In Porto Torres, Sardinia, saint Gabino, martyr (s. c. IV).
In Geheel of Brabant, in Austrasia, saint Dinfna, Virgin and martyr (s. VII/IX).
In Tervueren, of Brabant, in Austrasia, transit of St. Hubert, Bishop of Tongres and Maastricht, disciple and successor of St. Lambert, that he devoted all his strength to spread the Gospel by Brabante and the Ardennes, and there fought the pagan customs.
In Savona, on Italy, transit of the blessed José Marello, Bishop of Acqui, in Piedmont, who founded the Congregation of the Oblates of Saint Jose, dedicated to the moral and Christian formation of young people.
In London, in England, saint Lucas Kirby, priest and martyr, in the persecution during the reign of Isabel I was hanged in Tyburn triple jib after many torments. With the blessed priests and martyrs suffered the torment in the same scaffold Guillermo Filby and Lorenzo Johnson, as well as Tomás Cottam, of the society of Jesus.
In Kampala, Uganda, saint Matías Kalemba, Mulumba nickname or the strong, martyr, who, having abandoned the Muslim cult, after his baptism in Christ resigned from the Office of judge, and spread the Christian faith with enthusiasm, for which he suffered torture in time of King Mwanga and deprived of all comfort, finally gave his spirit to God.