Saints of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer

Celebration Name Saint Birth Death
1 of August Alfonso María Saint Alphonsus Liguori 1696 Italy 1787 Italy
5 of January Juan Saint John Nepomucene Neumann 1811 Czech republic 1860 United States
14 of January Peter Blessed Peter Donders 1887 Guyana
15 of March Clemens Saint Clemens Maria Hofbauer 1820 Austria
23 of March Metodio Blessed Methodius Domingo Trcka 1959 Slovakia (slovak republic)
2 of April Iván Blessed Ivan Ziatyk 1899 Poland 1952 Russian federation
30 of June Jenaro María Blessed Gennaro Maria Sarnelli 1702 Italy 1744 Italy
30 of June Zenon Blessed Zenon Kovalyk 1903 Ukraine 1941 Ukraine
26 of September Gaspar Blessed Kaspar Stanggassinger 1899 Germany
5 of October Francisco Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos 1819 Germany 1867 United States
16 of October Gerardo Saint Gerard Majella 1726 Italy 1755 Italy