Showing 522 saints matching with "Saint Salome"

Saint Scholastica of Nursia (s. VI)
10 of February

Celebrate today: Escolástica.

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Saint Stanislaus (s. XI)
11 of April

Celebrate today: Estanislao.

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Saint Stephen (s. I)
26 of December

Celebrate today: Esteban, Esteve, Stefania, Stéfano, Steff, Steffany, Stefy, Steph, Stephan, Stephanie, Stephen, Steven, Sthefanny, Tiffany.

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Saint Staphania Quinzani (s. XVI)
3 of January

Celebrate today: Estefana, Estefanía, Esthefany.

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Saint William of Gellone (s. IX)
28 of May

Celebrate today: Guillaume, Guillem, Guillermo, Wilfer, Wilfredo, Will, William, Williams, Willy.

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Saint Yves (s. XIV)
19 of May

Celebrate today: Ivo.

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Saint Samuel prophet
20 of August

Celebrate today: Sam, Samu, Samuel.

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Saint Saturninus of Tolosa (s. III)
29 of November

Celebrate today: Saturnino.

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Saint Sebastian (s. III)
20 of January

Soldier of the Roman Empire who was martyred in Rome by his preference for the militia of Christ than of the emperor. He was sentenced to be riddled with arrows, but he survived. Returning to bear witness to his faith, he was beaten to death.

Celebrate today: Bastián, Seba, Sebastià, Sebastián.

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Saint Sergius of Cappadocia
24 of February

Celebrate today: Sergi, Sergio.

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Saint Severus of Barcelona (s. VII)
6 of November

Historical data which have come to us from this Holy Bishop are scarce. He lived in the Roman province of Tarragona and is located in Barcelona towards the year 300. During the persecutions of Diocletian, Saint Severus was elected Bishop of Barcelona, but had to flee to the persecution. However, he is captured along with other priests and martyrs in what is now Saint Cugat.

Celebrate today: Severo.

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Saint Sylvester Gozzolini (s. XIII)
26 of November
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Saint Sylvester I Pope (s. IV)
31 of December

Celebrate today: Silvestre.

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Saint Simeon Stylites (s. V)
27 of July
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Saint Simeon the Stylite
5 of January

Celebrate today: Simeón.

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Saint Simon Apostle
28 of October

Celebrate today: Simón.

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Saint Simon Stock (s. XIII)
16 of May
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Saint Simplicius Pope (s. V)
2 of March

Celebrate today: Simplicio.

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Saint Symphorosa and sons (s. III)
18 of July

Celebrate today: Sinforosa.

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Saint Sixtus II Pope (s. III)
7 of August

Celebrate today: Sixto.

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Saint Sixtus III, pope (s. V)
28 of March

Father of British origin who fought Pelagian and Nestorian heresies in the 5th century.

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Saint Soter Pope (s. II)
22 of April

Celebrate today: Sotero.

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Saint Thecla of Seleucia (s. I)
23 of September
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Saint Teodoro of Bizancius (s. IV)
17 of February
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Saint Teresa of Ávila (s. XVI)
15 of October

Also called Saint Teresa de Jesús, Virgin and doctor of the Church. Reformer of Carmel, mother of the Discalced Carmelites and the Barefoot Carmelites; "mater spiritualium" (title under her statue in the Vatican basilica); Patron Saint of Catholic writers and doctor of the Church (1970): the first woman, who along with Saint Catherine of Siena received this title.

Celebrate today: Maite, María Teresa, Tere, Teresa, Theresa.

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Saint Teresa of Jesus Jornet Ibars (s. XIX)
26 of August
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Saint Teresa of the Andes (s. XX)
13 of July

She is the first Chilean and the first American Carmelite who achieved the honour of the altars.

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Saint Therese of the Child Jesus (s. XIX)
1 of October
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Saint Therese of Portugal (s. XIII)
17 of June
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Saint Timothy (s. I)
26 of January

Celebrate today: Tim, Timoteo, Timothy.

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Saint Tito (s. I)
26 of January

Memory of Saints Timothy and Titus, bishops and disciples of the Apostle Paul, who helped him in his Ministry and chaired the churches of Ephesus and Crete, respectively. Letters were directed to them by his master that contain wise warnings for the shepherds, in the view of the formation of the faithful (century I).

Celebrate today: Tito.

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Saint Thomas Apostle (s. I)
3 of July

Celebrate today: Thomas, Tom, Tomás, Tommy, Tomy.

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Saint Thomas Aquinas (s. XIII)
28 of January
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Saint Thomas Becket (s. XII)
29 of December
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Saint Thomas More (s. XVI)
22 of June
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Saint Thomas of Cori Placidi (s. XVIII)
11 of January
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Saint Thomas of Villanova (s. XVI)
10 of October
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Saint Toribio de Mogrovejo (s. XVII)
23 of March

Celebrate today: Toribio.

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Saint Urbicius (s. IX)
15 of December

Born in Bordeaux (France) in the 8th century, in times in which the Moorish invasion of the peninsula beyond the Pyrenees and reached to Poitiers. Urbicius young and his mother are caught in one of these military raids. The mother dies in captivity while Urbicius is turned into a slave. They served their masters with honesty and humility, hoping for early freedom, asking for the intercession of the Holy children of Alcalá, the Saints Just and Pastor. Their freedom, when it comes, attributed to the intercession of these Saints who feels indebted to. Program and makes a Thanksgiving trip to Alcalá and there saw the dangers of desecration to which they are exposed

Celebrate today: Urbicio.

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Saint Ursula and companions
21 of October

Celebrate today: Úrsula, Urzula.

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Saint Valentine (s. III)
14 of February

In Rome, on the via Flaminia near the Milvian Bridge, Valentine, martyr. Patron Saint of lovers.

Celebrate today: Vale, Valen, Valenti, Valentín, Valentina.

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Saint Valerio of Astorga (s. VII)
25 of February

Celebrate today: Valerio.

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Saint Veronica Giuliani (s. XVIII)
9 of July

Celebrate today: Vero, Verónica.

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Saint Vicent Ferrer (s. XV)
5 of April

Celebrate today: Vicenç, Vicente, Vincent.

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Saint Vicent martyr (s. IV)
22 of January
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Saint Vicent Paul (s. XVII)
27 of September
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Saint Victor I pope (s. II)
28 of July
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Saint Victoria of Córdoba (s. IV)
17 of November

In the city of Cordoba, in the Hispania Baetica, Saints Acisclo and Victoria, martyrs.

Celebrate today: Vicki, Vicky, Victoria.

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Saint Wenceslaus of Bohemia (s. X)
28 of September

Celebrate today: Wenceslao.

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Saint Zachary
5 of November

Zachary, father of Saint John the Baptist, was a priest in the Temple in Jerusalem. After the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel, he would lose speech by his weak faith until he mentions the name of his future son: John (the Baptist).

Celebrate today: Za, Zaca, Zacarías, Zach.

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Saint Zita (s. XIII)
27 of April

Celebrate today: Zita.

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Saint Zosimo of Syracuse (s. VII)
30 of March
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Saint Salomé (s. I)
24 of April

In Jerusalem, commemoration of the Holy Women María de Cleofás and Salome, who, together with Magdalena María, early in the morning of Easter day came to the grave of the Lord to anoint his body and received the first announcement of the resurrection (century I).

Saint Silvano of Pisidia (s. IV)
10 of July

In Pisidia saints Bianor Silvano, and martyrs (s. IV).

Saint Stephen the Young (s. VIII)
28 of November
Saint Salomón of Bretaña (s. IX)
25 of June

In lower Brittany, saint Solomon, martyr, who while was King instituted Episcopal headquarters, he enlarged the monasteries and it retained the justice, but by giving up his post he was blinded and killed by his enemies in the Church.

Saint Salonio of Ginebra
28 of September

In Geneva, between the Helvetii (today Switzerland), saint Salonio, Bishop, and before monk on the island of Lerins, that during his bishopric said the doctrine of the Pope Saint Leo the great and explained the Scriptures (post 450) in mystical sense.

Saint Salustia of Roma (s. III)
14 of September

Married to Saint Cereal, converted to Christianity, educated in the faith by St. Cornelius Pope. Martyred in the persecutions of Decius, died in Rome the year 251

Saint Salustiano
8 of June
Saint Salvador of Horta Grionesos (s. XVI)
18 of March

In Cagliari, in Sardinia, saint Salvador de Horta Grionesos, religious of the order of the Friars Minor, that for the salvation of souls and bodies became a humble instrument of Christ.

Saint Salvio (s. III)
11 of January

In Africa, saint Salvio, martyr, who addressed St. Augustine the people of Carthage on the anniversary of his death (c. s. III).

Saint Salvio of Albi (s. VI)
10 of September

In Albi, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Salvio, Bishop, who, coming from the cloistered life, was promoted to the headquarters in spite, and declaring a strong epidemic, how good Shepherd did not want to leave their city.

Saint Salvio of Amiens (s. VII)
28 of October

In Amiens, of Neustria, in Gaul, saint Salvio, Bishop, dedicated to the divine Sciences from his youth and decorated by the integrity of Customs (c. 625).

Saint Salvio y compañero (s. VIII)
26 of June

In Valenciennes, in Austrasia, saints Salvio, Bishop, and his disciple, who came to this region from Arvernia, and who were killed under Winegardo, Lord of the place (s. VIII).

Saint Samonas of Edesa
15 of November

In Edessa, in the region of Osrhoena, martyrs Saints Gurias, ascetic, and Samonà, who, under the rule of Diocletian, after prolonged and cruel torments were sentenced to death by the prefect Misiano and beheaded.

Saint Sara, abadesa
13 of July
Saint Sarbelio Makhluf (s. XIX)
24 of July

Saint Sarbelio (Joseph) Makhluf, priest of the order of the Lebanese Maronites, that love of solitude and to achieve the highest perfection, left the monastery in Annaya, in the Lebanon, and retired to the desert, where he served God day and night, living with great austerity, fasting and praying.

Saint Sarbelio, presbítero
29 of January

In the city of Edessa, in Osroene (today Turkey), holy martyrs Sarbelio, presbyter, and Bebaia, his sister, who, baptized by the Holy Bishop Barsimeo, for Christ they suffered martyrdom (c. 250).

Saint Sármata of Tebaida (s. IV)
11 of October

Commemoration of St. Demel, Abbot in la Tebaida, who, being disciple of saint Antonio, received the death at the hands of the Saracens.

Saint Sátiro of Milán (s. IV)
17 of September

In Milan, from Liguria, burial of saint Satiro, whose distinguished merits tells his brother saint Ambrosio de Milán. When he was not yet started in the Christian mysteries, he suffered a shipwreck without fear of death, but saved from the waters, he entered the Church of God to not die with empty hands. United in mutual and intimate fraternity to his brother Ambrose, was buried by the Bishop of Milan, next to the martyr Saint Victor of Milan.

Saint Saturio of Numancia (s. VII)
2 of October

At Numancia, in Hispania Cartaginense, saint Saturio, hermit.

Saint Saturnino
27 of November
Saint Saturnino of Cartago (s. III)
29 of November

In Rome, in the cemetery of Trason, on the via Salaria new, saint Saturnino of Carthage, martyr, who, according to Pope St. Damasus, under Emperor Decio, by confessing Christ, refers in its same homeland was tormented in the Colt and, expatriates, to Rome, after overcoming other atrocious torments, converted to the faith the tyrant Graciano and reached, beheaded, the Crown of martyrdom.

Saint Saturnino y compañeros mártires of Abitinia (s. IV)
12 of February

In Carthage, city of Africa, commemoration of the holy martyrs of Abitinia, during the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano, by having met to celebrate the Sunday Eucharist against what was established by the authority, they were taken by the judges of the colony and guard soldiers. Led to Carthage and interrogated by proconsul Anulino, despite the torture they confessed their Christian faith and the impossibility of giving up the celebration of the sacrifice of the Lord, spilling their blood in different times and places.

Saint Saturno, mártir (s. V)
29 of March

Commemoration of Saint Armogastes, Saint Arquinimo and Saint Saturno, martyrs who suffered serious torture and reproach by the confession of the truth (c. 462) in Africa, in time of persecution unleashed by the Vandals under the Arian King Geiseric.

Saint Sebaldo of Nüremberg (s. X)
19 of August

In Nuremberg, in Franconia, Germany, saint Sebaldo, hermit (s. IX/X).

