Celebrate today: BenDita, Bernard, Bernardo, Bernat, Berni, Berny, Bernyangie.
View moreCommemoration of St. Obadiah, Prophet, who, after the exile of the people of Israel, announced the wrath of the Lord against the peoples enemy.
Celebrate today: Abdías.
View moreAbraham is the Patriarch of the three great monotheistic religions. Great prophet of the old testament
Celebrate today: Abraham, Abrahan.
View moreWe don't have dates of the life, but there is a documented devotion to this Saint of a Basilica in Rome in the pontificate of Pope Simplicius (468-473). it could perhaps be at the end of the 3rd century, with a full delivery and who gave her life to God, dying in the martyrdom, as well as his parents and his sister. Tradition and the iconography represent her martyrdom by flogging, being tied to a column.
Celebrate today: Bibi, Bibiana.
View morePatron Saint of Europe. Saint Brigid, religious, born in Sweden, who married the noble Ulfo, which had eight sons, which she educated piously, achieving at the same time with their advice and their example that her husband take a life of piety. Once he was Dead, she made a pilgrimage to many shrines and left various writings, that speak of the need for reform both head and members of the Church. Put the foundations of the order of the Holy Savior, in Rome went from this world to heaven.
View moreHe was born in Arona (Italy) in 1538. He finished his law studies became Cardinal, then Secretary of State of the Pope and Bishop of Milan, where he dedicated with hope to the faithful. His work was an improvement of customs and an increase of the Christian life in his diocese. He was one of the main promoters of the Council of Trent and tried to put into practice all the important reforms there emerged. He died at only 46 years old.
Celebrate today: Carina, Carla, Carles, Carlo, Carlos, Caro, Carol, Carola, Carolin, Carolina, Caroline, Charles, Charlotte, Charly, Karla, Karlita, Karlos, Karol.
View moreCelebrate today: Cata, Catalina, Cathe, Catherine, Catty, Caty, Katalina.
View moreCelebrate today: Cecibel, Cecilia, Cecy, Celia, Celina.
View moreCelebrate today: Clau, Claude, Claudia, Claudineia, ClaudiTa.
View moreCelebrate today: Chris, Christie, Christina, Christine, Christy, Cris, Cristina, Tina.
View moreSaint Christopher or Lycia, martyr. Patron saint of carriers and drivers.
View moreProphet of the old Testament.
Celebrate today: Dahniel, Dan, Dani, Danie, Daniel, Danilo, Danny, Dany.
View moreEvildoer crucified with Christ, who knew how to "steal" at the last moment a piece of heaven. He is the only Saint canonized in life.
Celebrate today: Dimas.
View moreCelebrate today: Domenica, Domingo, Dominique.
View moreIn Cesarea de Capadocia at the end of the 3rd century martyr
Celebrate today: Doro, Dorotea, Dory, Dorys.
View moreCelebrate today: Edith.
View moreHe began to rule over the anglos of East when he was only fifteen years of age, in 855. Having been taken prisoner by the Danes, he was suggested to abandon his religion to which he resolutely refused. Consequently, he was whipped and killed by arrows, the year 870.
Celebrate today: Edmundo.
View moreCelebrate today: Ed, Edu, Eduard, Eduardo, Edwar, Edward.
View moreCelebrate today: Ele, Elena, Elenita, Helen, Helena.
View moreHe was born around the year 588. Silversmith's apprentice, became part of the French Court to serve as such, rising in influence due to his intelligence. King Dagobert thought he was the ideal man to solve the contentious former who had with the neighboring Earl of Britain, sent him as legate, and was right in the election by the favorable outcome obtained. It is not strange that Elligius or Eloy should be requested as a Minister of the Crown. He sponsored the Abbey of Solignac, others were born in Limousin and in Paris, the Church of St. Paul at his expense. Ordained a priest, was consecrated Bishop of Noyon and Tournay and was present at the Council of Chalons-sur-Seine, the 644. He did not succumb to the adoration of perishable things as noble metals and precious gems, and the has been adopted as patron saint of metalworkers, jewelers, and craftsmen.
Celebrate today: Eloy.
View moreCelebrate today: Esteban, Esteve, Stefania, Stéfano, Steff, Steffany, Stefy, Steph, Stephan, Stephanie, Stephen, Steven, Sthefanny, Tiffany.
View moreCelebrate today: Estefana, Estefanía, Esthefany.
View moreBiblical character: Queen of Persia and intercessor of the Jewish people, who she saved from extermination. Foreshadowing of the Virgin Mary as aid of the people of God.
Celebrate today: Ester, Esther.
View moreBishop, writer and Spanish poet of the Visigothic period. He is one of the fathers of the Hispanic Church.
Celebrate today: Eugeni, Eugeniano, Eugenio.
View moreIn the city of Barcelona, in Hispania Tarraconensis, memory of saint Eulalia (Eulalia, Laia), Virgin and martyr (in. s. IV). Virgin martyr, patron saint of Barcelona and Perpignan
Celebrate today: Eulalia, Laia.
View moreAbbot, disciple of Saint Columbanus, who founded several monasteries in France in the 7th century,
Celebrate today: Eustasio.
View moreMother of all men, despite bringing Sin into the world along with Adam, this was the "happy fault that earned us so big and good Redeemer".
Celebrate today: Eva.
View moreJew of Greek origin, Shepherd of the Church succeeding Pope Anacletus. He was humble and well-read in preaching and defended the faith of Gnostic errors.
Celebrate today: Evaristo.
View moreCommander of a Roman legion, martyred in the Diocletian persecution
Celebrate today: Expedito.
View moreProphet of the old testament, who fought the idolatry and corruption of the exile of the people of Israel.
Celebrate today: Eze, Ezequiel.
View moreSt. Fabian, Pope and martyr, who, being simple layman, was called to the pontificate by divine indication and, after giving example of faith and virtue, suffered martyrdom in the persecution under the Emperor Decio. Saint Cipriano, to the praise of his bout, says he left the testimony of having governed the Church of irreproachable and illustrious way. His body was buried on this day in the cemetery of Callixtus, via Apia in Rome.
Celebrate today: Fabián.
View moreCelebrate today: Fede, Federico, Freddy, Frederic, Frederick.
View moreCelebrate today: Felip, Felipe, Filippo, Philip, Philippe.
View moreMexican martyr who gave his life for jesus in Nagasaki (Japan). He is Patron Saint of the city of Mexico and of his Archbishopric.
View moreSaint Fermin, Bishop of Pamplona. The Bishop of Tolosa saint Saturninus sent him to preach the Gospel to Pamplona, he consecrated him with his first bishop and returned after a few years to Gaul, preached the Gospel in the North of France, dying in Amiens, s. II.
Celebrate today: Fermín.
View moreCelebrate today: Fer, Fernanda, Fernando, Ferran, Nano.
View moreCelebrate today: Cesc, Fran, Francesco, Francisco, Franco, Françoise, Francy, Frank, Franz, Kiko, Packo, Paco, Pacu, Pako, Paquito, Siscu, Txesk, Xesc, Xisco, Xisco.
View moreHe is the patron saint of journalists. He was a writer who was born in 1567 in Savoy who worked for the transmission of the gospel truth. During his childhood, his mother told him the catechism and at age 14 he entered the University of Paris. He excelled in rhetoric and philosophy, surrendered to the study of Theology and was consecrated to God. At age 24 he obtained the doctorate in laws, and in 1593 he was ordained priest. He preached through many cities and participated in the reconquest of the Chablais. In this arduous task, he began his career as writer, developing a set of pamphlets of the doctrine of the Church. Thanks to their work the number of conversions increased and re-established the Catholic faith in the province. He was Bishop of Geneva for over 21 years and died in 1622. His last word was the name of Jesus.
View moreBorn in 1506 in Javier town Navarra (Spain). From a wealthy family, he studied at the new University of Paris. There he met Ignatius of Loyola, who would undermine the student's morale to finally convince him of temporality of earthly goods ("Javier, what good is winning the world if you lose your soul") and the amount of work remaining to get the household of Christ to all peoples. Of overwhelming energy, working on the foundation of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) and initiated a tireless work of evangelization. Their journey would take them through the world, from the Cape of Good Hope to India or Japan, leaving deep footprints in every city he stepped. Eager to continue spreading the message of Jesus, dies at the gates of China on a day like today in 1552. He is patron of the missions and of Navarre.
Celebrate today: Francisco Javier, Javier, Javiera, Xabi, Xabier, Xavi, Xavier, Xaviera, Xavy, Xevi.
View moreCelebrate today: Gabby, Gabriel, Gabriella, Gaby, Gavrik.
View moreAt Sempringham, England, saint Gilberto, priest, he founded, with the approval of Pope Eugenio III, a monastic order, who imposed a double discipline: the rule of Saint Benedict for the nuns and the St. Augustine for the clergy.
Celebrate today: Gilbert, Gilberto.
View moreGregory of Ostia, Bishop († c. a. 1044). Abbot of the monastery of saint Cosme and saint Damián, in Rome. Bishop of Ostia. He lived several years in Spain as papal legate.
View moreHe lived in the second half of the 3rd century in the Italian peninsula. He was religious and good, that little news we have received so far. But he lives in the time of the persecutions of Diocletian, and it is easy to discover Gregory in the banned Christian devotion. Made prisoner, is accused of not wanting to sacrifice to the gods and say that God alone deserves worship. Dies a martyr in the year 303.
Celebrate today: Gregorio, Gregory.
View moreCelebrate today: Guillaume, Guillem, Guillermo, Wilfer, Wilfredo, Will, William, Williams, Willy.
View moreCelebrate today: Enric, Enrike, Enrique, Henry, Kike, Quique.
View moreHippolytus was a Roman soldier of the 3rd century, who was assigned to guarding Christian prisoners. Developed by them the faith, he suffered martyrdom by attending the burial of others martyred.
View moreSpanish priest, founder of the society of Jesus (Jesuits). A bastion of truth and order to Protestantism.
Celebrate today: Ign, Ignacia, Ignacio, Ignasi, Ignatius, Iñaki, Íñigo, Nacha, Nacho, Nasi, Natxo.
View moreSaint Irene or Saint Iria young virgin from Portugual died murdered by a jilted suitor when she became a nun.
Celebrate today: Ire, Irene, Irina.
View moreIsabel, mother of Saint John the Baptist who was relative, perhaps cousin, of the Virgin Mary. Isabel will deliver the famous words "blessed you among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb", when she is visited by the Virgin, adding: "happy who believed that the things that were said you would be fulfilled from God!".
Celebrate today: Anabel, Annabel, Eli, Elisabet, Elisabeth, Elizabeth, Elizbeth, Elsa, Isa, Isabel, Isabela, Isabella, Izabela, Lisa, Liz, Liza, Mabe, Mabel.
View moreArchbishop, Doctor of the Church, theologian, historian. Recognized as the man most wise man of his time.
View moreHe is the patron saint of farmers and of Madrid. Madrid farmer who was noted for his piety and his generosity.
Celebrate today: Isidro.
View moreHe was born in Venice the year 1486. He left a career in arms to devote himself to the service of the poor among those who he distributed his goods. He founded the order of Clerics Regular of Somasca, to help children orphaned and poor. He died at Somasca (Bergamo) the year 1537.
View moreCelebrate today: Joaco, Joako, Joaquim, Joaquín, Juaquín, Quim.
View moreAfter having eight children, founded the community of the Carmelites of charity sisters and several convents, schools and hospitals.
Celebrate today: Joaquina.
View moreCelebrate today: George, Georgina, Giorgio, Jordi, Jordy, Jorge.
View moreHusband of the Virgin Mary, putative father of Jesus. Patron Saint of the family, patron of the Universal Church, patron of the work and the workers, patron saint of America, China, Canada, Korea, Mexico, Austria, Belgium, Bohemia, Croatia, Peru and Viet Nam.
Celebrate today: Chema, Giuseppe, Ioseba, José, José Manuel, José María, Joseba, Josep, Josep Maria, Joseph, Jusef, Pep, Pepe, Pepelu, Txema, Xema, Xose Manoel.
View moreDisciple unbeknown to Christ who faced by him at the hardest time: to ask Pilate pick up His dead body of the cross and bury it in the Tomb.
View moreSaint José de Calasaintz, founder of the order of the pious schools, first one to evangelize in "Piety and the letters" all rich, and poor children born in Peralta de la Sal, was the first man to create a free education system in the world to any child of any social class and any religious cult, following God to hear the voice of the Lord, who said to him: "Joseph, give to the poor. Teach these children and care about them". He died in Rome, Italy, at the age of 91. Pope Pius XII declared him in 1948 "Heavenly patron of all Christian popular schools".
View moreSpanish Saint of the illustrious family Pignatelli one whose stem was elevated to the same position as Peter's successor in the person of the Pontiff Innocent 12th and whose roots are anchored in history as legendary.
View moreSpanish, founding priest of Opus Dei and the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross.
Celebrate today: Josemaría.
View moreSaint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzain, of native indigenous lineage, a male provided with a pure faith, humility and fervor, who managed to build a shrine in honor of the Blessed Mary Virgin of Guadalupe on the Hill of Tepeyac, in the city of Mexico, where he had seen appear the Mother of God.
View moreGiovanni Melchior Bosco Ochienna known simply as Don Bosco is an Italian Saint. Founder of the three branches of the Salesian family: society of St. Francis de Sales (Salesian Congregation), Institute of the daughters of María Auxiliadora and Association of Salesian cooperators.
View moreBorn in Damascus in the year 675, renounced the wealthy life that he had provided by the political position of his father and entered the Sabas Monastery. From there he would go to Jerusalem church of the Holy Sepulchre. In both places, he stood out for his intense literary activity, who could be compared with Saint Isidore of Seville in the West. Highly noted in the iconoclastic complaint, one of the times that it was attempted to eliminate the Christian iconography, with a defense of the traditional cult explaining the true nature of the tribute that surrendered them to the images that came to all the known world. The Church remembers him December 4, although in many places remains the traditional date of feasting on March 27th.
View moreHe was born in 1542 in the province of Ávila (Spain). After the death of his father, the family had to emigrate to Medina del Campo. He enters the school of doctrine, being acolyte of the Augustinians of the Magdalena, where he met don Alonso Álvarez de Toledo who put him in the hospital of the conception and payed for his studies for priesthood. The Jesuits founded in 1551 his school and there studied humanities. They ordered him priest in 1567. Then there took place his encounter with Mother Teresa in the homes of Blas Medina. he initiates his barefoot Carmelite life in Duruelo life and changes his name, adopting John of the Cross. He passes a year and a half of austerity, joy, silent prayer and a poor home among the oaks. Then, expansion is inevitable, claiming their presence in Mansehra, Pastrana and Alcalá college studies, he had begun spreading the Carmelite spirit. The nun Teresa wanted and searched for learned confessors for her nuns, now has bare confessors who understand because they live the same spirit. For five years he is John the Confessor of the convent of the Incarnation at Avila. The confidence that one reformer has in the other-though possibly did not get to know all the depth of his soul- will be revealed in the expressions used to refer to him call him "little seneca" to refer to his science, "sainttico Fray Juan "when speaking of his holiness, foreseeing that" his little bones will work miracles." He would die in 1591.
View moreCelebrate today: Baptiste, Bautista, Giancarlo, Giovani, Giovanni, Giovanny, Ian, Iván, Jan, Jean, Jhon, Jhonny, Joan, Joan Maria, Johan, Johannes, John, Johnny, Juan, Juanan, JuanCarlo, Juanfra, Juanlu, JuanMa, Xoan, Yohan, Yovany, Yvan.
View moreAuthor of the fourth Gospel, three letters that bear his name in the NT and the Apocalypse. His symbol is the Eagle (because of his elevated Mystic vision) and a book (due to his writings full of the Holy Spirit). He is patron of theologians and writers.
View moreCharles Joseph Wojtyla was born in Wadowic, Poland, in the year 1920. He was ordained priest and obtained his studies in theology in Rome. He then returned to his homeland where he held various University and pastoral tasks. Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Kraków, he became the Archbishop in 1964. He participated in the Second Vatican Council. Elected Pope on October 16, 1978, he took the name of John Paul II, and he was distinguished by his extraordinary apostolic activity, especially to families, the young and the sick, and made numerous pastoral visits around the world. The most significant fruits which he left in inheritance to the Church are, among others, his rich teachings, the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Codes of Canon Law for the Latin American Church and the Eastern Churches. He died piously in Rome on April 2, 2005, the eve of Easter Sunday II, or Divine Mercy.
View moreBourges, France, Aquitaine, saint Joan of Valois, that being Queen of France, having been declared null her marriage to Luis XII is dedicated to serve God, cultivating a special mercy towards Saint Cross and founding the order of the Holy Annunciation of the Holy Virgin Mary.
Celebrate today: Gianella, Gianina, Giovanna, Ivanna, Joana, Joanaina, Johana, Johanna, Jojana, Juana, Juanita, Yohana.
View moreJude, nicknamed Thaddeus, is that apostle who asked the Lord why he manifested to his disciples and not to the world at the last supper. He is the author of one of the letters of the New Testament. As Simon Apostle, he preached the Gospel in Asia and was martyred.
Celebrate today: Judas.
View moreJudith’s story is told in the Deuterocanonical book of Judith. She was a widow in the time of King Nebuchadnezzar. While under siege from the Assyrians, and on the brink of starvation, the Jews of Bethulia considered surrendering. Judith, a widow, refused to surrender and sought out the General of the Assyrians, entrancing him with her beauty. While distracting him, she cut off his head, thus leaving the Assyrians with no leader. This allowed the Jews to fight back and drive away the Assyrian army.
Celebrate today: Iutta, Iveta, Ivette, Judit, Judit, Judith, Jutta.
View moreCelebrate today: Julia, Juliet, Julieta, Julieth.
View moreConverted to Christianity, was noted by her enthusiasm and ardor in the dissemination of the faith, so she was imprisoned, tortured and finally decapitated the year 305. Her body was transferred to Cumae, in Italy, and afterwards her relics arrived in Spain, where in her honor the counts of Castile raised the famous monastery of Sainttillana (Saint Ileana), one of the best monuments of the middle ages Spanish
Celebrate today: Juliana.
View moreWe know Lazarus through the Gospel. He lives in Bethany with her sisters Martha and Mary and they are friends of Jesus. The first and foremost source of information we have of Lazarus is the Gospel. Dying after a short illness, Jesus resurrects him to the amazement of family and gravediggers. This historic Lazarus is an example that many would like to aspire to. With Jesus among his friends, hosting him at his home on at least three occasions, Jesus cares for him and wants him to the point of reviving him.
Celebrate today: Lázaro.
View moreMember of a family of Cartagena, Leander was born around the year 549. Took part in the conversion to Catholicism of saint Hermenegild, and after his brother Recaredo, achieving with this the Catholic unity of the nation. He was Archbishop of Seville and presided at the third Council of Toledo (589 year). His influence was decisive in the development and subsequent splendor of the Church. He died about the year 600, and his body was moved to Seville Cathedral.
Celebrate today: Leandra, Leandro.
View moreThere are memories of special holy days, and today (and tomorrow) are these days. In this case it is Pope Leo, born in Tuscany (Italy), became Pope in the year 440. He is remembered in history texts for moral and political prestige that demonstrated against the threat of the Huns of Attila (which he managed to stop over the Mincio bridge) and the Vandals (whose ferocity he mitigated in the looting of Rome of the 455). We have obtained 96 sermons and 173 letters from him. Leo was the first Pope who received the epithet of "the great" afterwords, not only for the literary qualities and the firmness with which maintained in life to the decadent Empire of the West, but by the doctrinal solidity he shows in his letters. He died on such day in the year 461.
View morePatron Saint of chronically ill patients who want to take advantage of their long illness to pay for their sins, convert sinners and get a great reward in heaven. The Decree from Rome declare her saint saying she was "a marvel of human suffering and heroic patience".
Celebrate today: Lidia.
View moreCelebrate today: Lauren, Laurent, Llorenç, Loren, Lorenzo.
View moreAuthor of the third Gospel and the acts of the Apostles, who narrates the origins of the life of the church until the first imprisonment of Saint Paul in Rome. His symbol is a bull or steer.
Celebrate today: Luca, Lucas, Luka, Lukas.
View moreIn the city of Cordoba, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, memory of saint Lucrecia, Virgin and martyr, baptized by Saint Eulogio, priest and martyr.
View moreAt Rome, commemoration of saint Marcela, widow, who, as St. Jerome, abandoning their wealth and dignities, are gentled with poverty and humility.
Celebrate today: Marcela, Marcelita, Marcia.
View moreSaint Margaret, born in Hungary and married Malcolm III, King of Scotland, who gave birth to eight children, was extremely solicitous for the sake of the Kingdom and the Church, and the prayer and fasted added generosity to the poor, giving an optimal example as a wife, mother and Queen.
Celebrate today: Margarita.
