Saints of the day june 25

Saint Max of Turin (s. V)
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Saint Galicano of Alejandría (s. IV)

Gallican Saint, martyr and consul in Alexandria, inducted into the honor of a triumph, and deprived of the Emperor Constantine. Convirtieronle to the faith of the Saints Jesucristo John and Paul, and withdrew together with Saint Hilarino at Ostia, where he all the hospitality and service of the sick; which reporting worldwide, came many different parts to see which patricio and consul down to wash the feet to the poor, to put the table, wash their hands, and serve them with care in their diseases; and it is exercised in all other works of mercy. Ostia banished by order of Julian apostate, went to Alexandria, Don

Saint Sosíprato (s. I)

Saint Sosípatro, disciple. São Paulo, Berea (Asia minor), s. i. having been sent by the same St. Paul Apostle to preach the Gospel to the island of Corsica, was later Bishop of Iconium. Come back then to Corsica, Cercilino, King of the island, mado which was tormented together with seven robbers, who had converted while in prison; But while the Saints were suffering, he came down fire from heaven which consumed the two children and the wife of the King. In view of the miracle, the King invoked the Dios de Sosipatro, and was later baptized.

Saint Adalbert (s. VIII)
Saint Eurosia (s. VIII)

In Jaca, in Hispania Tarraconensis, saint Eurosia (Orosia), Virgin and martyr (c. 714).

Saint Próspero of Reggio (s. V)

In Reggio, in the region of Emilia, saint Prospero, Bishop (s. V/VI)

Saint Próspero of Aquitania (s. V)

Commemoration of St. prosper of Aquitaine, who trained in philosophy and letters, led a full and modest life with his wife. Having embraced the monastic life in Marseilles, he defended vigorously against the pelagian doctrine of St. Augustine on divine grace and the gift of perseverance, and in Rome he was clerk of the Pope saint León I Magno (c. 463).

Blessed Dorothy of Montau (s. XIV)
Saint Guillermo of Goleto (s. XII)

At Goleto, near Nusco, in Campania, saint Guillermo, Abbot, who born in Vercelli, became Pilgrim and poor for the sake of Christ and, advised by saint Juan de Matera, founded the monastery of Montevergine, where he met monks who gave a deep spiritual doctrine. Then he also founded other several male and female monasteries in southern Italy.

Blessed John Hispanic (s. XII)
Saint Moloc of Escocia (s. VI)

In Roosmarkei, in Scotland, saint Molech or Luano, Bishop (c. 592).

Saint Salomón of Bretaña (s. IX)

In lower Brittany, saint Solomon, martyr, who while was King instituted Episcopal headquarters, he enlarged the monasteries and it retained the justice, but by giving up his post he was blinded and killed by his enemies in the Church.

Saint Tigris of Maurienne (s. VI)

In Maurienne, Savoy, saint Tigris, Virgin, who was dedicated to spread the cult there St. John, the predecessor (s. VI).

Saint Francisco Do Minh Chieu (s. XIX)

In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saints Domingo Henares, Bishop of the order of preachers, and Francisco Do Minh Chieu, martyrs, the first of which spread Christianity for forty-nine years, and the second worked with him as a Catechist, being both beheaded for their faith in Christ, in the time of Emperor Minh Mang.

Saint Domingo Henares (s. XIX)

In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saints Domingo Henares, Bishop of the order of preachers, and Francisco Do Minh Chieu, martyrs, the first of which spread Christianity for forty-nine years, and the second worked with him as a Catechist, both being beheaded for their faith in Christ, in the time of Emperor Minh Mang.