Saints of the day july 27

Saint Natalia of Cordoba (s. IX)

Young Cordoba martyr of Islam

Celebrate today: Nat, Natacha, Natalí, Natalia, Natalie, Nataly, Nathali, Nathalia, Nathalie, Nathaly, Naty.

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Saint Simeon Stylites (s. V)
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Saint Cucuphas (s. IV)

Celebrate today: Cucufate.

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Saint Desideratus of Besançon (s. V)
Saint Urso of Loches (s. VI)

In Loches, town of Touraine, next to the Indre River, in France, saint Urso, Abbot, father of many monasteries, famous for its withdrawal and its virtues (s. V/VI).

Blessed Raymond the Palmer (s. XIII)
Blessed Nevolone of Faenza (s. XIII)
Blessed Modesto Vegas Vegas (s. XX)
Blessed Mary Magdalene Martinengo (s. XVIII)
Blessed Mary Clement of the Crucified Jesus Staszewska (s. XX)
Blessed Lucy Bufalari (s. XIV)
Blessed Joaquín Vilanova Camallonga (s. XX)
Saint Hermolao of Nicomedia (s. IV)

Saints Hermolao, Hermipo and Hermocrates, Nicomedia, martyrs, s. IV.

Saint Eclesius of Ravenna (s. VI)
Saint Juliana of Iluro

In Iluro (today Mataró), near Barcelona, in Hispania Tarraconensis, memory of Saints Juliana and Semproniana, mártires (s. inc.).

Blessed Berthold of Garsten (s. XII)
Saint Antusa of Mantinea (s. VIII)

At Mantinea, near Claudiopolis, in the Honoriada, saint Antusa, nun, who, being Emperor Constantino Coprónimo, to defend the cult of sacred images, after suffering the penalty of flogging was banished, but returned to the homeland, died in peace (s. VIII).

Saint Pantaleón of Nicomedia (s. IV)

In Nicomedia, in Bithynia, St. Pantaleon and Pantalaimon, martyr, venerated in the East as doctor who exercised his art without any payment (c. 305).

Saint Celestine I pope (s. V)
Saint Semproniana of Iluro

In Iluro (today Mataró), near Barcelona, in Hispania Tarraconensis, memory of Saints Juliana and Semproniana, mártires (s. inc.).

Saint Liliosa of Córdoba

In Córdoba, in the Spanish province of Andalusia, holy martyrs George, Deacon and Monk originally from Syria, Aurelio and Sabigotona, husbands, and Felix and Liliosa, husbands also, in the persecution unleashed by the Saracens, looking forward to bear witness to his Christian faith, not ceased to praise Christ in prison, where they were finally beheaded.

Saint Hermócrates of Nicomedia (s. IV)

Saints Hermolao, Hermipo and Hermocrates, Nicomedia, martyrs, s. IV.

Saint Hermipo of Nicomedia (s. IV)

Saints Hermolao, Hermipo and Hermocrates, Nicomedia, martyrs, s. IV.