint Porciano, Abbot, that being young slave sought refuge and freedom in a monastery which became a monk and where became Abbot, dying already old, exhausted by fasting. He died about the year 532.
In Milan, in the province of Liguria, St. Protasius, Bishop, who defended the cause of St. Athanasius against the constant Emperor and took part at the Council of Sardica.
In the place of Blaye, in the territory of Bordeaux, Aquitaine, saint Romano, priest.
In Amelia, Umbria, saint Firmina, martyr city.