Celebrate today: Esteban, Esteve, Stefania, Stéfano, Steff, Steffany, Stefy, Steph, Stephan, Stephanie, Stephen, Steven, Sthefanny, Tiffany.
View moreIn Sardis, Lydia, saint Eutimio, Bishop and martyr, to who the Emperor Miguel el Iconoclasta banished because of the cult of the sacred images, and later, during the rule of Theophilus, inhumanely punished with lashes, consummated the martyrdom.
Commemoration of saint Zeno, Bishop of Maiuma, in Palestine, who built a basilica to his nephews martyrs Eusebius, Nestabio and Zenon, and until the end of his life worked as a Weaver for procuring livelihoods and help the poor (c. 400).
In Rome, on the via Tiburtina, along with saint Lorenzo, burial of Pope St. Zosimus.