Showing 103 saints matching with "Saint Victor of Milan"

Saint William of Gellone (s. IX)
28 of May

Celebrate today: Guillaume, Guillem, Guillermo, Wilfer, Wilfredo, Will, William, Williams, Willy.

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Saint Yves (s. XIV)
19 of May

Celebrate today: Ivo.

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Saint Victoria of Córdoba (s. IV)
17 of November

In the city of Cordoba, in the Hispania Baetica, Saints Acisclo and Victoria, martyrs.

Celebrate today: Vicki, Vicky, Victoria.

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Saint Wenceslaus of Bohemia (s. X)
28 of September

Celebrate today: Wenceslao.

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Saint Zachary
5 of November

Zachary, father of Saint John the Baptist, was a priest in the Temple in Jerusalem. After the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel, he would lose speech by his weak faith until he mentions the name of his future son: John (the Baptist).

Celebrate today: Za, Zaca, Zacarías, Zach.

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Saint Zita (s. XIII)
27 of April

Celebrate today: Zita.

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Saint Zosimo of Syracuse (s. VII)
30 of March
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Saint Víctor of Milán (s. IV)
8 of May

In Milan, in the province of Liguria, commemoration of St. Víctor, martyr, who, originally from Mauritania, was a soldier of the imperial army, and imposing the obligation to sacrifice to idols, Emperor Maximiano desciñó of their weapons, who led him to the city of Lodi, where he was beheaded (c. 304).

Saint Víctor of Nantes (s. VII)
29 of August

In the region of Nantes, in lower Brittany, Saint-Víctor, solo, who lived secluded in a small oratory, built by himself alongside Bonchamp (c. s. VII).

Saint Víctor, eremita (s. VII)
26 of February

In Arcis-sur-Aube, champagne, France, Saint-Víctor, hermit, whose praises wrote saint Bernardo (s. VII).

Saint Víctor, mártir
10 of March

In Africa, commemoration of St. Víctor, martyr, in whose feast St. Augustine wrote a treatise for the people about him (s. inc.).

Saint Victoriano (s. VI)
12 of January

In the monastery of Ashan, in the region of Barbastro, the Kingdom of Aragon, saint Victorian, who, having been born in Italy, he embraced the monastic life, and being dedicated to prayer in solitude of the mountains, accepted the responsibility of leading the monastery which then took its name (c. 561).

Saint Victorico
11 of December
Saint Victorino of Nicomedia
6 of March

In Nicomedia, Bithynia, saint Victorino, martyr (sec. inc.).

Saint Victorino of Pettau (s. IV)
2 of November

Commemoration of saint Victorino, Bishop of Pettau (today Ptuj), in Pannonia, who drafted many writings to explain the books of the Holy Bible and was crowned with martyrdom in the persecution triggered by Diocletian (c. 303).

Saint Victorio of Le Mans (s. V)
1 of September

In Le Mans, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Victorio, Bishop, who saint Gregorio de Tours is talking about.

Saint Victorio of León (s. IV)
30 of October

In the city of Leon, in Hispania, Claudio saints, Lupercio and Victorio, martyrs, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano suffered death by Christ (c. 303/304).

Saint Victricio of Rouen (s. V)
7 of August

In Rouen, in Gaul, St. Victricio, Bishop. It was soldered in the time of the Emperor Julian, and rejecting the military insignia for the love of Christ, suffered various torture on the orders of the Tribune, who sentenced him to death, but, however, having achieved freedom and after being consecrated Bishop, also led to faith in Christ to fierce of the Morini and peoples nerves, in the North of Gaul.

Saint Vidal mártir (s. III)
2 of July

Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.

Saint Vidal of Bolonia (s. IV)
4 of November

In Bologna, Emilia, Vidal and agricultural Saints, martyrs, who, according to us concerns Ambrose, the first of them was before servant of the second and then companion and colleague in martyrdom. Vidal suffered many torments that he was not part of your body without wounds and Agricola, in turn, without panic by the torment of his old servant, imitated him in the same martyrdom, being crucified.

Saint Vidal of Retz (s. VIII)
16 of October

In the region of Retz, near Nantes, in lower Brittany, saint Vidal, hermit (s. VIII).

Saint Vidiciano (s. VIII)
11 of March

In Hanonia, of Neustria, St. Vidiciano, Bishop of Cambrai and Arras, who, following the death of saint Leodegario, invited King Theuderic III to atone for his crime with the penance (c. 712).

