Saints of the day october 24

Saint Anthony Mary Claret (s. XIX)

He was born in 1807 in Sallent (Barcelona, Spain). Ordered priest and exercised his Ministry with great zeal all over Catalonia. Founded the Congregation of the missionaries of the Heart of Mary, popularly known as the Claretians. He was appointed Archbishop of Cuba and then confessor of Queen Isabel II. He suffered physical attacks and many contradictions that he knew how to bear with great supernatural vision. He died in 1870, in his exile from France.

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Blessed Luigi Guanella (s. XX)
Blessed Joseph Baldo (s. XX)
Saint Arethas and companions (s. VI)
Saint Evergislo of Tongres (s. VI)

Close to Tongres, in Brabant, of Austrasia, St. Evergislo, Bishop of Cologne and martyr, that in the exercise of their pastoral mission, while he went to Poitiers, was assassinated by a few evil-doers (c. 590).

Saint Maglorio of Dol (s. VII)

In lower Brittany, saint Maglorio, that disciple of saint Iltuto, saint Samson he succeeded as Bishop of Dol and then took lonely in the Serk island life, according to tradition (c. 605).

Saint Senoco of Tours (s. VI)

In the region of Tours, in Neustria, saint Senoco, priest, who built a monastery in some old ruins, showing regular vigils, prayer and charity towards servants.

Saint Proclo of Constantinopla (s. V)

In Constantinople, St. Proclo, Bishop, who insistently proclaimed the Virgin Mary as mother of God, ordered the solemn return of the remains of saint Juan Crisóstomo to this city, and in the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, it deserved to be called 'Great'.

Saint Martín of Vertou (s. VI)

In the monastery of Vertou, on the territory of Armorica, in Gaul, saint Martin, Abbot and deacon, saint Félix, Bishop of Nantes, sent to convert the pagans in the region (s. VI).

Saint Fromundo of Coutances (s. VII)

In Coutances, of Neustria, St. Fromundo, Bishop, who founded the monastery of nuns of Ham and exercised his pastoral functions moved by the love of God.

Saint José Baldo

Ronco all ' Adige, in the region of Verona, in Italy, blessed José Baldo, priest, who delivered to the pastoral ministry, founded the Congregation of the little daughters of Saint Jose, to cater to the elderly and the sick.

Saint José Le Dang Thi (s. XIX)

In Hue, city of Annam, saint José Le Dang Thi, martyr, who, being military, was imprisoned for being a Christian and in the midst of the torments to which submitted you no letup in their faith, bearing witness to fellow prisoners, so it ended up strangled in the time of Emperor Tu Duc.