View moreMartin was born December 8, 1579, son of an important nobleman and a mulatta, in Lima (Peru). Martin began to familiarize himself with the well paid profession of Barber, who at that time was considerably more to do with to remove teeth, extracting teeth or do indents. Martin was able to become an expert by passing as a great Spanish physician assistant.From this he began to live and his work allowed him to effectively help the poor who could not afford him. By his Barber would come equally peasaintts soldiers and would go to find relief both Knights and mayors. But what makes exemplary to his life is not only the social impact of a humanitarian job well done. More heroic is his continuous exercise of charity that springs from the love of Christ, and to Holy Mary. In the course of his work and sensitivity towards religion he had contact with the monks of the Dominican convent of Rosario where he sought admission as donated before moving on to brother. Of all the virtues that had protruded Martin Porres' humility was above all, always putting others ahead of their own needs. On one occasion the convent had serious financial trouble and the Prior was in need to sell some items, at this, Martin de Porres offered to be sold as a slave to remedy the crisis. He died a day like today in 1639.
View moreHe was born at Sabaria, in Pannonia (Hungary) towards the year 316. It is quite known the narration of the episode of Saint Martín who, wrapped in his wide cloak of imperial guard, riding found a poor man who shivered with cold, with generous gesture he cut his mantle and gave half to the poor. At night, in a dream, he saw Jesus wrapped in half of his cloak, smiling at him grateful. At age 18 he receives baptism and, after a period of hermit, founded the monastery of Ligugé and Marmoutier. Subsequently he was elected Bishop of Tours, where he revolutionized the diocese during his 27 years of episcopal life with his love for the poor and needy. He is considered the first saint with a liturgical celebration not being a martyr.
Celebrate today: Martí, Martín.
View moreShe was the daughter of a Roman nobleman and due to her profession of faith, they arrested her and took before the Emperor Alexander Severus. But this Prince was tolerant with the Christians, and his Government marked a period of calm for the Church. The history of the Saint occurred in 1634, 1400 years after her martyrdom. Then, to restore the famous Roman churches, the relics of the martyr were found and proposed devotion to Saint Martina.
Celebrate today: Martina.
View moreOne of the twelve apostles and the author of the first Gospel. His symbol is a man or a man with wings. He is patron of bankers, accountants and the security corps, customs workers, lottery workers, tobacco distributors and tax collectors.
Celebrate today: Mateo, Mateu, Mathias, Matthew.
View moreCelebrate today: Mathias, Matías, Matiasw, Matthias.
View moreAt Glanfeuil, along the Loire River, in the territory of Anjou, Gaul (now France), saint Mauro, Abbot (s. VI/VII).
Celebrate today: Mauro.
View moreCelebrate today: Max, Maxi, Maximiliano, Maxy.
View morePolish Franciscan priest who was murdered by the Nazis in a concentration camp, after voluntarily giving himself in exchange of a family's father's life.
View moreMemory of Saints Cyril, monk, and Methodius, Bishop, brothers born in Thessaloniki, were sent to Moravia by Bishop Photius of Constantinople to preach the Christian faith, and there invented there own signs to translate from Greek to Slavonic language the sacred books. They are co-patrons of Europe.
View moreCelebrate today: Mon, Moni., Mónica, Monik, Monika, Moniqita, Mony, Monyk.
View moreYoung Cordoba martyr of Islam
Celebrate today: Nat, Natacha, Natalí, Natalia, Natalie, Nataly, Nathali, Nathalia, Nathalie, Nathaly, Naty.
View moreHe was born in Patara (Turkey). Since he was young he was noted by his detached nature, and on the death of his parents, inherited a large fortune which he put to the service of the needy. He went to live in Mira (Turkey), where he was consecrated Bishop. He was arrested under the rule of Emperor Licinius and released under Constantine. He participated in the Council of Nicaea. Died on this day in the year 345. His remains rest in the Italian city of Bari, thus the nickname of Saint Nicholas of Bari, although never set foot there. The traditions and legends of the Holy are very widespread throughout all the world. In Germany is known as Nikolaus and Saint Claus in the Anglo-Saxon countries.
Celebrate today: Bari, Nicholas, Nicko, Nicky, Nico, Nicol, Nicola, Nicolás, Nicole, Nicolle, Niko, Niqolas.
View moreSaul went from being one of the worst persecutors of Christians to being St. Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles, who took the faith on their long journeys all over the known world. He wrote several letters of the New Testament.
Celebrate today: Pablito, Pablo, Pau, Paul, Paulo, Pavlo.
View moreVirgin martyr who gave her life in Naples in the persecutions of the Roman Empire and there is venerated as patroness.
View moreCelebrate today: Pachi, Pat, Patizzio, Patri, Patricia, Patricio, Patrick, Patti, Patty, Patxi, Paty.
View moreThe Prince of the Apostles, and first Pope. Stone on which Jesus founded his Church.
Celebrate today: Pedro, Pere, Pete, Peter, Petr, Petra, Piotr.
View moreIn Antioch, Syria, saint Pelagia, Virgin and martyr, who saint Juan Crisóstomo dedicated high praise (c. 302).
View moreItalian cappuccino Saint known for his Stigmata, his generous work as a priest and his testimony of sanctification of the pain.
Celebrate today: Pío.
View moreIn Tarazona, in Hispania Tarraconensis, saint Prudencio, Bishop. Patron Saint of the province of Alava.
View moreAbbot of the monastery of Cistercian Fitero in Navarre, and founder of the military order of Calatrava.
View moreBorn in 1175 in Villafranca del Penedès (near Barcelona, Spain). Rejecting a comfortable and happy life, had devoted very young to studies of philosophical and legal nature; at twenty he taught philosophy in Barcelona, and at the age of thirty, recently graduate, taught jurisprudence at Bologna. Named Canon in Barcelona, entered the Dominican order and in 1238 was appointed Superior General. He wrote important works of Theology and moral and at seventy years old he left his order to continue teaching and Pastoral Ministry. He died at almost one hundred years old.
Celebrate today: Raimundo.
View moreJacob's wife. She was one of the most beautiful daughters of Laban.
Celebrate today: Rachel, Rakel, Raquel.
View moreSaint Renatus was the Bishop of Mérida and confessor of the faith.
Celebrate today: Renato.
View moreCelebrate today: Ricard, Ricarda, Ricardo, Ricerio, Richard, Richi, Rick, Ricki.
View moreIn the city of Reims, in Neustria (today France), saint Rigoberto, Bishop, having been expelled from its headquarters by Carlos Martel, against the provisions of the canons, led a humble life.
Celebrate today: Rigo, Rigoberto.
View moreCelebrate today: Bob, Rob, Rober, Robert, Robertino, Roberto.
View morePatron Saint of Peru, America and the Philippines. The first woman declared Saint of all the Americas. The liturgical feast of saint Rose of Lima is on August 23 from the calendar after the reform of the Council; Although held in many places August 30 (the former).
Celebrate today: Rosa, Rosamaria, Rosi, Rosibel.
View moreHoly hermit who reduced his living space to the base of a column.
Celebrate today: Rubén, Rubn.
View moreOne of the Saints most influential and significant of the anachronism in the East. Born in the year 439 in Mutalasca (Turkey). He is admitted to the monastery of Flavian where he received education. Having age, he requests admission to the monastery with eighteen years. With permission from his Abbot, in 457, he moved to the Holy places and meet the deserts of Palestine. It winters in the monastery of Pasarion. It is consolidated in the love of silence and austerity and therefore passes to the monastery of Euthymius, next to Jerusalem, and then to another led by Teoctisto where there is a strict observance and discipline. His life takes on real dimension of anchorite in a departure from everything and everyone in his grotto. There he consume time with abundant prayer, strong penance and work to make racks. Faithful from everywhere come to him, often also priests and bishops. They run by the Christian world Sabbas name. The Patriarch of Jerusalem is appointed Exarch of all monks, hermits and anchorites of the desert. He died a day like today in the year 532.
View moreSoldier of the Roman Empire who was martyred in Rome by his preference for the militia of Christ than of the emperor. He was sentenced to be riddled with arrows, but he survived. Returning to bear witness to his faith, he was beaten to death.
Celebrate today: Bastián, Seba, Sebastià, Sebastián.
View moreHistorical data which have come to us from this Holy Bishop are scarce. He lived in the Roman province of Tarragona and is located in Barcelona towards the year 300. During the persecutions of Diocletian, Saint Severus was elected Bishop of Barcelona, but had to flee to the persecution. However, he is captured along with other priests and martyrs in what is now Saint Cugat.
Celebrate today: Severo.
View moreFather of British origin who fought Pelagian and Nestorian heresies in the 5th century.
View moreAlso called Saint Teresa de Jesús, Virgin and doctor of the Church. Reformer of Carmel, mother of the Discalced Carmelites and the Barefoot Carmelites; "mater spiritualium" (title under her statue in the Vatican basilica); Patron Saint of Catholic writers and doctor of the Church (1970): the first woman, who along with Saint Catherine of Siena received this title.
Celebrate today: Maite, María Teresa, Tere, Teresa, Theresa.
View moreShe is the first Chilean and the first American Carmelite who achieved the honour of the altars.
View moreMemory of Saints Timothy and Titus, bishops and disciples of the Apostle Paul, who helped him in his Ministry and chaired the churches of Ephesus and Crete, respectively. Letters were directed to them by his master that contain wise warnings for the shepherds, in the view of the formation of the faithful (century I).
Celebrate today: Tito.
View moreBorn in Bordeaux (France) in the 8th century, in times in which the Moorish invasion of the peninsula beyond the Pyrenees and reached to Poitiers. Urbicius young and his mother are caught in one of these military raids. The mother dies in captivity while Urbicius is turned into a slave. They served their masters with honesty and humility, hoping for early freedom, asking for the intercession of the Holy children of Alcalá, the Saints Just and Pastor. Their freedom, when it comes, attributed to the intercession of these Saints who feels indebted to. Program and makes a Thanksgiving trip to Alcalá and there saw the dangers of desecration to which they are exposed
Celebrate today: Urbicio.
View moreIn Rome, on the via Flaminia near the Milvian Bridge, Valentine, martyr. Patron Saint of lovers.
Celebrate today: Vale, Valen, Valenti, Valentín, Valentina.
View moreIn the city of Cordoba, in the Hispania Baetica, Saints Acisclo and Victoria, martyrs.
Celebrate today: Vicki, Vicky, Victoria.
View moreZachary, father of Saint John the Baptist, was a priest in the Temple in Jerusalem. After the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel, he would lose speech by his weak faith until he mentions the name of his future son: John (the Baptist).
Celebrate today: Za, Zaca, Zacarías, Zach.
View morePatronage of the mother of God in reference to the first light of the day. It is celebrated the day of the assumption (August 15)
Celebrate today: Alba, Albina, Luz, Marialba.
View moreMary's royalty is intimately linked to her assumption into heaven. The Blessed Virgin is Queen, above all, for being the mother of Jesus Christ, King and Lord of the universe. Since her full and final glorification she exercises, with her son, loving care over all creation.
View moreFeast of the Holy Archangels St. Michael, St Gabriel and St Raphael. On the day of the dedication of the basilica under the title of Saint Michael, on the via Salaria, six milestones of Rome, held together the three archangels, of whom Scripture reveals unique missions and serving God day and night, and contemplating his face, they glorify Him unceasingly.
Celebrate today: Gabi.
View moreCelebrate today: Micaela, Michael, Michel, Michele, Michell, Michelle, Michelo, Miguel, Migueli, Miguelin, Mike, Mikel, Mikela, Miki, Miquel, Mishel, Mkael, P.Miguel.
View moreCelebrate today: Rafa, Rafael, Rafaela, Rafel, Raffa, Raffael.
View moreIn Naples, in the region of Campania, saint Gil (Saintt'Egidio) María of Saint Jose (Francisco) Pontillo, religious of the order of the Friars Minor, calling through the streets of the city humbly daily alms to the people, whom he consoled with his words.
In the monastery of Fécamp, in Normandy (today France), death of St. William, Abbot of Saint Benigno of Dijon, who at the end of his life led many monks, distributed in forty monasteries with firmness and prudence.
Saint lit (SANT'ILLUMINATO), Benedictine monk, from the second half of the 13th century.
In Saint-Malo, in lower Brittany, saint Juan, Bishop, male of great austerity and justice, who moved his episcopal seat from Aleth to that city. Saint Bernardo praised it as poor Bishop, friend of the poor and lover of poverty.
In Anjou, France, saint María of Saint Eufrasia (Rosa Virginia) Pelletier, Virgin, who founded the Institute of the Sisters of the good Shepherd, for Godly light life women, called cupcakes.
In Lyon, in France, saint María de Saint Ignacio (Claudina) Thevenet, Virgin, who, moved by charity and brave spirit, founded the Congregation of the Sisters of Jesus and Mary, to the spiritual formation of young women, especially those of humble condition.
In the city of León, in Spain, saint Martín de la Saint Cruz (or Martino de Leon), priest and Canon regular, that was expert in Sacred Scripture male.
In Augusta Tricastina (today Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux), in the region of the Viennese Gaul, St. Paul, Bishop, who gave its name to the city (s. IV).
In Saintseverino Marche, of the Piceno, Italy, saint Pacific of Saint Severino, priest of the order of Friars Minor, illustrious by their penances, love of solitude and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
In Wadowice, Poland, saint Rafael de Saint José (Joseph) Kalinowski, priest, who in the insurrection of the people against the oppressor during the war, was taken prisoner by the enemy and deported to Siberia, and after suffering many calamities, finally recovered freedom, joined the order of the Barefoot Carmelites, who greatly promoted.
Prophet, son of Oded, who helped in 963 BC like to urge him to "seek Yahweh". As a result, the King had removed "nasty things" of the whole earth and got the people to enter into a compact, so that "death give to anyone not the Dios de Israel seek to Yahweh". (2Cr 15:1-15.)
In Blangy, in the region of Gaul Atrebatense, saint Berta, Abbess, who, having entered together with her daughters Gertrude and Deotila in the monastery she had founded, after a years locked in a cell, where he lived in complete closure (c. 725).
In the monastery of Chelles, near Meaux, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Bertila, its first Abbess (s. VI).
In Pisidia saints Bianor Silvano, and martyrs (s. IV).
In Mainz, Rhineland, in Austrasia, saint Bilhildis or Bitilda, Virgin, who founded a monastery that killed Holy.
In Pisa, Tuscany, saint Bona, Virgin, that pious and repeatedly made a pilgrimage to holy land, Rome and Compostela. Patron Saint of hostesses, messengers and pilgrims
In Brioude, in the region of the arvernios, in Aquitaine, saint Bonita, Virgin (s. IX/XI).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Ponciano, in via Portuense, saint Candida, martyr (s. inc.).
In Albi, in Aquitaine (now France), saint fast, prison Virgin (s. VI/VII).
In the city of Corico, in Cilicia, saint Caritina or Catrina, martyr (s. IV).
Saint Carmen Sallés, Spanish nun, founder of the Conceptionist sisters missionaries of the teaching and lawyer of the equality of men and women and great promoter of education of children and young people.
In Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, in the United States of America, saint Catalina Drexel, Virgin, who founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and used goods of their heritage with generosity and kindness, educate and help to Indians and blacks.
In Genoa, in Liguria, Italy, saint Catalina Fieschi, widow, distinguished by the contempt of the mundane, by their frequent fasts, love of God and charity to the needy and sick.
In Prato, in Tuscany, saint Catalina de'Ricci, Virgin, of the third order Regular of Saint Domingo, who was devoted fully to the restoration of religion and for his assiduous meditation of the mysteries of the passion of Jesus Christ, got to experience it in some way.
In the city of Palma, on the island of Mallorca, in Spain, saint Catalina Tomàs, Virgin, who, having entered the order Canossian regular of St. Augustine, highlighted by his humility and selflessness of the will.
In Seoul, Korea, in hatred of the faith they robbed saint Cecilia Yu So-sa, martyr, who, being widowed, his property, imprisoned her and she was interrogated up to twelve times, and almost octogenarian, thereby tormented with whips who died in prison.
Cecilio was the first bishop of Granada. He was martyred during the persecutions of Nero, burned in the Mount of Granada.
In the region near the current city of Burgos, in Hispania, saint crab, martyr (s. inc.).
In Arles, city of Provence, in Gaul (now France), saint Cesarea, Abbess, sister of Bishop saint Cesareo, who, for her and her sisters, wrote a rule aimed at Holy Virgin (c. 529).
Close to Subiaco, Lazio, saint Quelidona, or Celidona, Virgin, who, as it says the tradition, for fifty-two years led austere and solitary life dedicated solely to God.
St. Christian was a monk who gave his life for Christ.
Laon, city of Gaul, saint Cilina, mother of the Holy bishops principle of Soissons and Remigius (post 458).
At Cyrene in Libya, saint Ciprila, martyr, who, according to tradition, during the persecution under Diocletian retained in his hands for a long time coals burning along with incense, so not seem, if you pulled them, he offered worship to the gods, and then cruelly torn its members, its soul, decorated with his blood, flew to meet her husband (s. IV).
Commemoration of Saints tangle and Cira, Virgin, who lived in a narrow and closed place homeless, in Berea, in Syria, receiving the necessary food through a window and keeping silent (s. V).
In Nicomedia, Bithynia, saint Ciriaca, Virgin, martyr in the time of Emperor Diocleciano, that is worshipped in the city of Tropea, in Calabria (s. IV).
In Rome, in the field summer, saint Ciriaca, who gave its name to the cemetery of the via Tiburtina, who she herself had donated to the Church (s. III/IV).
In Montefalcone, from Umbria, saint Clara de la Cruz, our Lady of the order of the hermits of St. Augustine, who was in charge of the monastery of the Holy Cross with a burning love for the passion of Christ.
In Budrie, city of Romagna, saint Clelia Barbieri, Virgin, who dedicated his life to help spiritually mostly poor and abandoned children, and so founded the Congregation of the sisters minimum of the Virgen de los Dolores.
Third successor of Peter. Born in Rome, he was elected in the 88, died a martyr in the 97. Exiled by the Emperor Trajan de of Ponto, he was thrown in the sea with an anchor to the neck.
Amasea, Pontus, Cleonico saints and Eutropius, martyrs in the persecution under the Emperor Maximiano, being Procurator Asclepiodato (s. IV).
In Tours, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Clotilde, Queen, whose prayers for her husband, Clovis, King of the Franks, embraced the Christian faith, and the widowed withdrew to the basilica of Saint Martín, desiring to not be considered as Queen but as a servant of God.
Alexandria, in Egypt, in commemoration of saint Cointa or Quinta, martyr, who Pagans during the persecution under the Emperor Decio wanted to worship the idols, who she rejected and tied hand and foot was dragged through streets and squares, suffering an horrendous ordeal.
In Ghent, in Flanders, saint queue Boylet, Virgin, who for three years carried a reason life, locked up in a small house next to the Church, and then, after professing the rule of saint Francisco, since many monasteries of St. Clare to the primitive form of life, mainly emphasizing the spirit of poverty and penance.
In Córdoba, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, saint Columba, Virgin and martyr, persecution unleashed by the Arabs spontaneously confessed his faith to the judge and other judges, so it was cutthroat opposite the gates of the Palace.
In Sens, the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Columba, Virgin and martyr (s. IV).
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
In Pavia, city of Liguria (today Italy), saint Crispin, Bishop.
In Teveste, in Numidia, saint Crispina Tagorense, mother of a family passion, who, in the time of Diocletian and Maximian, the not wanting to sacrifice to idols was cutthroat mandated by the proconsul Anolino.
Saints Vicente, Sabina and Cristeta (brothers martyrs of the 4th century)
St. Christian (Cristina, Chris, Christian).
In the monastery of Kaufungen in Hesse, saint Cunegunda, who brought many benefits to the Church along with his spouse, the Emperor St. Henry, and after his death embraced the monastic life in the monastery where he had retired. Death did Christ heir of all his goods and his body was placed next to the remains of St. Henry, in Bamberg (1033 / 1039).
In Stary Sacz, Tarnów, Poland, saint Kinga or Cunegonde, daughter of the King of Hungary and married to Prince Boleslao, who, according to her husband, retained her virginity, and died, professed religious life under the rule of Saint Clara, in the Monastery founded by herself.
In Rome, at the Trasonas cemetery, the via Salaria new, saints Crisaint and Daria, martyrs, who the Pope saint Damaso dedicated its praises (c. 253).
Saint Datus, Bishop of Ravenna (Italy)
Saint Demetria, Virgin and martyr of Rome, 362. That was crowned with martyrdom Juliano apostate-time.
At Mariana, on the island of Corsica (today France), commemoration of saint Devota, Virgin and martyr (c. 300).
Saint Hilaria and her decent maids, Euprepia and Eunomia, martyrs. Mother of the martyr Saint Afra, prayed one day next to the grave of her daughter and there burned it the persecutors; her two maids were decapitated. Augsburg, 304.
In Geheel of Brabant, in Austrasia, saint Dinfna, Virgin and martyr (s. VII/IX).
In Hung Yen city, in Tonquin, saint Domingo Câm, priest and martyr, who for many years, secretly and in danger of life, served as the Ministry, but embracing the cross of the Lord who had refused to trample on firmly, finally, was beheaded by order of Emperor Tu Duc.