Saint Vigberto of Fritzlar (s. VIII)
13 of August

In Fritzlar in Hesse, Austrasia, saint Vigberto, priest and Abbot, that St. Boniface entrusted the care of the monastery of the place (c. 739).

Saint Vigilio of Trento (s. V)
26 of June

In Trento, in the region of Venice, saint Vigilio, Bishop, who received the institutionis logo, along with a pastoral instruction, saint Ambrosio de Milán dedicated to evangelize the region entrusted and trying to remove what remained of idolatry. Ensures that he consummated their martyrdom by the name of Christ, beaten by cruel men.

Saint Vigor of Bayeux (s. VI)
1 of November

In Bayeux, in the Lugdunensis Gallia St. Vigor, Bishop, disciple of saint Vedasto (c. 538).

Saint Vihón of frisia (s. IX)
20 of April

In Osnabrück, in Saxony, St. Vihón, Bishop, that being a native of Friesland, was sent by the Emperor Charlemagne, as Abbot to evangelize the region and ordained bishop of this church, had to suffer much for Christ.

Saint Vincenciano (s. VII)
2 of January

In the region of Tulle, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Vincenciano, eremita.

Saint Vindemial (s. V)
2 of May

Commemoration of the holy martyrs Vindemial or Vindemia, Bishop of Capsa, in Numidia, and Longinos, Bishop of Pamaria, in Mauritania, who were beheaded by order of Huneric, King of vandals, after having faced the Arians at the Council of Carthage.

Saint Violeta virgen y mártir
3 of May
Saint Virgilio of Arlés (s. VII)
5 of March

In Arles, in Provence, saint Virgilio, Bishop, received as guests to saint Augustine and his monks, when they traveled to England on behalf of the Pope saint Gregorio I Magno (c. 618).

Saint Virgilio of Salzburgo (s. VIII)
27 of November

In Salzburg, in the region of Bavaria, saint Virgilio, Bishop, doctisimo man, born in Ireland, who, with the support of King Pipino, stood in front of the Church of Salzburg, where built in honor of St. Rupert Cathedral and joyfully and happily devoted himself to spread the faith between the Carinthians.

Saint Viridiana (s. XIII)
1 of February

Castro Fiorentino, Tuscany, saint Viridiana or Veridiana, Virgin, who lived as a recluse from youth to old age (1236 / 1242).

Saint Virila of Navarra (s. X)
3 of October

Abbot in the monastery of Saint Salvador de Leyre, Navarra, memory of saint Virila, (s. X).

Saint Visia of Fermo
12 of April
Saint Vistano (s. IX)
1 of June

In the region of Leicester, in England, St. Vistano, martyr, who, belonging to the Royal lineage of Mercia, for opposing the incestuous marriage of his mother was killed by the sword of the tyrant.

Saint Vital
14 of February

In the city of Spoleto, in Umbria, St. Vital, martyr, saintctified by faith preserved and the imitation of Christ (s. inc.).

Saint Vital of Castronovo (s. X)
9 of March

In the place of Rapolla, in the Lucania, St. Vital de Castronovo, monk.

Saint Vital of Salzburg (s. VIII)
20 of October

In Salzburg, Bavaria, St. Vital, Bishop, who, originally from Hibernia (Ireland today), was a disciple of St. Rupert, companion in his travels and imitator of his works and vigils, and elected his successor, converted to the faith of Christ to the people of Pinsgau (c. 730).

Saint Vital of Savigny (s. XII)
16 of September

In Savigny, in Normandy, in Gaul, St. Vital, Abbot, who left the secular occupations, surrendered in solitude to the cultivation of rigorous enforcement, gaining many followers to the monastery he founded.

Saint Vitaliano of Caudium (s. VII)
3 of September

In the ancient city of Caudium (today Montesarchio), in Campania, saint Vitaliano, Bishop (s. VII).

Saint Vitón
14 of November
Saint Vitón of Verdún (s. VI)
9 of November

At Verdun, of the Belgium Gaul, St. Vitón, Bishop.

Saint Vivenciolo of Lyon (s. VI)
12 of July

In Lyon, city of Gaul, St. Vivenciolo, Bishop, who was promoted to the episcopate when he taught at the monastic from Saint Eugendio school, and encouraged clerics and lay persons to be present at the Council of Pau, so that the people know best what the Popes established (c. 523).

Saint Viviano of Saintes (s. V)
28 of August

In Saintes, in Gaul, saint Viviano, Bishop (s. V).