Saint Sebastián Nam I-gwan y compañeros (s. XIX)
26 of September

In Seoul, Korea, passion of the Saints Sebastian Nam I-gwan and eight fellow martyrs, beheaded by his Christian faith after suffering cruel torments. They are also commemorated the holy martyrs Lucía Kim, Catalina Yi, widow, and their daughter Magdalena Cho, Virgin, who, imprisoned for his faith in Christ, also died from cruel torment day uncertain of this month. Their names: Saints Ignacio Kim Che-jun, Carlos Cho Shin-ch'ol; Columba Kim Hyoim, Virgin; Magdalena Pak Pong-son and perpetual Hong Kum-ju, widowed; Julita Kim, Agueda Chon Kyong-hyob and Magdalena Ho Kye-im.

Saint Sebbo of Inglaterra (s. VII)
29 of August

In London, in England, commemoration of Saint Sebbo, who, being King of the Saxon Eastern, very devoted to the Lord, let the reign and wanted to die with the monastic habit, who long had wanted (c. 693).

Saint Secuano of Cestre (s. VI)
19 of September

In the monastery of Cestre (today Saint-Seine-l'Abbaye), in the territory of Langres, also in Gaul, St. Secuano, presbyter and Abbot (s. VI).

Saint Secundina
15 of January

In the city of Anagni, in Lazio (today Italy), saint Secundina, Virgin and martyr (s. inc.).

Saint Secundino (s. VI)
11 of February

In Apulia, saint Secundino, Bishop (s. V/VI).

Saint Secundino mártir
1 of August

Via Prenestina, thirty milestones of Rome, saint Secundino, martyr (s. inc).

Saint Secundino of Córdoba (s. IV)
20 of April

In Cordoba, Hispania Baetica, saint Secundino, martyr (s. IV).

Saint Secúndulo of Mauritania
24 of March

In Mauritania, St. Secúndulo, martyr, who suffered for the faith of Christ (s. inc.).

Saint Segismundo (s. VI)
1 of May

At Agaune in Reece, burial of St. Sigismund, King of the Burgundians, who become the place of the Arian heresy to the Catholic faith, instituted a community that should engage without interruption in the psalmody to the graves of the martyrs and atoned for a crime which was perpetrated with penance, tears and fasting. Later, and in the region of Orleans, was thrown into a well by his enemies.

Saint Segundo of Asti
30 of March

Asti, in the region of transpadana, saint Segundo, martyr (s. inc).

Saint Seguro
2 of December
Saint Semproniana of Iluro
27 of July

In Iluro (today Mataró), near Barcelona, in Hispania Tarraconensis, memory of Saints Juliana and Semproniana, mártires (s. inc.).

Saint Senador of Albano (s. IV)
26 of September

In Albano, of Lazio, in Italy, St. Senator, martyr (s. III/IV).

Saint Senador of Milán (s. V)
29 of May

In Milan, in the province of Liguria, saint Senator, Bishop, whom the Pope Saint Leo the great had sent as legate to Constantinople when it was still priest (c. 480).

Saint Senano (s. VI)
8 of March

In the island Cathaig (Scattery today), in Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Senano, Abbot (s. VI).

Saint Senario of Avranches (s. VI)
18 of September

In Avranches, at the edge of lower Brittany, saint Senario, Bishop (s. VI).

Saint Senén of Roma (s. III)
30 of July

In Rome, in the cemetery of Ponciano, in via Portuense, Saints Abdon and Senen, martyrs (c. s. III).

Saint Senoco of Tours (s. VI)
24 of October

In the region of Tours, in Neustria, saint Senoco, priest, who built a monastery in some old ruins, showing regular vigils, prayer and charity towards servants.

Saint Senorina (s. X)
22 of April

In rough, in Portugal, saint Senorina, Abbess, who tells that, through his intercession, God provided bread nuns that need (c. 980).

Saint Serafín of Monte Granario of Nicola (s. XVII)
12 of October

In Ascoli, city of the Piceno, Italy, Saint Seraphim of Mt. Granario (Felix) by Nicola, religious of the order of the brothers minor Capuchins, who was distinguished by his humility, poverty and piety.

Saint Serafina of Galicia (s. I)
29 of July

Saint Serafina, converted to the faith by the Apostle Sainttiago, Galicia, s. I

Saint Serapión (s. XIII)
14 of November

In Algiers, North Africa, saint Serapión, the order of Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, who was the first that, for the redemption of captives loyal and preaching in Christian faith, won the Palm of martyrdom.

Saint Serapión el Escolástico
21 of March

In Egypt, saint Serapión, Anchorite (s. inc.).

Saint Serapión of Alejandría (s. III)
20 of February

Alexandria, in Egypt, in commemoration of St. Serapión, martyr, who, at the time of Emperor Decio, was the victim of atrocious torments and after dislocate you all members, precipitated from atop his own house (c. 248).

Saint Serapión of Antioquía (s. III)
30 of October

Commemoration of Saint Serapion, Bishop of Antioch, famous for his erudition and doctrine, who left great fame of saintctity (c. 211).

Saint Serena of Roma (s. IV)
16 of August

Saint Serena in Rome, Empress, wife of Emperor Diocleciano. Converted and baptized by Saint Ciriaco, he practiced the Catholic religion in the Palace of the Emperor, and saved the lives of many Christians, interposing his influence before this monster of cruelty.

Saint Sereno of Marsella (s. VII)
2 of August

In Marseille, in Provence, in Gaul, Sereno St., Bishop. When the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I sent Augustine and his companions to evangelize England, it gave them hospitality, and as he headed to Rome, piously rested in the Lord in Biandrate, near Vercelli.

Saint Sergio I papa (s. VIII)
8 of September

In Rome, at Saint Peter's basilica, burial of Pope Saint Sergio I, of Syrian origin, who worked in favor of the evangelization of Saxony and Friesland, and looking for the arrangement of dissensions and disputes, preferred death to allow for errors.

Saint Sergio of Betsaloe (s. IV)
7 of October

In Betsaloe, in the province of Augusta Eufratesia, in Syria, saints Sergio and Bacchus, mártires (s. III/IV).

Saint Sergio of Radonez (s. XIV)
25 of September

In the monastery of the Holy Trinity, in the region of Moscow, Russia, saint Sergio de Radonez, who elected hegumen or Abbot, the hermitic and monastic life which he had practiced first spread, and affable man, was Princes counselor and comforter of Christian faithful.

Saint Serrano o Serano (s. X)
29 of January

Commemoration of St. Serrano or Serano, Bishop.

Saint Servacio of Tongres (s. IV)
13 of May

In Maastricht, next to the Meuse, in the Belgium Gaul, St. Servacio, Bishop of Tongeren, who tenaciously defended the Orthodox faith nicena about the nature of Christ in controversies raised at several Councils (c. 384).

Saint Servio (s. V)
6 of December
Saint Sérvulo (s. VI)
23 of December

At Rome, commemoration of Saint Sérvulo, who paralyzed from early childhood, lying on a porch, near the Church of saint Clemente, was always thank God in pain, writes St. Gregory I the great, and collecting alms giving to the poor (c. 590).

Saint Sérvulo of Trieste
24 of May

In Trieste, in the peninsula of Istria, St. Sérvulo, martyr (s. in.).

Saint Severiano, mártir (s. III)
23 of January
Saint Severino abad (s. V)
8 of January
Saint Severino Boecio (s. VI)
23 of October

In Pavia, in the province of Liguria, commemoration of saint Severino Boecio, martyr, distinguished by his science and his writings, who being imprisoned composed a treatise on consolation of philosophy and served God faithfully until the death it inflicted the King Theodoric.

Saint Severino obispo
21 of December
Saint Severino of Burdeos (s. V)
21 of October

In Bordeaux, Aquitaine, saint Severino, Bishop, who, originating in the regions of East, was warmly received by saint loving, that wanted you as his successor (s. V).

Saint Severino of Colonia (s. V)
23 of October

In the city of Cologne, in Germany, commemoration of saint Severino, Bishop, worthy of praise for its virtues.

Saint Severino of Septempeda (s. VI)
15 of May

In Septempeda, in the region of the Piceno, Italy, saint Severino, Bishop, who gave its name to the episcopal City (s. in.).

Saint Severino of Tívoli (s. VI)
1 of November

In Tivoli, Lazio, saint Severino, monk (s. c. VI).

Saint Severino recluso
23 of November
Saint Severino, abad of Agaun (s. VI)
11 of February

In Château-Laudon, in Gaul, saint Severino, Abbot of the monastery of Agaune (s. VI).

Saint Severo of Agde (s. V)
25 of August

In Agde in the Narbonnaise Galia, saint Severo, Abbot of the monastery he founded in this city (s. V).

Saint Severo of Aquitania (s. V)
1 of August

In Aquitaine, saint Severo, priest, used their property in the founding of churches and service to the poor (c. 500).

Saint Severo of Bizia (s. IV)
23 of July

In Bizia (today Wizard), in Thrace, saint Severo, martyr in time of the emperors Diocletian and Maximian, who, according to tradition, converted to the centurion saint Memnón and was martyred after it (c. 304).

Saint Severo of Catania (s. IX)
24 of March

In Catania, Sicily, saint Severo, Bishop.

Saint Severo of Nápoles (s. V)
29 of April

In Naples, Campania, saint Severo, Bishop, he Ambrose loved as a brother and his Church as a father (c. 409).

Saint Severo of Tréveris (s. V)
15 of October

In Trier, in the Belgium Galia, saint Severo, Bishop, who, disciple of saint Lupo de Troyes, accompanied saint Germán de Auxerre to Britain to extirpate the heresy of Pelagius, and also preached the Gospel among the Germanic tribes (s. V).

Saint Severo of Valeria (s. VI)
15 of February

In the Valley of Interocrina, in the province of Valeria, in Italy, saint Severo, priest, Pope St. Gregorio Magno I remembered (s. VI).

Saint Severo of Vienne (s. V)
8 of August

In Vienne, Gaul Lugdunensis, saint Severo, priest. (c. s. V)

Saint Severo, obispo of Rávena (s. IV)
1 of February

In Ravenna, in the region of Flaminia, saint Severo, Bishop (p. 342).

Saint Siagrio (s. VIII)
23 of May

In Nice, Provence, Saint Siagrio, Bishop, who built a monastery over the grave of St. Pontius.

Saint Siagrio of Autun (s. VI)
2 of September

In Autun, Burgundy (Burgundy today, in France), St. Siagrio, Bishop, whose science and zeal shone in the Councils where intervened (599/600).

Saint Siardo of Mariëngaarde (s. XIII)
14 of November

At Mariengaarde, in East Frisia, St. Siardo, Abbot of the Premonstratensian order, remarkable by its regular observance and its lavishness to the poor.

Saint Sico mártir
30 of May
Saint Sidonio Apolinar (s. V)
21 of August

In Auvergne, in Aquitaine, saint Apollinare Sidónio. Was prefect of the city of Rome when he was ordained bishop of Clermont, and very well trained in the divine and the human, and owner of great Christian fortress, was faced with the ferocity of the barbarians, as father of the Church and famous doctor (c. 479).

Saint Sidonio of Rouen (s. VII)
15 of November

In Rouen, in Neustria, saint Sidónio, Abbot, a native of Ireland, who made monastic life first in Jumièges, then at the monastery of Herio, on the île de Noirmoutier, under the direction of St. Philibert, and finally in the monastery of Saint-Saëns for he founded (c. 684).

Saint Sidronio of Sens (s. III)
11 of July

Saint Sidronio, martyr, Sens, s. III.

Saint Sifrido of Carpentras (s. VI)
27 of November

In Carpentras, Provence, Saint Sifrido, Bishop.

Saint Sigebaldo of Metz (s. VIII)
26 of October

In Metz, city of Austrasia, St. Sigebaldo, Bishop, founder of several monasteries.

Saint Sigeberto (s. VII)
1 of February

In Metz, in Austrasia, the Holy King Sigeberto III, who founded the monasteries of Stavelot and Malmedy, as well as many others, and is distinguished by its liberality in alms to the churches and the poor.

Saint Sigfrido (s. XI)
15 of February

In Vaxjo, in Sweden, saint Siegfried, Bishop, who, a native of England, evangelized with great patience to those people and named after their King Olaf (c. 1045).

Saint Sigiramnio (s. VII)
4 of December

In the region of Bourges, in Aquitaine, saint Sigiramnio, Pilgrim and Abbot of Longoret (s. VII).

Saint Sigisberto of Disentis (s. VII)
11 of July

In Disentis, in the upper Reece (today Switzerland) and saints Plácido, martyr, Sigisberto, abad, this last companion of saint Columbano and founder of the monastery of Saint Martin in Disentis, where he was the first who crowned their monastic life with the martyrdom (s. VII).

Saint Sigolena of Albi (s. VI)
24 of July

In the region of Albi, Aquitaine, saint Sigolena, religious (s. c. VI).