In Saint Severino Marche, of the Piceno, in Italy, saint Domingo, called Loricato, by the shell of iron that had been tight to the body, presbyter of the camaldolese order, who, having been ordained simoniacamente, monk became a hermit and disciple of saint Pedro Damiani, led an austere and disciplined life.
Near the River Hung Yen, in Tonquin, saint Domingo Mau, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, that in the persecution under the Emperor Tu Duc, by urging Christians to the profession of the faith being the Rosary, for his faithfulness to Christ was led to the scaffold to be slashed, with folded hands, as up to the altar.
In the city of An-Xa, in Tonquin, saint Domingo Ngon, martyr, father of family and labrador. To the demand the soldiers that it pisotease a cross, he fell on his face and worshipped, professing so bravely to the judge that was Christian, deserve to be slaughtered immediately.
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saints Tomás Dinh Viét Du and Domingo Nguyen Van Xuyen, priests of the order of preachers and martyrs, by Decree of the Emperor Minh Mang were beheaded at the same time.
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saint Domingo Nicolás Dinh Dat, martyr, who, being a soldier, forced you to renounce the Christian faith, getting, after cruel torments, he pisase a cross, but he immediately repented and returned what was received by Apostatize, wrote to the Emperor Minh Mang asking that they juzgasen again as a Christian that it was, because of which died strangled.
In the town of Au Thi, in Tonquin, saint Domingo Ninh, martyr, young farmer who, for not wanting to trample the cross, was slain in the time of Emperor Tu Duc.
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, of Indochina (Viet Nam today), saint Domingo Trach, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, beheaded in the time of Emperor Minh Mang to prefer death to trample the cross.
In the village Xuong Dien, in Tonquin, saint Domingo Tuoc, priest of the order of preachers and martyr in the time of Emperor Minh Mang.
In Sora, city of Latium (today Italy), saint Domingo, Abbot, he founded some monasteries in different parts of Italy, and with their desire for reform, led others to a regular life.
Saint Domenica, Virgin and martyr, Tropea (Italy), s. IV.
Noble Roman woman, granddaughter of the emprerador Vespasian and Titus and Domitian empreadores niece. Married to Tito Flavio Clemente, a Roman consul, nephew of Emperor Vespasiano and cousin of Titus and Domitian in turn. He converted to Christianity and widowed when her husband was martyred in the year 96 of our era. Banished to the island of Pandaratia in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Possibly martyred, although records are too schematic.
At Rome, commemoration of saint Domitila, martyr, who, being daughter of the sister of the consul Flavio Clemente, was accused during the persecution under the Emperor Domiciano of having Renegade of the pagan gods and, therefore, for their faith in Christ, along with other Christians was banished to the island of Ponza, in Lazio, in which he suffered a prolonged martyrdom (s. I/II).
In Anazarbe, of Cilicia, saint Domnina, martyr under Emperor Diocleciano and the prefect Licias, after having suffered many torments, delivered in prison his spirit to God (c. 304).
In Cesarea of Palestine, Holy Domnino, martyr, young doctor, who at the beginning of the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano, condemned him to be sent to the mines of Fanesia, where, after suffering cruel vexations, was handed over to the fire by order of the urban prefect, in the fifth year of persecution, have remained steadfast in the confession of faith.
In Borgo Saint Domnino, in the region of Parma, saint Guido, Abbot of the monastery of Ponposa, who received many disciples and restored buildings, worrying in particular by prayer, contemplation and divine worship, and seeking to live in solitude, attentive to God alone.
At Antioch, in Syria, saint Dróside, martyr, who, as stated by saint Juan Crisóstomo, viva (s. III/IV) was burned.
Daughter of a pagan Chief Irish, died for defending her purity and his own father.
In Ebreuil in Meaux, in Aquitaine region, saint Edilburga, Abbess of the monastery of Faremoutiers, who, being daughter of the King of the East angles, gave glory to God with his great abstinence and her perpetual virginity.
In the monastery of Eli, in eastern England, saint Ediltrudis or Eteldreda, Abbess, who, daughter of Kings and herself Queen of Northumbria, after two marriages received the monastic veil from the hands of saint Wilfrido in the monastery that she founded, maternally directing to their nuns with their examples and tips.
In Vintonia (now Winchester), in England, saint editing, Virgin, daughter of the King of anglos, who from an early age was devoted to God in a monastery, ignoring more than leaving the world (c. 984).
Krakow, Poland city, saint Eduvigis, Queen, born in Hungary, he inherited the Kingdom of Poland, and married Jaguelon, Great Lord of Lithuania, who received in baptism the name of Ladislaus, who introduced the Catholic faith in the territory of Lithuania.
In Skövde, in Sweden, saint Elena, widow, who is considered a martyr by having been unjustly murdered (c. 1160).
In Rome, in the cemetery of the via Nomentana, saint Emerenciana, martyr (s. c. IV).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Commodila of the via Ostiense, commemoration of saint Emerita, martyr (s. inc.).
In Marseille, in France, saint Emilia de Vialar, Virgin, that after working hard to spread the Gospel in faraway countries, founded the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the emergence and spread it widely.
At Rome, commemoration of saint Emiliana, Virgin, paternal aunt of St. Gregory I the great, Pope, who godly died shortly after his sister Tarsila (s. VI).
In Gurk, Carinthia, saint Emma, Countess, who lived forty years as a widow, making many alms to the poor and the Church (c. 1045).
Saint Enedina (Henedina) of Sardinia, martyr to the 130 year next to Saint Justa of Sardinia and Saint Justina of Sardinia during the persecutions of Hadrian.
Saint Frutos, Saint Engracia and Valentine, martyr
In Salzburg, in the region of Bavaria, saint Erentrudis, first Abbess of the monastery of Nonnberg and niece of St. Rupert, who contributed to his preaching with prayer and work.
In Lobbes, of Brabant, in Austrasia, the Erminio Saint, Abbot and Bishop, who happened to saint Usmaro and distinguished himself by his life of prayer and its spirit of prophecy.
Rumsey, in England, saint Etelfleda, who still teenager, was devoted to the Lord in the Monastery founded by his father Etelwodo, and chosen Abbess, ruled it for many years until his death.
At Chalcedon in Bithynia (today Turkey), saint Eufemia, martyr; which, according to tradition, after suffering several torture under the Emperor Diocleciano and the proconsul Prisco, at the end of their combat reached the Crown of glory (c. 303).
In la Tebaida, saint Eufrasia, Virgin, who, being of senatorial family, opted to make eremitical life in the desert, in humility, poverty, and obedience (s. V).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Aproniano, of the via Latina, saint Eugenia, martyr (s. III/IV).
In Rome, in the basilica of Saint Pedro, saint Eugenio I, Pope, who happened to saint Martin, martyr.
In Marseille, Provence, in France, saint Carlos Eugenio de Mazenod, Bishop, who founded the missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate to evangelize the poor, and for twenty-five years illustrated to the Church with his virtues, his work, his sermons and his writings.
In Merida, of Lusitania (now Spain), saint Eulalia, Virgin and martyr, who, reportedly, being still young did not hesitate to offer his life by confessing Christ.
In Nicomedia, in Bithynia, saint Eulampio and his sister saint Eulampia, martyrs during the persecution under Diocletian triggered (s. IV).
In Nicomedia, in Bithynia, saint Eulampio and his sister saint Eulampia, martyrs during the persecution under Diocletian triggered (s. IV).
In Edessa, Syria, saint Eulogio, Bishop, who died, as is narrated, a Friday or Parasceve.
In Alexandria, in Egypt, saint Eulogio, Bishop, renowned for his teaching, that the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I wrote several letters, saying of it: «not far from me which is joined to me» (c. 607).
In Gortyn, on the island of Crete, St. Eumenio, Bishop (c. s. VII).
Saint Hilaria and her decent maids, Euprepia and Eunomia, martyrs. Mother of the martyr Saint Afra, prayed one day next to the grave of her daughter and there burned it the persecutors; her two maids were decapitated. Augsburg, 304.
In Catania, Sicily, saint Euplo of Euplius, martyr, who, according to tradition, in the persecution unleashed by the Emperor Diocleciano, when he took in his hands the volumes of the Gospels, was imprisoned by the Governor Calvisiano, and when, quizzed again, responded that he gloried in the heart have the Gospels, he was flogged to death.
Saint Hilaria and her decent maids, Euprepia and Eunomia, martyrs. Mother of the martyr Saint Afra, prayed one day next to the grave of her daughter and there burned it the persecutors; her two maids were decapitated. Augsburg, 304.
In Verona, in the confines of Venice, saint Euprepio, who is taken as the first bishop of that city (s. III/IV).
In Cesarea de Capadocia, saint Eupsiquioo Eusiquio, martyr, that have destroyed the saintctuary of the goddess Fortuna, consummated their martyrdom under the Emperor Julian the apostate (c. 362).
In Lyon, in Gaul, saint Euquerio, from the senatorial order, who first withdrew with his family to the ascetic life on an island next to Lérins, and later elected Bishop of Lyon, appropriated by writing many passions of holy martyrs.
In the monastery of saint Trudón, in Brabant, Austrasia, transit saint Euquerio, Bishop of Orléans, who, banished by Carlos Martel because of slander of some envious, found pious refuge among those monks (c. 738).
In Jaca, in Hispania Tarraconensis, saint Eurosia (Orosia), Virgin and martyr (c. 714).
In Artois, of Neustria, saint Eusebia, Abbess of Hamay, who, after the death of his father, with his saintly mother Rictrude retired to monastic life, and still a teenager, was elected Abbess after her grandmother Saint Gertrudis (c. 680).
In Marseille, Provence, in Gaul, saint Eusebia, Virgin, faithful servant of God from youth to old age (c. 497).
In Bologna, in the region of Emilia, in Italy, commemoration of St. Eusebius, Bishop, defender of the Catholic faith against the Arians and great promoter of virginity among young women with Ambrose (s. IV).
Fano, of the Piceno, in Italy, Eusebius, Bishop, who accompanied Pope saint Juan I in the journey to Constantinople imposed by King Theodoric, and the return followed also in prison.
In Milan, in the province of Liguria, St. Eusebius, Bishop, he worked intensely for the true faith and rebuilt the Cathedral destroyed by the Huns (c. 462).
In Rome, Eusebius, founder of the Church that bears his name at monte Esquilino (s. IV/V).
In Dolica, in Syria, St. Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata, who at the time of the Arian Emperor Constantius visited incognito, with military apparel, the churches of God, to confirm them in the Catholic faith. He was exiled to Thrace by Emperor Valente, but recovered the peace of the Church, he returned to tour communities, until an Arian woman threw a roof tile that struck him in the head, achieving martyrdom.
St. Eusebius, first bishop of Vercelli, in Liguria, who strengthened the Church in the subalpine region and that, by defending the faith of the Council of Nicaea, he was banished by Emperor Constantius to Scythopolis and, subsequently, Cappadocia and la Tebaida. Returned to his seat after eight years, he worked with determination and courage to restore the faith against the Arians.
In the region of Blois in France, saint Eusicio, solo, who built his narrow cell at the foot of monte Caro.
Saint Eustacio, Bishop and martyr of Ancira, Angora, Turkey.
Commemoration of St. Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch, who, renowned for his teaching, he was banished to Trajanopolis in Thrace, in time of the Arian Emperor Constantius, because of their Catholic faith, and there rested in the Lord (c. 338).
In London, saints Poliodoro Plasden and Eustacio White, priests, and also the blessed Brian Lacy, Juan Mason and Sidney Hogdson, all of them martyrs, who in the same year suffered identical torment in Tyburn, the first because, being priests, had come into England, and the others for having helped.
At Rome, commemoration of Saint Eustache, martyr, whose name is worshipped in an ancient diaconate Church of the city (s. inc.).
In the monastery of Luxeuil in Burgundy, saint Eustasio, Abbot, disciple of saint Columbano, who was father of almost six hundred monks.
In Naples, Campania, commemoration of Saint Eustasio, Bishop (s. III).
In Constantinople, Eustolia and Sopatra, Virgin Saints and nuns (s. VII).
Saint Eustoquia, born in Messina (Sicily), received his mother's Christian formation and a deep devotion to the Franciscan renewal movement led by Saint Bernardino de Siena. His father wanted to marry her, but Providence led her through other paths and overcome many difficulties, at age 15 joined the Poor Clares which soon stood out for his virtues. Desirous of one life more adjusted to the rule of St. Clare, founded the monastery of Montevergine, where he soon flourished the genuine spirit of Saint Francisco and Saint Clara, and that multiplied vocations, that she, being Abbess, directed and formed with his word and example.
In Belén de Judea, commemoration of saint Eustoquio, Virgin, who, with his mother saint Paula, went from Rome to Bethlehem to not deprive themselves of the Council of the master saint Jeronimo, and there, full of illustrious merit, flew to the sky (c. 419).
In Tours, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), St. Eustoquio, Bishop, who, coming from the senatorial Guild, who man Holy and religious succeeded Saint Brice of Tours at episcopal headquarters.
In Milan, in the province of Liguria, saint Eustorgio II, Bishop, who known for his piety, justice and other virtues of a pastor, was built a magnificent Baptistry.
In Milan, in the province of Liguria, saint Eustorgio, Bishop, whom St. Athanasius praised for confessing the true faith against the Arian error (to 355).
On Mount Olympus in Bithynia (today Turkey), saint Eustracio, named "Warlock", Abbot of the monastery of Abgar (s. IX).
In Sardis, Lydia, saint Eutimio, Bishop and martyr, to who the Emperor Miguel el Iconoclasta banished because of the cult of the sacred images, and later, during the rule of Theophilus, inhumanely punished with lashes, consummated the martyrdom.
In Palestine, Saint Eutimio, Abbot, born in Armenia and consecrated to God from childhood, went to Jerusalem and, after many years spent in solitude, at the end of his life, faithful and brave in humility and charity, died leaving an example of observance and discipline.
In Alexandria, in Egypt, saint Eutimio, Deacon and martyr (c. 305).
Saint Eutiquiano (275-283) was born in Luni, in Etruria. The news is very limited. It is known that his pontificate was under the rule of Probo. The Church was the subject of many persecutions and martyrs were so many. He arranged that they received great honors.It was buried more than 300, ordering that their bodies were wrapped in a simple white as sheet not, but covered with a red dalmatic, rich robe reserved for the emperor. In the current liturgy deacons take it at solemn functions.Saint Eutiquiano was consecrated Pope January 4, 275. He ordered that the martyrs were covered by the "dalmatic" similar to the mantle of l
In Constantinople, St. Eutiquio, Bishop, who presided over the second Council Ecumenical Constantinopolitano, vigorously defending the Orthodox faith, and, after long exile, to the a el morir die he confessed the resurrection of the flesh.
Commemoration of the passion of St. Eutiquio, Alexandrian subdeacon, who in the time of Emperor Constantius, and under the Arian bishop Jorge, died for the Catholic faith.
In Como, in the province of Liguria, saint Eutiquio, Bishop, distinguished by their prayer life, their love to God and solitude.
Perinto or Heraclea in Thrace (today Greece), saint Eutiquio, Bishop and martyr (c. s. III).
In the region of Norcia, in Umbria, commemoration of St. Eutiquio, Abbot, who, according to chronicles the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I, first led a solitary life with saint Florencio attempted to drive many toward God through exhortation and then Holy ruled a monastery nearby (c. 487).
In Rome, in the catacombs of via Apia, saint Eutiquio, martyr, who long was punished with insomnia and hunger and, finally, thrown into a deep cavity. With his faith in Christ defeated the cruelty of the tyrant (s. inc.).
In Alexandria, Egypt, saint Eutropia, martyr, who, by refusing to deny Christ, was tortured cruelly to death (c. s. III).
In Orange, Provence, saint Eutropio, Bishop (c. 475).
In Saintes, in Aquitaine, saint Eutropio, first bishop of this city, who had been sent to Gaul, according to tradition, by the Roman Pontiff (s. III).
Commemoration of Saint Evagrius, Bishop of Constantinople, who, banished by the Emperor Valente, rested in the Lord as virtuoso confessor (c. 378).
In Nicomedia, Bithynia, passion of saint Evecio, who, under the Emperor Diocleciano, seeing hung in the square the edict against the worshipers of God, burning by faith tore the document first and foremost the people, being tested by this cruel tortures.
At Cysoing, of the region of Artois, in Gaul, saint Everardo, who, being Duke of Friuli, founded the monastery of canons regular, in which he was buried a few years after his death.
Close to Tongres, in Brabant, of Austrasia, St. Evergislo, Bishop of Cologne and martyr, that in the exercise of their pastoral mission, while he went to Poitiers, was assassinated by a few evil-doers (c. 590).
Saint Everilda, Queen of the Saxons, s. VII.
In Ratzeburg, in Holsacia, Germania, St. Evermodo, Bishop, who, disciple of St. Norbert in the Premonstratensian order, devoted himself to the evangelization of the Wends.
In Rouen, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, St. Evodio, Bishop (s. V).
In Orleans, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), St. Evorcio, Bishop (s. IV).
In Bayeux, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Exsuperio, that is venerated as the first bishop of that city (s. c. IV).
In Cingoli, of the Piceno (today Italy), saint Exuperancio, Bishop (c. s. V).
In Ravenna, the Flaminia, St. Exuperancio, Bishop, that this church wisely ruled at the time that King Odoacro took hold of Italy and the city (430/476-477).
In Toulouse, Aquitaine (now France), saint Exuperio, Bishop, who dedicated a basilica in honour of saint Saturnino, staunchly defended their city before the invasion of the barbarians, and according to St. Jerome, was as economical with itself as generous with others (post 411).
In Monteagudo, Navarre, in Spain, transit of St. Ezequiel Moreno Díaz, Bishop of Pasto in Colombia, of the order of the Recoletos de Saint Agustin, who worked and, by proclaiming the Gospel, gave his life both in the Philippines and in South America.
Mauritania Cesarea, saint Fabio, martyr, who, by refusing to carry the presidential flag at a meeting of the province, was imprisoned and, as remained faithful in the confession of Christ, condemned to death by the judge (303/304).
Commemoration of saint Fabiola, Roman widow, who, according to the testimony of St. Jerome, dedicated, and carried out his penance for the benefit of the poor.
Saint Fabricio (Fabriciano) and Saint Filiberto are venerated in the Diocese of Toledo.
At Ross, on Hibernia, St. Facanano, Bishop and Abbot, who established there a monastery, famous for its school, in which Sciences were taught divine and human (s. VI).
In Welsh, near Viterbo, in Tuscany, saint Famiano, hermit, who, born in Cologne, after having distributed its goods among the poor and having made pious pilgrimages, died in this place, covered with the habit Cistercian (c. 1150)
In Thessaloniki, Macedonia, saint Fantino, named young, hermit, who was accomplished by Christ with wakefulness and works (s. X).
In Tauriano, Calabria, saint Fantino el Viejo, nickname "Caster" (s. IV).
In Eboriacum (today Faramoutiers), in the region of Meaux, in Gaul, saint Fara, Abbess, who, having ruled for many years the monastery, it was added to the Group of virgins that follow the Lamb of God.
Brouay-sur-l ' Escaut, city of the Artois, in Neustria (today France), saint Faraildis, widow, who, forced to marry a violent man, embraced a life of prayer and austerity to old age (740/750).
In Meaux, also in Neustria, St. Farón, Bishop, who, being a relative of the King, his sister saint Fara invited him to devote himself to the service of God, and persuaded his wife to receive the religious veil in order to be able to form part of the clergy, and called to assume the pastoral role, made large donations of their own possessions to the Churcherecting parishes and monasteries (c. 670).
In Bologna, in the region of Emilia, saint Faustiniano, Bishop, who, with his preaching, confirmed and added to the Church, who was suffering because of the persecution (s. IV).
In Riez, Provence, in Gaul, saint Fausto, Bishop and formerly Abbot of Lérins, who, against the Arians, wrote of the Incarnate Word and the Holy Spirit, co-eternal and consubstantial to the father and the son being exiled by King Euric (post 485).
At Agen, Aquitaine city, saint Fe, martyr (s. IV).
Agen in Aquitaine, saint Febadio, Bishop, who wrote a book against the Arians and protected his flock of heresy.
Commemoration of saint Febe, servant of the Lord among the faithful of Kechries (Corinth), who attended St. Paul and many others, according to write own Apostle in the letter to the Romans 16, 1-2.
Franciscan missionary, researcher and historian, who died in 1916 in Canada.
At Kilmor, also in Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Fedlimino, Bishop (c. s. VI).
In Scotland, St. Felano, Abbot of the monastery of Saint Andrés, notable for his austere life and having lived in solitude (c. 710).
In Via Nomentana, in the place called «ad arks», fifteen milestones of the city of Rome, saint Primo and saint Feliciano, martyrs (s. inc.).
In Cartago, saint Feliciano, martyr (c. s. III).
In Foligno, Umbria City (today Italy), saint Feliciano, who is considered the first bishop of this region (c. s. III).
Saints Graciliano and Felicisima, martyrs, Faleria (Italy). s. IV.