Saint Vivina (s. XII)
17 of December

Close to Brussels in Brabant, Lotharingia, saint Vivina, first Abbess of the monastery of the Blessed Mary of Grand-Bigard.

Saint Vladimiro Basilio (s. XI)
15 of July

In Kiev, city of Russia (now in Ukraine), saint Vladimiro, Prince, baptized with the name of basil, who is worried about spreading the Orthodox faith in the peoples they governed.

Saint Volusiano (s. V)
18 of January

Close to de Foix, in the Narbonese Gaul (now France), transit of St. Volusiano, Bishop of Tours, who, after being captured by the Goths, gave his spirit in exile (c. 498).

Saint Vulframno (s. VII)
20 of March

In the monastery of Fantanelle, in Neustria (today France), saint Vulframno or Wulfrano burial, who, being a monk, he was elected Bishop of Sens and devoted himself to evangelize the Frisians. Finally, he returned to the mentioned monastery, there rested in peace (c. 700).

Saint Vulmaro of Boulogne (s. VII)
20 of July

In the region of Boulogne, in Gaul, St. Vulmaro, priest, that being humble Shepherd with a keen interest in learning, acquired a good education and was ordained a priest, living as the ancient fathers desert and, later, in Hautmont, Hainaut, in the forests of their homeland, founded two monasteries: one of monks and one from Virgin.

Saint Waldeberto (s. VII)
2 of May

In the monastery of Luxeuil in Burgundy, saint Waldeberto or Walberto, Abbot (665 / 670).

Saint Walfrido (s. VIII)
15 of February

Palazzuolo, in Tuscany, saint Walfrido, Abbot, who after having five children, decided, together with his wife, embracing the monastic life (c. 765).

Saint Walhero (s. XII)
23 of June

Onhaye, in Hainaut, saint Walhero, priest, who, while crossing the Meuse River, killed a presbyter that recriminaba their customs to stroke.

Saint Wasnulfo (s. VII)
1 of October

Condé-sur-l ' Escaut, in Hainaut, of Austrasia, saint Wasnulfo, monk, born in Scotland (s. VII).

Saint Wenefrida
3 of November
Saint Wereburga of Chester (s. VIII)
3 of February

In Chester, in the region of Mercia in England, saint Wereburga, Abbess of Ely, who founded several monasteries.

Saint Wilehado of Brema (s. VIII)
8 of November

In Bremen, Saxony, St. Wilehado, Bishop, who, born in Northumbria and friend of Alcuin, spread the Gospel in Friesland and Saxony after St. Boniface and ordained bishop, he founded the see of Bremen and ruled it wisely.

Saint Wilfrido of York (s. VIII)
24 of April

In York, in Northumbria, saint Wilfrido, Bishop, who, after working with all care, was forced to leave his seat and died between the monks of Ripon, who was Abbot at one time.

Saint Wilibrordo (s. VIII)
7 of November

He lived between the end of the 7th century and the beginning of the VIII. His father belonged to the first generation of Christians converted Anglo-Saxon paganism. The child was handed over to the monastery of Ripon for his upbringing and custody when she decided to live alone after the death of his wife. Already in his youth, Willibrord decides freely to religious profession. Leave the monastery of Ripon by taking advantage of the economic situation on the journey to Rome from the Holy Abbot Wilfrido. From now on you will stay twelve years in the monastery of Rathmelsigui, in Ireland, learning of eagerness missionary of the Abbot Egberto that already failed evangelization of Friesland on the continent. When in

Saint Willibaldo of Dryopolis (s. VIII)
7 of July

In Dryopolis (today Eichstätt), in Franconia, saint Willibaldo or Wilebaldo, Bishop, who, having embraced the monastic life, toured as a pilgrim many shrines and holy sites in order to establish therein the monastic life, until St. Boniface ordered Bishop of this headquarters and made him a valuable contributor yours in the evangelization of Germania, converting many peoples to Christ.

Saint Winebald (s. VII)
27 of February
Saint Winebald of Tours (s. VI)
7 of November
Saint Winebaldo (s. VII)
6 of April

In Troyes, of Neustria, saint Winebaldo (Vinebaldo, Winebald), Abbot of the monastery of Saint Lupo, illustrious for his austerity (c. 620).

Saint Winefrida of Holywell (s. VII)
2 of November

Next to the fountain of Holywell, Cambria, saint Winefrida, Virgin, venerated which is as eximia nun (s. c. VII).

