In Verona, in the region of Venice, saint Gualfardo, who, a native of Germany and SADDLER's profession, after spending several years in solitude was received by the monks of the monastery of Saint Salvador, close to the city.
In Saintes, in Aquitaine, saint Eutropio, first bishop of this city, who had been sent to Gaul, according to tradition, by the Roman Pontiff (s. III).
In Novara, Liguria, saint Lorenzo, priest and martyr, who built a baptismal font that baptized children who trusted him for their education, and one day, while preparing to take to the bathroom of a high number of children living, some wicked killed him along with newcomers (s. IV).
In Forlì, Emilia, saint Mercurial, Bishop, whom tradition considered the founder of this episcopal see (s. IV).
In Naples, Campania, saint Pomponio, Bishop, who built a church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary within the city and, at the time of the occupation by the Goths, defended his flock against the Arian heresy (s. VI).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Pretextato, on the via Appia, saint Quirino, martyr, who, being Tribune, crowned his confession of faith with the martyrdom (c. s. III).