In Todi, Umbria, saint Felicisima, martyr (c. s. III/IV).
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
In Cartago, commemoration of saint Rogaciano, priest, who, during the persecution under the Emperor Decio, its Bishop, St. Cyprian, entrusted with the administration of the Church of Carthage, and along with saint Felicisimo suffered torture and prisons by the name of Christ (s. III).
In the via Ardeatina, seven milestones of the city of Rome, saint Felícula, martyr.
In Todi, Umbria, saint Felipe Benizi, Florence priest, a man of great humility and propagator of the order of the servants of Mary, seeing Christ crucified his only book.
Commemoration of saint Felipe, one of the seven deacons chosen by the Apostles, who developed the Samaritans to faith in Christ, baptized the eunuch of Candace, Queen of the Ethiopians, and evangelized all cities that went to Caesarea, where, according to tradition, rested in the Lord (century I).
In London, in England, saint Felipe Howard, martyr, who, being Earl of Arundel and family, lost grace to Queen Isabel I for having embraced the Catholic religion, because of which he was imprisoned, leading a life of prayer and penance, in poverty and in tests, until reaching the Crown of martyrdom.
In Agira, Sicily, saint Felipe (known as Felipe Argirio), priest, who, a native of Thrace, settled in this city (s. V).
Alexandria, city of Egypt, holy martyrs Felipe and ten children (s. c. IV).
Commemoration of saint Felipe, Bishop of Gortyn, on the island of Crete, in time of the emperors Marco Antonio Vero and Lucio Aurelio comfortable, he supervised vigorously undertaken the Church that entrusted to him against the violence of the pagans and the snares of heretics (c. 180).
In the city of Vinh Long, in Cochinchina, saint Felipe Phan Van Minh, priest and martyr, beheaded, in the time of Emperor Tu Duc, to confess Christ.
At Hispalis (Seville today), in the Spanish province of Betica, saint Félix, Deacon and martyr (s. IV).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Callixtus, in via Appia, the burial of Saint Félix I, Pope, who governed the Roman Church in the time of the Emperor Aurelian.
In the basilica of Saint Pablo in Rome, in via Ostiense, saint Félix III, Pope, who was ancestor of the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I.
In Rome, saint Félix IV, Pope, who developed two pagan temples in the Roman Forum in the basilica dedicated to the Saints Cosme and Damian, and worked hard on behalf of the Catholic faith.
In Bologna, Emilia, saint Felix, Bishop, who was a deacon of the Church of Milan with St. Ambrose. He died the year 431 or the 432.
In Nantes, city of lower Brittany (today France), saint Felix, Bishop, who showed great zeal, putting at the service of its citizens, built the Cathedral Church and evangelized the rural population of the surrounding area.
In Girona, la Hispania Tarraconense, St. Felix, martyred in the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano (s. IV in.).
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
In Milan, city of Liguria, Saints Nabor and Felix, martyrs, who, being soldiers from Mauritania, it is said that they suffered martyrdom in Laus Pompeia (Lodi today) and they were buried in Milan (c. 304).
In Nicosia, Sicily, blessed Felix (James) loving, religious, that after having been rejected for ten years, finally entered the order of the brothers minor Capuchins, playing humildisimos trades with simplicity and innocence of heart.
In Rome, in the third milestone of the via Portuense in the cemetery dedicated to his name, Saint Felix, martyr (s. III/IV).
In Salona, Dalmatia, St. Felix, martyred in the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano.
In Carthage, in the call path of the Escilitanos, in the basilica of Faust, burial of Saint Felix, Bishop of Tibiuca and martyr, at the order of Attorney Magniliano so you throw down the fire books of Sacred Scripture, said that he preferred to be scorched him rather than burn them, so the Attorney Anulino sent you crossing him with a sword.
Toniza, Numidia, in saint Felix, martyr, he spoke Augustine when, addressing the people, said: really happy in the name and on the Crown. Because he confessed; He was haunted; but the next day, found his lifeless body in prison (s. IV).
Founder of the order of the Holy Trinity for the redemption of captives
In Seleucia, in Persia, saint Ferbuta, widow, sister of saint Simeon Bishop, who, together with its companion, was martyred in time King Sapor II (c. 342).
In Scotland, St. Fergusto, Bishop, who, according to tradition, exercised his Ministry among the Picts and died near the year 721.
In Amiens, the Gaul Belgium (today France), saint Fermín, revered as a bishop and martyr (s. inc.).
In the region of Gévaudan (now France), saint Fermín, Bishop (s. V).
In Metz, in the Belgium Galia, saint Fermín, Bishop (s. IV).
In Grenoble, in Burgundy (today France), St. Ferréol, Bishop and martyr, who was mortally wounded by a gunman while exhorting the crowd (c. 659).
In the city of Uses, in the Narbonnaise Gaul (now France), St. Ferréol, Bishop, wrote a rule for monks, was exiled by envy and returning with his flock within three years, received him with joy, as a true man of God.
In Besaintçon, Saint Ferreol, the Gallia Lugdunensis, martyrs and saint Ferrucio (s. IV)
In Limoges, in Aquitaine (now France), St. Ferréolo, Bishop, admired by Saint Gregorio de Tours, who delivered an imminent hazard to Marcos, Chief Clerk of the Childeberto King, who wanted to kill the mob (s. ex VI.).
In the territory of the Viennese Gaul, St. Ferréolo, martyr, who, according to tradition, the power of the tribunes, enjoying refused arrest Christians, therefore, arrested by order of the prefect, it was cruelly flogged and imprisoned, and evaded and captured again by his pursuers, he was beheaded, thus receiving the Palm of martyrdom (s. III).
In Besaintçon, in the Lugdunensis Gallia, St. Ferreol and saint Ferrucio, martyrs (s. IV)
In Mainz, the Belgium Galia, saint Ferrucio, martyr, he is told that, having left military service to serve Christ better and more freely, end their lives in martyrdom (c. 300).
In Breuil, in the territory of Meaux, St. Fiacrio, hermit, who, a native of Ireland, led a solitary life (c. 670).
On Lindisfarne, in Northumbria, saint Fian, Bishop and Abbot, famous for his teaching and by his zeal in evangelizing (c. 656).
In Trier, in the Rhineland, of Austrasia, St. Fibicio, Bishop.
Near Como, in Cisalpine Gaul, saint Fidel, martyr (s. c. IV).
In Hippo Regia, in Numidia, the twenty holy martyrs whose victorious faith held St. Augustine and of which only remembered the names of the Bishop Fidenciano, valerian and Victoria (s. III/IV).
In Troyes, in the Lugdunensis Galia, saint Fídolo, priest, who tells that he was captured by King Theodoric when it devastated Auvergne, but was released and instructed in the divine service by the Abbot saint Aventino, that (c. 540) happened.
In the monastery of Saint Elías de Aulina, near Palmi, Calabria, saint Filarete, monk, famous man by his life devoted to prayer.
In Brescia, in the region of Venice, saint Filastrio, Bishop, whose life and death praised his successor saint Gaudencio (c. 397).
In Alexandria, Egypt, the holy martyrs Fileas, Bishop of Thmuis, passion and Filoromo, military Tribune, that during the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano, and may not be persuaded by relatives and friends to think about themselves, won the Palm of martyrdom of the Lord to be beheaded (s. IV).
In the monastery of Noirmoutier, in the island of Hero, on the coast of Aquitaine, saint Filiberto, Abbot, who, educated in the Court of King Dagoberto, and still a teenager, became a monk. He founded and directed first the monastery of Jumièges and then of Hero (c. 684).
Saint Fabricio (Fabriciano) and Saint Filiberto are venerated in the Diocese of Toledo.
In the city of Saint Carlos, in the State of Missouri, in the United States of America, saint Philippine Duchesne, Virgin, of the Sisters of the sacred heart, who, born in France, during the French revolution brought the religious community, and moving to America, there opened many schools.
At Antioch, in Syria, St. Filogônio, Bishop, who, by God's will, being lawyer was called to govern this church, and together with Bishop saint Alejandro and companions was the first to fight against Arius by the Catholic faith, resting in the Lord full of merits. Saint Juan Crisóstomo welcomes him with great praise.
Young martyr whose life is known, except the inscriptions in his tomb and the remains that were found.
At Ancira, Galatia, saint Filomeno, martyr, in the persecution under the Emperor Aurelian, and being prefect Felix, after throw him into the fire they riddled her hands, feet and head with nails and it thus consummated their martyrdom, as it concerns (s. III).
In Alexandria, Egypt, the holy martyrs Fileas, Bishop of Thmuis, passion and Filoromo, military Tribune, that during the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano, and may not be persuaded by relatives and friends to think about themselves, won the Palm of martyrdom of the Lord to be beheaded (s. IV).
In Cork, in the province of Momonia in Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Finbarro, Bishop (s. VI).
In Cornwall, St. Fingar or Guignero, martyr (c. 460).
In Clonard, of Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Finiano, abad, who founded many monasteries and was father and master of a huge crowd of monks.
In the monastery of Clúain Ednech, in Ireland, St. Fintán, Abbot founder of the same and prestigious for its austerity (c. 440).
In Rheinau, among the Helvetii (today Switzerland), saint Fintano, from Ireland, who lived a long time in a monastery, but later detained is in a small cell, next to the Church, hidden by God's love.
In Amelia, Umbria, saint Firmina, martyr city.
Saint Flaminia, Virgin and martyr
In Killaloe, Ireland, St. Flananio, Bishop (s. VII).
Commemoration of St. Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople, who, by defending the Catholic faith proclaimed in Ephesus, was attacked with punches and kicks by the partisaints of the ungodly Dioscorus and sent into exile, died shortly after.
In Autun, Gaul Lugdunensis, saint Flaviano, Bishop, who shone in the time of King Clovis (s. V/VI).
At Rome, commemoration of Saint Flavio Clemente, martyr, to whom the Emperor Domiciano, who had exercised the Consulate, condemned for refusing to worship pagan gods, dying for their faith in Christ.
In Nicomedia, in Bithynia, saint Flavio and four companions, martyrs (s. III / IV).
Commemoration of Saints Herodion, Asincrito and Flegon (or Flegontes), that the Apostle Paul salutes in the letter to the Romans (s. I).
In Beaulieu, in the region of Cahors, in France, commemoration of saint Flora, Lady of the order of St. John of Jerusalem, who devoted himself to care for the sick poor in a hospital and lived intimately connected with the heart and the body to the passion of Christ.
In Poitiers, Aquitaine, Florence Virgin saint, that converted to the true God by the Bishop Saint-Hilaire during his exile in Asia, then continued you to return to their land in the 4th century.
In the monte Glonna, on the banks of the Loire, in the region of Poitiers, Gaul, saint Florencio, presbyter (c. s. VI).
In Vienne, in Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Florencio, Bishop, who took part in the Council held at Valence (after 377).
In Cahors, in Aquitaine, saint Florencio, Bishop, praised by saint Paulino de Nola as a humble man of heart, strong in grace and sweet in the word (s. V).
In Strasbourg, of Burgundy, commemoration of Saint Florencio, Bishop, successor of saint Arbogasto.
In the city of Orange in Provence, of Gaul, saint Florencio, Bishop (c. 524).
In Thessaloniki, in the city of Macedonia, saint Florencio, martyr, who, according to tradition, after various torments died burned alive, (c. s. III).
In Seville, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, saint Florentina, Virgin, who, by his great knowledge of the ecclesiastical disciplines, his brothers Saint Isidoro de Sevilla and Leandro dedicated high treaties doctrine (s. VII).
In Sedunum (today Bremur), between the Aedui in Gaul (now France), saint Florentino, who, according to tradition, was slain by the Vandals along with Saint-Hilaire (s. V).
In Lorch, in the region of Noricum, near the Danube, Florián or Floriano, martyr, who, during the persecution under Diocletian, and by order of the Governor Aquilino, was thrown from the bridge into the Enns River with a stone tied around the neck.
In Remus, of the strong, saint Florino, priest, faithfully devoted to the parish priest.
In Arvernia, in Aquitaine, saint Floro, who gave name to the monastery that was built over his grave, as well as to the city and to the episcopal see (s. inc.).
In Orleans, the Gallia Lugdunensis, St. Floscules, Bishop (c. 500).
Sinope, Pontus, saint Foca (or seals), martyr, farmer by trade, who suffered many injuries by the name of the Redeemer (s. c. IV).
In Nicomedia, saints Aniceto and Photius, martyrs (s. IV).
In Nicomedia, in Bithynia, Saints Photius, Archelaus, Quirino and other seventeen, mártires (s. III/IV).
Close of Fosses, in Brabant, of Austrasia, saint Foilán, priest and Abbot, born in Hibernia and brother and companion of saint Fursei, was always faithful to their homeland monastic discipline, founded monasteries double, monks and nuns, in Fosse in Nivelles, and a journey between the two fell into the hands of criminals, who killed him (c. 655).
In area of Morini, in Northern Gaul, St. Folcuino, Bishop of Thérouanne.
In Aquileia, in the confines of Venice, Fortunato and Hermagoras, martyrs Saints.
Fano, of the Piceno, Italy, saint Fortunato, Bishop, who worked in the redemption of captives (s. VI).
In Montefalco, in Umbria, saint Fortunato, presbyter, who is said that you being poor, with its constant work helped the helpless, and that gave his life for the brethren (s. IV/V).
In Naples, in Campania, saint Fortunato, Bishop (s. IV).
In Todi, Umbria city, saint Fortunato, Bishop, who relates the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I, demonstrated an abundant charity in the care of the sick (s. V).
In the territory of the Galia Cenomanense (Le Mans), St. Frambaldo, a monk, who spent his life already in solitude, already living in monasteries (c. 650).
In the region of Piacenza, in the Emilia, saint Franca, Abbess, who entered the Cistercian order and spent the night in prayer before God.
In Laval, France, blessed Francisca Meziere, Virgin and martyr, who has been dedicated to educating children and heal sick, during the French Revolution she was sentenced to death in hatred of the faith.
Saint Francisca, religious, that married still teenager, lived forty years in marriage, being excellent wife and mother, admirable for his piety, humility and patience. In dire times distributed its goods among the poor, attended the troubled and being widowed, withdrew to live among the Oblates that she had gathered under the rule of Saint Benedict, in Rome.
In Agnone, Abruzzo, saint Francisco Caracciolo, priest, founder of the Congregation of clerics regular minor, who loved admirable way to God and to the next.
In Seoul, Korea, saint Francisco Ch'oe Kyong-curated, martyr, who as a Catechist, not wanting to renounce his Christian faith to the prefect, suffered prison dedicated to prayer and catechesis to consume your life with martyrdom.
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saints Domingo Henares, Bishop of the order of preachers, and Francisco Do Minh Chieu, martyrs, the first of which spread Christianity for forty-nine years, and the second worked with him as a Catechist, being both beheaded for their faith in Christ, in the time of Emperor Minh Mang.
In the city of Fu'an, in the province of Fujian in China, saint Francisco Fernández de Capillas, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, who first announced the name of Christ in the Philippines and then in Fujian, where, under the persecution of the Tartars, was imprisoned for a long time and finally beheaded.
In Genoa, in the region of Liguria, saint Francisco María de Camporosso, religious of the order of brothers minor Capuchins, was eminent for his charity for the poor and for his dedication to the good and salvation of their neighbors sick, becoming an offering as a victim of the rampaging plague.
In Naples, Campania, saint Francisco de Jerónimo, priest of the society of Jesus, who was devoted to preaching popular missions and pastoral service of the marginalized.
In Cordoba, in Spain, blessed Francisco de Posadas, priest of the order of preachers, who for forty years preached Christ in his region, protruding through his humility and charity.
In the city of Uchangfou, in the province of Hupei, in China, saint Francisco Régis Clet, presbyter of the Congregation of the mission and martyr, that for thirty years, and amid great difficulties, proclaimed the Gospel, but denounced by an apostate, after a long captivity he was strangled by his Christian status.
In Lima, capital of Peru, saint Francisco Solano, priest of the order of the Friars Minor, to save souls South America, traveled in every direction teaching with words and miracles to the Indians and Spanish settlers themselves the novelty of life Christian.
In the city of An-Hoa, in Annam, saint Francisco Tran Van Trung, martyr, who, being a soldier, resisted vigorously proposals to forsake the Christian faith, by which the Emperor Tu Duc made it to slaughter.
In Naples, city of Campania, in Italy, saint Francisco Xavier María Bianchi, priest of the order of the clerics regular of St. Paul, who, endowed with mystical gifts, developed many to a life according to the grace of the Gospel.
Close of Assergi, in the region of the Vestini, saint franc, hermit, who built a cell in a cave between abrupt mountains, taking a rough and simple life (s. XII).
In Auxerre, in the Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Fraterno, Bishop (post 450).
In Mende, Aquitaine, saint Fredaldo, Bishop and martyr (s. c. IX).
In Deurne, near Antwerp, Brabant, in Austrasia, saint Fredegando, monk, apparently coming from Ireland, who collaborated with saint Foilán and other itinerant missionaries (s. VIII).
At Oxford, in England, saint Frideswida, or Fridesvinda, Virgin, who, being of Royal lineage, was elected Abbess of a double monastery of monks and nuns.
Went on in Säckingen, among the Helvetii (today Switzerland), saint Fridolino, abad, that being a native of Ireland, pilgrimage by France until in this town he founded a double monastery in honour of St. Hilary (s. VIII).
In Lucca, in Tuscany, saint Frigidiano, Bishop, who, a native of Ireland, brought together clerics in a monastery, deflected the Serculo River by another runway for the good of the people, achieving a new fertile territory, and converted to the Catholic faith to the Lombards who had broken into his jurisdiction (c. 588).
In Troyes, city of Neustria (today France), saint Frodoberto, founder and first Abbot of the monastery of Celle (c. 667).
In Coutances, of Neustria, St. Fromundo, Bishop, who founded the monastery of nuns of Ham and exercised his pastoral functions moved by the love of God.
In the desert of Nitria in Egypt, saint Pediment, Abbot, who, together with seventy companions, withdrew to the desert (s. c. IV).
In Perigeux, Aquitaine, saint Pediment, considered as the first announcer of the Gospel in this city (c. s. III).
Braga, of Lusitania, saint Fructuoso, Bishop, who, monk and founder of monasteries, was Bishop of Dumio and, by the will of the parents of the tenth Council of Toledo, Metropolitan Bishop of Braga, headquarters, who governed wisely with their monasteries (c. 665).
In Ethiopia, saint Frumencio, Bishop, who, having been taken prisoner, lived first as a slave and then ordained bishop by St. Athanasius, to spread the Gospel in that region.
At Chartres, in France, St. Fulberto, Bishop, whose doctrine nurtured many, and with bounty and wit began the Cathedral Church, promoting devotion to the Virgin Mary, Queen of mercy.
In Pavia, Lombardy, saint Fulco, Bishop, who, of Scottish origin, was male Pacific, famous for his work and his charity.
In Lodève, also in the Narbonnaise Gaul, St. Fulcrán, Bishop, famous for his mercy to the poor, and by his zeal in the Divine Office.
Ruspe, city of Bizacena (now Tunisia), saint Fulgencio, Bishop, who after having been Bizacena Prosecutor, embraced the monastic life and made bishop, during the persecution by the Vandals suffered much because of the Arians and was exiled to Sardinia by King Trasamundo. Return to Ruspe, he devoted the rest of his life to nourish its faithful with words of grace and truth (c. 632).
In the city of Ecija, in the Roman province of Betica (Spain today), saint Fulgencio, Bishop, brother of the Leandro saints, Isidoro and Florentina. His brother Isidoro dedicated his treatise on ecclesiastical offices (c. 632).
In Mazerolles, next to the River Alteia, in Gaul (now France), St. Furseo, Abbot first in Ireland, then in England and, finally, in Gaul, where he founded the monastery of Lagny (c. 650).
In Porto Torres, Sardinia, saint Gabino, martyr (s. c. IV).
In the region of the Hurons, in Canada, passion of St. Gabriel Lalemant, priest of the society of Jesus, that courageous zealously spread the glory of God in the language of the people of that place, until he himself was tortured by idolaters. His memory is celebrated, with his companions, the nineteenth day of October.
In the city of Chengtu, in Sichuan province, in China, saint Gabriel Taurino Dufresse, Bishop and martyr, cruelly slaughtered after a full-time ministerial activity for forty years.
In Tours, the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Gaciano, first bishop, who, reportedly, was sent from Rome to that city, and buried in the Christian Cemetery of the same population (s. III).
Saint Gaetano Catanoso was born on February 14, 1879 in Chorio di Saint Lorenzo (Italy). Priest of the Archdiocese of Reggio Calabria-Bova. He founded the Veronicas Sisters of the Holy face. He died in Reggio, Calabria on April 4, 1963.
In Milan, Lombardy, saint Galdino, Bishop, who worked in the restoration of the city destroyed by the war and gave his soul to God after a sermon against the heretics.
At monte Sebio, in Tuscany, saint Gálgano Guidotti, hermit, who became God after a dissipated youth and lived the rest of his life dedicated to corporal penance voluntarily.