Saint Silas (s. I)
13 of July

Commemoration of St. Silas, chosen and sent by the Apostles with Paul and Barnabas to the pagan churches to proclaim the Gospel, mission, full of the grace of God, put great effort (s. I).

Saint Silvano of Gaza y compañeros mártires (s. IV)
4 of May

In the mines of Feno in Palestine, where they were convicted, saint Silvano, Bishop of Gaza, and thirty-nine companions, martyrs, all crowned with martyrdom during the same persecution under Diocletian, to be beheaded by order of Caesar Maximino Daya (c. 304).

Saint Silvano of Levroux (s. V)
22 of September

In Levroux, the territory of Bourges, in Aquitaine, saint Silvano, hermit (c. s. V).

Saint Silvano, obispo (s. III)
6 of February

In Emesa (Homs today), in Syria, saint Silvano, Bishop, who presided over the Church for forty years, and under the Emperor Maximiano, was thrown into wild beasts, together with the deacon Luke and Mocio reader, thus obtaining the Palm of martyrdom (c. 235/238).

Saint Silverio papa (s. VI)
2 of December

On the island of Palmaria, in Italy, transit of saint Silverio, Pope and martyr, who, not wanting to rehabilitate Antimo, heretical bishop of Constantinople, deposed by his predecessor saint Agapito, by order of Empress Theodora was deprived of its headquarters and sent into exile, where he died worn by the suffering.

Saint Silvestre (s. XII)
2 of January

Troina, Sicily (now Italy), saint Silvestre, Abbot, who lived under the discipline of the Holy fathers from the East (s. XII).

Saint Silvia of Sicilia (s. VI)
3 of November

At Rome, commemoration of saint Silvia, mother of the saint Gregorio Magno I Pope, that the same Pontiff wrote that he had reached the Summit of prayer and penance, being optimum example for others (s. VII).

Saint Silvino of Auchy (s. VIII)
17 of February

In Auchy, in the region of Morins, burial of Saint Silvino, Bishop (s. VIII).

Saint Silvio of Toulouse (s. IV)
31 of May

In Toulouse, in the Narbonnaise Galia, saint Silvio, Bishop, who began the construction of a basilica to welcome with dignity saint Saturnino (c. 400) grave.

Saint Símaco of Roma papa (s. VI)
19 of July

In Rome, in the basilica of St. Peter, St. Symmachus, Pope, schismatics who soured life and died like a true confessor of the faith.

Saint Simberto of Augsburgo (s. IX)
13 of October

In Augsburg, Bavaria, in Germania, St. Simberto, Bishop, who was Abbot of Murbach (c. 807).

Saint Simeón (s. II)
27 of April

In Jerusalem, commemoration of Saint Simeon, Bishop and martyr, who, according to tradition, was the son of Clopas and relative of el Salvador, according to the flesh. Ordained bishop of Jerusalem after Sainttiago, the relative of the Lord, in the persecution under the Emperor Trajan was subjected to various tortures until already elderly, died on the cross.

Saint Simeón Estilita el Joven (s. VI)
24 of May

In the Admirable mount, in Syria, saint Simeón Estilita el Joven, priest and hermit, who lived on a column in intimate relationship with Christ, and composed various treaties of ascetic subjects and enjoyed spiritual charisms.

Saint Simeón Metafraste
27 of November
Saint Simeón of Mantua (s. XI)
26 of July

In the monastery of St. Benedict, along the Po River, in the territory of Mantua, saint Simeon, monk and hermit.

Saint Simeón of Tréveris (s. XI)
1 of June

In Trier, in the Rhineland, in Lotharingia, saint Simeon, who, born of Greek father in Syracuse, after carrying eremitical life in Bethlehem and in the Sinai mountain, finally detained in the Tower of the Black Gate of that city, where he died.

Saint Simetrio of Roma
26 of May

In Rome, in the cemetery of Priscilla, on via Salaria new, St. Simetrio, martyr (s. in.).

Saint Simfoniano (s. IV)
22 of August

In Autun, Gaul Lugdubense, St. Simfoniano, martyr, who, while he was taken to the ordeal, her mother, from the wall of the city, called him with these words: "child, child, Simforiano, put your thoughts on living God. Today is not removed you life, but it is you changed by a better» (s. III/IV).

Saint Similiano of Nantes (s. IV)
16 of June

In Nantes, also in the Lugdunensis Gaul, St. Similiano, Bishop, whom saint Gregorio de Tours considered as a great confessor (s. IV).

Saint Simón (s. X)
19 of November

In the mercury mount, in Calabria, saint Simon, hermit (s. X).

Saint Simón of Crespy (s. XI)
30 of September

In Rome, saint Simon, monk, formerly count of Crespy, in France, who chose the monastic life, renouncing his homeland, marriage and everything, and then the hermit in the mountains of the Jura, and claimed many times as a legacy of peace for conciliation between princes, died finally in Rome, being buried in the city, in St. Peter's basilica.

Saint Simón of Rojas (s. XVII)
28 of September

In Madrid, Spain, saint Simón de Rojas, priest of the order of the Holy Trinity for the redemption of captives, that accompanied the Entourage of the Queen of Spain, he never traveled on float or perceived salary, but rather between Regal pomp, always was humble, poor, merciful towards those in need, and fervently devoted to God.

Saint Simón Phan Dác Hòa (s. XIX)
12 of December

In Hue, from Annam, saint Simón Phan Dác Hòa, martyr, who, being medical, family and great charity, reigning Emperor Minh Mang was arrested because he had hosted a few missionaries, and consummated the martyrdom with the decapitation after having endured prison and flogging.

Saint Simpliciano of Milán (s. V)
15 of August

In Milan, in the province of Liguria, saint Simpliciano, Bishop, he Ambrose appointed as his successor and St. Augustine dedicated high praise.

Saint Simplicio of Autun (s. IV)
24 of June

In Autun in Gaul Lugdunensis, saint Simplicio, who, noble and godly lineage, lived with his wife in perfect chastity and was elected Bishop (c. 375).

Saint Simplicio of Cerdeña (s. III)
15 of May

In the island of Sardinia, saint Simplicio, presbyter (s. III/IV).

Saint Sinclética (s. IV)
5 of January

In Alexandria of Egypt, saint Sinclética, Virgin, of who has which led eremitical life (s. IV).

Saint Sindulfo of Aussonce (s. VI)
20 of October

In Aussonce, in the region of Rheims, in Neustria, saint Sindulfo, hermit, who chose the solitary life, only known by God (c. 600).

Saint Sinforosa mártir (s. III)
2 of July

Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.

Saint Síntiques of Filipos (s. I)
22 of July

Saint Sintiques; He was disciple of St. Paul and their cooperative in the propagation of the Gospel, as says the writing to the Philippians: "pray to Evodia and Sintiques who feel the same in the Lord. Also please you, faithful companion, that you attend those who worked with me in the Gospel..." And, as St. Chrysostom, it seems that these women were the first fruits of the Church at Philippi, 78.

Saint Sireno (s. IV)
23 of February

In Sirmium, in Pannonia, saint Sireno or Sinerio, martyr, Office Manger, who was reported by a woman who had accused his lust, and having declared before the judge their condition of Christian and refusing to sacrifice to the gods, was beheaded (c. 307).

Saint Siricio papa (s. IV)
26 of November

In the cemetery of Priscilla, on the via Salaria new Rome, saint Siricio, papa, to whom St. Ambrose as a true master, praises, conscious of its responsibility over all the bishops, unveiled them documents of parents, confirming them with his apostolic authority.

Saint Siro (s. IV)
29 of June

In Genoa, in Liguria, saint Siro, venerated as Bishop (c. 330).

Saint Sisebuto (s. XI)
15 of March

Near Burgos, in the region of Castile, in Spain, saint Sisebuto, Abbot of Cardeña.

Saint Sisenando of Córdoba (s. VII)
16 of July

In the city of Cordoba, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, saint Sisenando, Deacon and martyr, beheaded by the Saracens for their faith in Christ.

Saint Sisinio (s. IV)
23 of November
Saint Sísoes of Egipto (s. I)
6 of July

In Egypt, saint Sísoes, nickname "Magno", hermit, renowned for the perfection with which practiced the monastic life (c. 429).

Saint Siviardo (s. VII)
1 of March

Near Cenomanum (now Le Mans), in Neustria, St. Siviardo, Abbot of Anille (c. 680).

Saint Sixto (s. III)
1 of September

In Rheims, of the Belgium Gaul, St. Sixtus, considered the first bishop of this city (s. III).

Saint Sixto I papa (s. II)
3 of April

In Rome, Saint Sixto I, Pope, in the time of Emperor Hadrian ruled the Roman Church, being the sixth after Saint Pedro.

Saint Sixto III papa (s. V)
19 of August

In Rome, on the via Tiburtina, along with saint Lorenzo, burial of Saint Sixto III, Pope, who reestablished the Concord between the Patriarchate of Antioch and Alexandria, and the basilica of Saint Maria in monte Esquilino erected for God's people in the eternal city.

Saint Sofía
30 of September

Sofia or Sonia (Russian variant of the name), martyr who saw how tormented his own daughters.

Saint Sofía of Fermo
12 of April

In Fermo, from the Piceno, Italy, Visia and Sophia, Virgin Saints and martyrs (s. inc.).

Saint Sofonías
3 of December

Commemoration of St. Zephaniah, Prophet, who in the days of Josiah, King of Judah, announced the ruin of the wicked in the day of the wrath of the Lord and strengthened with the hope of salvation to the poor and needy.

Saint Sofronio
8 of December
Saint Sofronio of Jerusalén (s. VII)
11 of March

In Jerusalem, saint Sofronio, Bishop, who was master and friend Juan Mosco, who visited various places monastics, being elected to the death of Modesto for the headquarters of the Holy City, who, when it fell into the hands of the Saracens, valiantly defended the faith and the security of the people.

Saint Sola (s. VIII)
4 of December

In the monastery of Ellwangen, in Bavaria, saint Sola, priest and hermit.

Saint Solangia (s. IX)
10 of May

Bourges, France, in Aquitaine, saint Solangia, Virgin, who tradition has conveyed that he suffered martyrdom in defense of their virginity (s. c. IX).

Saint Solemne of Chartres (s. VI)
25 of September

In the Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint solemn or Solemnio in Chartres, Bishop (before 511).

Saint Solútor of Turín (s. III)
20 of November
Saint Sopatra of Constantinopla (s. VII)
9 of November

In Constantinople, Eustolia and Sopatra, Virgin Saints and nuns (s. VII).

Saint Sosíprato (s. I)
25 of June

Saint Sosípatro, disciple. São Paulo, Berea (Asia minor), s. i. having been sent by the same St. Paul Apostle to preach the Gospel to the island of Corsica, was later Bishop of Iconium. Come back then to Corsica, Cercilino, King of the island, mado which was tormented together with seven robbers, who had converted while in prison; But while the Saints were suffering, he came down fire from heaven which consumed the two children and the wife of the King. In view of the miracle, the King invoked the Dios de Sosipatro, and was later baptized.

Saint Sosso of Misena (s. IV)
23 of September

In Misena of Campania, in Italy, saint Sosso (formerly Sosio), Deacon and martyr, who, in the words of the Pope saint Símaco, wishing to protect the death to his Bishop, he got also the martyrdom with equal price and glory (c. 305).

Saint Sóstenes
28 of November
Saint Soteris (s. IV)
11 of February

In Rome, in via Apia, in the cemetery that bears his name, saint Soteris, Virgin and martyr, who relates St. Ambrose, resigning because of the faith to the nobility and the honours of his family, not provided to sacrifice to idols, let himself overcome by the humiliating insults or feared dying wound by a sword (c. 304).

Saint Sozonte of Cilicia
7 of September

In Pompeiopolis in Cilicia (today Turkey), St. Sozonte, martyr (s. inc.).

Saint Spes of Nursia (s. VI)
23 of May

In Norcia, saint Spes, Abbot, who for forty years withstood blindness with admirable patience (c. 517).

