He was born in Trier (Germany) in the year 340. He was elected Bishop of Milan in the year 374, being a great administrator. Ambrose is the symbol of the Church that rises after the hard years of concealment and persecution. St. Augustine, who was a regular listener of the sermons of St. Ambrose, tells us in his confessions that the prestige of the eloquence of the Bishop of Milan was very large and very effective tone of this Apostle of friendship. His published books that have come down to us are quick transcripts and reuses of their speeches, little or nothing checked. As a good shepherd he liked to teach liturgical hymns his people. For that reason he composed a great number of hymns, some of them very familiar in ambrosian liturgy. He introduced in the West the alternating singing in the salms.
Celebrate today: Ambrós, Ambrosio.
View moreIn the ravine, in the region of Saintes, in Aquitaine, saint Martín, presbyter and Abbot of this monastery (s. VI).
In Palestine, saint Juan el Silencioso or Hesychast, who, having renounced the Bishops of Cologne, in Armenia, lived as a monk in the laura of St. Sabas, in humble service to the brothers and in rough solitude and silence.
In Eboriacum (today Faramoutiers), in the region of Meaux, in Gaul, saint Fara, Abbess, who, having ruled for many years the monastery, it was added to the Group of virgins that follow the Lamb of God.
In Teano in Campania, saint Urbano, Bishop (s. IV).
In Spoleto, Umbria, saint Sabino, who is venerated as a bishop and martyr (c. 300).
Saint Eutiquiano (275-283) was born in Luni, in Etruria. The news is very limited. It is known that his pontificate was under the rule of Probo. The Church was the subject of many persecutions and martyrs were so many. He arranged that they received great honors.It was buried more than 300, ordering that their bodies were wrapped in a simple white as sheet not, but covered with a red dalmatic, rich robe reserved for the emperor. In the current liturgy deacons take it at solemn functions.Saint Eutiquiano was consecrated Pope January 4, 275. He ordered that the martyrs were covered by the "dalmatic" similar to the mantle of l