Saints of the day july 31

Saint Ignatius of Loyola (s. XVI)

Spanish priest, founder of the society of Jesus (Jesuits). A bastion of truth and order to Protestantism.

Celebrate today: Ign, Ignacia, Ignacio, Ignasi, Ignatius, Iñaki, Íñigo, Nacha, Nacho, Nasi, Natxo.

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Saint Calimerius of Milan (s. II)
Saint Elena of Suecia (s. XII)

In Skövde, in Sweden, saint Elena, widow, who is considered a martyr by having been unjustly murdered (c. 1160).

Blessed Everard Hanse (s. XVI)
Saint Fabio of Mauritania (s. IV)

Mauritania Cesarea, saint Fabio, martyr, who, by refusing to carry the presidential flag at a meeting of the province, was imprisoned and, as remained faithful in the confession of Christ, condemned to death by the judge (303/304).

Blessed Franz Stryjas (s. XX)
Saint Germán of Auxerre (s. V)

Ravenna, via Flaminia, transit of Germán, Bishop of Auxerre, defender of the faith of the British against pelagiana heresy, who having come to Ravenna for the peace of the region of the Armorica, was received triumphantly by the emperors Valentinian and Gala Placidia, and, while there, went up to the celestial Kingdom.

Blessed Giovanni Colombini (s. XIV)
Saint Justino of Iacobis (s. XIX)

In the Valley of Alighede, in Ethiopia, saint Justino de Iacobis, Bishop of the Congregation of the mission, gentle and full of charity, who was delivered to the apostolate and the training of indigenous clergy, taking to soon suffer hunger, thirst, trials and jail.

Blessed Zdenka Schelingova (s. XX)
Blessed Michal Ozieblowski (s. XX)
Saint Tertulino of Roma (s. IV)

In Rome, on the via Latina, St. Tertulino, martyr (s. c. IV).

Blessed Jaime Buch Canals (s. XX)
Blessed Jean François Jarriges (s. XVIII)


Saints Pedro Doàn Côn Quý y Manuel Phung (s. XIX)

In Cây Mét, location near the city of Saigon, Cochinchina, Pedro Doàn Côn Quý saints, presbyter, and Manuel Phung, martyrs, who, after spending close to seven months in jail, were beheaded for being Christians.