Saint Spyridon (s. IV)
12 of December
Saint Stephen Harding (s. XII)
28 of March
Saint Stephen I Pope (s. III)
2 of August
Saint Stephen Min Kuk-ka (s. XIX)
20 of January
Saint Stephen of Antioch (s. V)
25 of April
Saint Stephen of Apt (s. XI)
6 of November
Saint Stephen of Chatillon (s. XIII)
7 of September
Saint Stephen of Grandmont (s. XII)
8 of February
Saint Stephen of Hungary (s. XI)
16 of August
Saint Stephen of Lyon (s. VI)
13 of February
Saint Stephen of Moscow (s. XIV)
26 of April
Saint Stephen of Nicea (s. I)
5 of July
Saint Stephen of Obazina (s. XII)
8 of March
Saint Stephen of Rieti
13 of February
Saint Stephen of Rossano (s. XI)
26 of September
Saint Stephen Theodore Cuénot (s. XIX)
14 of November
Saint Sturmius (s. VIII)
17 of December
Saint Stylianus
26 of November
Saint Suintino Wells (s. XVI)
10 of December

In London, in England, holy martyrs Edmundo Gennings, presbyter, and Suintino Wells, who, in time of cruel persecution during the reign of Isabel I, were sentenced to the death penalty, the first as priest, and the second for having hosted, choking them hung on the door of his house and martyring them until death.

Saint Suitberto (s. VIII)
1 of March

In Werda (today Kaiserswerth), island in the Rhine, in Saxony, St. Suitberto, Bishop, who, monk in Northumbria, was fellow of saint Willibrordo and ordained bishop by St. Wifrido, preached the Gospel to the Batavians, Friesians and other peoples of Germania, dying piously in the monastery which had been founded, being already old.

Saint Sulpicio Pío (s. VII)
17 of January

In Bourges, city of Aquitaine (now France), saint Sulpicio, surnamed Pius, Bishop, who passed the Royal Palace to the episcopate, his biggest concern was the care of the poor.

Saint Sulpicio Severo (s. VI)
29 of January

In the town of Bourges, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Severo Sulpicio, Bishop, family of Senators of Gaul, who saint Gregorio de Tours extols his wisdom, his pastoral ministry and its efforts to restore discipline.

Saint Superio mártir
26 of June
Saint Susana of Roma
11 of August

At Rome, commemoration of saint Susainta, under whose name, held among the martyrs in the ancient Annals, in the 6th century was dedicated to God the basilica of the title of Gaio, next to the thermal baths of Diocletian (s. inc.).

Saint Suituno of Winchester (s. IX)
2 of July

Winchester, England, St Swithun, Bishop, famous for his austerity and for his love of the poor. He built many churches, visiting always walking.

Saint Tación of Claudiópolis
24 of August

At Claudiopolis, Honoriade, St. Tación, martyr (s. inc.).

Saint Tadeo Liu Ruiting (s. XIX)
30 of November

In the place called Quxian, in Sichuan province, in China, saint Tadeo Liu Ruiting, priest and martyr, strangled by hatred of the faith.

Saint Talaleo (s. III)
20 of May

At Egea, of Cilicia, St. Talaleo, martyr (s. III).

Saint Tanca of Ramerude (s. VII)
10 of October

Near Ramerude (today Arcis-sur-Aube), in the region of Troyes, in Neustria, saint Tanca, Virgin and martyr, who, as he narrates the tradition, to defend her virginity not hesitate accepting death (s. VI/VII).

Saint Tarasio (s. IX)
18 of February

In Constantinople, saint Tarasio, Bishop, distinguished for his piety and his erudition, who initiated the Nicene Council II, in which parents defended the cult of Holy images.

Saint Tarcisio (s. II)
14 of August

In Rome, in the cemetery of Callixtus, via Appia, commemoration of saint Tarsicio, martyr, seeking to defend the Holy Eucharist from Christ, a furious mob of gentiles profaning, preferred be slain, dying stoned before that give dogs the Holy things (c. 257). Patron of the servers of the Altar (altar).

Saint Tarsicia (s. VI)
15 of January

In the region of Rodez, in Gaul (now France), saint Tarsicia, Virgin and martyr (s. VI/VII).

Saint Tarsila of Roma (s. VI)
24 of December

At Rome, commemoration of saint Tarsila, Virgin, whose continuous prayer, seriousness of life and singular abstinence praises St. Gregory I the great, his nephew (c. 593).

Saint Tata mártir
25 of September
Saint Taurino of Évreux (s. V)
11 of August

In the town of Evreux, in Gaul, saint taurine, who is celebrated as first bishop of this city (c. s. V).

Saint Tecla of Kitzingen (s. VIII)
15 of October

In Kitzingen, Germany, saint Tecla, Abbess, who, sent from England to help St. Boniface, chairing first the monastery in Ochsenfurt and then of Kitzingen (c. 790).

Saint Telesforo papa (s. II)
2 of January

In Rome, death of saint Telesforo, Pope, who recalls Ireneo, being the seventh successor of the Apostles, was a glorious martyrdom (c. 136).

Saint Teliavo (s. VI)
9 of February

In the monastery of Llandaf, Cambria, saint Teliavo, Bishop and Abbot, whose distinguished pastoral efforts are remembered by many churches of Cambria, Cornwall and Armorica.

Saint Telquilde of Jouarre (s. VII)
10 of October

In the monastery of Jouarre, in the territory of Meaux, in Neustria, saint Telquilde, Abbess, who, noble and remarkable family on its merits and austere in their customs, taught the sacred virgins out to encounter Christ with lighted lamps (c. 670).

Saint Temístocles (s. III)
21 of December

In Lycia, St. Temístocles, martyr, who, according to legend, the Emperor Decio time volunteered instead of saint Dióscoro, that was sought to be executed and tortured on the rack, dragged and beaten, reached the Crown of martyrdom (s. III).

Saint Teobaldo of Le Dorat (s. XI)
6 of November

In the monastery of Le Dorat, Limoges, in Aquitaine region, saint Teobaldo, priest, who, being regular Canon, was in charge of the Church and never left the monastery than to put at the service of the sick and attend to their needs.

Saint Teobaldo of Marliaco (s. XIII)
8 of December

In the monastery of Vaux-de-Cernay, in the Paris region, saint Teobaldo de Marliaco, Abbot of the Cistercian order, serving the most humble to his brothers.

Saint Teobaldo of Salánica (s. XI)
30 of June

In Salanica, in the territory of Vicenza, saint Teobaldo, priest and hermit, who having been born in the family of the counts of Champagne, France, with his friend Walter resigned to the riches and honors, embracing Christ loneliness and poverty.

Saint Teobaldo of Vienne (s. XI)
21 of May

In Vienne, of Burgundy, saint Teobaldo, Bishop, who illustrated with his Magisterium that Headquarters for forty-four years, emphasizing charity and piety.

Saint Teodardo (s. IX)
1 of May

In the region of Montauban, in the Narbonnaise Gaul, death of St. Teodardo, Bishop of Narbonne, who restored his Cathedral Church, stood out for their diligent teaching and undermined by disease, ultimately died in a monastery, giving his soul to God.

Saint Teodardo of Spira (s. VII)
10 of September

Close to Spira in the Rhineland, of Austrasia, in Germania, passion of St. Teodardo, Bishop of Tongeren and martyr, who was killed going to visit King Childerico.

Saint Teodario of Vienne (s. VI)
29 of October

In the territory of Vienne in Gaul, St. Teodario, Abbot, who, disciple of Césareo of Arles saint, established a few cells for monks and was appointed by the Bishop as intercessor before God and presbyter penitentiary for all inhabitants of the city (c. 575).

Saint Teodgaro of Vestervig (s. XI)
24 of June

In Vestervig, in Denmark, saint Teodgaro, priest, missionary in this region, he says is that built the first Church of wood (c. 1065).

Saint Teodomiro of Córdoba (s. IX)
25 of July

In Cordoba, city of the Spanish region of Andalusia, saint Teodomiro, Carmona, martyred monk, still young, during the persecution unleashed by the Saracens.

Saint Teodora (s. X)
28 of November

Near Rossainto, in Calabria, saint Teodora, Abbess, disciple of Saint Nile, the young teacher in the monastic life.

Saint Teodora Mártir (s. IV)
2 of April

Saint Teodora, Virgin, natural shot, who have greeted the confessors of the faith standing in court, pleading them to remember her, arriving before the Lord was arrested by soldiers and carried the same prefect, and mandate of this was tortured with his torments and finally thrown into the sea.

Saint Teodoreto of Antioquía (s. VII)
23 of October

In Antioch, Syria, saint Teodoreto, priest and martyr, who, according to tradition, it relates the apostate, was captured by Julián Regent of East and, by persisting in the confession of the Christian faith, was martyred.

Saint Teodorico of Mont-d'Or (s. VI)
1 of July

In territory of Neustria Remense, Theodoric, priest, disciple of Bishop saint Remigio-saint.

Saint Teodoro (s. II)
15 of April

In Thrace, saints Teodoro and Pausilipo, martyrs, who, according to tradition, suffered martyrdom at the time of the emperor Hadrian.

Saint Teodoro el Estudita (s. IX)
11 of November
Saint Teodoro Estudita (s. IX)
11 of November

In Constantinople, saint Teodoro Estudita, abad, who made a school of scholars, Saints and martyrs who died victims of persecutions by the iconoclasts of their monastery. Three times he was expelled into exile, it was endearing veneration by the traditions of the fathers of the Church and wrote famous treatises about the Catholic faith, exposing the Christian doctrine.

Saint Teodoro martir
7 of December
Saint Teodoro obispo
5 of May
Saint Teodoro obispo of Marsella (s. VI)
2 of January

In Marseille, city of Provence, in Gaul (now France), saint Teodoro, Bishop, who, striving to establish ecclesiastical discipline, was persecuted by King Childebert and Guntramno, who exiled him three times.

Saint Teodoro obispo y mártir
26 of November
Saint Teodoro of Canterbury (s. VII)
19 of September

In Canterbury, England, saint Teodoro, Bishop, formerly monk of Tarsus, elevated to the episcopacy by Pope saint Vitaliano and sent to England almost septuagenario, moderated with fortitude the church he entrusted.

Saint Teodoro of Heraclea
7 of February

General of the army in time of Emperor Licinio, martyred in 319. In the early days of Christianity, becoming a member of the army was not necessarily a good thing. Be a general was still less positive. However, the only thing we know for sure about Saint Teodoro de Heraclea is that he was a general of the Greek army. When was beheaded by Emperor Licinio because of their faith. Probably many people are surprised to know that an army officer could also be a Christian of deep convictions. The testimony of Saint Teodoro shows that no worthy occupation is a barrier to holiness. A decoy, is clear, and the

Saint Teodoro of Pavía (s. VIII)
20 of May

In Pavia, in Lombardy, saint Teodoro, Bishop, who suffered exile during the terrible war between the Franks and Lombards (c. 785).

Saint Teodoro of Siceone (s. VII)
22 of April

In the village of Siceone, in Galatia (current Turkey), saint Teodoro, Bishop and hegumen, since childhood was distinguished by his love of solitude, embracing a life of austere, and obliged to accept his ordination as Bishop of Anastasiopolis, insisted to the Patriarch of Constantinople to be dispensed from his post and return to his beloved solitude.

Saint Teodoro of Sión (s. IV)
16 of August

Sion in Valais, between the Helvetii (today Switzerland), saint Teodoro, first bishop of that city, who, following the example of St. Ambrose, defended against the Arians Catholic faith and worshipped with magnificence the relics of the martyrs of Agauno (s. IV).

Saint Teodoro of Tabennesi (s. IV)
27 of April

In Tabennese, of the Thebaid in Egypt, saint Teodoro, Abbot, disciple of saint Pacomio and father of a congregation of monasteries (s. IV).

Saint Teodoro Triquino (s. V)
20 of April

In Constantinople, saint Teodoro, who was called "Triquino" by the rough sackcloth with which it was covered, and led an admirable existence in solitude (s. V).

Saint Teodosia of Constantinopla (s. VIII)
18 of July

In Constantinople, saint Teodosia, nun, who suffered martyrdom for objecting to that is throw, as ordered by the Emperor León Isáurico, an image of Christ from the top of the so-called bronze door (s. VIII).

Saint Teodosio cenobiarca (s. VI)
11 of January

In the desert of Judea, saint Teodosio, cenobita, friend of St. Sabas, who after a long life of solitude accepted along with him many disciples instilled the community life in the monasteries built and already Centennial, having suffered persecution because of the Catholic faith, rested in the peace of Christ.

Saint Teodosio of Auxerre (s. VI)
17 of July

In Auxerre, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, St. Theodosius, Bishop (s. VI).

Saint Teodosio of Kiev (s. XI)
3 of May

In Kiev, Russia (now in Ukraine), St. Theodosius, Abbot, who, according to tradition, he founded the monastery known as the caves, instituting the monastic life.

Saint Teodoto of Heraclea (s. III)
14 of November

At Heraclea in Thrace, Saint Teodoto martyr (c. s. III).

Saint Teodulfo of Lobbes (s. VIII)
24 of June

In the monastery of Lobbes, in Austrasia, St. Teodulfo, Bishop and Abbot.

