Saint Sosíprato

Saint Sosípatro, disciple. São Paulo, Berea (Asia minor), s. i. having been sent by the same St. Paul Apostle to preach the Gospel to the island of Corsica, was later Bishop of Iconium. Come back then to Corsica, Cercilino, King of the island, mado which was tormented together with seven robbers, who had converted while in prison; But while the Saints were suffering, he came down fire from heaven which consumed the two children and the wife of the King. In view of the miracle, the King invoked the Dios de Sosipatro, and was later baptized.
Celebration 25 of June Saints of the day
Name Sosípatro is a man's name.
  • masculine version names:
    Español: Sosipatro.
Birth in Berea
Process We have no record of his canonization process.