Gallican Saint, martyr and consul in Alexandria, inducted into the honor of a triumph, and deprived of the Emperor Constantine. Convirtieronle to the faith of the Saints Jesucristo John and Paul, and withdrew together with Saint Hilarino at Ostia, where he all the hospitality and service of the sick; which reporting worldwide, came many different parts to see which patricio and consul down to wash the feet to the poor, to put the table, wash their hands, and serve them with care in their diseases; and it is exercised in all other works of mercy. Ostia banished by order of Julian apostate, went to Alexandria, Don
Fence Arbona, in Germania, St. Gallen, presbyter and Monk, an adolescent, was received by saint Columbano in the monastery of Bangor, in Hibernia, to engage then propagate the Gospel in these regions, the brothers teaching the monastic discipline. He rested in the Lord already almost centenary.
In the same city, St. Gallen, Bishop, paternal uncle of saint Gregorio de Tours, humble and kind man.
In Varennes, in the region of Langres in Gaul, saint Gangulfo (s. VIII).
In the Arlanza monastery, in the region of Burgos, in Spain, saint García memory, Abbot.
In Verona, in the territory of Venice, saint Gaspar Bertoni, priest, who founded the Congregation of the stigmata of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose members are missionaries to help the bishops.
In Rome, saint Gaspar de el Búfalo, priest, who fought hard for the freedom of the Church and imprisoned, does not cease to lead sinners to the straight path, mainly with the devotion to the most precious blood of Christ, in whose honour he founded the congregations of missionaries and sisters.
In the city of Novara, in Liguria (today Italy), saint Gaudencio, who is considered the first bishop of this see (c. 418).
In Gniezno, Poland city, saint Gaudencio or Radzim, Bishop, brother, according to the flesh and spirit, saint Adalberto, Bishop of Prague, faithful companion his jobs, witness to his martyrdom, also suffering imprisonment (c. 1011).
In Brescia, a city in the region of Venice, saint Gaudencio, Bishop, who, ordered by Ambrose, distinguished among the prelates of the time by its doctrine and its virtues, taught his people from Word and with his writings, and built a basilica that was called "Council of saints" (c. 410).
In Rimini, in the province of Emilia, saint Gaudencio, Bishop, who is revered as the first pastor during the time of persecution (s. IV).
In the region of Mirepoix, near the Pyrenees, in Gaul, saint Gauderico, farmer, famous for his devotion to the mother of God (c. 900).
In Brescia, in the region of Venice, saint Gaudioso, Bishop (s. V).
In the monastery of Ashan, burial of saint Gaudioso, who, disciple of Saint Victoriano, was elected Bishop of Tarazona, venue in which distinguished himself by his defence of the faith against the Arians (s. VI).
At Cambrai, in Austrasia, St. Gaugerico, Bishop, famous for his piety and charity to the poor. He was ordained Deacon by Magnerico of Trier, and elected to the bishopric of Cambrai, exerted the episcopate for thirty-nine years (c. 625).
In Aureil, in the region of Limoges, in France, saint Gauquerio, regular Canon, who was for the clergy example of life in common and zeal for souls.
In the monastery of Montsalvy in Auvergne, Aquitaine, saint Gausberto, priest and hermit, who by their work, that place, before frightening, became a hospice to greet the pilgrims.
In Toul, of Lotharingia (today France), St. Gauzlino, Bishop, promoter of monastic life.
In the monastery of Peterhausen, who he had founded, in Swabia, burial of Saint Gebhardo or Gebardo, Bishop of constancy.
Commemoration of the Biblical character St. Gédéon, of the tribe of Manasseh, judge in Israel (Jc, 6, 37), who received from the Lord the sign of dew, descending to a fleece, as strength of God, freeing the people of Israel from their enemies, after destroying the altar of Baal.
Next to the basilica of St. Peter in Rome, St. Gelasius I, Pope, informed by his doctrine and Holiness, who, so the imperial authority would not undermine the unity of the Church, said to fund the characteristics of the two powers, and their mutual independence. Moved by his love without measure and the needs of the destitute, he died in extreme poverty.
At Ancira, Galatia, saint twin, martyr (s. c. IV).
In Modena, city of Emilia (today Italy), saint Geminiano, Bishop, who protected his Church from error of the Arians and kept it in the Orthodox faith (s. IV).
Penalba, in the region of Astorga, Saint Gennadius, Bishop of the Diocese of Astorga of the 909 to the 919, who before was Abbot and later Bishop of the same place. It lent its Board the Kings, but driven by the desire of the cloister, he renounced the episcopal dignity to live the rest of his years as a monk and sometimes as a solo.
In Arvernia, in Aquitaine, saint Genesio, Bishop of Clermont, who founded a monastery in Manglieu with Hospice, in whose Church received burial (c. 650).
At Zaragoza, in Spain, Saint Genoveva Torres Morales, Virgin, that experienced the setbacks of life and endured the illness that afflicted him since young. He founded the Institute of the Sisters of the sacred heart of Jesus and the angels, to help the women.
In Arvernia, the Aquitaine, saint Georgia, Virgin (s. V/VI).
Braga, in Portugal, in commemoration of St. Geraldo (or Saint Guerao de Braga), Bishop, distinguished by the restoration of divine worship and churches, and by the promotion of ecclesiastical discipline. He died doing the pastoral visit in a faraway place called Bornos.
In the monastery of Grande-Sauve, in Aquitaine, saint Geraldo, Abbot, from the monastery of Corbie was elected Abbot of Laon, but later, after wandering several times, withdrew to the thickness of the forest, where he founded his monastery.
In Canterbury, England, saint Geraldo Edwards, priest and martyr, who was ordained in France and, upon returning to their homeland, in the persecution during the reign of Isabel I, after a long imprisonment consummated their martyrdom on the scaffold. With the blessed priests were martyred Roberto Wilcox and Cristóbal Buxton, by their priestly status, and Roberto Widmerpool, for helping a priest blessed.
In Béziers, of the Narbonnaise Galia, saint Geraldo, Bishop, a man of admirable honesty and simplicity, who, being regular Canon, was forced to accept the episcopate, whose dignity was even more humble.
At Cierges, in the region of Auvergne in Gaul, saint Geraldo, who, being count of Aurillac, was an example for the other princes by having lived as a monk with secular habit, seeking the good of regions which had mandated.
In Mâcon, Burgundy, saint Gerardo, who, being the first monk, he was elected Bishop of this city, withdrawing more later to lead a solitary life in a forest (c. 940).
In the region of Namur, in Lotharingia, saint Gerardo, first Abbot of the monastery of Brogne, who he himself had founded. He worked to establish the monastic discipline in Flanders and Lotharingia, and many monasteries helped retrieve the primitive observance.
In Potenza, city of the Lucania, saint Gerardo, Bishop.
In Toul, in the Lotharingia, saint Gerardo, Bishop, who for thirty-one years legislated wisely for the city, responded to the poor, interceded for the people with fasting and prayer in time of plague, dedicated the Cathedral Church and helped monasteries with material goods and instructing the disciples.
In Pannonia (today Hungary), saint Gerardo Sagredo, Bishop of the headquarters of Morisena (today Csaintád) and martyr, was preceptor of saint Emerico, Prince teenage son of the King boxing and in a sedition of pagan Hungarians died stoned near the Danube River.
In Palestine, on the banks of the Jordan, St. Gerásimo, Anchorite, in time of the Emperor Zeno, converted to the Orthodox faith through the work of St. Eutimio, surrendered to great penance, offering all who under his direction was exercised in the monastic life, integerrima discipline standard and mode of support.
In Flay, in the region of Beauvais, St. Geremaro, Abbot of the monastery he founded in this place (c. 658).
In the city of Cologne, in Germania, Saints Gereon and companions, martyrs, who offered their necks to the sword to defend the true piety (s. IV).
Close to Valkenburg, in the region of Limburg (now Belgium), saint Gerlaco, hermit, who was distinguished by the service provided to the indigent.
In the monastery of Granfeld, in the region of the Helvetii, Germán, abad, than to try to defend with peaceful words the neighbors of the monastery of the assault by a group of robbers, was stripped and pierced with Spears, along with the monk Randoaldo (c. 667).
At Annecy, Savoy, commemoration of Germán, Abbot, who, famous for his love of solitude, founded and directed the monastery of Talloires (s. XI).
Ravenna, via Flaminia, transit of Germán, Bishop of Auxerre, defender of the faith of the British against pelagiana heresy, who having come to Ravenna for the peace of the region of the Armorica, was received triumphantly by the emperors Valentinian and Gala Placidia, and, while there, went up to the celestial Kingdom.
At Capua, in Campania, Germán, Bishop, of which the saint Gregorio Magno I Pope speaks in his writings (c. 540).
In Constantinople, Germán, Bishop (Patriarch) of Constantinople, who, distinguished by its doctrine and virtues, with great persuasion refuted the edict against images sacred promulgated by Emperor Leon Isauricus, so it had to go into exile.
In Paris, in the region of Toulouse, in France, saint Germana, Virgin, to be daughter of unknown parents underwent since childhood to a servile life despite their illnesses, but all endured with determined mood and smiling, dying at the age of twenty-two face.
In Smyrna, in Asia (today in Turkey), passion of saint Germanic, martyr of Philadelphia in time of the emperors Antoninus framework and Lucio Aurelio. He was a disciple of St. Polycarp, who preceded in martyrdom, and sentenced by the Court in the first youth force, by grace of God overcame fear of body weakness, to cause himself to the animal destined him for his sacrifice (c. 167).
In Toulouse, Aquitaine, saint Germerio, Bishop, who is used to extend the cult of saint Saturnino and in assisting the people who entrusted to him (s. VII).
In Friesen, in the Bavarian Alps, saint Geroldo, hermit, he has that he led a life of penance in the Vorarlberg region.
In Cagli, on the via Flaminia, in the region of Piceno, in Italy, St. Geroncio, Bishop of Ficocle, who, according to tradition, was martyred on this day, while returning from a Synod held at Rome (c. 501).
In Milan, from Liguria, saint Geroncio or Geruncio, Bishop (c. 472).
Saint Gertrudis, named "Magna", Virgin, who delivered more earnestly and decisively, from childhood, to loneliness and to the study of letters, and converted completely to God, entered the Cistercian Monastery of Helfta, near Eisleben in Saxony, Germany, where he progressed from admirable mode by the way in perfection, devoted to prayer and contemplation of the crucified Christ. He died the day seventeen (11301/1302).
In the Altenberg monastery, in the region of Wetzlar, Germany, blessed Gertrude, Abbess of the Premonstratensian order, who, still a child, was offered to God by his mother saint Isabel, Queen of Hungary, in this place.
In Nivelles, Brabant, Saint Gertrude, Abbess, who, born of very illustrious lineage, Saint Amadeo received the sacred veil of virgins, presided wisely over the monastery built by his mother, and assiduous in reading the Scriptures, consumed his life with the austerity of vigils and fasts.
At Tronchiennes, in Flanders, of Austrasia (now Belgium), St. Gerulfo, martyr, teen (c. 750).
In italics, near Hispalis, in the Spanish province of Betica, St. Geruncio, Bishop, who, according to tradition, died in prison (s. IV).
In the region of Châlons, in Gaul, St. Gibriano, presbyter, who, originally from Ireland, travelled through Gaul as a pilgrim for the love of Christ (c. 515).
In Casaio, in the Diocese of Astorga, saint Gil, Carracedo monk and Abbot of Saint Martín de Castañeda, that ended his days as a hermit (s. XII).
In Arvernia, in Aquitaine, saint Gilberto, Abbot of the Premonstratensian order, who, after having lived as a hermit, founded the monastery and the hospital of Neufontaines.
In Caihness, in Scotland, saint Gilberto (Gilbert), Bishop, that erected the Cathedral at Dornoch provided hospices for the poor and died he entrusted that itself had noted in his life, namely: do no harm to any being, bear with patience the contradictions allowed by God and nobody give occasion of stumbling (c. 1245).
In Meaux, in Gaul, St. Gilbert, Bishop.
In Toulouse, again in Gaul, death of saint Gilberto, Abbot of Citeaux, who, born in England, man illustrious for their knowledge, defended Saint Tomás Becket.
In Rouen, in Gaul, saint Gildardo, Bishop.
In lower Brittany (today France), Saint Gildas, surnamed "Sage," Abbot, who wrote on the ruin of Britain, weeping the calamities of his people, shouting to the evil of clergymen and Princes. He founded the monastery of Rhuyis, near the sea, and died in the island of Houat.
Near the city of Chartres, in France, transit of saint Gilduino, Deacon of the Church of Dol, in lower Brittany, who appointed Bishop still very young and considered unworthy, renounced this honour in the presence of the Pope saint Gregorio VII and the return of Roma fell ill when you reach this region, thus ending their terrestrial pilgrimage.
In Thiers, of Aquitania, saint Ginés, who passed from this world to heaven through martyrdom while carrying even the white baptism veste (s. c. IV).
In the region of Hainaut, in Austrasia, saint Gisleno, who lived as a monk in a cell which he himself had built.
At Heraclea in Thrace, saint Gliceria, martyr (s. inc.).
Roman maid in Trajanopolis, Greece, perhaps was the sister of a Roman Senator. Arrested for his faith, managed to destroy the statue of Jupiter before dying in imprisoned, tortured and martyred.
In Antioch of Syria (today Turkey), saint Glicerio, Deacon and martyr (s. inc.)
In Metz, city of the Gaul Belgium, saint Glodesindis, Abbess (s. VI).
On the Bank of the Rhine, St. Goar, priest, who, a native of Aquitaine, with the approval of the Bishop of Trier built a hospital and an oratory, to receive pilgrims and to procure the salvation of their souls (s. VI).
In the city of Nantes, in lower Brittany, St. Goardo, Bishop and martyr, who, while he was celebrating the Eucharist in the Cathedral with the village church, singing "We lift up your hearts" was white, along with many faithful, the hands of the Normans.
In the region of Laon, in Neustria, saint Gobano, priest, who, born in Hibernia (Ireland today), was a disciple in saint Fusco England, through love of Christ then to Gaul, where took eremitical life in forests (c. 670).
In Ghistelles, in Flanders, saint Godeleva, martyr, who, married to the Lord of the place, had to suffer much by her husband and mother, being eventually strangled by two servants (c. 1070).
At Soissons, France, death of saint Geoffrey, Bishop of Amiens, who, educated in the monastic life from age five, suffered much for remedy in the city struggles between Lords and commoners, and by the reform of the clergy and the people.
In the monastery of Ilbenstad, in Germany, saint Godofredo, being count of Cappenberg, wanted a more perfect life, for its castle which became monastery and, having taken the canonical habit, surrendered to serve poor and sick.
In Metz, Austrasia (today France), saint Goerico or Abbon, Bishop and successor of saint Arnulfo, to whom he moved with veneration to this city (c. 642).
In lower Brittany, St. Golveno, Bishop, who is said that after solitary life, it happened to saint Pablo de León (s. VI).
In the village of Lubawo, in Uganda, Saint Gonzaga Gonza, martyr, who was one of the servants of the King, and being prevented by shackles, while was led to the bonfire was pierced with Spears by executioners (1886).
In Rome, on the via Latina, saint Gordiano, martyr, who was buried in the crypt of a church, where is already venerated the relics of saint Epímaco (c. 300).
In Cesarea de Capadocia (today Turkey), saint Gordio, centurion and martyr, to which St. Basil considered hater of the centurion who was next to the cross, because he confessed to Jesus, son of God, during the persecution under Diocletian.
In Nazianzen, of Cappadocia, saint Gorgonia, mother, who was daughter of saint Nonna and sister of saint Gregorio el Teólogo and saint Cesareo. It was the same Gregory who wrote his virtues (c. 370).
In Rome, in the 'ad Duas Lauros' cemetery, the via Labicana, saint Gorgonio, martyr (post 203). Tortured and strangled during the persecutions of Diocletian.
In Osnabrück, Saxony, in Germany, St. Gosberto, Bishop of the Swabians, who, having been banished by the pagans, took the Government of the aforementioned Church of Osnabrück.
In Châlons of Burgundy in France, burial of Saint Gountrán (or Guntrano), King of the Franks, who spent their treasures to the churches and the poor.
Saints Graciliano and Felicisima, martyrs, Faleria (Italy). s. IV.
Saint Grata, widow. Variant of grace. Saint Grata was born in Lombardy (Italy) between the 4th and 7th centuries. There is very little information on it.
In Aosta, in the Graian Alps, St. Gratus, Bishop (s. V).
In the city of Oloron, next to the Pyrenees, Aquitaine, commemoration of Saint Gratus, Bishop, who, in time of Alaric, Arian King of the Goths, participated in the Council of Agde to restore the Church in the region of Gaul (c. 506).
In Padua, in the region of Venice, saint Gregorio Barbarigo, Bishop, who instituted a seminar for clergy, he taught the catechism to the children in their own language, held talks with the clergy and opened schools, being liberal with everyone and demanding with himself.
In Armenia, saint Gregorio, named the Illuminator, Bishop, who, after coping with many jobs, withdrew to a cave near the confluence of the Euphrates branched and there rested in peace. It is considered the Apostle to the Armenians (c. 326).
In Rome, at Saint Peter's basilica, burial of saint Gregorio II, Pope, in the difficult times under the Emperor Leon the Isauricus worked in defence of the Church and of the cult of the sacred images, and sent to St. Boniface to preach the Gospel in lands of Germania.
In Rome, in the basilica of Saint Pedro, saint Gregorio III, Pope, who procured the preaching of the Gospel to the Germans and, against the iconoclasts of the city, decorated churches with sacred images.
In Auxerre, the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Gregorio, Bishop (s. VI).
In Dijon, Burgundy (today France), saint Gregorio, who, after having ruled the region of Autun, was ordained bishop of Langres (539/540).
Illíberis (or Elvira, Granada today), in the Hispania Baetica, St. Gregory, Bishop, whose book about the faith was praised by Jerome (s. IV).
In the monastery of Nerek, in Armenia, saint Gregorio, monk, doctor of the Armenians, distinguished by his doctrine, his writings and his Mystic wisdom.
In the city of Nisa, in the region of Cappadocia (today Turkey), saint Gregorio, Bishop, brother of St. Basil the great, remarkable for their life and doctrine, who, by having confessed the straight faith, was expelled from its headquarters by the Arian Emperor Valente (before the 400).
In Utrecht, Gelderland, in Austrasia, saint Gregorio, Abbot, who, while still a teenager, followed faithfully to St. Boniface when he attempted the conversion of Hesse and Thuringia. Subsequently, and instructed it, he directed as Abbot the monastery of Saint Martin and ruled the Church of Utrecht.
In Verona, in the region of Venice, saint Gualfardo, who, a native of Germany and SADDLER's profession, after spending several years in solitude was received by the monks of the monastery of Saint Salvador, close to the city.
In Pontoise, near Paris, in France, saint Gualterio, first Abbot of the monastery of the place, that, renouncing his love of solitude, taught by example to the monks the discipline of the rule and lashed out at the clergy simoniacas manners (c. 1095).
In the monastery of Esterp, near Limoges, in Gaul, St. Walter, priest and superior of the canons, who, after having exercised since his childhood in the service of God, shone by their meekness for with his brothers and his charity towards the poor.
In Lodi, in Lombardy too, saint Gualterio, founder of the Hospital de la Misericordia.
In Servigliano, of the Piceno, in Italy, saint Gualtero (Walter), Abbot of the monastery of this place.
In Palestrina, in Lazio, saint Guarino, Bishop, notable for his reason life and his love for the poor.
In the monastery of D'aulps, in Savoie, saint Guarino, Bishop of Sion, that death still Robert monk from Molesme, founded this monastery, who led Holy added to the Cistercian order.
In Cartago, saint Gudenå, martyr, who was submitted by four times to the torment of the colt, by order of the prefect Rufino, torn with hooks, meeting with several tests in prison and, finally, cutthroat.
In lower Brittany, saint Guenael, revered as Abbot of Landevenec (s. VI).
In lower Brittany, saint Guetnocio, revered as a brother of Saints Winwaloe and Jacuto (s. VI).
In Gembloux, in the region of Lotharingia, in Liège, burial of Saint Guiberto, monk, who, having abandoned his military insignia and embraced the discipline of monastic life, built a monastery on land of their inheritance, entering himself in the monastery of Gorze.
In Acqui, Piedmont, saint Guido, Bishop.
In Anderlech, in Brabant, near Brussels, saint Guido, or Guy, first sacristan in the Church of our Lady in Laken, Belgium, who was generous to the poor and made a pilgrimage to the Holy places for seven years, and returned to their land, piously died (c. 1012).
In the town of Bourges, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Guillermo, Bishop, who, desirous of solitude and meditation, became a monk in the Cistercian Monastery of Pontigny. Later he was Abbot of Chaalis and, later, elected Bishop of Bourges, not never abandoning the austerity of the monastic life and distinguished by their love to the clerics, the captives and the miserable ones.
In Mortain, Normandy, saint Guillermo Firmato, hermit, who had previously been Canon and doctor in Tours, but after a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, withdrew to loneliness until his death.