Saint Teódulo (s. IV)
4 of April

In Thessaloniki, Macedonia, saints mártires Agatopodo, Deacon, and Teodulo, reader, that because of his confession of the Christian faith, in the time of Emperor Maximiano, and by order of the prefect Faustino, were thrown into the sea with a stone tied around the neck (s. IV in.).

Saint Teódulo of Atalia
2 of May
Saint Teófanes Cronista (s. IX)
12 of March

In Sigriana, in Bithynia, in the monastery of Campogrande, burial of saint Teófanes, surnamed "Chronograph", or Saint Theophanes chronicler who being very rich preferred to become a poor monk, and for defending the cult of sacred images was imprisoned by the Emperor León el Armenio for two years and then deported to Samothrace, where, exhausted from suffering, gave up his spirit.

Saint Teófano Vénard (s. XIX)
2 of February

In Hanoi, in Tonquin, saint Juan Teófano Vénard, priest of the society of foreign missions of Paris and martyr, after spending six years of Ministry work in secrecy and amid great difficulties, agreed with cheerful mood, time of Emperor Tu Duc, being locked in a cave and then slain.

Saint Teofilacto (s. IX)
8 of March

In Nicomedia, Bithynia, St. Teofilacto, Bishop, who banished for defending the cult of sacred images, died in cones of Caria (c. 840).

Saint Teófilo of Antioquía (s. II)
13 of October

Commemoration of St. Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch, very erudite man, that occupied this site as the sixth successor of St. Peter and wrote a book for defending the Orthodox faith against the heretic Marcion (s. II).

Saint Teófilo of Cesarea (s. II)
5 of March

Commemoration of St. Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, who at time of the Septimio Emperor Severus shone for his wisdom and integrity of life.

Saint Teófilo of Constantinopla (s. VIII)
2 of October

In Constantinople, commemoration of Saint Theophilus, monk, who, by defending the cult of Holy images, was cruelly tortured by the Emperor Leon the Isauricus and then exiled.

Saint Teófilo of Corte (s. XVIII)
19 of May

In Fucecchio in Tuscany, saint Teófilo de Corte, priest of the order of the Friars Minor, who spread greatly retreat houses for the friars, showing a great devotion to the passion of Christ and the Virgin Mary.

Saint Teófilo soldado y mártir
20 of December
Saint Teófilo, el Joven, mártir (s. VIII)
30 of January

Passion of Saint Theophilus, surnamed the young, martyr, who, being prefect of the Christian army, was arrested in Cyprus and led to the presence of Harun ar-Rashid, Caliph Supreme of the Saracens, and since neither threats nor promises could make him forsake Christ, was wounded in death with the sword.

Saint Teofredo of Calmeliac (s. VIII)
18 of November

In the region of Calmeliac, in Aquitaine, saint Teofredo, Abbot and martyr (c. 752).

Saint Teógenes, mártir (s. III)
26 of January

In the city of Hippo, in Numidia (now Algeria), St. Teógenes, martyr, about which St. Augustine preached a sermon (c. 257).

Saint Teógeno mártir (s. IV)
3 of January

In the Hellespont (today Turkey), saint Teógeno or Teogenes in Parios, martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Licinius, refusing to be part of the recruits because of their Christian faith, was martyred in jail and finally thrown into the sea.

Saint Teona (s. III)
28 of December

In Alexandria, in Egypt, saint Teona, Bishop, who was the master and predecessor of St. Peter Martyr.

Saint Teonas (s. IV)
3 of January

In Nicomedia, in the Roman province of Bithynia (today Turkey), Teopempo and Teonas, Saints who suffered martyrdom in the persecution carried out under Diocletian (c. 304).

Saint Teonesto of Verceli (s. IV)
20 of November

At Verceli in Liguria, saint Teonesto, martyr, in whose honor Eusebius built the basilica (c. 313).

Saint Teopempo (s. IV)
3 of January

In Nicomedia, in the Roman province of Bithynia (today Turkey), Teopempo and Teonas, Saints who suffered martyrdom in the persecution carried out under Diocletian (c. 304).

Saint Teoprepides
27 of March
Saint Teotonio (s. XII)
18 of February

At Coimbra, in Portugal, saint Teotónio, who twice made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and, after challenge the custody of the Holy Sepulchre, returned to his homeland and founded the Congregation of canons regular of the Holy Cross (c. 1162).

Saint Tercio (s. V)
6 of December
Saint Terenciano of Todi (s. IV)
1 of September

In Todi, Umbria, saint Terenciano, Bishop (s. c. IV).

Saint Teresa Bracco (s. XX)
29 of August

In the village of Saint Giulia, in Piedmont, Italy, blessed Teresa Bracco, Virgin and martyr, than in time of war, while working in the field, died from injuries that caused the blows of soldiers, to bravely defend their chastity.

Saint Teresa Couderc (s. XIX)
26 of September

In Lyon, in France, saint Teresa (Victoria María) Couderc, Virgin, founder, not without great tribulations, but with serene mood, in the company of our Lady of the retreat of the Cenacle in the town of La Louvesc, next to the grave of saint Juan Francisco de Regis.

Saint Teresa Eustoquio Verzeri (s. XIX)
3 of March

In Brescia, in Lombardy, saint Teresa Eustoquio (Ignacia) Verzeri, Virgin, foundress of the Institute of the daughters of the Sacratisimo heart of Jesus.

Saint Teresa Kim (s. XIX)
9 of January

In Seoul, city of Korea, holy martyrs Saint Águeda Yi, Virgin, whose parents also died martyrs, and Teresa Kim, widow, who, while in prison, first were flogged and then degolladas.

Saint Teresa Margarita Redi (s. XVIII)
7 of March

In Florence, in Tuscany, saint Teresa Margaret Redi, Virgin, who having entered the order of Discalced Carmelites, advanced along the arduous path of perfection and died while he was still young.

Saint Teresa Zhang Hezhi y dos hijos (s. XX)
16 of July

In Zhangjiaji, village of Ningjin, also in the Chinese province of Hebei, saint Teresa Zhang Hezhi, martyr, who during the same persecution, having been born to a pagan pagoda, refused to worship idols, so she and her two children were thus.

Saint Tertulia virgen y mártir
29 of April

Saint chat or Tertula Virgin and martyr

Saint Tertulino of Roma (s. IV)
31 of July

In Rome, on the via Latina, St. Tertulino, martyr (s. c. IV).

Saint Thais penitente (s. IV)
8 of October

Saint penitent Thais.

Saint Thorlaco (s. XII)
23 of December

In Iceland, St. Thorlaco, Bishop of Skálholt, committed to the reform of the customs of the clergy and the people.

Saint Tiburcio of Roma (s. III)
11 of August

In Rome, in the cemetery called "Ad duas lauros», on the via Labicana, three milestones of the city, saint Tiburcio, martyr, whose praises saintg the Pope saint Damaso (s. III/IV).

Saint Ticiano, obispo (s. VI)
3 of March

In Brescia, in the region of Venice, saint Tiziano, Bishop (c. 526).

Saint Ticón (s. V)
16 of June

In Amatonte, on the island of Cyprus, saint Ticón, Bishop, at the time of the Emperor Theodosius the younger (s. V).

Saint Tigrido
3 of February
Saint Tigrio (s. V)
12 of January
Saint Tigris of Maurienne (s. VI)
25 of June

In Maurienne, Savoy, saint Tigris, Virgin, who was dedicated to spread the cult there St. John, the predecessor (s. VI).

Saint Tilón (s. VIII)
7 of January

In the monastery of Solignac, in the region of Limoges, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Tilón, disciple of Saint Eligio, who was a goldsmith and Monk (c. 702).

Saint Timoteo of Antinoe (s. III)
3 of May

At Antinoe, in Thebaid in Egypt, Saints Timothy and Maura, martyrs.

Saint Timoteo of Gaza (s. IV)
19 of August

In Gaza, in Palestine, St. Timothy, martyr, in the persecution carried out by the Emperor Diocleciano and the urban prefect, after suffering many torments, victoriously was burned to a simmer (c. 350).

Saint Timoteo of Mauritania
21 of May

In Mauritania, St. Timothy, Deacon and martyr (s. inc.).

Saint Timoteo of Roma (s. IV)
22 of August

In Rome, on the via Ostiense, in its cemetery, St. Timothy, martyr.

Saint Tipaso (s. III)
11 of January

In Tigava, city of the Roman province of Mauritania (now Algeria), St. Tipaso, martyr, who, having been legitimately retired Army, to be claimed again refused to sacrifice to the gods, and it slashed (297/298).

Saint Tíquico (s. I)
29 of April

Commemoration in St. Tychicus, disciple of St. Paul Apostle, who, in his Epistles, called expensive brother, faithful Minister and fellow servant in the Lord (s. I).

Saint Tiranión (s. IV)
20 of February

At Antioch, in Syria, commemoration of St. Tiranión or Tiranio, Bishop of tyre and martyr, who, educated in the faith Christian from his early age, overtook the Crown of glory shattered with iron, along with the priest Zenobius gaffs.

Saint Tiziano (s. V)
16 of January

In the city of Oderzo, in the region of Venice (today Italy), saint Tiziano, Bishop (s. V).

Saint Tolomeo
20 of December
Saint Tomáide (s. V)
14 of April

In Alexandria, in Egypt, saint Tomáide or Tomaides, martyr.

Saint Tomás Cantelupe (s. XIII)
25 of August

In Montefiascone, Tuscany, death of saint Tomás Cantelupe, Bishop of Hereford, England, who, famous for his knowledge, was severe for itself, but exceptionally splendid to the poor.

Saint Tomás Dinh Viét Du (s. XIX)
26 of November

In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saints Tomás Dinh Viét Du and Domingo Nguyen Van Xuyen, priests of the order of preachers and martyrs, by Decree of the Emperor Minh Mang were beheaded at the same time.

Saint Tomás Garnet (s. XVII)
23 of June

In London, in England, Holy Tomás Garnet, priest of the society of Jesus and martyr, who ordered the College of the English of Valladolid, in Spain, returning to England was imprisoned twice and, finally, in the time of King Jacobo I, executed at Tyburn.

Saint Tomás Khuong (s. XIX)
30 of January

In Tonquin (today North Viet Nam), Holy Tomás Khuong, priest and martyr, who, in the persecution under the Emperor Tu Duc confessed with great strength of mind that was Christian and imprisoned, kneeling before the cross he was beheaded with an axe.

Saint Tomás of Terreto (s. XI)
5 of July

In the monastery of Saint María de Terreto, near Reggio Calabria, saint Tomás, Abbot.

Saint Tomás Toán (s. XIX)
27 of June

In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saint Tomás Toán, martyr, who, being a catechist and head of the Mission of Trung Linh, in the time of Emperor Minh Mang suffered, for his faith in Christ, new and terrible tortures in prison, until he died of hunger and thirst.

Saint Torcuato obispo
15 of May
Saint Torcuato y compañeros (s. III)
1 of May

In southern Hispania, commemoration of St. torquatus, Bishop of Acci (Guadix today), and other six bishops, who settled in different cities: Tesifonte, Bishop of Bergium (today Berja); Esicio, Bishop of Carcer (today Carcesa); Indalecio, Bishop of Urci (today Almeria); Second, Bishop of Abula (today Abla); Eufrasio, Bishop of Iliturgi (Andújar today), and Caecilius, Bishop of Illíberis (today Elvira, Granada) (s. III/IV).

Saint Toribio (s. V)
16 of April

In Astorga, during the reign of the Suebi in Hispania, saint Toribio, Bishop, who, by order of the Pope Saint Leo the great, definitely faced the priscilianista sect which was disseminated by Hispania (s. V).

Saint Toribio of Cantabria (s. VI)
11 of November

In the region of Cantabria, memory of St. Toribio, monk. A native of Palencia, tradition credited with the foundation of the monastery of saint Martín de Turieno (s. VI).

Saint Torpetes
29 of April

In Pisa, Tuscany, St. Torpetes, martyr (s. inc.).

Saint Totnano of Turingia (s. VII)
8 of July

Saint Colomano martyr. He evangelized the Franconian and East Thuringia. He worked and was fellow of martyrdom of saint Quiliano (Kilian) and Saint Colomano.

Saint Trahamunda of Pontevedra
14 of November
Saint Tranquilino Ubiarco (s. XX)
5 of October

In the place of Tepatitlan, Mexico, saint Tranquilino Ubiarco, priest and martyr, who did not fulfill their ministerial functions, in the persecution against the Church which was hung from a tree, thus ending his glorious martyrdom.

Saint Trásea of Esmirna (s. II)
27 of October

In Smyrna, in Asia, saint Trásea, Bishop of Eumenia of Phrygia and martyr (c. 170/180).

