25 of January |
Pablo |
Saint Paul in his conversion
26 of January |
Timoteo |
Saint Timothy
26 of January |
Tito |
Saint Tito
15 of February |
Onesimus |
Blessed Onesimus
26 of February |
Andrew |
Saint Andrew of Florence
9 Italy |
19 of March |
José |
Saint Joseph
Israel |
Israel |
20 of March |
Ararchippus |
Saint Aarchippus
22 of March |
Epaphroditus |
Saint Epaphroditus
25 of March |
Dimas |
Saint Dismas the Good Thief
35 Israel |
8 of April |
Asyncritus |
Saint Asynctirus
Italy |
Italy |
8 of April |
Flegón |
Saint Flegon
Italy |
Italy |
8 of April |
Agabus |
Saint Agabus prophet
8 of April |
Herodión |
Saint Herodión
Italy |
Italy |
11 of April |
Antipas |
Saint Antipas
Turkey |
24 of April |
Salomé |
Saint Salomé
Israel |
Israel |
24 of April |
María |
Saint María of Cleofás
Israel |
Israel |
25 of April |
Marcos |
Saint Mark Evangelist
Israel |
68 Israel |
25 of April |
Anianus |
Saint Anianus
67 Egypt |
26 of April |
Cleto |
Saint Cletus pope
88 Italy |
29 of April |
Tíquico |
Saint Tíquico
3 of May |
Felipe |
Saint Philip Apostle
Israel |
6 of May |
Lucio |
Saint Lucio of Cirene
Turkey |
Turkey |
9 of May |
Hermas |
Saint Hermas of Roma
12 of May |
Nereo |
Saint Nereo
98 Italy |
12 of May |
Achilleus |
Saint Achilleus
98 Italy |
14 of May |
Matthias |
Saint Matthias apostle
0 Israel |
80 Georgia |
20 of May |
Lidia |
Saint Lidia of Tiatira
24 of May |
Mánahen |
Saint Mánahen
31 of May |
Petronila |
Saint Petronilla of Rome
Italy |
Italy |
8 of June |
Maximino |
Saint Maximino
France |
11 of June |
Bernabé |
Saint Barnabas Apostle
Cyprus |
70 Cyprus |
13 of June |
Felícula |
Saint Felícula
90 Italy |
22 of June |
Flavio |
Saint Flavio Clemente
96 Italy |
24 of June |
Juan |
Saint John the Baptist, nativity
Israel |
28 Israel |
25 of June |
Sosípatro |
Saint Sosíprato
29 of June |
Pablo |
Saint Paul Apostle
5 Turkey |
68 Italy |
29 of June |
Pedro |
Saint Peter Apostle
Israel |
67 Italy |
30 of June |
Marcial |
Saint Marcial of Limoges
France |
30 of June |
Protomártires |
Saints Protomártires of la Iglesia Romana
Italy |
30 of June |
Alpinianus |
Saint Alpinianus of Limoges
France |
30 of June |
Lucina |
Saint Lucina of Roma
Italy |
3 of July |
Tomás |
Saint Thomas Apostle
Israel |
72 India |
5 of July |
Stephen |
Saint Stephen of Nicea
Italy |
6 of July |
Sísoes |
Saint Sísoes of Egipto
429 Egypt |
8 of July |
quila |
Saint quila
10 of July |
Cristóbal |
Saint Christopher of Lycia
Israel |
251 Turkey |
12 of July |
Hermágoras |
Saint Hermágoras of Aquilea
Italy |
12 of July |
Fortunato |
Saint Fortunato of Aquileia
Italy |
13 of July |
Silas |
Saint Silas
19 of July |
Epaphras |
Saint Epaphras
20 of July |
José |
Saint José Bársabas el Justo
22 of July |
Magdalena |
Saint Mary Magdalene
Israel |
22 of July |
Síntiques |
Saint Síntiques of Filipos
Macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of |
25 of July |
Santiago |
James the Greater, Apostle
Israel |
44 Israel |
26 of July |
Erastus |
Saint Erastus of Corinth
Greece |
Greece |
29 of July |
Serafina |
Saint Serafina of Galicia
Spain |
4 of August |
Aristharcus |
Saint Aristharcus
Macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of |
6 of August |
Claudia |
Saint Claudia matrona
Italy |
24 of August |
Saint Bartholomew Apostle |
Saint Bartolomé apóstol
Israel |
India |
29 of August |
Juan |
Saint John the Baptist, martyr
6 of September |
Onesíforo |
Saint Onesíforo of Éfeso
17 of September |
Adriana |
Saint Adrian of Frisia
Turkey |
Turkey |
21 of September |
Mateo |
Saint Matthew Apostle and Evangelist
Israel |
34 Turkey |
23 of September |
Tecla |
Saint Thecla of Seleucia
Turkey |
23 of September |
Lino |
Saint Lino papa
Italy |
25 of September |
Cleofás |
Saint Cleopas desciple
Israel |
3 of October |
Dionysius |
Saint Dionysius Areopagite
11 of October |
Felipe |
Saint Felipe diácono
16 of October |
Longinos |
Saint Longinos soldado
Israel |
18 of October |
Lucas |
Saint Luke Evangelist
Turkey |
84 Greece |
20 of October |
Cornelius |
Saint Cornelius centurion
28 of October |
Judas |
Saint Jude Thaddeus Apostle
Lebanon |
Turkey |
21 of November |
Rufo |
Saint Rufo of Roma
Italy |
23 of November |
Clement |
Saint Clement I pope
Greece |
97 Greece |
25 of December |
Natividad |
Nativity of Jesus Christ
26 of December |
Esteban |
Saint Stephen
Israel |
Israel |
27 of December |
Juan |
Saint John the Evangelist and Apostle
Israel |
100 Turkey |