Saints of the day january 6

Epiphany of the Lord

Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, in which three manifestations of the great God and Lord Jesus Christ are remembered: in Bethlehem, Jesus child adored by the Magi; in Jordan, baptized by John anointed by the Holy Spirit and recognized as a son by God the Father; and in Canaan of Galilee, where it was made evident his glory transforming water into wine at the wedding.

Celebrate today: Epifanía.

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Saint Pedro Tomás (s. XIV)

In Famagusta, Cyprus city, transit saint Pedro Tomas, Bishop of Constantinople, of the order of the Carmelites, who was inherited from the Roman pontiff in the East.

Saint Andrew Corsini (s. XIV)
Saint Charles of Seze (s. XVII)
Saint Juan of Ribera (s. XVII)

In the city of Valencia, in Spain, saint Juan de Ribera, Bishop, who also exercised the functions of viceroy. He was very devoted to the most Holy Eucharist, defended the Catholic faith and educated the people with its insistent instructions.

Blessed Andre Bessette (s. XX)
Saint Félix obispo of Nantes (s. VI)

In Nantes, city of lower Brittany (today France), saint Felix, Bishop, who showed great zeal, putting at the service of its citizens, built the Cathedral Church and evangelized the rural population of the surrounding area.

Blessed Macarius abbot (s. XII)
Saint Rafaela María del Sagrado Corazón (s. XX)

In Rome, saint Rafaela María of the Sacred Heart batons Ayllon, Virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the slaves of the sacred heart, that being regarded as mental ill, became Holy the last years of his life between tribulations and penance.