Saint Winoco of Taruanense (s. VIII)
6 of November

In the Taruanense of Austrasia, saint Winoco, region which was first received by saint Bertino of breton origin, in the community of monks of Sithiu, and then built the monastery of Wormhoudt, who led Holy as prior, working hard with their own hands.

Saint Winwaleo (s. VI)
3 of March

In the peninsula of Armorica (Brittany), saint Winwaleo, first Abbot of Landevenec, who tradition tells that he was a disciple of saint Budoco in the island of Lavret, and that his life illustrated the monastic rule.

Saint Wiro y compañeros (s. VIII)
8 of May

In Roermond, along the Meuse, Brabant, of Austrasia, Saint Wiro, who, according to tradition, devoted himself to the evangelization of this region together with his companions Plechelmo and Odgero (c. 700).

Saint Witesindo of Córdoba (s. IX)
15 of May

In Cordoba, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, commemoration of Saint Witesindo (Vintesindo), martyr, who fear Muslims turned to the Catholic faith, but then refused to take part in the Muslim cult, was killed by hatred of the Christian faith.

Saint Witta of Bürberg (s. VIII)
26 of October

In the monastery of Hersfeld, in Germania, burial of Saint Witta or Albino, first bishop of Burberg, who, a native of England, was called by St. Boniface and was commissioned to sow the seed of the word of God in the region of Hesse (c. 786).

Saint Wolfgango of Ratisbona (s. X)
31 of October

In Ratisbon (Regensburg), of Bavaria, saint Wolfgango, Bishop, who, after being a school teacher and have professed as a monk, was elevated to the episcopal see, establishing the discipline of the clergy, and while visiting the region of Pupping rested in the Lord.

Saint Wulfilda
9 of December
Saint Wulfstano of Worchester (s. XI)
20 of January

In the city of Worchester, England, St. Wulfstano, Bishop, who, from the cloister to the headquarters, maintained monastic customs together with the pastoral zeal. It tirelessly visited the parishes of his diocese, in erect churches, encourage studies and condemn the sale of slaves.

Saint Xenia (s. V)
24 of January

Daughter of a Roman Senator, fled his home to give your life to God and to others, and ended his days serving the poor in the city of Milass, being an example of humility and spirit of service.

Saint Xi Guizi (s. XX)
20 of July

In the place of Dechao, also in Hebei, commemoration of St. Xi Guizi, martyr, who while still not more than catechumen, before a crowd in an uproar is confessed Christian, being baptized with the blood that flowed from his wounds.

Saint Yolanda (s. XIII)
17 of December
Saint Ywio (s. VIII)
6 of October

In lower Brittany, saint Ywio, Deacon and Monk, disciple of saint Cutberto, Bishop of Lindisfarne, who went from England to this region, where lived delivered to vigils and fasts (c. 704).

Saint Zacarías profeta
6 of September

Commemoration of saint Zaccaria, Prophet, dictionary of the return of the banished people to the promised land, announcing at the same time as a peaceful King, Christ the Lord, enter triumphant in the Holy City of Jerusalem, who led to compliance.

Saint Zacarías, el Angélico (s. X)
21 of January

In the mercury mount, in Lucania (today Italy), saint Zaccaria, surnamed "angelic", master of the monastic life (c. 950).

Saint Zacarías, papa (s. VIII)
15 of March

In Rome, saint Zaccaria, potato, with utmost vigilance and prudence ruled the Church of God, slowing the momentum of the Lombards, indicating the order straight to the Franks, providing churches the Germans and seeking the understanding with the Greeks.

Saint Zama of Bolonia (s. IV)
28 of September

In Bologna, in the region of Emilia, in Italy, saint Zama, considered as the first bishop of this city (s. c. IV).

Saint Zanitas
27 of March
Saint Zaqueo of Jerusalén (s. II)
23 of August

Commemoration of Saint Zacchaeus, Bishop, who, according to tradition, was the fourth successor of James, brother of the Lord, in the Government of the Church of Jerusalem (s. II).

Saint Zdislava (s. XIII)
1 of January

In Gablonne, Bohemia (today Czech Republic), saint Zdislava, mother, who lent comfort to the afflicted.

Saint Zenas of Filadelfia (s. IV)
23 of June

Zenas, Assistant to the military of the Roman Empire Zeno and martyred with him. Zenon thrown to the Dungeon is visited by his assistant, who can not contain without kissing the chains of the martyr; and, also arrested by Christian, both are beheaded on 23 June of the year 304.

