Saints of the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ

Celebration Name Saint Birth Death
19 of October Pablo Saint Paul of the Cross 1694 Italy 1775 Italy
2 of November Pius Blessed Pius Campidelli 1869 Italy 1889 Italy
9 of December Bernardo Blessed Bernard Maria of Silvestrelli 1831 Italy 1911 Italy
1 of January Vicente Saint Vicente María Strambi 1824 Italy
5 of January Carlos Blessed Charles of Saint Andrew Houben 1893
27 of February Gabriel Saint Gabriel Possenti 1838 Italy 1862 Italy
27 of August Domingo Blessed Dominic Barberi 1792 Italy 1849 United kingdom
6 of October Isidoro Blessed Isidore of Saint Joseph de Loor 1881 Belgium 1916 Belgium
9 of October Inocencio Saint Inocencio of la Inmaculada Canoura y compañeros 1934 Spain
11 of November Vincent Blessed Vincent Eugenio Bossilkov 1952 Bulgaria
18 of November Grimoaldo Blessed Grimoaldo of the Purification 1902 Italy