Giovanni Melchior Bosco Ochienna known simply as Don Bosco is an Italian Saint. Founder of the three branches of the Salesian family: society of St. Francis de Sales (Salesian Congregation), Institute of the daughters of María Auxiliadora and Association of Salesian cooperators.
View moreBorn in Damascus in the year 675, renounced the wealthy life that he had provided by the political position of his father and entered the Sabas Monastery. From there he would go to Jerusalem church of the Holy Sepulchre. In both places, he stood out for his intense literary activity, who could be compared with Saint Isidore of Seville in the West. Highly noted in the iconoclastic complaint, one of the times that it was attempted to eliminate the Christian iconography, with a defense of the traditional cult explaining the true nature of the tribute that surrendered them to the images that came to all the known world. The Church remembers him December 4, although in many places remains the traditional date of feasting on March 27th.
View moreHe was born in 1542 in the province of Ávila (Spain). After the death of his father, the family had to emigrate to Medina del Campo. He enters the school of doctrine, being acolyte of the Augustinians of the Magdalena, where he met don Alonso Álvarez de Toledo who put him in the hospital of the conception and payed for his studies for priesthood. The Jesuits founded in 1551 his school and there studied humanities. They ordered him priest in 1567. Then there took place his encounter with Mother Teresa in the homes of Blas Medina. he initiates his barefoot Carmelite life in Duruelo life and changes his name, adopting John of the Cross. He passes a year and a half of austerity, joy, silent prayer and a poor home among the oaks. Then, expansion is inevitable, claiming their presence in Mansehra, Pastrana and Alcalá college studies, he had begun spreading the Carmelite spirit. The nun Teresa wanted and searched for learned confessors for her nuns, now has bare confessors who understand because they live the same spirit. For five years he is John the Confessor of the convent of the Incarnation at Avila. The confidence that one reformer has in the other-though possibly did not get to know all the depth of his soul- will be revealed in the expressions used to refer to him call him "little seneca" to refer to his science, "sainttico Fray Juan "when speaking of his holiness, foreseeing that" his little bones will work miracles." He would die in 1591.
View moreCelebrate today: Baptiste, Bautista, Giancarlo, Giovani, Giovanni, Giovanny, Ian, Iván, Jan, Jean, Jhon, Jhonny, Joan, Joan Maria, Johan, Johannes, John, Johnny, Juan, Juanan, JuanCarlo, Juanfra, Juanlu, JuanMa, Xoan, Yohan, Yovany, Yvan.
View moreAuthor of the fourth Gospel, three letters that bear his name in the NT and the Apocalypse. His symbol is the Eagle (because of his elevated Mystic vision) and a book (due to his writings full of the Holy Spirit). He is patron of theologians and writers.
View moreCharles Joseph Wojtyla was born in Wadowic, Poland, in the year 1920. He was ordained priest and obtained his studies in theology in Rome. He then returned to his homeland where he held various University and pastoral tasks. Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Kraków, he became the Archbishop in 1964. He participated in the Second Vatican Council. Elected Pope on October 16, 1978, he took the name of John Paul II, and he was distinguished by his extraordinary apostolic activity, especially to families, the young and the sick, and made numerous pastoral visits around the world. The most significant fruits which he left in inheritance to the Church are, among others, his rich teachings, the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Codes of Canon Law for the Latin American Church and the Eastern Churches. He died piously in Rome on April 2, 2005, the eve of Easter Sunday II, or Divine Mercy.
View moreAs it is made clear in the prayers of the day (lauds and vespers of today and vespers from yesterday), today, the 9th of November is not any ordinary day. We are in celebration of the Dedication of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, in Rome. The name of Lateran comes from the Palace that the "Laterani" had in monte Celio since the 1st century, to whom the authorities confiscated their property for daring to conspire against Nero. It seems that it became a property of Fausta, wife of Constantine; advised, as they say, by Osio de Córdoba, she donated it to the popes as their usual residence, as it in fact was for several centuries until the period of Avignon. It is known that already in the year 313 there was a synod in it because the wife of Constantine gave it to Pope Miltiades, also Pope Damasus was ordained in it and was dedicated on November 9 in 324 by Silverster giving it the title of "The Saviour," until in the thirteenth century with the addition of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. This august temple has been home to many councils-more than twenty-five from the fourth to the sixteenth century, and of these, five have been ecumenical. There has been the signing in more recent times of the Lateran Treaty, on March 11, 1929, in which Pius XI Pope managed to free all temporal sovereignty and thus the free exercise of his evangelizing mission, signing with Mussolini.
View moreFeast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, who the day after the Dedication of the Basilica of the Resurrection erected over the grave of Christ, is praised and worshiped as paschal trophy of his victory and a sign that He will appear in the sky, announcing the second coming.
View moreMartyr of the religious persecution in Spain between 1934 and 1937. Beatified along with other 497 martyrs on October 28, 2007 in Rome.
Ferrara, city of the Emilia, blessed John de Tossignano Tavelli, Bishop, of the order of Jesuati.
Commemoration of the character of the Bible St. Jonah, Prophet, son of Amitay (2Re 14, 25), whose name carries a book of the old testament, and his known expulsion from the belly of the whale is presented in the own Gospel as a sign of the resurrection of the Lord (Mt 12: 40).
In Marchiennes, Flanders (now Belgium), St. Popón, Abbot of the monasteries of Stavelot and Malmedy, who diffused in many monasteries of Lotharingia the observance of Cluny.