Saint Trifilio (s. IV)
13 of June

At Leucosia (Nicosia today), in the island of Cyprus, saint Trifilio, Bishop, who vigorously defended the faith of Nicaea and was an excellent orator in his time, commenting on the song of songs, as account Jerome splendidly.

Saint Trifina of Sicilia (s. IV)
5 of July

Saints Agathon and Trifina, martyrs, Sicily.

Saint Trifón, mártir
1 of February

In Phrygia, commemoration of St. Trifón, martyr (s. inc.)

Saint Trípodes mártir
10 of June
Saint Triverio (s. VI)
16 of January

In the place of Dombes, in the lugdunensis territory of Gaul (now France), saint Triverio, presbyter and later hermit (c. 550).

Saint Troadio (s. III)
2 of March

In Neocesarea, in Pontus, saint Troadio, martyred in the persecution under the Emperor Decio, whose combat has witnessed saint Gregorio Taumaturgo (c. 250).

Saint Trófimo of Sínada
19 of September

At Synnada in Phrygia, St. Trófimo, martyr (s. inc.).

Saint Troyano
30 of November
Saint Troyano, obispo (s. VI)
10 of February

In the city of Saintnas (now Saintes), in Aquitaine, saint Trojan, Bishop (c. 550).

Saint Trudón of Sarquinium (s. VII)
23 of November

In Sarquinium (today Saint-Trond) of Brabant, in Austrasia, saint Trudón, priest, who gave all his possessions to the Church of Metz and there himself he built a monastery, where met his disciples.

Saint Tugdual
30 of November

In lower Brittany, Saint Tugdual, named "Pabu", Abbot and Bishop, who built a monastery in the town of Tréguier (s. VI).

Saint Turiavo (s. VII)
13 of July

In lower Brittany, St. Turiavo, Abbot of the monastery of Dole and Bishop (s. VII/VIII).

Saint Tuscana of Verona (s. XIV)
14 of July

In Verona, in the confines of the region of Venice, saint Tuscana, who killed her husband, distributed all his goods to the poor, and as a member of the order of St. John of Jerusalem dedicated his life to the care of the sick (1343 / 1344).

Saint Ubaldesca (s. XIII)
28 of May

In Pisa, Tuscany, saint Ubaldesca, Virgin, who for fifty years, from the sixteen of age until his death, made consistent and perfectly works of mercy in the hospital of his city.

Saint Ubaldo of Gubbio (s. XII)
16 of May

In Gubbio, in Umbria, St. Ubaldo, Bishop, who was given to the work of reforming the common life of the clergy.

Saint Udalrico of Augsburgo (s. X)
4 of July

In Augsburg, Bavaria city, St. Udalrico, Bishop, illustrious for his admirable abstinence, their generosity and their vigils, dying ninety-plus having been Bishop for fifty years.

Saint Ulpiano of Tiro (s. IV)
3 of April

In Tyre, in Phoenicia, saint Ulpiano, martyr, who, while still a teenager, during the persecution under the Emperor Maximinus Daza was locked up in a wineskin with an ASP and a dog and submerged in the sea, thus completing his martyrdom.

Saint Urbano
28 of November
Saint Urbano I papa (s. III)
19 of May

In Rome and in the cemetery of Callixtus, on via Apia, St. urban I, Pope, who the Roman Church faithfully governed for eight years, after the martyrdom of Rome.

Saint Urbano mártir (s. III)
2 of July

Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.

Saint Urbano obispo (s. IV)
7 of December

In Teano in Campania, saint Urbano, Bishop (s. IV).

Saint Urbicio of Metz (s. V)
20 of March

In Metz, in the Belgium Gaul, St. Urbicio, Bishop (c. 450).

Saint Ursicino (s. VII)
20 of December

In the Jura Mountain, on the banks of the Doubs, among the Helvetii, saint Ursicino, disciple of saint Columbano, who first carried life hermit in solitude and, after being discovered, induced many to embrace this kind of life (c. 620).

Saint Ursicino del Ilírico (s. IV)
14 of August

In the Illyricum, St. Ursicino, martyr (s. IV).

Saint Ursicino of Chur (s. VIII)
2 of October

In the just, St. Ursicino, Bishop of Chur (Chur) and first Abbot of the monastery in Disentis, who he himself had founded (s. VIII).

Saint Ursino of Bourges (s. III)
9 of November

Bourges in Gaul, saint Ursino, its first bishop, who announced Christ Lord the people and became Church of the House of Leocadio, Senator of the Gauls, even Pagan, for use by the faithful, most poor (s. III).

Saint Ursmaro (s. VIII)
18 of April

In the monastery of Lobbes in Hainaut, Saint Ursmaro, Bishop and Abbot, who spread the rule of St Benedict and attracted people to the Christian faith.

Saint Urso (s. IX)
1 of February

In Augusta Pretoria (Aosta today), in the Graian Alps, saint Urso, presbyter (before century IX).

Saint Urso of Auxerre (s. VI)
30 of July

In the city of Auxerre in Gaul Lugdunensis saint Urso, Bishop (s. VI).

Saint Urso of Loches (s. VI)
27 of July

In Loches, town of Touraine, next to the Indre River, in France, saint Urso, Abbot, father of many monasteries, famous for its withdrawal and its virtues (s. V/VI).

Saint Urso of Rávena (s. V)
13 of April

In Ravenna, the Flaminia, saint Urso, Bishop, who moved the episcopal see from Classe to that city, dedicating the Church Cathedral, under the title of saint Anástasis, the day of Easter, and on the same date, after some years, he emigrated to the glory of the resurrection (c. 425).

Saint Úrsula Ledóchowska (s. XX)
29 of May

In Rome, blessed (Julia) Ursula Ledóchowska, Virgin, who founded the Institute of sisters Ursulines of the heart of Jesus dying, undertook tiring journeys by Poland, Scandinavia, Finland and Russia, and finally died in Rome

Saint Ustazades y compañeros (s. IV)
17 of April

Also commemoration of martyrs who, after the death of saint Simeon, the region didn't, and also under King Sapor II, were beheaded due to the name of Christ, among them saint Ustazades, eunuch of the Royal Palace, who was the godfather of the King himself and that, in the first burst of the persecution, suffered martyrdom in the Palace of Artaxerxesbrother of King Shapur, in the province of Adiabena.

Saint Valarico
12 of December
Saint Valdetrudis (s. VII)
9 of April

In En Castroloco Castroloco (now Mons), Henao, in Neustria, saint Valdetrudis (Valtruda or Waldetrudis), sister of saint Aldegundis, who, being saint Vicente Madelgario wife and mother of four saints, in the likeness of her husband are offered to God and received the monastic habit in the Monastery founded by herself.

Saint Valencio (s. IV)
26 of July

In Dorostoro, in Moesia (today Romania), saints Pasícrates and Valencio, martyrs, that by confess Christ as the only God, submitted determined their necks to the sword.

Saint Valentín obispo of Retia (s. V)
7 of January

In Passau, in the former Roman province of Noricum (now Germany), Valentine, Bishop of the Rhaetian (c. 450).

Saint Valentín of Langres (s. V)
4 of July

In Langres, in Aquitaine, Saint Valentine, priest and hermit (c. s. V).

Saint Valentín of Sevilla (s. VIII)
25 of October
Saint Valentiniano (s. VI)
7 of January

The city of Chur, in the region of the Helvetii (today Switzerland), St. Valentinian, Bishop, who, with great generosity, gave alms to the poor, redeemed captives and clothed the naked.

Saint Valeriano (s. IV)
27 of November

In Aquileia, in the region of Venice, saint Valeriano, Bishop, who, against the Arians, defended the Orthodox faith in the Illyricum, and brought together clergy and laity to live in community.

Saint Valeriano obispo (s. V)
15 of December
Saint Valeriano of Cimiez (s. V)
23 of July

At Cimiez, also in Provence, saint Valeriano, Bishop, who, out of the monastery of Lérins to be elevated to the episcopate, placed written examples of the lives of several saints for edification of monks and the people in general (c. 460).

Saint Valeriano of Tournus
15 of September

In Tournus, on the territory of Châlons, on the banks of the Saône, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Valeriano, martyr (s. inc.).

Saint Valerio (s. VI)
10 of January

In the city of Limoges, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Valerio, who led a solitary life (s. VI).

Saint Valerio Obispo of Tréveris (s. III)
29 of January

In Trier, the Belgium Gaul (today Luxembourg) city, saint Valerio, second Bishop who ruled this headquarters (s. ex III.).

Saint Valerio of Langres (s. IV)
22 of October

In the territory of Besaintçon, in Germania, saint Valerio, Deacon of the Church of Langres, a few Pagans given death (s. IV).

Saint Valerio of Lauconay (s. VII)
1 of April

In Lauconay, near Amiens, in Gaul, Valeric saint or Valerio, presbyter, who attracted many colleagues to eremitical life (s. VII).

Saint Valerio of Soissons (s. IV)
14 of June

At Soissons, in the Belgium Galia, saint Valerio and saint Rufino, martyrs (s. IV).

Saint Valerio, obispo (s. IV)
22 of January

Saint Valerio's commemoration or Valero, Bishop of Zaragoza, in the Hispania Tarraconensis (now Spain), who took part in the first Council of Illíberis, and led to Valencia along with St. Vincent, died in exile (305/315).

Saint Vandregisilo of Fontenelle
22 of July

In the monastery of Fontenelle, in Neustria, saint Vandregisilo, abad, who, having renounced to live at the Court with the King Dagoberto, he made monastic life in various places, and promoted to the priesthood by Saint Audeno, Bishop of Rouen, in the forest called Gemeticense founded and governed the monastery of the same name (c. 668).

Saint Varo of Egipto (s. IV)
19 of October

In Egypt, St. Varus, soldier, who, under the Emperor Maximiano, to visit and help six Holy hermits imprisoned, knowing that a seventh had died in the desert, wanted to take their place, and with them, after many torments, acquired the Palm of martyrdom.

Saint Vedasto (s. VI)
6 of February

In Arras, in the Belgium Galia, saint Vedasto, Bishop, who was sent by Saint Remigius, Bishop of Reims, this devastated city, and there catequizó the King Clovis, ruled that Church for forty years and carried out an important evangelising work among the pagans in the region (c. 540).

Saint Venancio Fortunato (s. VII)
14 of December

In Poitiers, Aquitaine, saint Venancio Fortunato, Bishop, who wrote the heroic deeds of many saints and with elegant hymns honored the Holy Cross.

Saint Venancio of Luni (s. VII)
14 of October

In the city of Luni in Liguria, commemoration of Saint Venancio, Bishop, who took care of the clergy and monks, and was a friend of the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I (s. VII).

Saint Venancio of Tours (s. V)
13 of October

In Tours, Lugdunensis Gaul, saint Venancio, Abbot, who, having been married in his youth, visit the basilica of St. Martin was moved to the life of the monks and, with the permission of his wife, is along with them to live for Christ (s. V).

Saint Venancio of Viviers (s. VI)
5 of August

In Viviers, along the Rhone, in Gaul, saint Venancio, Bishop (d. 535).

Saint Venancio y compañeros (s. IV)
1 of April

At Rome, commemoration of the holy martyrs Venancio, Bishop, and companions of Dalmatia and Istria, namely, Anastasio, Mauro, Pauliniano, Telio, Asterius, Septimius, Antioquiano and Gayano, that the Church is pleased to honor together (s. III/IV).

Saint Vendelino of Tréveris (s. VII)
21 of October

In Trier, of Austrasia, saint Vendelino, hermit (s. VII).

Saint Venerando of Troyes
14 of November
Saint Venerio of Milán (s. V)
6 of May

In Milan, from Liguria (today Italy), saint Venerio, Bishop, disciple and deacon of Ambrose, who came to the aid of the African bishops sending clerics and helped saint Juan Crisóstomo in his exile.

Saint Venerio of Tiro Maggiore (s. VII)
13 of September

On the island of shooting Maggiore (today Palmarola), on the shores of the Bay of la Spezia, in Liguria, of Italy, saint Venerio, hermit (s. VII).

Saint Venustiano mártir
30 of December
Saint Verano of Caivallon (s. VI)
19 of October

In the city of Caivallon, in Provence, saint summer or Veronica, Bishop, who enjoyed great authority, above all for the cures of the sick (s. VI).

Saint Verano of Vence (s. V)
11 of November

In Vence, Provence, in Gaul, commemoration of St. summer, Bishop, being son of St. Eucherius, Bishop of Lyon, was educated at the monastery of Lérins and wrote to the Pope Saint Leo the great thanking him for his profession of faith in the incarnation of the word, contained in the letter to Flavian (s. V).

