Saint Datus, Bishop of Ravenna (Italy)
In Mesía, commemoration of Saints mark and Mutien, martyrs, who were beheaded for refusing to sacrifice to idols and by courageously confessing Christ (s. c. IV).
Saints Ireneo and Mustiola, martyrs in Chiusi (Italy).
In the city of Vinh Long, in Cochinchina, saint Felipe Phan Van Minh, priest and martyr, beheaded, in the time of Emperor Tu Duc, to confess Christ.
At Altino, in the region of Venice, saint Heliodoro, Bishop, who as a teacher to saint Valeriano de Aquileya and was fellow of the Saints Chromatius and Jerome, being the first bishop of the city (s. IV/V).
In Hung Yen city, in Tonquin, Saint José Nguyen Dình Uyên, catechist and martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Minh Mang, was imprisoned for hatred of the Christian faith, dying in prison.
In Rome, in the basilica of Saint Pedro, saint León II, Pope, knowledge of languages, Greek and Latin, friend of poverty and of the poor, and that approved the third Council of Constantinople.
In Mesía, commemoration of Saints mark and Mutien, martyrs, who were beheaded for refusing to sacrifice to idols and by courageously confessing Christ (s. c. IV).
In Toulouse, alongside the Garonne, in France, saint Raimundo Gayrard, teacher school, who, in being a widower, devoted her life to charity, founded this hospital, and, last time, was admitted among the canons of the basilica of Saint Saturnino.
Bizia (Visado today), in Thrace, saint Memnón, centurion and martyr, converted to the faith in times of Diocletian and Maximian by saint Severo, together with this was subjected to cruel torments, climbing the first victorious to Heaven (c. s. III).
Saints Irenaeus and Mustiola, Chiusi (Italy)