Celebration | Name | Saint | Birth | Death |
16 of August | Simon | Blessed Simon Bokusai Kiota y compañeros | Japan | 1620 Japan |
18 of August | Juana | Saint Juana of Chantal | 1572 France | 1641 France |
19 of August | Juan | Saint John Eudes | 1680 France | |
19 of August | Hugo | Blessed Hugh Green | United kingdom | 1642 United kingdom |
19 of August | Luis | Blessed Luis Flores and companions | Belgium | 1622 Japan |
22 of August | Bernardo | Blessed Bernardo Peroni | 1694 Italy | |
22 of August | Juan | Saint Juan Kemble | 1599 United kingdom | 1679 United kingdom |
22 of August | Juan | Saint Juan Wall | 1620 United kingdom | 1679 United kingdom |
23 of August | Rosa | Saint Rose of Lima | 1586 Peru | 1617 Peru |
25 of August | José | Saint Joseph of Calasanz | 1557 Spain | 1648 Italy |
27 of August | David | Saint David Lewis | 1616 United kingdom | 1679 United kingdom |
27 of August | Francisco | Blessed Francis of Saint Mary and companions | Spain | 1627 Japan |
27 of August | Roger | Blessed Rogerio Cadwalador | 1568 United kingdom | 1610 United kingdom |
28 of August | Edmund | Saint Edmund Arrowsmith | 1585 United kingdom | 1628 United kingdom |
29 of August | Richard | Blessed Richard Herst | 1618 United kingdom | |
30 of August | Juan | Blessed John Juvenal Ancina | 1604 Italy | |
2 of September | Bartolomé | Blessed Bartolome Gutierrez | 1580 Mexico | 1632 Japan |
3 of September | Brígida | Blessed Brigida of Jesus Morello | 1679 Italy | |
5 of September | Guillermo | Blessed William Browne | 1605 United kingdom | |
9 of September | Pedro | Saint Peter Claver | 1580 Spain | 1654 Colombia |
10 of September | Edward | Saint Edward Barlow | 1641 United kingdom | |
10 of September | Sebastian | Blessed Sebastian Kimura and companions | 1622 Japan | |
11 of September | Buenaventura | Blessed Bonaventura of Barcelona | 1620 Spain | 1648 Italy |
13 of September | María | Blessed Mary of Jesus López de Rivas | 1640 Spain | |
15 of September | Camilo | Blessed Camilo Costanzo | 1622 Japan | |
16 of September | Juan | Saint John Macías | 1645 Peru | |
17 of September | Roberto | Saint Robert Bellarmine | 1542 Italy | 1621 |
18 of September | José | Saint Joseph Cupertino | 1603 Italy | 1663 Italy |
24 of September | Anthony | Saint Anthony González | Spain | 1637 Japan |
27 of September | Vicente | Saint Vicent Paul | 1581 France | 1660 France |
28 of September | Lorenzo | Saint Lorenzo Ruiz and companions | Philippines | 1637 Japan |
28 of September | Simón | Saint Simón of Rojas | 1552 Spain | 1624 Spain |
29 of September | Renato | Saint Renato Goupil | 1642 Canada | |
3 of October | Ambrosio | Blessed Ambrosio Francisco Ferro and companions | 1645 Brazil | |
9 of October | Juan | Saint John Leonardi | 1541 Italy | 1609 Italy |
12 of October | Serafín | Saint Serafín of Monte Granario of Nicola | 1604 Italy | |
12 of October | Thomas | Blessed Thomas Bullaker | 1642 United kingdom | |
14 of October | Juan | Saint Juan Ogilvie | 1579 United kingdom | 1615 United kingdom |
15 of October | Magdalena | Saint Magdalena of Nagasaki | 1634 Japan | |
16 of October | Margarita | Saint Margaret Mary of Alacoque | 1647 France | 1690 France |
16 of October | Peter | Blessed Peter Casani | 1572 Italy | 1647 Italy |
