Saints of the day june 27

Saint Cyril of Alexandria (s. V)

Celebrate today: Ciril, Cirilo.

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Saint Anectus of Cesarea (s. IV)
Saint Zoilo of Córdoba (s. IV)

In Córdoba, in the Spanish province of Betica, saint Zoilo, martyr.

Saint Ariald of Milan (s. XI)
Blessed Benvenutto of Gubbio (s. XIII)
Saint Gudena of Cartago (s. III)

In Cartago, saint Gudenå, martyr, who was submitted by four times to the torment of the colt, by order of the prefect Rufino, torn with hooks, meeting with several tests in prison and, finally, cutthroat.

Blessed Louise Therese Montaignac de Chauvance (s. XIX)
Saint Juan of Chinon (s. VI)

In Chinon, in the Turon Galia, saint Juan, priest, who, born in Britain, for love of God hid from the eyes of men, be confined in a cell next to the Church of the place (s. VI).

Blessed Marguerite Bays (s. XIX)
Saint Saintsón of Constantinopla (s. VI)

In Constantinople, St. Samson, priest, friend of the poor, having healed of an illness to the Emperor Justinian, attained this lifted a hospital.

Saint Tomás Toán (s. XIX)

In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saint Tomás Toán, martyr, who, being a catechist and head of the Mission of Trung Linh, in the time of Emperor Minh Mang suffered, for his faith in Christ, new and terrible tortures in prison, until he died of hunger and thirst.