Saint Galicano of Alejandría

Gallican Saint, martyr and consul in Alexandria, inducted into the honor of a triumph, and deprived of the Emperor Constantine. Convirtieronle to the faith of the Saints Jesucristo John and Paul, and withdrew together with Saint Hilarino at Ostia, where he all the hospitality and service of the sick; which reporting worldwide, came many different parts to see which patricio and consul down to wash the feet to the poor, to put the table, wash their hands, and serve them with care in their diseases; and it is exercised in all other works of mercy.
Ostia banished by order of Julian apostate, went to Alexandria, Don
Celebration 25 of June Saints of the day
Name Galicano is a man's name.
Birth in Alejandría in current Egypt Saints born in Egypt
Death on year 362 in Alejandría in current Egypt Saints dead in Egypt
Process We have no record of his canonization process.