Celebration | Name | Saint | Birth | Death |
17 of September | Manuel | Saint Manuel Nguyen Van Trieu | 1798 Viet nam | |
20 of September | Francisco | Saint Francisco of Posadas | 1713 Spain | |
22 of September | José | Blessed Joseph Marchandon | 1794 France | |
22 of September | Ignacio | Saint Ignacio of Saintdone | 1686 Italy | 1770 Italy |
24 of September | Pacífico | Saint Pacífico of Saint Severino | 1721 Italy | |
27 of September | Juan | Blessed John Baptist Laborier du Vivier | 1794 France | |
30 of September | Juan | Blessed Jean Nicolas Cordier | 1794 France | |
2 of October | Jorge | Blessed Georges Edmund René | 1794 France | |
6 of October | Francisco | Blessed Francis Hunot | France | 1794 France |
6 of October | María | Saint María Francisca of las Llagas of Nuestro Señor Jesucristo | 1791 Italy | |
7 of October | Juan | Blessed Jean Hunot | 1794 France | |
14 of October | Jacobo | Saint Jacobo Laigneau of Langellerie | 1794 France | |
16 of October | Gerardo | Saint Gerard Majella | 1726 Italy | 1755 Italy |
17 of October | Jacobo | Blessed Jacques Burin | 1794 France | |
17 of October | María | Blessed Marie Natalie of Saint Louise Vanot and companions | 1794 France | |
19 of October | Pablo | Saint Paul of the Cross | 1694 Italy | 1775 Italy |
26 of October | Buenaventura | Blessed Bonaventura of Potenza | 1711 Italy | |
28 of October | Juan | Saint Juan Dat | 1798 China | |
30 of October | Ángel | Blessed Angelo of Acri | 1739 Italy | |
30 of October | Juan | Blessed Jean Michel Langevin | 1794 France | |
5 of November | Gómidas | Blessed Gomidas Keumurgian | 1707 Turkey | |
7 of November | Antonio | Blessed Antonio Baldinucci | 1717 Italy | |
8 of November | María Crucificada | Blessed Maria Crucified Satellico | 1706 Italy | 1745 Italy |
10 of November | Demetrius | Saint Demetrius of Rostov | Russian federation | 1709 Russian federation |
17 of November | Lope | Blessed Sebastian Loup Hunot | 1794 France | |
26 of November | Leonardo | Saint Leonardo of Porto Maurizio | Italy | 1751 Italy |
2 of December | Rafael | Blessed Rafael (Melchior) Chylinski | Poland | 1741 Poland |
16 of December | María | Blessed Mary of the Angels (Mariana) Fontanella | Italy | 1717 Italy |
23 of December | María | Saint María Margarita of Youville | 1701 Canada | 1771 Canada |
24 of December | Bartolomé | Blessed Bartholomew Mary dal Monte | 1726 Italy | 1778 Italy |