Saints of the day july 26

Saint Joachim, father of Mary

Celebrate today: Joaco, Joako, Joaquim, Joaquín, Juaquín, Quim.

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Saint Anna, mother of Mary

Celebrate today: Aina, Ana, Anabella, AnaC, Analucia, Anamaria, Anita, Ann, Anna, Annabella, Annette, Annie, Hanna.

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Saint Valencio (s. IV)

In Dorostoro, in Moesia (today Romania), saints Pasícrates and Valencio, martyrs, that by confess Christ as the only God, submitted determined their necks to the sword.

Saint Simeón of Mantua (s. XI)

In the monastery of St. Benedict, along the Po River, in the territory of Mantua, saint Simeon, monk and hermit.

Saint Austindus (s. XI)
Saint Bartolomea Capitanio (s. XIX)

In Luere, of the Lombardy, saint Bartolomea Capitanio, Virgin, founder along with saint Vicenta Gerosa the Institute of the Sisters of charity of Mary girls. She died at the age of twenty-seven, attacked by the consumption or consumed by its charity rather.

Blessed Andrew of Phû Yên (s. XVII)
Saint Erastus of Corinth (s. I)
Blessed Camilla Gentili (s. XV)
Blessed John Ingram (s. XVI)
Blessed Titus Brandsma (s. XX)
Blessed Ugo of Actis (s. XIII)
Blessed William Webster (s. XVII)
Saint Jorge Preca (s. XX)

In Valletta, capital of the island of Malta, blessed Jorge Preca, priest, who lovingly surrendered to the catechesis of children training and founded the society of Christian doctrine, whose mission is to bear witness to the word of God and spread it.

Blessed George Swallowell (s. XVI)
Blessed Marie Margaret and companions (s. XVIII)