In Seoul, Korea, passion of the Saints Sebastian Nam I-gwan and eight fellow martyrs, beheaded by his Christian faith after suffering cruel torments. They are also commemorated the holy martyrs Lucía Kim, Catalina Yi, widow, and their daughter Magdalena Cho, Virgin, who, imprisoned for his faith in Christ, also died from cruel torment day uncertain of this month. Their names: Saints Ignacio Kim Che-jun, Carlos Cho Shin-ch'ol; Columba Kim Hyoim, Virgin; Magdalena Pak Pong-son and perpetual Hong Kum-ju, widowed; Julita Kim, Agueda Chon Kyong-hyob and Magdalena Ho Kye-im.
In Lyon, in France, saint Teresa (Victoria María) Couderc, Virgin, founder, not without great tribulations, but with serene mood, in the company of our Lady of the retreat of the Cenacle in the town of La Louvesc, next to the grave of saint Juan Francisco de Regis.
In Albano, of Lazio, in Italy, St. Senator, martyr (s. III/IV).
In the territory of Tuscolo (Frascati today), the young saint Nilo, Abbot, a native of Greece, spiritual, cultivator conversationalist of the life of abstinence, humility and pilgrimage, and enlightened in the gift of prophecy and doctrine wise, who founded a famous monastery in Grotaferrata, endowing it with the regulation of the Eastern fathers, and there, prayerfully, and nonagenarian gave his spirit to God (1004 / 1005).
Commemoration of the Biblical character St. Gédéon, of the tribe of Manasseh, judge in Israel (Jc, 6, 37), who received from the Lord the sign of dew, descending to a fleece, as strength of God, freeing the people of Israel from their enemies, after destroying the altar of Baal.
In Bologna, in the region of Emilia, in Italy, commemoration of St. Eusebius, Bishop, defender of the Catholic faith against the Arians and great promoter of virginity among young women with Ambrose (s. IV).