The "Mare de Déu de Montserrat" is the black Virgin Patron Saint of Catalonia, through whose Saintctuary there have passed many saints, including Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Peter Nolasco, Saint Anthony Mary Claret...
Celebrate today: Monserrat, Montse, Montserrat.
View moreIn Tabennese, of the Thebaid in Egypt, saint Teodoro, Abbot, disciple of saint Pacomio and father of a congregation of monasteries (s. IV).
In Jerusalem, commemoration of Saint Simeon, Bishop and martyr, who, according to tradition, was the son of Clopas and relative of el Salvador, according to the flesh. Ordained bishop of Jerusalem after Sainttiago, the relative of the Lord, in the persecution under the Emperor Trajan was subjected to various tortures until already elderly, died on the cross.
Cibali, in Pannonia, saint Polión, reader and martyr, arrested in the persecution during Emperor Diocleciano, and interrogated by the prefect Probus, as he repeatedly confess Christ and refusing to sacrifice to idols, was burned alive outside the city (c. 303).
In the Isle of Man, in the northern part of Cambria, saint Macaldo, or Maughold, Bishop, renowned for his Holiness (s. VII).
At Altino, in the region of Venice, saint Liberal, hermit (c. 400).
In the island of Constantinople, in Propontide, saint Juan, hegumen of the riyal, who, for defending the cult of Holy images in the Armenian Emperor Leon time, had fight with constancy (s. IX).