In York, England, saint Guillermo Fitzherbert, Bishop, a kind and gracious man, who was unjustly deposed their headquarters and took refuge among the monks of Winchester, but restored after their duties, forgave his enemies and sought peace between all the people.
In the island of Eskyll, near Roskilde, Denmark, saint Guillermo, Abbot, who went from a monastery of canons regular of Paris to Denmark, by putting in place the regular discipline in the midst of great difficulty, and at dawn on Easter Sunday departed this life.
In Foggia, in the Apulia saints William Pilgrim, and hermits (s. XII).
At Goleto, near Nusco, in Campania, saint Guillermo, Abbot, who born in Vercelli, became Pilgrim and poor for the sake of Christ and, advised by saint Juan de Matera, founded the monastery of Montevergine, where he met monks who gave a deep spiritual doctrine. Then he also founded other several male and female monasteries in southern Italy.
In Pontoise, near Paris, in France, saint Guillermo, presbyter of English origin, who exercised his Ministry of Pastor glowing by his dedication to the souls and their religious fervor.
In the town of Saint Brieuc, in lower Brittany, saint Guillermo Pinchón, Bishop, who worried about the Cathedral Church to be built and was conspicuous by his goodness and simplicity, having suffered many humiliations and exile to defend with determination and strength to their sheep and the rights of the Church.
In Poitiers, in Aquitaine, saint Guillermo Tempier, Bishop, who, wise and strong, defended against the nobles of the church he entrusted, offering an integerrimo example of life in his person.
In the cave of Stabulum Rhodis, near Grossetto, Tuscany, saint Guillermo, hermit of Malavalle, whose life inspired and gave rise to numerous congregations of hermits.
In Carcassonne, in the Narbonnaise Galia, saint Guimerà, Bishop (c. 931).
At a place called Beauvoir-sur-mer, on the coast of France, in the region of Nantes, lower Brittany, saint Gulstano or Gunstano, monk, who as a young man, escaped from the hands of pirates and embraced by saint Félix, hermit then. He became famous in the monastery of Rhuys because, despite being illiterate, he recited from memory the Psalter, so as for his efforts in favour of the navigators. He died about the year 1040.
In Lierre, Brabant, St. Gumaro, that he was a soldier, but devoted to God, with their property built an oratory, where at his death was buried (c. 775).
In the monastery of Ansbach in Franconia, saint Gumberto, Abbot, who founded this monastery in a country house of your property (c. 790).
Saint Gundena, Virgin and martyr, Carthage, 362
In the monastery of Brevnov, in Bohemia, saint Guntero, hermit, who, abandoning the goods of the Earth, embraced the monastic life, and later retired to the solitude of the forest located between Bavaria and Bohemia, living and dying detached from everything, but at the same time very close to God and to men.
In Edessa, in the region of Osrhoena, martyrs Saints Gurias, ascetic, and Samonà, who, under the rule of Diocletian, after prolonged and cruel torments were sentenced to death by the prefect Misiano and beheaded.
Commemoration of St. Habakkuk, Prophet, who, before the wickedness and violence from men, announced the judgment of God, but also their mercy, saying: the righteous will live by his faith.
In En Edesa Edessa (Urfa today), in the territory of Osroenes (Orrhoe), northern Mesopotamia, saint Habib, Deacon and martyr, who, in time of Emperor Licinio, was sentenced to be thrown into the fire by order of the prefect Lysaintius.
Héctor Valdivielso Sáez, the first Argentinian Saint, is one of eight Catholics that reached the Crown of martyrdom during the so-called revolution of Asturias, just before the Spanish Civil War.
In Rome, on the via Laurentina, St. Hedisto, martyr (s. inc.).
Commemoration of St. Hegesippus, who lived in Rome during the pontificates of Aniceto and Eleuterio, and simple style wrote a history of ecclesiastical facts, from the passion of the Lord until his time (c. 180).
In Hassungen, Hesse, saint Heimerado, priest and hermit, who, out of the cloister, was the subject of scorn and contempt, in the midst of their continuous pilgrimages for Christ's sake.
In Auxerre, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Heladio, Bishop (s. IV).
On the island of Jersey, in the sea British, saint Helerio, hermit, martyred by pirates, according to the tradition (s. VI).
In Corinth, in Achaia, saint Heliconides, martyr, who in time of Emperor Gordiano, under the perennial Governor and then under his successor Justin, was tested with many torments, consummating finally beheading martyrdom (s. III).
In the region of Laurino, near Pesto, in Campania, saint Heliena, Virgin, who consolidated in the following of Christ, embraced a solitary life, who constantly served God in the needs of religious and sick (s. VII).
Saint Helimenas, priest.
At Altino, in the region of Venice, saint Heliodoro, Bishop, who as a teacher to saint Valeriano de Aquileya and was fellow of the Saints Chromatius and Jerome, being the first bishop of the city (s. IV/V).
Abo in Finland, saint Hemming, Bishop, who established the discipline in this church by Synod ordinations, inflamed by the pastoral zeal, favored studies of clerics, embellished the divine worship and promoted peace between peoples.
In Alexandria, in Egypt, St. Heraclas, Bishop, famous as a disciple of origins, for whom he was collaborator and successor in the school, and then to govern this headquarters (247/249).
In Perugia, Umbria, saint Herculano, Bishop and martyr, who, by order of Totila, King of the Goths, was beheaded.
In Cologne, in Germany, saint Heriberto, Bishop, who, being Chancellor of the Emperor Otón III, was elected to the strength to the episcopal see, from where illuminated constantly to the clergy and to the people with the example of their virtues, who also recommended in preaching.
St. Hermágoras, martyr of Aquileia (Italy), s. i. disciple of Saint Marcos, evangelist and first bishop of Aquileia, who in the middle of the miracles he did healing the sick, with zeal, preaching, and the conversion of entire peoples, suffered many and very painful fatigue; Finally it died slain together with his deacon Fortunato, reaching the Crown of martyrdom.
In the monastery of the Premostratenses of Steinfeld, in Germany, saint José Hermano, priest, who was conspicuous by his delicate love for the Virgin Mary and celebrated with hymns and chants her devotion to the divine heart of Jesus (1241 / 1252).
In sight, Licia, holy martyrs Nicandro, Bishop, and Hermas, presbyter (s. c. IV).
Commemoration of St. Hermas, St. Paul mentioned in the letter to the Romans (s. I).
In the island of Antrum (today Aindre), near Nantes, France, saint Hermelando, in which, after serving in the Royal Court, became a monk of the monastery of Fontenelle and was finally appointed first Abbot of the place (c. 720).
In Moesia (today in Romania), saints Hermes and Cayo, martyrs, originating from Reciaria and Bologna, respectively (s. IV).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Bsila, in the via Salaria Antigua, Saint Hermes, martyr, who said the Pope saint Damaso: "Greece sent him and Rome retained it after suffering by the holy name" (s. III).
At Bononia (today Widdin), in Moesia, saint Hermetes, Exorcist and martyr (s. III/IV).
Next to Comana in Pontus, Saint Hermias, soldier and martyr (s. III).
Saints Hermolao, Hermipo and Hermocrates, Nicomedia, martyrs, s. IV.
Saints Hermolao, Hermipo and Hermocrates, Nicomedia, martyrs, s. IV.
In Melitene in Armenia, Hermogenes and Elpidio, martyrs Saints.
Saints Hermolao, Hermipo and Hermocrates, Nicomedia, martyrs, s. IV.
Commemoration of the Saints Herodión and Asincrito Flegon, that the Apostle Paul salutes in the letter to the Romans (s. I).
In Alexandria, in Egypt, commemoration of the Holy Herón, atheist and Isidoro, and twelve-year-old Dioscorus, martyrs during the persecution under Decius. When the judge saw the first three strong in faith and wrecked by the various torments, sent them to burn, but to saint Dióscoro, flagellate, you diferio death.
In lower Brittany, saint Herveo, hermit, blind from birth, singing the joys of Paradise (s. VI).
In Mayuma, in Palestine, commemoration of Saint Hesiquio, monk, disciple of saint Hilarión and his companion's pilgrimage (s. IV).
In Vienne, of Burgundy, Saint Hesiquio, Bishop, who was promoted from the Senator to the episcopal dignity. Their sons were St. Apolinar, Bishop of the Church of Balance, and Avitus, who succeeded him in the see of Vienne.
At Antioch, in Syria, saint Hesiquio palatal, martir, who during the persecution in time of the Diocleciano Emperor, upon hearing the order who does not sacrifice to idols should get rid of their military insignia, stripped them and for this reason was thrown into the Orontes River with a large stone tied around his right hand (c. 303).
In Atalia, Pamphylia (Antalya today, in Turkey), saints burnish and his wife Zoe, together with his sons Ciriaco and Teodulo, martyrs, who, according to tradition, in the time of Emperor Hadrian were slaves in the service of a pagan, and by order of the same master were first whipped, then brutally tormented because of his free confession of the Christian faith and finally thrown into an oven on, in which gave their souls to God (s. II).
In the monastery of Moyenmoutier, in the Vosges, saint Hidulfo, who still chorbishop of Trier, retired to the solitude, and having come to him many disciples, with them founded a monastery which was superior.
In Melitene, of Armenia, saint Hierón and numerous peers.
In Rome, saint Higinio, Pope, who was the eighth to occupy the seat of saint Pedro.
In Carcassonne, in the Narbonnaise Gaul, Saint-Hilaire, considered as first bishop of this city, in whose time the Goths spread the Arian heresy (s. IV).
In Toulouse, in the Narbonnaise Gaul, Saint-Hilaire, Bishop, who raised a small basilica of wood over the grave of saint Saturnino, its predecessor (c. 400).
In the island of Cyprus, saint Hilarión, abad, who, following in the footsteps of saint Antonio, first led a solitary life near Gaza City and later was founder and example of the eremitical life in this region (c. 371).
At Ancira, of Galatia, saints Proclo e Hilarion, martyrs in the time of the Emperor Trajan and the maximum prefect (s. II).
On Mount Olympus in Bithynia, saint Hilarión, hegumen of the monastery of Pelecete, who fought courageously for the cult of Holy images (s. VIII).
In Constantinople, saint Hilarión, presbyter and hegumen of the monastery called of Dalmacio, who, to defend the cult of sacred images, had to withstand jail, flogging and exile.
In the territory of Gévaudan, in Gaul, saint Hilaro, Bishop of Javols (s. VI).
In the monastery of Fécamp, in Neustria, saint Quildomarca, or Ildemarca, Abbess, who received and responded cordially to saint Leodegario, mutilated by Ebroino (c. 682).
Whitby, Nortumbria, St. Hilda, Abbess, who, after embracing the faith and receive the sacraments of Christ, placed at the head of his monastery, both surrendered to the formation of the monks and nuns in the regular life, to the maintenance of peace and harmony, to work and to the reading of the divine Scriptures, who seemed to perform heavenly tasks on Earth.
In Flanders, Austrasia, commemoration of St. Hilduardo, Bishop (c. 760).
In the monastery of Liesse, in Hannonia, of Austrasia (now Belgium), saint Hiltrudis, Virgin, who lived piously withdrawal with his brother Guntando, Abbot (post 800).
In the Valley of Susingen, among the Helvetii (today Switzerland), saint Himerio, hermit, who preached the Gospel in that region (c. 612).
In Bithynia, saint Hipacio, hegumen of the monastery of the Rufinos, who, austere life and hard fasts, taught his disciples the true fear of God perfect obedience of the monastic observance, and the laity.
In Gangres, Paphlagonia, saint Hipacio of Hipapcio, Bishop, who died a martyr, stoned to death in a road by the novacianos heretics.
In the Jura Mountain, in the lugdunensis region of Gaul, St. Hippolytus, Abbot, and Bishop (c. 770).
In Cremona, Lombardy, saint Homobono, merchant, who became famous for his charity towards the poor, welcoming and educating abandoned children and put peace in families.
In the city of Pavia, in Liguria (today Italy), translation of saint Honorata, Virgin consecrated to God and sister of Saint Epiphanius, Bishop (s. V).
In Arles, city of Provence, in Gaul (now France), Saint-Honorat Islands, Bishop, who established the famous monastery on the island of Lérins, and later agreed to govern the see of Arles.
In Amiens, of Neustria, Saint-Honorat Islands, Bishop (c. 600). Patron Saint of bakers and confectioners.
In Thenezay, in the region of Poitiers, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Honorato de Buzançais, who, being livestock handler, distributed money among the poor and was killed by thieves scolded those who.
In Subiaco, in Lazio, commemoration of Saint-Honorat Islands, Abbot, who wisely ruled the monastery where before had lived Benedict (s. VI).
In Vercelli, in the province of Liguria, saint Honorato, Bishop, who of St. Eusebius disciple in monastery and colleague also in prison, succeeded his teacher at the headquarters, teaching the true doctrine, already the hour of death deserved given the viaticum to the Bishop Ambrose (s. IV / V).
In Milan, in Lombardy, memory of saint Honorato, Bishop, who before the impending attack of the Lombards he saved a good part of his people, transferring it to Genoa (c. 570).
In the region of Rouen, in Gaul, saint Elvira, Virgin and martyr (s. inc.).
In Canterbury, in the County of Kent, in England, Saint Honorius, Bishop, before Roman monk, sent by the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I as Augustine companion to evangelize England, who succeeded, finally, in the episcopal see.
In Nice, Provence, Saint Hospice, inmate, a man of admirable abstinence, who predicted the arrival of the Longobards (c. 581).
St. Hubert, patron saint of hunters
In Tervueren, of Brabant, in Austrasia, transit of St. Hubert, Bishop of Tongres and Maastricht, disciple and successor of St. Lambert, that he devoted all his strength to spread the Gospel by Brabante and the Ardennes, and there fought the pagan customs.
In the monastery of Jumièges, also in Neustria, St. Hugo, Bishop of Rouen, who ruled at the same time the monastery of Fontenelle and the churches of Paris and Bayeux, and waiving these charges, finally, was head of the monastery of Jumièges.
In Genoa, in the province of Liguria, saint Hugo, religious, who, after having fought long time in the Holy Land, he was appointed to govern the entrustment of the order of St. John of Jerusalem in this city, and distinguished himself by his kindness and his charity to the poor (c. 1233).
In Lincoln, England, St. Hugo, Bishop, who was a Carthusian monk when he was called to govern the Church of this city, where he made an excellent job in the defence of the liberties of the Church to start the Jews from the hands of their enemies.
In Noaria, Sicily, saint Hugo, Abbot, who, sent by saint Bernardo de Claraval, established the Cistercian order there itself and in Calabria.
In area of Morini, in France, St. Humfrido, Bishop of Thérouanne, who being destroyed the city by the Normans, attempted to tirelessly gather and comfort to his flock.
In Utrecht, Gelderland, in the Lotharingia, St. Hungero, Bishop.
In Persia, saint Ia, martyr during the reign of Sapor II (c. 632).
Close to the monastery of Fieschingen, in Switzerland, saint Ida, prison.
Herzfeld, of Saxony, saint Ida, widow of the Duke Ecberto, distinguished by his assiduous prayer and charity for the poor.
In Friesland, saint Ierón, priest and martyr, who refers that he received the death at the hands of the Normans pagans.
In Constantinople, Saint Ignatius, Bishop, who, by having rebuked the Caesar Bardas by the repudiation of his legitimate wife, was the subject of libel and exile. Restored to its headquarters by intervention of the Pope saint Nicolás I, he rested in the peace of the Lord.
In Cagliari, in Sardinia, saint Ignacio de Láconi, religious of the order of Capuchin lesser brothers, who squares and taverns in the harbour called tirelessly for alms to assist the misery of the poor. God enriched him with special supernatural gifts that attracted him the appreciation of all social classes. Pius XII canonized him in 1951.
In Turin, in the region of Piedmont, blessed Ignacio de Saintdone (Lorenzo Mauritius) Belvisotti, priest of the order of brothers minor Capuchins, regular in penitentes-attend and help sick.
In Arvernia, in Aquitaine, saint Ilídio, Bishop, who, called by the emperor to Trier to free her daughter from an unclean spirit, died on the return from the trip.
In the monastery of Llanilltud Fawr, Cambria (now Wales), who bears his name, saint Iltuto, abad, who founded a monastery, where the fame of his Holiness and eximia doctrine brought large numbers of disciples.
In Todi, Umbria, saint lighted, Virgin.
Franciscan monk, disciple of St. Francis.
In the city of Xilinxian, in china of Guangxi Province, saint Inés Cao Kuiying, martyr, who, married to a violent husband, after the death of this was delivered with mandate of the Bishop to the teaching of Christian doctrine, who is why, after being detained in a jail and suffer torments crudelisimos, always trusting the Lord became eternal feasts.
In the province of Ninh Binh, in Tonquin, saint Inés Lê Thi Thành (De), martyr, mother, that the Emperor Thiêu Tri-time was cruelly tormented because of hid in his house to a priest, dying in prison for refusing to recant their faith.
In Assisi, Umbria, in the convent of saint Damián, St. Agnes, Virgin, who in the flower of youth, according to his sister saint Clara, embraced wholeheartedly into poverty under the direction of saint Francisco.
In Poitiers, Aquitaine, saint Ines (or Agnes), Abbess, who received the blessing of the hands of Germán of Paris and ruled the monastery of Saint Cruz de Poitiers with immense and loving application.
At Prague, Bohemia, St. Agnes, Abbess, daughter of the King Otokar, who, after having renounced marriage real and willing to marry Jesus Christ, embraced the rule of St. Clare in the monastery built by herself, where wanted to see poverty in accordance with the rule (c. 1282).
In Sabiona, Reece, saint Ingenuino, first bishop of this see (c. 605).
In the monastery of Oña, in the territory of Burgos, in the region of Castile, in Hispania, saint Enecón (or Iñigo), Abbot, peaceful man, whose death was also mourned by Jews and Muslims (c. 1060).
In the town of Turon, in the Spanish region of Asturias, holy martyrs Inocencio de la Inmaculada (Manuel) Canoura Arnau, presbyter of the Congregation of the passion, and eight colleagues, the brothers of the Christian schools, who, during the revolution, in hatred of the faith were killed without trial, reaching victory (1934). Their names are: saints Cirilo Bertrán (Jose) Saintz Weaver, Marciano José (Filomeno) Lopez Lopez, Victoriano Pío (Claudio) Bernabé Cano, Julián Alfredo (Vilfrido) Fernández Zapico, Benjamín Julián (Vicente) Alonso Andrés, Augusto Andrés (Román) Martín Fernández, Benito de Jesús (Hector) Valdivieso Sáez and Aniceto Adolfo (Manuel)
In Tortona, of Liguria, saint Inocencio, Bishop (s. IV).
At Sebaste, Armenia, St. Irenarco, martyr, that exercising executioner became Christ, motivated by the constancy of Christian women and, under the Emperor Diocleciano and the maximum prefect, died decapitated in the 4th century.
In Thessaloniki, Macedonia, St. Irene, Virgin and martyr, who, by hid books sacred against the ban of the Emperor Diocleciano, was led to a public lupanar and then burned by order of the prefect Dulcecio, under which also his sisters, Agape and Cionia, they had suffered together shortly before.
At Sirmium in Pannonia, passion of Ireneo, Bishop and martyr, who in time of Emperor Maximiano, and under the prefect Probus, was tormented and then locked up in jail, being finally beheaded (s. IV).
Saints Irenaeus and Mustiola, Chiusi (Italy)
In Cologne, the Lotharingia, saint Irmgarda, Countess of Süchteln, who used their property in the construction of Churches (c. 1089).
In Trier, Austrasia, saint Irmina of Irma, Abbess of the monastery of Oeren, who, being a midwife devoted to God, he founded a small monastery in his villa of Echternach, gave him and donated to St. Vilibrordo (c. 710).
In the village of Ossenenon, in the territory of Canada, I martyrdom of Saint Isaac Jogues, priest of the society of Jesus and martyr, who was converted into a slave by Indians, who cut off the fingers, until Quel opened an AX head. His memory is celebrated on October 19.
In the city of Bagrevand in greater Armenia, St. Isaac, Bishop, who, for promoting the Christian life, translated into Armenian language Holy Scripture and the liturgy, adhered to the faith of the Efesino Synod and, finally, expelled from the headquarters, died in exile.
In the town of Emmitsburg, in the State of Maryland, in the United States of America, saint Isabel Ana Seton, who left widow embraced the Catholic faith and worked hard to found the Congregation of the Sisters of the charity of St. Joseph, in order to educate girls and care for poor children.
In Schönau, Rhineland, in Germania, saint Isabel, Virgin, famous for their observance of the monastic life.
In Marseille, Provence (today France), saint Isarno, Abbot, renewer of the regular life in the monastery of Saint Víctor, being austere with himself and comprehensive and peaceful with each other.
In Ratzeburg, of Holstein, in Germania, St. Isfrido, Bishop, who retained their customs of Premonstratensian Canon and worked on the conversion of the vendos.
