Celebration | Name | Saint | Birth | Death |
10 of April | Bonifacio | Blessed Boniface Zukowski | 1942 Germany | |
10 of April | Marcos | Blessed Marco of Bolonia Fantuzzi | 1479 Italy | |
14 of August | Maximiliano | Saint MaximilianKolbe | 1894 Poland | 1941 Poland |
17 of April | Enrique | Blessed Henry Heath | 1643 United kingdom | |
18 of April | Andrés | Blessed Andres Hibernon | 1602 Spain | |
20 of April | Anastasio | Blessed Anastasius Pankiewicz | Austria | |
22 of April | Francisco | Blessed Francesco Venimbeni | 1322 Italy | |
23 of April | Egidio | Blessed Giles of Assisi | Italy | 1262 Italy |
27 of April | Jacobo | Blessed James de Ladere Varinguer | 1400 Italy | 1485 Italy |
1 of May | Julián | Blessed Julian Cesarello | 1349 Italy | |
4 of May | Ladislao | Blessed Ladislas of Gielniow | 1505 Poland | |
5 of May | Bienvenido | Blessed Benvenutto Mareni | 1289 Italy | |
6 of May | Bartolomé | Blessed Bartholomew Pucci-Franceschi | 1260 Italy | 1330 Italy |
12 of June | Antonio | Blessed Antonin Bajewski | 1915 Lithuania | 1941 Poland |
17 of May | Pascual | Saint Pascal Baylon | 1540 Spain | 1592 Spain |
12 of June | Martín | Blessed Marcin Oprzadek | 1884 Poland | 1942 Austria |
19 of May | Teófilo | Saint Teófilo of Corte | 1740 Italy | |
22 of May | Juan | Blessed John Forest | 1538 United kingdom | |
24 of May | Juan | Blessed John of Prado | 1563 Spain | 1636 Morocco |
28 of May | Herculano | Blessed Herculanus of Piegaro | 1451 Italy | |
31 of May | Mariano | Blessed Mariano da Roccacasale | 1778 Italy | 1886 Italy |
3 of June | Andrés | Blessed Andrea Caccioli | 1194 Italy | 1254 Italy |
3 of June | Diego | Blessed Diego Oddi | 1839 Italy | 1919 Italy |
5 of June | Pacifico | Blessed Pacifico Ramati | 1420 Italy | 1482 Italy |
12 of June | Inocencio | Blessed Innocent Guz | Poland | 1940 Germany |
6 of June | Lorenzo | Blessed Lawrence of Villamagna of Másculis | 1535 Italy | |
12 of June | Guido | Blessed Guido of Cortona | Italy | 1245 Italy |
27 of June | Bienvenido | Blessed Benvenutto of Gubbio | 1232 Italy | |
4 of July | Cesidio | Saint Cesidio Giacomantonio | 1900 China | |
12 of July | Juan | Saint Juan Jones | United kingdom | 1598 United kingdom |
14 of July | Francisco | Saint Francisco Solano Taumaturgo | 1549 Spain | 1610 Peru |
15 of July | Buenaventura | Saint Bonaventure | 1221 Italy | 1274 France |
16 of July | Nicolas | Blessed Nicolas Savouret | 1794 France | |
18 of July | Simeon | Blessed Simeon of Lipnica | 1482 Poland | |
23 of July | Cristino | Blessed Krystyn Gondek | Poland | 1942 Germany |
24 of July | Modestino | Blessed Modestino of Jesus and of Mary Mazzarell | 1854 Italy | |
25 of July | Peter | Blessed Peter of Mogliano Corradini | 1490 Italy | |
27 of July | Modesto | Blessed Modesto Vegas Vegas | 1936 Spain | |
4 of August | Federico | Blessed Frederic Janssoone | 1916 Canada | |
14 of August | Sante | Blessed Sante of Urbino Brancoisini | 1390 Italy | |
7 of August | Vincent | Blessed Vincent of L’Aquila | 1504 Italy | |
9 of August | Germán | Blessed Germán Garrigues Hernández | 1895 Spain | 1936 Spain |
9 of August | Juan | Blessed John of Fermo | 1322 Italy | |
10 of August | Arcángel | Blessed Archangelus Calatafino Piacentini | 1460 Italy | |
16 of August | Juan | Blessed John Saint Martha | 1618 Japan | |
16 of August | Plácido | Blessed Placido García Gilabert | 1936 Spain | |
21 of August | Bruno | Blessed Bruno Zembol | 1905 Poland | 1942 Germany |
22 of August | Juan | Saint Juan Wall | 1620 United kingdom | 1679 United kingdom |
22 of August | Timothy | Blessed Timothy of Montículo | 1504 Italy | |
27 of August | Francisco | Blessed Francis of Saint Mary and companions | Spain | 1627 Japan |
28 of August | Junípero | Blessed Junipero Serra | 1713 Spain | 1784 Mexico |
8 of September | Pascual | Blessed Pascual Fortuño Almela | 1936 Spain | |
11 of September | Buenaventura | Blessed Bonaventura of Barcelona | 1620 Spain | 1648 Italy |
18 of September | José | Saint Joseph Cupertino | 1603 Italy | 1663 Italy |
24 of September | Pacífico | Saint Pacífico of Saint Severino | 1721 Italy | |
28 of September | Bernardino | Blessed Bernardine of Feltre Tomitano | 1494 | |
29 of September | Juan | Saint Juan of Dukla | 1484 Ukraine | |
4 of October | Alfredo | Blessed Alfredo Pellicer Munoz | 1936 Spain | |
12 of October | Thomas | Blessed Thomas Bullaker | 1642 United kingdom | |
17 of October | Baltasar | Blessed Baltasar Ravaschieri Clavario | 1492 Italy | |
26 of October | Buenaventura | Blessed Bonaventura of Potenza | 1711 Italy | |
8 of September | Salvador | Blessed Salvador Mollar Ventura | 1896 Spain | 1936 |
31 of October | Cristóbal | Blessed Christopher of Romagna | 1272 France | |
31 of October | Thomas | Blessed Thomas of Florencia Bellaci | 1447 Italy | |
1 of November | Rainieri | Blessed Rainieri Aretino | 1304 Italy | |
29 of November | Álvaro | Saint Alvaro Pelagio | 1280 Spain | 1352 Spain |