Saints of the day may 9

Saint Gregory of Ostia (s. XI)

Gregory of Ostia, Bishop († c. a. 1044). Abbot of the monastery of saint Cosme and saint Damián, in Rome. Bishop of Ostia. He lived several years in Spain as papal legate.

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Saint Isaiah prophet

Celebrate today: Isaías.

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Blessed Giovanni Benincasa (s. XV)
Saint Dionysius of Vienne (s. IV)
Blessed Forte Gabrielli (s. XI)
Saint Beatus of Vendôme (s. VII)
Saint Geroncio of Ficocle (s. VI)

In Cagli, on the via Flaminia, in the region of Piceno, in Italy, St. Geroncio, Bishop of Ficocle, who, according to tradition, was martyred on this day, while returning from a Synod held at Rome (c. 501).

Saint Hermas of Roma (s. I)

Commemoration of St. Hermas, St. Paul mentioned in the letter to the Romans (s. I).

Saint José Dô Quang Hiên (s. XIX)

In the city of Nam-Dinh, in Tonquin, saint José Dô Quang Hiên, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, who, locked up in a prison, dedicated intensively to convert pagans and to comfort in the faith of Christians, until, by Decree of the Emperor Thiêu Tri, he was beheaded.

Blessed Mary Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger (s. XIX)
Saint Pacomio of Tebaida (s. IV)

Thebaid, saint Pacomio, abad, that when he was still a pagan he was impressed by the testimony of Christian charity towards soldiers arrested in the common jail and after embracing Christianity, received the monastic habit from the hands of the Anchorite Palamon. Seven years later, by divine inspiration, it was opening up many monasteries in order to receive the monks in regime of common life, writing for them a famous rule (347/348).

Blessed Thomas Pickering (s. XVII)