17 of October | Peter | Blessed Peter of the Nativity of Saint Mary Virgen Casani | 1647 Italy | |
19 of October | Charles | Saint Charles Garnier | Canada | 1649 Canada |
19 of October | Nadal | Saint Nadal Chabanel | Canada | 1649 Canada |
19 of October | Juan | Saint Juan of Brébeuf y compañeros mártires | France | 1649 Canada |
19 of October | Gabriel | Saint Gabriel Lalemant y copmpañeros | 1649 Canada | |
19 of October | Anthony | Saint Anthony Daniel | 1648 Canada | |
19 of October | Isaac | Saint Isaac Jogues | 1646 Canada | |
19 of October | Felipe | Saint Felipe Howard | 1633 United kingdom | |
19 of October | Inés | Blessed Agnes of Jesus Galand | 1634 France | |
23 of October | Thomas | Blessed Thomas Thwing | 1680 United kingdom | |
30 of October | Terrence | Blessed Terrence Albert O´Brien | Ireland | 1651 Ireland |
31 of October | Alonso | Saint Alphonsus Rodríguez | 1533 Spain | 1617 Spain |
31 of October | Domingo | Blessed Dominic Collins | 1602 Ireland | |
3 of November | Martín | Saint Martin de Porres | 1579 Peru | 1639 Peru |
9 of November | Jorge | Blessed George Napper | 1610 United kingdom | |
10 of November | Andrés | Saint Andrew Avellino | 1521 Italy | 1608 Italy |
11 of November | Marina | Saint Marina of Omura | 1634 Japan | |
12 of November | Josafat | Saint Josafat Kuncewicz | 1580 Ukraine | 1623 Ukraine |
15 of November | Cayo | Blessed Caius of Korea | 1627 Japan | |
16 of November | Roque | Saint Roque González y compañeros | 1576 Paraguay | 1628 Paraguay |
17 of November | Juan | Saint Juan del Castillo | 1595 Spain | 1628 Paraguay |
25 of November | Nicolas | Blessed Nicolas Stenso | 1638 Denmark | 1686 Denmark |
26 of November | Humilde | Blessed Umile Luca Antonio Pirozzo | Italy | 1637 Italy |
26 of November | Juan | Saint Juan Berchmans | 1599 Belgium | 1621 Italy |
29 of November | Redento de la Cruz | Blessed Redento of la Cruz | 1598 Portugal | 1638 Portugal |
29 of November | Dionisio | Blessed Dionisio de la Natividad (Pedro Berthelot) | 1600 France | 1638 France |
2 of December | María | Blessed Maria Angela Astorch | Spain | 1665 Spain |
3 of December | Eduardo | Blessed Edward Coleman | United kingdom | 1678 United kingdom |
4 of December | Francisco | Blessed Francisco Gálvez | 1578 Spain | 1623 Japan |
4 of December | Jerónimo | Blessed Jerome of Angelis | 1623 Japan | |
4 of December | Simon | Blessed Simon Yempo | 1623 Japan | |
5 of December | Juan | Saint Juan Almond | United kingdom | 1612 United kingdom |
5 of December | Nicolas | Blessed Nicolas Stensen | Denmark | 1683 Denmark |
9 of December | Pedro | Saint Pedro Fourier | France | 1640 France |
10 of December | Juan | Saint Juan Roberts | United kingdom | 1610 United kingdom |
11 of December | Arturo | Blessed Arthur Bell | United kingdom | 1643 United kingdom |
13 of December | Antonio | Blessed Antonio Grassi | Italy | 1671 Italy |
15 of December | María | Blessed Maria Victoria Fornari | Italy | 1617 Italy |
15 of December | Virginia | Blessed Virginia Centurione Bracelli | Italy | 1651 Italy |
22 of December | Thomas | Blessed Thomas Holland | United kingdom | 1642 United kingdom |
25 of December | Michael | Blessed Michael Nakasima | 1628 Japan | |
31 of December | Alano | Blessed Alain de Solminihac | 1659 France |