In the city of Hue, in Annam, saint Isidoro Gagelin, priest of the society of foreign missions of Paris and martyr, who, because of his faith in Christ, was strangled in the time of Emperor Minh Mang.
In Pelusium, also in Egypt, saint Isidoro, priest, man of profound doctrine, who, disregarding the wealth, and the world tried to imitate the life of saint Juan Bautista in the desert, wearing the monastic habit.
On the island of Chios in the Aegean Sea, Isidore, martyr, who, according to tradition, was thrown into a well (s. III).
Went on in Die, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, St. Ismidón, Bishop, that lover of the Holy places, twice pilgrimage piously to Palestine.
Also the commemoration of St. Isquirión, martyr in Egypt, who, by refusing to sacrifice, between mockery and slander was crossed by the womb with a sharp stick, and thus handed over to death (c. 250).
Licopoli, in Egypt, saints mártires Ischyion, official of the army, along with other five soldiers, who were killed in various ways (c. 250) under the prefect Arius-time Emperor Decio, for their faith in Christ.
In Le Dorat, in the Aquitaine region of Limoges, St. Israel, priest and Canon regular, who was of great help the Bishop in the preaching of the word of God.
In the monastery of Cluain believe it, in Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Ita, Virgin and founder of the same monastery.
In Rochester, England, saint Itamar, Bishop, who was the first in the region of Kent to be elevated to the episcopal order, shining for the dignity of his life and by his erudition.
At Chartres, of Gaul, St. Ivón, Bishop, who reformed the order of the canons and made and wrote much in favour of the priesthood, harmony of the Empire and the usefulness of the Church.
In the city of Viterbo, in Lazio (today Italy), saint Jacinta Mariscotti, Virgin, of the third order Regular of St. Francis, who, after losing 15 years given to vain delights, embraced with burning conversion and promoted confraternities to comfort the elderly, promoting the worship of the Eucharist.
Seymen, Paphlagonia, saint Jacinto, martyr (c. s. III).
In Rome, on the via Labicana, saint Jacinto, martyr (s. III/IV).
In the territory of Sabina, thirty milestones of the city of Rome, saint Jacinto, the 690 martyred together with Saint Alejandro and Saint Tiburtio.
In Constantinople, the passion of St. Jacob, surnamed "Confessor", who fought bravely for the cult of Holy images and ended his life with a glorious martyrdom (c. 824).
In Angers, in France, blessed James Laigneau de Langellerie, priest and martyr, during the French Revolution was beheaded for being a priest.
Sarug Batnan, of Osrhoene, in Mesopotamia, St. Jakob, Bishop, illustrated with their pure faith to this Church through his sermons, homilies, and translations, who is recognized by the Syrians as doctor and pillar of the Church, along with saint Efrem.
In Tarantasia, city of Viennese Gaul (now France), St. Jacob, Bishop, disciple of saint Honorato de Lérins (s. V).
In Naples, Campania, sepultura Jacobo Piceno or the brand, priest of the order of Friars Minor, informed by his preaching and austerity of life.
In Nisibis, Mesopotamia, Jacob, first bishop of this city, who took part in the Council of Nicea and directed his flock in peace, spiritually feeding and defending it with power of the enemies of the faith.
Commemoration of St. Jacob, hermit in Palestine, who long hid in a tomb to be penitent life (s. VI).
In Tarragona, in Spain, Sainttiago (Jaime) blessed (Manuel) Hilario Barbal Cosán, religious of the brothers of the Christian schools, martyr, sentenced to the death penalty by hatred of the Church in the mentioned Chase.
In Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Jarlato, Bishop.
In the city of Tocolatlan, in Mexico, saint Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo, priest, martyr during the Mexican persecution.
In Nevers, of Neustria, Jerome, Bishop, who enriched the Church with his bounty and its pastoral application.
In Pavia, Lombardy city, Jerome, Bishop (s. VIII).
In the city of Kouy-Yang, in Guizhou province, in China, saint Joaquin have Kaizhi, catechist and martyr, strangled by keeping their faith in Christ.
In Africa, St. Jocundiano, martyr (s. inc.).
In Aosta, in the Alps Graios, saint Jocundo, Bishop (c. 502).
Commemoration of St. Joel, Prophet who appears in the old testament, who announced the great day of the Lord and the mystery of the outpouring of the spirit upon every creature, what God had good do reach full compliance in the person of Christ the day of Pentecost (s. IV to. C.)
Commemoration of the character of the Bible St. Jonah, Prophet, son of Amitay (2Re 14, 25), whose name carries a book of the old testament, and his known expulsion from the belly of the whale is presented in the own Gospel as a sign of the resurrection of the Lord (Mt 12: 40).
In Marchiennes, in the Belgium Gaul, St. Jonato, Abbot, disciple of saint loving (c. 690),
In the monastery of Choziba in Palestine, saint Jorge, monk and hermit, who spent the entire week held in his cell, but on Sunday prayed with the brothers and visited with them on spiritual issues (c. 614).
On Mount Olympus, in Bithynia, saint Jorge Limniota, monk, who, having rebuked the wicked Emperor León III by destroying the sacred images and burn the relics of the Saints, by mandate of this and for this cause, having it amputated nose and burned the head, emigrated as a martyr to the Lord (c. 730).
In Antioquia, of Pisida, saint Jorge, Bishop, who died in exile to defend the cult of Holy images.
In Mytilene, on Lesbos Island, St. George, Bishop, who in time of Emperor Leon the Armenian had to suffer much for the worship of the sacred images.
In Lodève, of the Narbonnaise Galia, saint Jorge, Bishop (c. 870).
In the monastery of Vabres, in the region of Rodez, in Aquitaine, saint Jorge, monk (c. 877).
At Viennes, of Burgundy, saint Jorge, Bishop (c. 670).
In Valletta, capital of the island of Malta, blessed Jorge Preca, priest, who lovingly surrendered to the catechesis of children training and founded the society of Christian doctrine, whose mission is to bear witness to the word of God and spread it.
His Christian name was Juan Kunsevich. Born in Volhinia (today Poland) of Vladimir to the 1581. In 1601 he entered the monastery of the Holy Trinity in Vilnius and 13 years after he was appointed Abbot of Vilnius. Catholic in land of schism, tries to discover his people the faith of the universal Church. When is named, against their love, by Pope Paulo V, Archbishop of Polotsk, becomes immeasurable their zeal and charity in an archdiocese that is infested by the Schism. Its activity, its moral force and his inner life arouses envy and jealousy because the White Russia, rejuvenated, is happening next to Rome. In 1623, a tumult invades his home and is killed and ar
Ronco all ' Adige, in the region of Verona, in Italy, blessed José Baldo, priest, who delivered to the pastoral ministry, founded the Congregation of the little daughters of Saint Jose, to cater to the elderly and the sick.
Commemoration of blessed Joseph, called "Bársabas", and nicknamed "the just", disciple of Christ, presenting, along with saint Matías, followers of the Lord both before the Apostles so that one of them exercise the Apostolic mission instead of Judas, but although the fate fell on Matthias, however it also served the Lord with his preaching and his Holiness.
In Seoul, Korea, saint Jose Chang Song-jib, martyr, who, exercising the profession of pharmacist and converted to Christianity, was arrested and taken to jail, where he died between atrocious torments.
In the city of Hung Yen, in Tonquin, saint José Dang Dinh (Niem) Vien, priest, martyr at the time of the rule of Minh Mang.
In the city of Nam-Dinh, in Tonquin, saint José Dô Quang Hiên, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, who, locked up in a prison, dedicated intensively to convert pagans and to comfort in the faith of Christians, until, by Decree of the Emperor Thiêu Tri, he was beheaded.
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saint José Fernández, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, beheaded because of his faith in Christ, being Emperor Minh Mang.
In the Daijiazhuang city, in Shandong province, South of China, blessed José Freinademetz, priest of the society of the divine word, who worked tirelessly in the evangelization of that region.
In Constantinople, saint José, surnamed "Himnografo", priest, who, being a monk, in the persecution unleashed by the iconoclasts was sent to Rome to ask for the protection of the Apostolic See, and after many ailments, received custody of the sacred vessels of Saint Sophia.
In the place of Zapotlanejo, Mexico, saint José Isabel Flores, priest, martyr during the great persecution in that country.
In Hue, city of Annam, saint José Le Dang Thi, martyr, who, being military, was imprisoned for being a Christian and in the midst of the torments to which submitted you no letup in their faith, bearing witness to fellow prisoners, so it ended up strangled in the time of Emperor Tu Duc.
In Qianshengzhuang village, near the town of Liushuitao, in Hebei province, in China, saint José Ma Taishun, catechist and martyr, who, being medical, while during the persecution carried out by the sect of the Yihetuan all members of his family to leave the faith, he preferred to give witness to Christ shedding his blood.
At Hue, in Annam, saint José Marchand, priest of the society of foreign missions of Paris and martyr, who, under the rule of Minh Mang, was sentenced to the torment of the one hundred lashes.
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saint José María Díaz Saintjurjo, Bishop, of the order of preachers and martyr, who during the persecution by Emperor Tu Duc was sentenced to death in hatred of the Christian faith.
In Jalisco, in the territory of Guadalajara, Mexico, saint José María Robles, priest and martyr, who was hanged from a tree during the persecution against the Church in the time of the Mexican Revolution.
In the city of Aranjuez, by Castilla la Nueva, in Spain, saint Jose Maria Rubio Peralta, priest of the society of Jesus, who is meant for your attention to the penitents in the sacramental confession, preaching spiritual exercises and visits to the poor in the suburbs of Madrid.
In Rome, saint José María Tomasi, priest of the order of clerics regular Teatinos and Cardinal, who ardently desiring the establishment of divine worship, went hard to the research and publication of texts and ancient liturgical monuments, as well as to the catechesis of children.
In Mengo, Uganda place, saint José Mkasa Balikuddembé, martyr, that being in front of the Royal Palace, received baptism won many young people for Christ and defended children from the vicious passions of the Mwenga King Court, and, because of this, the King, enraged, ordered to slaughter him twenty-five years of age.
In Naples, in Italy, saint José Moscati, medical, handed over completely to the everyday and tireless assistance patients unclaimed the poor pay any, and attending to the bodies, at the same time healed souls with great love.
In Hung Yen city, in Tonquin, Saint José Nguyen Dình Uyên, catechist and martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Minh Mang, was imprisoned for hatred of the Christian faith, dying in prison.
In the city of Hai-Duong, in Tonquin, Saint José Nguyen Duy Khang, martyr catechist and fellow traveller of the Holy Bishop Jerónimo Hermosilla, along with he was imprisoned during the persecution under the Emperor Tu Duc, being flogged and imprisoned, finally slain.
In Amatrice, place of the Abruzzo, saint José de Leonessa, priest of the order of the brothers minor Capuchins, who in Constantinople held captive Christians in their faith and, having suffered great tribulations for having preached the Gospel even in the Sultan's Palace, returned to his homeland and was distinguished for attending to the poor.
In Thessaly, transit of St. Joseph, Bishop of Thessalonica, saint Teodoro Estudita brother, who during his life as monk composed many hymns and promoted to the episcopate, had to suffer soon many and cruel torments, as was pointed out to defend the ecclesiastical discipline and sacred images. Relegated to Thessaly, he died of hunger.
In the village An Bai, in Tonquin (today North Viet Nam), saint José Tuân, martyr, who, parent and farmer, kneeling and praying before a cross, refusing to trample on it, was slain in the time of Emperor Tu Duc.
In the village of An Bái, in Tonquin, saint José Tuan, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, who, denounced in the time of Emperor Tu Duc, was arrested while he administered his ailing mother the sacraments, being beheaded.
In Hung Yen city, in Tonquin, saint José Tuc, martyr, young farmer who refused to cross, so they imprisoned him and insulted several times, until the time of Emperor Tu Duc was slain.
Nangong city, also in Hebei province, saint José Wang Guiji, martyr, than during the same persecution preferred dying gloriously for Christ rather than save his life saying, as suggested you, a small lie.
In a Daying village near the city of Zaoqiang in the Chinese province of Hebei, Saint Joseph Yuan Gengyin, martyr, a merchant in the village market, than in the persecution carried out by followers of the Yihetuan movement was killed by being a Christian.
In Sichuan province, in China, saint Jose Yuan Zaide, priest and martyr, strangled in hatred of the Christian faith.
In the city of Guiyang in the Chinese province of Guangxi, saint José Zhang Dapeng, martyr, who received the light of faith, only baptized opened his home to missionaries and catechists, and helped poor, sick and children until, condemned to crucifixion, shed tears of joy at having been considered worthy to die for Christ.
In Barcelona, Spain, Saint José Manyanet and Vives (Pare Manyanet), priest, who founded the Congregation of sons and daughters of the Holy family, so that the example of the Holy family of Nazareth, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, all families Guide to perfection.
Saint Josefina Bakhita, Virgin, born in the region of Darfur, Sudan, who still even girl was abducted and sold in various African slave markets, suffering harsh captivity, but getting the freedom he embraced the Christian faith and joined the Institute of the daughters of charity (Canossian), spending the rest of his life in Schio near Vicenzagiven to Christ and to the service of others.
In Pavia, from Liguria, saint Jovencio or Evencio, Bishop, who worked very hard on behalf of the Gospel.
In Auxerre, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Joviniano, lector and martyr (s. III).
Also in Rome, on the via Latina, Jovino and Basileo, martyrs Saints Christmas day that suffered in Rome during the persecution of Valerian, 258.
St. Józef Bilczewski, born in Wilamowice (Poland), Archbishop of Lviv of the Latins from 1900, was a reference point for Catholics, Orthodox and Jews during the first world war and subsequent conflicts, died on March 20, 1923 in Lviv (Ukraine).
In London, in England, saint Juan Almond, priest and martyr, who for more than ten years the cure pastoral until reigning Jacobo I, exercised secretly because of his priesthood was hanged at Tyburn, leaving do alms even from the scaffold.
In Seoul, Korea, St. John Baptist Nam Chong-sam, martyr.
In Cordoba, in Spain, saint Juan Bautista de la Concepción García, priest of the order of the Holy Trinity, that having started the renewal of your order, ended it with great effort, in the midst of difficulties and persecutions.
In Rome, saint Juan Bautista de Rossi, priest, who attended in the Holy City to the miserable and the poor, and imbued them Holy doctrine.
Lujiazhuang, village near Yingxian, in china of Hebei province, saint Juan Bautista Zhou Wurui, martyr, who, still, young confessed frankly to the followers of the movement of the Yihetuan who was Christian, so after amputate several members, you finished off with AX blows.
Saint Juan Berchmans was born in Diest, a small village in Flanders, Belgium, the 13 of March of 1599 and the 13 August 1621. It doesn't matter. Superstition had no place in his life. Every day is a gift from God.
In Durhan, in England, saint Juan Boste, priest, who, being Queen the same Isabel I, being priest suffered martyrdom and judge not ceased give encouragement to teammates.
In Milan, city of Lombardy (today Italy), saint Juan Bueno, Bishop, episcopal, home that he restored this population relocated because of the Lombards to the city of Genoa. By their faith and their morality was pleasaintt to God and men (c. 660).
In Jerusalem, saint Juan, Bishop, who in time of the controversy about the orthodox doctrine worked hard on behalf of the Catholic faith and peace in the Church.
In Verona, Italy, saint Juan Calabria, priest, who founded the Congregation of poor serfs and servants of Divine Providence. ...
In Constantinople (Istanbul today in Turkey), saint Juan Calibita, who tells which lived a while in a corner of the House and then in a hut (kalyba), completely given to contemplation, passing unnoticed before his own parents, who at the time of his death only knew him a copy of the Gospel adorned in gold themselves had given him (s. V).
In the Citadel of Son-Tay, in Tonquin, Indo-China, passion of saint Juan Carlos Cornay, priest of the Parisian society of missions for foreigners and martyr because of his Christian confession, after suffering cruel torments died sectioned and slain, by order of Emperor Minh Mang.
In Marseille, city of Provence, in Gaul, saint Juan Casiano, priest, who founded a monastery for men and another for women, and, as a result of its long experience in the monastic life, wrote two works for the monks: Cenobiticas institutions and parent conferences (c. 435).
At Mount Sinai, saint Juan, abad, who composed the famous paradise scale work, for the instruction of the monks, noting the path of spiritual progress to an ascending mode by thirty steps towards God, where it was be named with the nickname of "Clímaco".
In the region of Cho-Ra, in Tonquin, saint Juan Dat, priest and martyr, beheaded for their faith in Christ.
In Asuncion, Paraguay, saint Juan de el Castillo, priest of the society of Jesus and martyr, who was abused with cruel torments and finally in the town of reductions founded in the same year by saint Roque González and entrusted to their care, mandated by an individual fond of magic arts, stoned, dying for Christ.
In Amatunte, in the island of Cyprus, transit of Saint John the Almsgiver, Bishop of Alexandria, famous for his compassion to the poor and so overflowing charity towards all who did build many churches, hospitals, orphanages, to relieve all the needs of the city, to contribute to the heritage of the Church and continually urging the rich to the exercise of charity.
In Palestine, saint Juan el Silencioso or Hesychast, who, having renounced the Bishops of Cologne, in Armenia, lived as a monk in the laura of St. Sabas, in humble service to the brothers and in rough solitude and silence.
In Egypt, in Egypt, St. John, hermit, who among his many virtues is distinguished by his prophetic spirit (s. IV).
Saint Juan Fisher, Bishop and martyr, who, by not accepting the marriage of King Enrique VIII and remain faithful to the primacy of the Roman Pontiff, was imprisoned in the Tower of London. Bishop of Rochester, known for his erudition and the dignity of life, male was slain this day before prison, by order of the King.
In the city of Wuchang, Hubei Province, China, saint Juan Gabriel Perboyre, priest of the Congregation of the mission and martyr, dedicated to the preaching of the Gospel according to the custom of the place, during a Chase suffered prolonged imprisonment, being tormented and, finally, hung on a cross and strangled.
Brother of the Hospital of St. John of God order. He gave his life for the sick, dying, attacked by the plague. He is Patron of the Diocese of Jerez.
Saint Juan I, Pope and martyr, who, having been sent by the Arian King Theodoric in Embassy to the Emperor Justin in Constantinople, was the first Roman Pontiff who offered the Paschal victim in that Church, but upon his return, arrested in undignified way and thrown in jail by the same Theodoric, perished as victim by Christ Lord in c, in the Flaminia.
Saint Juan Isauro, monk, disciple of saint Gregorio Decapolita, who at the time of the Emperor the Armenian Lion fought hard to defend the Holy images (after 842).
In London, saint Juan Jones, priest of the order of Friars Minor, martyr, who, a native of Wales, he embraced the religious life in France, and having entered in England as a priest, being Queen Isabel I, he was sentenced to capital punishment, causing the martyrdom on the gallows.
In Hereford, England, saint Juan Kemble, priest and martyr, who in time of persecution he was pastoral Ministry for more than fifty years, and already octogenarian, was hanged for being a priest, causing the martyrdom.
Near the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saint Juan Luis Bonnard, priest of the same society of missions foreign de Paris, after having been sentenced to death for having baptized twenty-five children, reached the Crown of martyrdom to be beheaded.
Nearby Mengo, Uganda, passion of saint Juan María, named "Muzeo" or "Old man" because of his spiritual maturity, who was the King and made Christian, server at the time of the persecution did not want to flee but that he confessed spontaneously their faith before the first Minister of the Mwenga King, who was beheaded, being the latest victim of the persecution.
In the island of Constantinople, in Propontide, saint Juan, hegumen of the riyal, who, for defending the cult of Holy images in the Armenian Emperor Leon time, had fight with constancy (s. IX).
Saint Juan de Ávila, presbyter, who toured throughout the region of the Betica preaching Christ and, after being unjustly accused of heresy, was held in Montilla, of the region of Andalusia, in Spain, in jail, in which he wrote an important part of his spiritual doctrine. Pattern of the Spanish clergy.
Holy Martyrs Juan de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, priests and fellow of the society of Jesus, in the day that saint Juan de la Lande, religious, was killed by the pagans in the place called Ossernenon, then in the territory of Canada (now Auriesville, New York State), the same place where some years earlier had won the Crown of martyrdom saint Renato Goupil. Are jointly revered Saints teammates Gabriel Lalemant, Daniel Antonio, Carlos Garnier and Natal Chabanel, than in the Canadian region, on different days, after fatiguing in the people of the Huron mission to announce the Gospel of Christ to those peoples, terminaro
In the region of the Hurons, in Canada, passion of saint Juan de Brébeuf, priest of the society of Jesus, who sent from France to the Huron mission, died for Christ after huge work, tormented with great cruelty by some Pagans of the place. His memory, with the coworkers, is celebrated on October 19.
In Bridlington, England, saint Juan, priest, prior of the monastery of canons regular of St. Augustine, famous for his prayer, austerity, and goodness.
In Chinon, in the Turon Galia, saint Juan, priest, who, born in Britain, for love of God hid from the eyes of men, be confined in a cell next to the Church of the place (s. VI).