Saint Zenobio of Florencia (s. V)
25 of May

In Florence, in Tuscany, saint Zenobio, Bishop of Florence. Friend Saint Ambriosio of Milan, Director of Saint Dámaso I papa, worked with Saint Eugenio and Saint Crescencio.

Saint Zenobio of Sidón (s. IV)
29 of October

In Sidon, Phoenicia, saint Zenobio, priest, that during the grueling persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano encouraged others to martyrdom, being also crowned with death (s. IV).

Saint Zenón
14 of February

In Rome, in the cemetery of Pretextato, in via Apia, saint Zeno, martyr (s. inc.).

Saint Zenón obispo (s. IV)
26 of December

Commemoration of saint Zeno, Bishop of Maiuma, in Palestine, who built a basilica to his nephews martyrs Eusebius, Nestabio and Zenon, and until the end of his life worked as a Weaver for procuring livelihoods and help the poor (c. 400).

Saint Zenón of Filadelfia (s. IV)
23 of June

Saints Zenon and Zenas, martyrs, Arabia, 304. Military of the Roman Empire, resident in Arabia Philadelphia, his hometown. After having given everything theirs to the needy, is filed firm the most prefect ready to give witness to Christ against any suffering and death itself. Thrown into the black hole it is visited by his assistant, who can not contain without kissing the chains of the martyr; and, also arrested by Christian, both are beheaded on 23 June of the year 304.

Saint Zenón of Nicomedia (s. III)
2 of September

In Nicomedia, Bithynia (today Turkey), saint Zeno, martyr (s. III).

Saint Zenón of Verona (s. IV)
12 of April

In Verona, in the territory of Venice, saint Zeno, Bishop, who with their work and preaching led to the city until the baptism of Christ (c. 372).

Saint Zenón soldado y mártir
20 of December
Saint Zephyrinus pope (s. III)
20 of December
Saint Zhang Huailu (s. XX)
1 of July

In the village of Zhuhedian, near Jieshui, in Hunan province, in China, saint Zhang Huailu, martyr, who, pursued by the followers of the Yihetuan movement, still only a catechumen spontaneously confessed that he was Christian, and armed with the sign of the cross, deserved to be baptized in Christ with his own blood.

Saint Zoe of Atalia (s. II)
2 of May

Atalia, of Pamphylia (Antalya today, in Turkey), saints burnish and his wife Zoe, along with their children Ciriaco and Teodulo, martyrs, who, according to tradition, in the time of Emperor Hadrian were slaves in the service of a pagan, and by order of the same master were first whipped, then brutally tormented because of his free confession of the Christian faith and finally thrown into an oven on, in which gave their souls to God (s. II).

Saint Zoelo of Listra (s. III)
24 of May

In Lystra in Lycaonia (today Zoldera, in Turkey), St. Zoelo, martyr (s. II/III).

Saint Zoilo of Córdoba (s. IV)
27 of June

In Córdoba, in the Spanish province of Betica, saint Zoilo, martyr.

Saint Zósimo
30 of November
Saint Zósimo papa (s. V)
26 of December

In Rome, on the via Tiburtina, along with saint Lorenzo, burial of Pope St. Zosimus.

Saint Zótico (s. IV)
31 of December

In Constantinople, St. Zótico, presbyter, who worried about feeding orphans (s. IV).

Saint Zygmunt Gorazdowski (s. XX)
23 of October

In the Archdiocese of Lviv, Saint Zygmunt Gorazdowski, priest, born in Saintok (Poland) 1845. He promoted numerous works for priests, young, sick and poor. He founded a new newspaper, various institutions of charity and the Congregation of the religious of St. Joseph. He died on January 1, 1920 in Lviv (Ukraine)

Saints Ana Line y compañeros (s. XVII)
27 of February

In London, in England, saint Ana Line, widow and martyr, who, having died her husband, banished for being Catholic, offered his home to accommodate priests and, for this reason, under the reign of Isabel I was hanged at Tyburn. It suffered the priests and martyrs Marcos Barkworth, of the order of Saint Benedict, and Roger Filcock, of the society of Jesus, who were descuartizados before he died.

Saint Vidal of Rávena
28 of April

In Ravenna, in the province of Flaminia, Italy, commemoration of St. Vital (Saint Vidal). On this day, according to tradition, was dedicated to God the famous basilica of that city, in which this Saint is venerated since time immemorial with the holy martyrs Valeria, Gervasio and Protasio Ursicinus, for tenaciously defending the faith (s. inc.).

Saint Vito of Lucania (s. IV)
15 of June

In Lucania, saint Vito, teenage martyr.