Saint Verecundo obispo
22 of October
Saint Veremundo (s. XI)
8 of March

In the city of Estella, Navarra, saint Veremundo, Abbot of Hirache, who, having embraced the monastic life, from young encouraged his monks to seek perfection with their example and fasts and vigils.

Saint Verena (s. IV)
1 of September

In Zurzach (Zurich today), next to the Rhine, in the region of the tigurini's Germania, saint Verena (s. IV).

Saint Viator of Lyon
21 of October

In Lyon, Gaul, commemoration of St. Viator, reader, disciple and Minister of the Bishop Justo de Lyon, followed this in his removal to Egypt and his death (post 481).

Saint Viator of Tremblevif (s. VI)
5 of August

In Tremblevif, in the Sologne region, France, St. Viator, hermit. (s. VI).

Saint Viborada (s. X)
2 of May

In the place of Saintkt Gallen, in the region of the Helvetii, Holy Wiborada or Wiborada, Virgin and martyr, who lived locked up in a cell next to the Church of Saint Magno, from which catered to the people. Because of their faith and their religious vows, it solvents braved death at the hands of Hungarian invaders.

Saint Vicelino (s. XII)
12 of December

In Neumünster in Holstein, in Germany, death of St. Vicelino, Bishop of Oldenburg, who was dedicated with interest to the evangelization of the Slavs.

Saint Vicenta Gerosa (s. XIX)
28 of June

In Lovere, in Lombardy, saint Vicenta Gerosa, Virgin, he founded, together with saint Bartolomea Captanio, the Institute of the Sisters of charity.

Saint Vicenta of Coria (s. V)
15 of March

In the town of Coria, in the Spanish province of Lusitania, saint Vicenta, Virgin and martyr.

Saint Vicente Cartaginense
1 of September

In Hispania Cartaginense, memory of Saints Vicente and Leto, martyrs.

Saint Vicente Do Yen (s. XIX)
30 of June

In the town of Hai Duong, in Tonquin, saint Vicente Do Yen, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Minh Mang, was slain by hatred of the Christian faith.

Saint Vicente María Strambi (s. XIX)
1 of January

In Rome, saint Vicente María Strambi, Bishop of Macerata and Tolentino, of the Congregation of the passion, who ruled the diocese which had entrusted Holy and by their fidelity to the Roman pontiff was banished.

Saint Vicente o Madelgario (s. VII)
14 of July

Soignies, of Brabant, in Austrasia, saint Vicente or Madelgario, with the consent of his wife saint Valtrudis embraced the monastic life and, according to tradition, he founded two monasteries (c. 677).

Saint Vicente of Dax (s. IV)
1 of September

In Dax, Aquitaine, saint Vicente, celebrated as Bishop and martyr (c. IV).

Saint Vicente of Lérins (s. V)
24 of May

In the monastery of Lérins in Provence, Saint Vincent, priest and Monk, who was very famous for its Christian doctrine and holiness of life, and insisted boldly on the progress of the faith of the believers (c. 450).

Saint Vicente of Talavera (s. IV)
27 of October

Saints Vicente, Sabina and Cristeta (brothers martyrs of the 4th century)

Saint Vicente of Vernemet (s. III)
9 of June

In Vernemet, in the region of Agen in Aquitaine, saint Vicente, martyr, who, according to tradition, while the village held a party in honor of the Sun, he consummated their martyrdom in the name of Christ.

Saint Vicente Pallotti (s. XIX)
22 of January

In Rome, saint Vicente Pallotti, priest, founder of the society of the apostolate Catholic, than with his writings and activities fostered the vocation of all the baptized in Christ to work in favor of the Church.

Saint Vicente, abad (s. VII)
11 of March

In Leon, in Hispania, saint Vicente, Abbot of the monastery of Saint Claudio (630).

Saint Vicinio of Sarsina (s. V)
28 of August

At Sarsina, the Romagnola, saint Vicinio, first bishop of this city (s. IV/V).

Saint Víctor (s. VI)
2 of April

At Capua, in Campania, saint Víctor, Bishop, conspicuous by his erudition and his Holiness.

Saint Víctor of Alejandría (s. IV)
17 of May

In Rome, on the via Salaria Antigua, in the cemetery of Basilla, St. Víctor, martyr (s. c. IV).

Saint Víctor of Mauritania (s. IV)
26 of August

Mauritania Cesarea, St. Víctor, martyr, who, according to tradition, sentenced to death, was crucified on Saturday (s. III/IV).

Saint Víctor of Milán (s. IV)
8 of May

In Milan, in the province of Liguria, commemoration of St. Víctor, martyr, who, originally from Mauritania, was a soldier of the imperial army, and imposing the obligation to sacrifice to idols, Emperor Maximiano desciñó of their weapons, who led him to the city of Lodi, where he was beheaded (c. 304).

Saint Víctor of Nantes (s. VII)
29 of August

In the region of Nantes, in lower Brittany, Saint-Víctor, solo, who lived secluded in a small oratory, built by himself alongside Bonchamp (c. s. VII).

Saint Víctor, eremita (s. VII)
26 of February

In Arcis-sur-Aube, champagne, France, Saint-Víctor, hermit, whose praises wrote saint Bernardo (s. VII).

Saint Víctor, mártir
10 of March

In Africa, commemoration of St. Víctor, martyr, in whose feast St. Augustine wrote a treatise for the people about him (s. inc.).

Saint Victoriano (s. VI)
12 of January

In the monastery of Ashan, in the region of Barbastro, the Kingdom of Aragon, saint Victorian, who, having been born in Italy, he embraced the monastic life, and being dedicated to prayer in solitude of the mountains, accepted the responsibility of leading the monastery which then took its name (c. 561).

Saint Victorico
11 of December
Saint Victorino of Nicomedia
6 of March

In Nicomedia, Bithynia, saint Victorino, martyr (sec. inc.).

Saint Victorino of Pettau (s. IV)
2 of November

Commemoration of saint Victorino, Bishop of Pettau (today Ptuj), in Pannonia, who drafted many writings to explain the books of the Holy Bible and was crowned with martyrdom in the persecution triggered by Diocletian (c. 303).

Saint Victorio of Le Mans (s. V)
1 of September

In Le Mans, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Victorio, Bishop, who saint Gregorio de Tours is talking about.

Saint Victorio of León (s. IV)
30 of October

In the city of Leon, in Hispania, Claudio saints, Lupercio and Victorio, martyrs, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano suffered death by Christ (c. 303/304).

Saint Victricio of Rouen (s. V)
7 of August

In Rouen, in Gaul, St. Victricio, Bishop. It was soldered in the time of the Emperor Julian, and rejecting the military insignia for the love of Christ, suffered various torture on the orders of the Tribune, who sentenced him to death, but, however, having achieved freedom and after being consecrated Bishop, also led to faith in Christ to fierce of the Morini and peoples nerves, in the North of Gaul.

Saint Vidal mártir (s. III)
2 of July

Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.

Saint Vidal of Bolonia (s. IV)
4 of November

In Bologna, Emilia, Vidal and agricultural Saints, martyrs, who, according to us concerns Ambrose, the first of them was before servant of the second and then companion and colleague in martyrdom. Vidal suffered many torments that he was not part of your body without wounds and Agricola, in turn, without panic by the torment of his old servant, imitated him in the same martyrdom, being crucified.

Saint Vidal of Retz (s. VIII)
16 of October

In the region of Retz, near Nantes, in lower Brittany, saint Vidal, hermit (s. VIII).

Saint Vidiciano (s. VIII)
11 of March

In Hanonia, of Neustria, St. Vidiciano, Bishop of Cambrai and Arras, who, following the death of saint Leodegario, invited King Theuderic III to atone for his crime with the penance (c. 712).

Saint Vigberto of Fritzlar (s. VIII)
13 of August

In Fritzlar in Hesse, Austrasia, saint Vigberto, priest and Abbot, that St. Boniface entrusted the care of the monastery of the place (c. 739).

Saint Vigilio of Trento (s. V)
26 of June

In Trento, in the region of Venice, saint Vigilio, Bishop, who received the institutionis logo, along with a pastoral instruction, saint Ambrosio de Milán dedicated to evangelize the region entrusted and trying to remove what remained of idolatry. Ensures that he consummated their martyrdom by the name of Christ, beaten by cruel men.

Saint Vigor of Bayeux (s. VI)
1 of November

In Bayeux, in the Lugdunensis Gallia St. Vigor, Bishop, disciple of saint Vedasto (c. 538).

Saint Vihón of frisia (s. IX)
20 of April

In Osnabrück, in Saxony, St. Vihón, Bishop, that being a native of Friesland, was sent by the Emperor Charlemagne, as Abbot to evangelize the region and ordained bishop of this church, had to suffer much for Christ.

Saint Vincenciano (s. VII)
2 of January

In the region of Tulle, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Vincenciano, eremita.

Saint Vindemial (s. V)
2 of May

Commemoration of the holy martyrs Vindemial or Vindemia, Bishop of Capsa, in Numidia, and Longinos, Bishop of Pamaria, in Mauritania, who were beheaded by order of Huneric, King of vandals, after having faced the Arians at the Council of Carthage.

Saint Violeta virgen y mártir
3 of May
Saint Virgilio of Arlés (s. VII)
5 of March

In Arles, in Provence, saint Virgilio, Bishop, received as guests to saint Augustine and his monks, when they traveled to England on behalf of the Pope saint Gregorio I Magno (c. 618).

Saint Virgilio of Salzburgo (s. VIII)
27 of November

In Salzburg, in the region of Bavaria, saint Virgilio, Bishop, doctisimo man, born in Ireland, who, with the support of King Pipino, stood in front of the Church of Salzburg, where built in honor of St. Rupert Cathedral and joyfully and happily devoted himself to spread the faith between the Carinthians.

Saint Viridiana (s. XIII)
1 of February

Castro Fiorentino, Tuscany, saint Viridiana or Veridiana, Virgin, who lived as a recluse from youth to old age (1236 / 1242).

Saint Virila of Navarra (s. X)
3 of October

Abbot in the monastery of Saint Salvador de Leyre, Navarra, memory of saint Virila, (s. X).

Saint Visia of Fermo
12 of April
Saint Vistano (s. IX)
1 of June

In the region of Leicester, in England, St. Vistano, martyr, who, belonging to the Royal lineage of Mercia, for opposing the incestuous marriage of his mother was killed by the sword of the tyrant.

Saint Vital
14 of February

In the city of Spoleto, in Umbria, St. Vital, martyr, saintctified by faith preserved and the imitation of Christ (s. inc.).

Saint Vital of Castronovo (s. X)
9 of March

In the place of Rapolla, in the Lucania, St. Vital de Castronovo, monk.

Saint Vital of Salzburg (s. VIII)
20 of October

In Salzburg, Bavaria, St. Vital, Bishop, who, originally from Hibernia (Ireland today), was a disciple of St. Rupert, companion in his travels and imitator of his works and vigils, and elected his successor, converted to the faith of Christ to the people of Pinsgau (c. 730).

Saint Vital of Savigny (s. XII)
16 of September

In Savigny, in Normandy, in Gaul, St. Vital, Abbot, who left the secular occupations, surrendered in solitude to the cultivation of rigorous enforcement, gaining many followers to the monastery he founded.

Saint Vitaliano of Caudium (s. VII)
3 of September

In the ancient city of Caudium (today Montesarchio), in Campania, saint Vitaliano, Bishop (s. VII).

Saint Vitón
14 of November
Saint Vitón of Verdún (s. VI)
9 of November

At Verdun, of the Belgium Gaul, St. Vitón, Bishop.

Saint Vivenciolo of Lyon (s. VI)
12 of July

In Lyon, city of Gaul, St. Vivenciolo, Bishop, who was promoted to the episcopate when he taught at the monastic from Saint Eugendio school, and encouraged clerics and lay persons to be present at the Council of Pau, so that the people know best what the Popes established (c. 523).

Saint Viviano of Saintes (s. V)
28 of August

In Saintes, in Gaul, saint Viviano, Bishop (s. V).

Saint Vivina (s. XII)
17 of December

Close to Brussels in Brabant, Lotharingia, saint Vivina, first Abbess of the monastery of the Blessed Mary of Grand-Bigard.

Saint Vladimiro Basilio (s. XI)
15 of July

In Kiev, city of Russia (now in Ukraine), saint Vladimiro, Prince, baptized with the name of basil, who is worried about spreading the Orthodox faith in the peoples they governed.

Saint Volusiano (s. V)
18 of January

Close to de Foix, in the Narbonese Gaul (now France), transit of St. Volusiano, Bishop of Tours, who, after being captured by the Goths, gave his spirit in exile (c. 498).

