Saint Petronaco or Petronax, Abbot, and Bishop of Montecassino.
In Rome and Benedicta saint Benita, Virgin and Roman nun, of which saint Gregorio Magno I is that he rested in the Lord, such as she had asked insistently, on the thirtieth day of the death of saint Gala, who loved her special above all others (s. VI).
Commemoration of Saint Lucius of Cyrene, to whom the book of the acts of the Apostles names among the prophets and doctors of the Iglesia de Antioquía (s. I).
In Milan, from Liguria (today Italy), saint Venerio, Bishop, disciple and deacon of Ambrose, who came to the aid of the African bishops sending clerics and helped saint Juan Crisóstomo in his exile.