In Agnone, Abruzzo, saint Francisco Caracciolo, priest, founder of the Congregation of clerics regular minor, who loved admirable way to God and to the next.
In Servigliano, of the Piceno, in Italy, saint Gualtero (Walter), Abbot of the monastery of this place.
In Constantinople, St. Metrófano, Bishop of Byzantium, who was consecrated to the Lord the new Rome.
In Milevi, in Numidia, commemoration of St. Optato, Bishop, in whose writings focused on the universality of the Church, the need for the intimate unity of Christians and the errors committed by the Donatists (s. IV).
In Cornwall, St. Petroco, Abbot, originally from Wales.
At Sabaria (today Szombathely), from Pannonia, passion of saint Quirino, Bishop of Sisak (today Siszeck), the Illirico, and martyr, that bass Galerio emperor was thrown into a river with a mill wheel attached to the neck.
In the island of Sardinia, Saints Nicholas and Trano, hermits (s. XII).