Saints of the day october 3

Saint Francis Borgia (s. XVI)

Celebrate today: Borja.

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Blessed Adelgot of Chur (s. XII)
Saint Cándida of Roma

In Rome, in the cemetery of Ponciano, in via Portuense, saint Candida, martyr (s. inc.).

Saint Cyprian of Toulon (s. VI)
Blessed Crescencio García Pobo (s. XX)
Saint Dionysius Areopagite (s. I)
Blessed Otto of Metten (s. IX)
Saint Gerardo of Namur (s. X)

In the region of Namur, in Lotharingia, saint Gerardo, first Abbot of the monastery of Brogne, who he himself had founded. He worked to establish the monastic discipline in Flanders and Lotharingia, and many monasteries helped retrieve the primitive observance.

Saint Hesiquio (s. IV)

In Mayuma, in Palestine, commemoration of Saint Hesiquio, monk, disciple of saint Hilarión and his companion's pilgrimage (s. IV).

Saint Maximiano of Bagai (s. V)

Commemoration of St. Maximian, Bishop of Bagai, in Numidia, who bludgeoned repeatedly by the heretics, was precipitated from the top of a tower, leaving him for dead, but picked up by some passers-by, recovered and did not fight for the Catholic faith (c. 410).

Saint Virila of Navarra (s. X)

Abbot in the monastery of Saint Salvador de Leyre, Navarra, memory of saint Virila, (s. X).

Blessed Ambrosio Francisco Ferro and companions (s. XVII)