Charles Joseph Wojtyla was born in Wadowic, Poland, in the year 1920. He was ordained priest and obtained his studies in theology in Rome. He then returned to his homeland where he held various University and pastoral tasks. Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Kraków, he became the Archbishop in 1964. He participated in the Second Vatican Council. Elected Pope on October 16, 1978, he took the name of John Paul II, and he was distinguished by his extraordinary apostolic activity, especially to families, the young and the sick, and made numerous pastoral visits around the world. The most significant fruits which he left in inheritance to the Church are, among others, his rich teachings, the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Codes of Canon Law for the Latin American Church and the Eastern Churches. He died piously in Rome on April 2, 2005, the eve of Easter Sunday II, or Divine Mercy.
View moreSaul went from being one of the worst persecutors of Christians to being St. Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles, who took the faith on their long journeys all over the known world. He wrote several letters of the New Testament.
Celebrate today: Pablito, Pablo, Pau, Paul, Paulo, Pavlo.
View moreDedication of the basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles. The first of these was built by the Emperor Constantine over the grave of St. Peter in the Vatican Hill, and due to its deterioration over the years it was rebuilt with more width and again consecrated on this same day of its anniversary. The other, built by the emperors Theodosius and Valentinian in via Ostiense, after getting annihilated by an unfortunate fire was rebuilt in its entirety and dedicated on December 10. Their joint commemoration is meant to signify, somehow, the brotherhood of the Apostles and unity in Church (1626; 1854).
View moreCelebrate today: Chus, Ema, Emanuel, Emanuela, Emanuele, Emma, Emmanuel, Jesús, Mane, Manel, Manoli, Manolo, Manu, Manuel, Manuela.
View moreIn Africa, Saints and martyrs, Ciriaco (s. c. IV).
In Rome, saint Paula Frassinetti, Virgin, who, in the midst of difficulties, founded the Congregation of sisters of Saint Dorotea, to the Christian formation of young women, distinguished by its fortitude, very smooth in the work and energy to steer his Institute.
In the region of Fulda, in Germany, saint Paulina, religious.
In Trier, in the Belgium Gaul, St. Paulinus, Bishop and martyr, who at the time of the Arian heresy was the true Herald of the truth and during the Synod of Arles, summoned by the Arian Emperor Constantius, neither threats nor flattery might lead you to condemn St. Athanasius and deviate from the straight faith, so was banished to Phrygiawhere he finished his martyrdom, last five years.
In Rochester, England, death of St. Paulinus, Bishop of York, who monk and disciple of the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I, was sent to England to preach the Gospel, making Edwino, King of Northumbria, washing in the waters of baptism unto all his people.
St. Paulinus, Bishop, who received the baptism in Bordeaux, resigned from the consular dignity and noble and rich, Christ became poor and humble. Having moved to Nola, at the tomb of saint Félix, priest, to follow his example, he embraced a form of ascetic life with his wife and fellow. Ordained bishop, he distinguished himself by his erudition and saintctity, welcoming the pilgrims and helping the destitute.
In Forlì, city in the region of Venice (today Italy), St. Paulinus, Bishop of Aquileia, he endeavoured to convert to the greedy and the Slovenes, and presented to King Charlemagne a famous poem about the rule of faith.
In Augusta Tricastina (today Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux), in the region of the Viennese Gaul, St. Paul, Bishop, who gave its name to the city (s. IV).
Martyr of the religious persecution in Spain between 1934 and 1937. Beatified along with other 497 martyrs on October 28, 2007 in Rome.
At Verdun, in Gaul, St. Paul, Bishop, who, after being a monk, was elevated to the episcopal see of this city, who promoted the divine worship and the regular life of the canons (c. 647).
In Marchiennes, Flanders (now Belgium), St. Popón, Abbot of the monasteries of Stavelot and Malmedy, who diffused in many monasteries of Lotharingia the observance of Cluny.
In Lovere, in Lombardy, saint Vicenta Gerosa, Virgin, he founded, together with saint Bartolomea Captanio, the Institute of the Sisters of charity.