Saint Vulframno (s. VII)
20 of March

In the monastery of Fantanelle, in Neustria (today France), saint Vulframno or Wulfrano burial, who, being a monk, he was elected Bishop of Sens and devoted himself to evangelize the Frisians. Finally, he returned to the mentioned monastery, there rested in peace (c. 700).

Saint Vulmaro of Boulogne (s. VII)
20 of July

In the region of Boulogne, in Gaul, St. Vulmaro, priest, that being humble Shepherd with a keen interest in learning, acquired a good education and was ordained a priest, living as the ancient fathers desert and, later, in Hautmont, Hainaut, in the forests of their homeland, founded two monasteries: one of monks and one from Virgin.

Saint Waldeberto (s. VII)
2 of May

In the monastery of Luxeuil in Burgundy, saint Waldeberto or Walberto, Abbot (665 / 670).

Saint Walfrido (s. VIII)
15 of February

Palazzuolo, in Tuscany, saint Walfrido, Abbot, who after having five children, decided, together with his wife, embracing the monastic life (c. 765).

Saint Walhero (s. XII)
23 of June

Onhaye, in Hainaut, saint Walhero, priest, who, while crossing the Meuse River, killed a presbyter that recriminaba their customs to stroke.

Saint Wasnulfo (s. VII)
1 of October

Condé-sur-l ' Escaut, in Hainaut, of Austrasia, saint Wasnulfo, monk, born in Scotland (s. VII).

Saint Wenefrida
3 of November
Saint Wereburga of Chester (s. VIII)
3 of February

In Chester, in the region of Mercia in England, saint Wereburga, Abbess of Ely, who founded several monasteries.

Saint Wilehado of Brema (s. VIII)
8 of November

In Bremen, Saxony, St. Wilehado, Bishop, who, born in Northumbria and friend of Alcuin, spread the Gospel in Friesland and Saxony after St. Boniface and ordained bishop, he founded the see of Bremen and ruled it wisely.

Saint Wilfrido of York (s. VIII)
24 of April

In York, in Northumbria, saint Wilfrido, Bishop, who, after working with all care, was forced to leave his seat and died between the monks of Ripon, who was Abbot at one time.

Saint Wilibrordo (s. VIII)
7 of November

He lived between the end of the 7th century and the beginning of the VIII. His father belonged to the first generation of Christians converted Anglo-Saxon paganism. The child was handed over to the monastery of Ripon for his upbringing and custody when she decided to live alone after the death of his wife. Already in his youth, Willibrord decides freely to religious profession. Leave the monastery of Ripon by taking advantage of the economic situation on the journey to Rome from the Holy Abbot Wilfrido. From now on you will stay twelve years in the monastery of Rathmelsigui, in Ireland, learning of eagerness missionary of the Abbot Egberto that already failed evangelization of Friesland on the continent. When in

Saint Willibaldo of Dryopolis (s. VIII)
7 of July

In Dryopolis (today Eichstätt), in Franconia, saint Willibaldo or Wilebaldo, Bishop, who, having embraced the monastic life, toured as a pilgrim many shrines and holy sites in order to establish therein the monastic life, until St. Boniface ordered Bishop of this headquarters and made him a valuable contributor yours in the evangelization of Germania, converting many peoples to Christ.

Saint Winebald (s. VII)
27 of February
Saint Winebald of Tours (s. VI)
7 of November
Saint Winebaldo (s. VII)
6 of April

In Troyes, of Neustria, saint Winebaldo (Vinebaldo, Winebald), Abbot of the monastery of Saint Lupo, illustrious for his austerity (c. 620).

Saint Winefrida of Holywell (s. VII)
2 of November

Next to the fountain of Holywell, Cambria, saint Winefrida, Virgin, venerated which is as eximia nun (s. c. VII).

Saint Winoco of Taruanense (s. VIII)
6 of November

In the Taruanense of Austrasia, saint Winoco, region which was first received by saint Bertino of breton origin, in the community of monks of Sithiu, and then built the monastery of Wormhoudt, who led Holy as prior, working hard with their own hands.

Saint Winwaleo (s. VI)
3 of March

In the peninsula of Armorica (Brittany), saint Winwaleo, first Abbot of Landevenec, who tradition tells that he was a disciple of saint Budoco in the island of Lavret, and that his life illustrated the monastic rule.

Saint Wiro y compañeros (s. VIII)
8 of May

In Roermond, along the Meuse, Brabant, of Austrasia, Saint Wiro, who, according to tradition, devoted himself to the evangelization of this region together with his companions Plechelmo and Odgero (c. 700).

Saint Witesindo of Córdoba (s. IX)
15 of May

In Cordoba, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, commemoration of Saint Witesindo (Vintesindo), martyr, who fear Muslims turned to the Catholic faith, but then refused to take part in the Muslim cult, was killed by hatred of the Christian faith.

Saint Witta of Bürberg (s. VIII)
26 of October

In the monastery of Hersfeld, in Germania, burial of Saint Witta or Albino, first bishop of Burberg, who, a native of England, was called by St. Boniface and was commissioned to sow the seed of the word of God in the region of Hesse (c. 786).

Saint Wolfgango of Ratisbona (s. X)
31 of October

In Ratisbon (Regensburg), of Bavaria, saint Wolfgango, Bishop, who, after being a school teacher and have professed as a monk, was elevated to the episcopal see, establishing the discipline of the clergy, and while visiting the region of Pupping rested in the Lord.

Saint Wulfilda
9 of December
Saint Wulfstano of Worchester (s. XI)
20 of January

In the city of Worchester, England, St. Wulfstano, Bishop, who, from the cloister to the headquarters, maintained monastic customs together with the pastoral zeal. It tirelessly visited the parishes of his diocese, in erect churches, encourage studies and condemn the sale of slaves.

Saint Xenia (s. V)
24 of January

Daughter of a Roman Senator, fled his home to give your life to God and to others, and ended his days serving the poor in the city of Milass, being an example of humility and spirit of service.

Saint Xi Guizi (s. XX)
20 of July

In the place of Dechao, also in Hebei, commemoration of St. Xi Guizi, martyr, who while still not more than catechumen, before a crowd in an uproar is confessed Christian, being baptized with the blood that flowed from his wounds.

Saint Yolanda (s. XIII)
17 of December
Saint Ywio (s. VIII)
6 of October

In lower Brittany, saint Ywio, Deacon and Monk, disciple of saint Cutberto, Bishop of Lindisfarne, who went from England to this region, where lived delivered to vigils and fasts (c. 704).

Saint Zacarías, papa (s. VIII)
15 of March

In Rome, saint Zaccaria, potato, with utmost vigilance and prudence ruled the Church of God, slowing the momentum of the Lombards, indicating the order straight to the Franks, providing churches the Germans and seeking the understanding with the Greeks.

Saint Zacarías, el Angélico (s. X)
21 of January

In the mercury mount, in Lucania (today Italy), saint Zaccaria, surnamed "angelic", master of the monastic life (c. 950).

Saint Zacarías profeta
6 of September

Commemoration of saint Zaccaria, Prophet, dictionary of the return of the banished people to the promised land, announcing at the same time as a peaceful King, Christ the Lord, enter triumphant in the Holy City of Jerusalem, who led to compliance.

Saint Zama of Bolonia (s. IV)
28 of September

In Bologna, in the region of Emilia, in Italy, saint Zama, considered as the first bishop of this city (s. c. IV).

Saint Zanitas
27 of March
Saint Zaqueo of Jerusalén (s. II)
23 of August

Commemoration of Saint Zacchaeus, Bishop, who, according to tradition, was the fourth successor of James, brother of the Lord, in the Government of the Church of Jerusalem (s. II).

Saint Zdislava (s. XIII)
1 of January

In Gablonne, Bohemia (today Czech Republic), saint Zdislava, mother, who lent comfort to the afflicted.

Saint Zenas of Filadelfia (s. IV)
23 of June

Zenas, Assistant to the military of the Roman Empire Zeno and martyred with him. Zenon thrown to the Dungeon is visited by his assistant, who can not contain without kissing the chains of the martyr; and, also arrested by Christian, both are beheaded on 23 June of the year 304.

Saint Zenobio of Florencia (s. V)
25 of May

In Florence, in Tuscany, saint Zenobio, Bishop of Florence. Friend Saint Ambriosio of Milan, Director of Saint Dámaso I papa, worked with Saint Eugenio and Saint Crescencio.

Saint Zenobio of Sidón (s. IV)
29 of October

In Sidon, Phoenicia, saint Zenobio, priest, that during the grueling persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano encouraged others to martyrdom, being also crowned with death (s. IV).

Saint Zenón
14 of February

In Rome, in the cemetery of Pretextato, in via Apia, saint Zeno, martyr (s. inc.).

Saint Zenón obispo (s. IV)
26 of December

Commemoration of saint Zeno, Bishop of Maiuma, in Palestine, who built a basilica to his nephews martyrs Eusebius, Nestabio and Zenon, and until the end of his life worked as a Weaver for procuring livelihoods and help the poor (c. 400).

Saint Zenón of Filadelfia (s. IV)
23 of June

Saints Zenon and Zenas, martyrs, Arabia, 304. Military of the Roman Empire, resident in Arabia Philadelphia, his hometown. After having given everything theirs to the needy, is filed firm the most prefect ready to give witness to Christ against any suffering and death itself. Thrown into the black hole it is visited by his assistant, who can not contain without kissing the chains of the martyr; and, also arrested by Christian, both are beheaded on 23 June of the year 304.

Saint Zenón of Nicomedia (s. III)
2 of September

In Nicomedia, Bithynia (today Turkey), saint Zeno, martyr (s. III).

Saint Zenón of Verona (s. IV)
12 of April

In Verona, in the territory of Venice, saint Zeno, Bishop, who with their work and preaching led to the city until the baptism of Christ (c. 372).

Saint Zenón soldado y mártir
20 of December
Saint Zephyrinus pope (s. III)
20 of December
Saint Zhang Huailu (s. XX)
1 of July

In the village of Zhuhedian, near Jieshui, in Hunan province, in China, saint Zhang Huailu, martyr, who, pursued by the followers of the Yihetuan movement, still only a catechumen spontaneously confessed that he was Christian, and armed with the sign of the cross, deserved to be baptized in Christ with his own blood.

Saint Zoe of Atalia (s. II)
2 of May

Atalia, of Pamphylia (Antalya today, in Turkey), saints burnish and his wife Zoe, along with their children Ciriaco and Teodulo, martyrs, who, according to tradition, in the time of Emperor Hadrian were slaves in the service of a pagan, and by order of the same master were first whipped, then brutally tormented because of his free confession of the Christian faith and finally thrown into an oven on, in which gave their souls to God (s. II).

Saint Zoelo of Listra (s. III)
24 of May

In Lystra in Lycaonia (today Zoldera, in Turkey), St. Zoelo, martyr (s. II/III).

Saint Zoilo of Córdoba (s. IV)
27 of June

In Córdoba, in the Spanish province of Betica, saint Zoilo, martyr.

Saint Zósimo
30 of November
Saint Zósimo papa (s. V)
26 of December

In Rome, on the via Tiburtina, along with saint Lorenzo, burial of Pope St. Zosimus.

Saint Zótico (s. IV)
31 of December

In Constantinople, St. Zótico, presbyter, who worried about feeding orphans (s. IV).

Saint Zygmunt Gorazdowski (s. XX)
23 of October

In the Archdiocese of Lviv, Saint Zygmunt Gorazdowski, priest, born in Saintok (Poland) 1845. He promoted numerous works for priests, young, sick and poor. He founded a new newspaper, various institutions of charity and the Congregation of the religious of St. Joseph. He died on January 1, 1920 in Lviv (Ukraine)

Saints Ana Line y compañeros (s. XVII)
27 of February

In London, in England, saint Ana Line, widow and martyr, who, having died her husband, banished for being Catholic, offered his home to accommodate priests and, for this reason, under the reign of Isabel I was hanged at Tyburn. It suffered the priests and martyrs Marcos Barkworth, of the order of Saint Benedict, and Roger Filcock, of the society of Jesus, who were descuartizados before he died.

Saint Vidal of Rávena
28 of April

In Ravenna, in the province of Flaminia, Italy, commemoration of St. Vital (Saint Vidal). On this day, according to tradition, was dedicated to God the famous basilica of that city, in which this Saint is venerated since time immemorial with the holy martyrs Valeria, Gervasio and Protasio Ursicinus, for tenaciously defending the faith (s. inc.).

Saint Vito of Lucania (s. IV)
15 of June

In Lucania, saint Vito, teenage martyr.