Saints of the day july 7

Saint Fermin (s. VI)

Saint Fermin, Bishop of Pamplona. The Bishop of Tolosa saint Saturninus sent him to preach the Gospel to Pamplona, he consecrated him with his first bishop and returned after a few years to Gaul, preached the Gospel in the North of France, dying in Amiens, s. II.

Celebrate today: Fermín.

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Blessed Benedict XI Pope (s. XIV)
Saint Panteno of Alejandría (s. III)

Commemoration of Saint Pantaenus of Alexandria, male Apostolic, enriched with all sorts of wisdom, expert in high degree of the word of God and passionate lover of the same, who has the tradition that their faith and burning charity drove him to go to the far East to preach the Gospel to the gentiles, returning at the end of his life in Alexandria, where rested in peace, in the time of the emperor Antoninus Caracalla (s. III).

Saint Willibaldo of Dryopolis (s. VIII)

In Dryopolis (today Eichstätt), in Franconia, saint Willibaldo or Wilebaldo, Bishop, who, having embraced the monastic life, toured as a pilgrim many shrines and holy sites in order to establish therein the monastic life, until St. Boniface ordered Bishop of this headquarters and made him a valuable contributor yours in the evangelization of Germania, converting many peoples to Christ.

Saint Edda of Winchester (s. VIII)
Saint Edilburga of Ebreuil (s. VII)

In Ebreuil in Meaux, in Aquitaine region, saint Edilburga, Abbess of the monastery of Faremoutiers, who, being daughter of the King of the East angles, gave glory to God with his great abstinence and her perpetual virginity.

Blessed Iphigenia of Saint Matthew (s. XVIII)
Blessed John Joseph Juge of Saint-Martin (s. XVIII)
Saint Marcos Ji Tianxiang (s. XX)

In the city of Ye-Tchoang-Teu, in Hebei province, in China, saint Marcos Ji Tianxiang, martyr, who, despite having forbidden during forty years approaching the feast of the Eucharist because it was impossible to stop the use of opium, despite this not ceased continue asking for a Holy death, having been summoned to trial, strongly professed their faith in Christ and was admitted to the eternal banquet.

Saint Mel Ruain (s. VIII)

In Tallaght, in Ireland, St. Mel Ruain, Bishop and Abbot, who worked tirelessly in renewing the sacred liturgy, the cult of Saints and monastic life.

Blessed María Romero Meneses (s. XX)
Blessed Oddino Barotti (s. XV)
Saint Odón of Urgel (s. XII)

In Urgell, in the County of Catalonia, the Kingdom of Aragon, saint Odón, that elected Bishop by acclamation of the people when it was still lay, once confirmed he defended to the most humble and was kind to all.

Saint María Guo Lizhi y compañeros (s. XX)

In the village of Hujiacun, in Shenxian, also in the Chinese province of Hebei, saint María Guo Lizhi, martyr, than during the same persecution, who another mother of the Maccabees, gave encouragement to the seven members of his family accompanying him in the place of the torment, asking to be her last in be executed, and there are thus seen to split previously all to heavenfollowed them finally.

Blessed Peter To Rot (s. XX)