Celebrate today: Andre, Andrea, Andreas, Andrehita, Andrei, Andreina, Andreita, Andrej, Andrés, Andresito, Andreu, Andrew, Andrews, Andrey, Andreyna, Andy.
View moreAt Hue, in Annam, saint José Marchand, priest of the society of foreign missions of Paris and martyr, who, under the rule of Minh Mang, was sentenced to the torment of the one hundred lashes.
In the place called Quxian, in Sichuan province, in China, saint Tadeo Liu Ruiting, priest and martyr, strangled by hatred of the faith.
At monte Sebio, in Tuscany, saint Gálgano Guidotti, hermit, who became God after a dissipated youth and lived the rest of his life dedicated to corporal penance voluntarily.
He died about the year 314 in Milan, from Liguria, saint Mirocleto, Bishop, of which Ambrose made memory among the faithful bishops who preceded him.
In lower Brittany, Saint Tugdual, named "Pabu", Abbot and Bishop, who built a monastery in the town of Tréguier (s. VI).