In Lviv, in Poland (today in Ukraine), saint Juan de Dukla, priest of the order of Friars Minor, who lived an ascetic and hidden life according to style of the Observants, with fervent pastoral dedication to the care of souls and the promotion of the unity of Christians.
The 4th century Egyptian hermit
In Gubbio, in the region of Umbria, in Italy, saint Juan de Lodi, Bishop, saint Pedro Damiano companion in legations (c. 1106).
In Rome, monte Celio, saint Juan de Mata, priest, who, French in origin, founded the order of the Holy Trinity for the redemption of captives.
In the monastery of Saint Jacobo de Foggia, Puglia, saint Juan de Matera, Abbot, distinguished by its austerity and his preaching to the people who instituted the congregation from Pulsainto in the Gargano region, observing the rule of Saint Benedict.
In Montemarano, from Campania, saint Juan, Bishop, who was devoted to helping the poor and the saintctification of the clergy (s. XI/XII).
In Naples, Campania, saint Juan, Bishop, who during the Holy night of Easter, while celebrating the sacred mysteries, died, and accompanied by many faithful and neophytes, was buried the day of the solemnity of the Lord's resurrection.
In the village of Ortega, in the region of Burgos, memory of saint Juan, priest, who, after having visited the Holy places in Jerusalem, dedicated his life to serve the pilgrims who travelled to Sainttiago de Compostela.
In Parma, Emilia, saint Juan, abad, who, by the recommendations of saint Máyolo de Cluny, ordered many standards to promote the monastic observance in his monastery (s. X).
In Spoleto, in Umbria, saint Juan, Abbot of Parrano, who was the father of many servants of God (s. VI).
In Pavia, Lombardy, saint Juan, Bishop (c. 825).
In the monastery of Réôme, in the territory of Langres, in Neustria (today France), saint Juan, priest, male devotee of God, who presided for a time a monastic community according to the rule of St. Macarius (c. 554).
In the city of Valencia, in Spain, saint Juan de Ribera, Bishop, who also exercised the functions of viceroy. He was very devoted to the most Holy Eucharist, defended the Catholic faith and educated the people with its insistent instructions.
In Salamanca, Spain, saint Juan de Sahagún González de Castrillo, priest of the order of the hermits of St. Augustine, who, with his Holiness of life and their constant colloquia, attained harmony among the existing factions among the citizens.
In Syracuse, city of Sicily, saint Juan, Bishop, whom the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I praised Customs, justice, wisdom, mode of counseling and care of the assets of the Church.
Trau, in Dalmatia, saint Juan, Bishop, who, being a hermit in a camaldolese monastery, was ordained bishop and happily defended the city from destruction attempted by King Colomano (c. 1111).
In the city of Changsha, in Hunan province, in China, saint Juan de Triora (Francisco Maria) Lantrua, priest of the order of the Friars Minor and martyr, who, after a long and cruel prison, was strangled.
In Valence, in the region of Vienne, in France, saint Juan, Bishop, who was first Abbot of Bonnevaux, and then elected Bishop suffered many setbacks for the defense of Justice, generously helping poor and bankrupt merchants (c. 1145).
In Glasgow, Scotland, saint Juan Ogilvie, priest of the society of Jesus and martyr, who exile in various European countries, after devoting many years to the study of theology was ordained a priest and secretly returned to his homeland, where surrendered diligently care pastoral of their fellow citizens, until, imprisoned and sentenced to death under King Jacobo IIt reached in the gallows glorious Palm of martyrdom.
In Chelmsford, England, saint Juan Payne, priest and martyr, in the time of Queen Isabel I was hanged, accused falsely of sedition.
In Chester, England, saint Juan Plessington, priest and martyr, who having been ordained priest in Segovia, returning to England was sentenced for this reason to the gallows, being King Jacobo II.
In London, in England, saint Juan Rigby, martyr, who reigning Isabel I, was arrested in London and sentenced to the death penalty for having reconciled with the Catholic Church, being hanged in Southwark and, still alive, dismembered.
At Tyburn, saint Juan Roberts, of the order of St. Benedict, and blessed Tomás Somers, priests and martyrs, who, in time of King Jaime I because of his priesthood, having embraced sixteen robbers, were hung in the same scaffold.
In Olomuc, in Moravia, saint Juan Sarkander, priest and martyr, who, being parish priest of Holesov, for refusing reveal the secret of confession was subjected to the ordeal of the wheel and thrown into jail when still breathed, died just a month later.
In Stilo in Calabria, saint Juan, who was monk according to the statutes of the Eastern fathers and deserved to be called "Terestes" or "Reaper", distinguished by his charity towards the poor, on whose behalf used to help the reapers (s. XI)).
Saint Juan Silenciero or silent, Bishop of Cologne.
In Vicenza, in the territory of Venice, blessed John Sordi or blessed John Cacciafronte, Bishop and martyr, who, being Abbot, was exiled by his fidelity to the Pope, and later elected Bishop of Mantua and transferred to the see of Vicenza, died in defence of ecclesiastical freedom, killed by a hit man.
In London, in England, saint Juan Southworth, priest and martyr, who, for exercising his priesthood in that country, had to endure prison and exile, and low Oliverio Cromwell was sentenced to death. When he saw the scaffold prepared at Tyburn, he exclaimed that it was for him that was the cross for Christ.
In Canterbury, England, commemoration of saint Juan Stone, priest of the order of brothers of St. Augustine and martyr during the reign of Enrique VIII bravely defended the Catholic faith and consummated their martyrdom on the scaffold.
In Poliboto, in Phrygia, saint Juan, called the caster, Bishop, who, against the opinion of the Emperor Leon the Armenian, worked intensely in favor of the cult of the sacred images in the 9th century.
In Worchester, also in England, saint Juan Wall, priest of the order of the Friars Minor and martyr, who, after having spent clandestinely his pastoral Ministry for over twenty years, in the time of King Carlos II, being a priest, was hanged and then quartered.
In the city of Nangon, in province of Hebei, saint Juan Wang Guixin, martyr, that during the persecution carried out by the Yihetuan movement it preferred to die for Christ before that spot with a slight lie.
In the city of Young Nien, in Hebei, China province, saint Juan Wu Wenyin, martyr, who, being a Catechist, for refusing to renounce Christianity and embrace paganism, was beheaded during the persecution triggered by followers of the Yihetuan movement.
In Azogyrea, on the island of Crete, saint Juan, named Xenos, who spread in the island the monastic life (s. XI).
In the village of Daegu, in Korea, saint Juan Yi Yun-il, martyr, who, being father, peasaintt and Catechist, had to endure scourging, and dislocation of all its members, staying constant in the Christian faith, who it reached cheerfully martyrdom to be beheaded. It was the latest victim of the great persecution in this nation.
In Naples, saint Juan José de la Cruz (Carlos) Gaetano, priest of the order of the Friars Minor, who, following in the footsteps of saint Pedro de Alcántara, restored the discipline of the rule in many monasteries of the province of Naples.
In the town of Bagno Romagna (today Italy), saint Juana, who admitted to the camaldolese order, he distinguished himself by his obedience and humility.
In Naples, in Campania, saint Juana Antida Thouret, Virgin, where in time of the French revolution followed with some companions interrupted, and in Besaintçon religious life began a new society of Hermanas de la Caridad, dedicated to ensuring the civil and Christian formation of youth, attention to abandoned, the poor and the sick children, until he died in exile, suffering from great tribulations.
In Magenta, near Milan, in Italy, Saint Juana (Gianna) Beretta Molla, mother of a family, who, expecting a child, had no hesitation putting the creature to his own life with love.
In Saumur, near Angers, France, saint Juana Delanoue, unspoilt, that supported fully by the help of Divine Providence, hosted first at home to orphans, elderly and ill women and bad life. Subsequently, put their partners the foundation of the Institute of sisters of Saint Ana of Divine Providence.
La Puye, near Poitiers, also in France, saint Juana Isabel Bichier des Ages, Virgin, who, during the French Revolution, helped Andrés saint Huberto Fournet when this was clandestinely exercising his Ministry. Restored the peace of the Church, founded the Congregation of the daughters of the cross, for the education of the poor and helping the sick.
In the monastery of the visitation of Moulins in France, death of saint Juana Francisca Chantal Frémiot (Saint Juana de Chantal), whose memory is celebrated in August (12 or 18).
In Bordeaux, in France, saint Juana de Lestonnac, who, as a child, rejected the invitation and the efforts of his mother away from the Catholic Church and, on being widowed and after educating conveniently to their five children, founded the society of the daughters of our Lady, in imitation of the society of Jesus, for the Christian education of girls.
In the monastery of Antidio, in Bithynia, saint Juanicio, monk, that, after more than twenty years in the service of the weapons, lived alone in several mountains of Olympus, and used to accompany his prayer with these words: God is my hope, Christ my refuge, the Holy Spirit my protector.
In Britain, Saint Judicael, who sought largely concord between the Britons and the Franks, and abdicated of his royalty, is said to have lived in the monastery of Saint-Méen (c. 650).
In Neustria North, saint Judoco, priest and hermit, who, as the son of Jutael, King of Armorica, and brother of Saint Judicael, for not to be compelled to succeed his father abandoned homeland and dedicated himself to eremitical life (c. 669).
On the island of Corsica, commemoration of saint Julia, Virgin and martyr (s. in.).
In Antioch, Cilicia, saint Julian, who haunted for a long time was stuck with snake in a sack and rushed to the Sea (s. IV).
At Ancira, of Galatia (Ankara today, in Turkey), saint Julian, priest, martyr under Emperor Licinio (s. IV).
In Brivet, in the territory of the arvernios, in Aquitaine, saint Julian, martyr. Tradition refers that having gone, saint Ferreolo Council that territory in time of persecution, it reached there the Palm of martyrdom (c. s. III).
In Cenomanum (today Le Mans), in Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Julian, who is regarded as the first bishop of this city (s. III).
In the city of Cuenca, in Castilla la Nueva, in Spain, saint Julian, Bishop. It was the second Bishop of this city, once recovered from the hands of the Muslims, and egregious by his way of life, is distinguished by distribute among the poor the goods of the Church, working with their hands to get the daily sustenance (c. 1207).
In the city of Sora in Lazio (today Italy), commemoration of Saint Julian, martyr, who, according to tradition, suffered in the time of the emperor Antoninus (s. c. II).
In the region of Osroene (today in Turkey), commemoration of Saint Julian, ascetic, called by his countrymen "Sabas" or old, who, although he detested the crashing of the city environment, temporarily left his beloved solitude to confuse the followers of the Arian heresy (c. 377) in Antioquia.
In Florence, in Tuscany, saint Juliana Falconeri, Virgin, who founded the Sisters of the order of the servants of Mary, called, by their habit, Mantelatas.
In Florence, the Etruria, saint Juliana, widow (s. IV).
In Iluro (today Mataró), near Barcelona, in Hispania Tarraconensis, memory of Saints Juliana and Semproniana, mártires (s. inc.).
In Fosses, in Brabant, St. Juliana, Lady of the order of St. Augustine, who was priora Mont-Cornillon, near Liège, and then led prison life, in which, strengthened with special thanks, promoted the solemnity of the body of Christ.
In the village of Saint Julian, in the territory of Guadalajara, Mexico, saint Julio Álvarez, priest and martyr, in the cruel religious persecution witnessed with their blood their loyalty Christ Lord and his Church.
In Dorostoro, the lower Mesia (lower Danube), saint Julio, martyr, who as veteran and graduate of the militia was captured by officers and handed over to the Governor most in time of persecution, and cursing in his presence to idols and confess the name of Christ, until the end was sentenced to death (c. 302).
In the region of Asia minor, commemoration of saint Quirico and saint Julita, martyrs.
In Cesarea de Capadocia, saint Julita, martyr, who, by constantly refusing to offer incense to the idols as he sent the judge, was thrown into fire (c. 303).
In the island of Sardinia, commemoration of the saint Justa and saint Enedina, martyrs.
In Padua, in the confines of Venice, saint Justina, Virgin and martyr (s. III/IV).
In Campania and in Abruzzo, Italy, commemoration of Saint Justin, who was Bishop distinguished by their zeal and defense of the Christians (s. IV).
In the Valley of Alighede, in Ethiopia, saint Justino de Iacobis, Bishop of the Congregation of the mission, gentle and full of charity, who was delivered to the apostolate and the training of indigenous clergy, taking to soon suffer hunger, thirst, trials and jail.
In Compluto (today Alcalá de Henares), in the Hispania Cartaginense, holy martyrs Justo and Pastor. Still children, they voluntarily rushed to martyrdom, abandoning the school their slats school and detained by order of the judge and immediately hit, is encouraging and exhorting each other were beheaded by their love for Christ.
In Canterbury, England, saint Justo, Bishop, sent to this island by Pope Saint Gregorio I Magno together with other monks, to aid Augustine in the evangelization of England, accepting more later bishops of this see.
In the region of Condat, in the Jura, of Burgundy, saint Justo, monk (s. VI).
In Trieste, Istria, saint Justo, martyr (s. c. IV).
In Urgell, in Hispania Tarraconensis, saint Justo, Bishop, who exhibited in allegorical form the singing of songs and took part in the Hispanic Councils (s. VI).
In Narni, in Umbria, St. Juvenal, venerated as the first bishop of the diocese (4th century).
In Antioch of Syria (today in Turkey), Juventino and saints Maximin, martyrs, who were crowned with martyrdom at the time of the Emperor Julian the apostate.
In the monastery of Winchelcumbe, Mercie, in England, saint Kenelmo, Prince of this region, martyr (c. 812) tradition.
In Glasgow, Scotland city, St. Kentigerno, Bishop and Abbot, who established its headquarters, in that place and he has brought together a large community of monks, to imitate the life of the early Church (603/612).
In Glendalough in Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Coemgeno (Kevin), Abbot, who founded this monastery where he lived many monks, who was father and guide. Known as Caoimhghin, Coemgen, Coemgenus, Comegen, Keivin, Kevin of Glen da locha or Kevin of Glendalough
In Sahigir, in the region of Ossory, in Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Kierano, Bishop and Abbot.
In Daventer, Friesland, saint Labuino, presbyter and monk from England, who dedicated himself to seek the peace and salvation of Christ to all inhabitants of the region.
In lower Brittany, Saint Iacuto, Abbot, brother of Saints Winwaldo and Guethnoc, who was built near the sea the monastery which then took its name (s. VI).
In Liège, of Austrasia (now Belgium), the passion of St. Lambert, Bishop of Maastricht and martyr, who banished, withdrew to the monastery of Stavelot and later, returned to Headquarters, while brightly played the pastoral role, being innocent was killed by the enemies of the Church (c. 705).
In Lyon, in France, St. Lambert, Bishop, who had previously been monk and Abbot of the monastery of Fontanelle.
In Vence, Provence, St. Lambert, Bishop, formerly monk of Lérins, who took care of the needy and was lover of poverty.
In Zaragoza, in Hispania, St. Lambert, martyr (c. s. VIII)
In the monastery of Ettenheim, in the region of Baden, Germania, saint Landelino, monk, a native of Hibernia (Ireland today) (s. VII).
Paris, of Neustria, St. Landerico, Bishop, who tells that, in time of famine, to cater for the poor it alienated the ornaments of the Church, and he built a hospital next to the Cathedral Church.
In the monastery of Bilsen, in Brabant, saint Landrada, Abbess.
In Freising, in Bavaria, Germany, St. Lantberto, Bishop.
Near Carnuto (Chartres), of Neustria (today France), St. Launomaro, Abbot of the monastery of Corbion, who he had founded in the solitude of Perche (c. 593).
In Vatan, in the region of Bourges, in Aquitaine, saint Lauriano, martyr (s. III/IV).
In Gaul, the territory of Coutances, saint Lautón or award, Bishop (post 549).
In Grumento, Lucania, St. Laverio, martyr of the fourth century.
Monte Galesio, near Ephesus, in Asia, saint Lázaro, Stylites, who lived many years on a column, loaded as well as irons and chains, and happy, with only bread and water, with this way of life so austere, at different places attracted many faithful.
In Constantinople, saint Lazaro, monk, born in Armenia, distinguished in the artistic painting of sacred images, by refusing to destroy his works by order of the iconoclastic Emperor Teofilo, tormented with cruel tortures, but then passivated disputes due worship to the images, the Emperor Miguel III sent him to Rome to secure harmony and unity of the whole Church (c. 867).
In Milan, from Liguria, saint Lázaro, Bishop (s. V).
Commemoration of saint read, widow Roman, whose virtues and transit God praised Jerome (c. 383).
In Mainz, Rhineland, in Austrasia (now Germany), saint Leoba, Virgin, who, St. Boniface relative, was called by him from England to Germania and presided over the monastery, on the banks of the Tauber, where with the word and the testimony led to the servants of God by the way of perfection (c. 782).
In Tours, of Neustria, saint Leobardo, who held in the cell called a monastery near wholesale, it shone by its admirable abstinence and humility (c. 593).
In the region of Tours, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), commemoration of Saint Leobato, Abbot, whom his master, St. Urso, appointed as superior of the monastery recently founded Seneviere, who ruled Holy until his old age (s. V).
In Chartres in Gaul, St. Leobino, Bishop (c. 557).
Salagnac, in the territory of Limoges, in Aquitaine, saint Leobono, hermit (s. inc.).
In Toledo, Spain, saint Leocadia, Virgin and martyr, distinguished by the confession of Christ.
In Córdoba, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, saint Leocricia, Virgin and martyr, who, born in Muslim family, secretly embraced the faith of Christ, and stopped at home together with saint Eulogio, four days after the martyrdom of this passed to eternal glory to be cutthroat.
In the monastery of Cava, in Campania, saint León I, Abbot, who provided the poor with the work of their hands and protected them against the Princes.
In Rome, in the basilica of Saint Pedro, saint León II, Pope, knowledge of languages, Greek and Latin, friend of poverty and of the poor, and that approved the third Council of Constantinople.
In Rome, in the basilica of Saint Pedro, saint León III, Pope, who crowned Roman Emperor as King of the Franks, Charlemagne, and distinguished himself by his defence of the straight faith about the divine dignity of the son of God.
In Rome, in the basilica of Saint Pedro, saint León IV, Pope, protector of the city and advocate of the primacy of Peter.
In the monastery of vein in the chasms of the mercury mount, in Calabria, León Luke, Abbot of Mule, who, according to the institutions of the Eastern monks, highlighted in hermitic and monastic life (c. 900).
In Calabria, saint Leon, hermit, who delivered the prayer and works of charity on behalf of the poor, died in the monastery of Africo near Reggio city, who he himself had founded (c. s. XIII).
In Catania, Sicily, saint Leon, Bishop, who dealt mostly with the care of the poor (c. 787).
In Myra, Lycia, saint Leon, martyr (s. III/IV).
In Sens, Neustria, saint Leon, Bishop (s. VI).
In the monastery of Mantenay-sur-Seine, near Troyes, in Gaul, Saint Leo, Abbot (s. VII).
In the region of Vasconia, saint Leon, Bishop and martyr (s. IX).
In Turin, also in Italy, saint Leonardo Murialdo, priest, who founded the Pia society of Saint Jose, to educate abandoned children in Christian faith and charity.
At Noblac near Limoges, in Aquitaine, saint Leonardo, hermit.
In Rome, in the convent of Saint Buenaventura, on the Palatine, saint Leonardo de Porto Maurizio, priest of the order of the Friars Minor, who, full of zeal for the people, used almost all his life in preaching, in the edition of books of piety and to give more than 300 missions in the city, on the island of Corsica and across Northern Italy.
In Bordeaux, Aquitaine city, St. Leontius, Bishop, honor of the people and the city, who dignificó temples, restored baptisterios and distinguished himself by his generosity towards the poor (c. 570).
In Fréjus, Provence, Saint Leontius, who favored the monastic life of Saint-Honorat Islands on the island of Lérins, and Bishop saint Juan Casiano, his friend, devoted to the first ten collations, died about the year 433.
In Tripoli, of Phoenician, St. Leontius, soldier, who by the atrocious torments suffered in prison became the Crown of martyrdom (s. IV).
In Vienne, Gaul Lugdunensis, saint Leoniano, Abbot, that led to this captive city from Pannonia by people enemy, governed very Holy monks and nuns for more than forty years, first at Autun and then in Vienne (c. 518).
In Corinth, of the Achaia, holy martyrs Leonidas, and seven companions: Carissa, Galina, Theodora, Nica, Nunencia, Callis and Basilisa, who, after various tortures, were thrown into the Sea (III/IV).
In the city of Kirov, Russia, blessed Leónidas Fëdorov, Bishop and martyr, who, being Apostolic Exarch of the Russian Catholics of Byzantine rite, deserved to be faithful to Christ disciple to death, under a scheme contrary to the religion.
In Alexandria, in Egypt, commemoration of St. Leonidas (Leon), martyr under Emperor Septimio Severus was dead sword for his faith in Christ, leaving his son even child origins.
In Poitiers, Aquitaine, saint Leonio, priest, who was a disciple of Saint-Hilaire (s. IV).
Leopard was Bishop in the 5th century.
In the monastery of Klosterneuburg in Austria, burial of saint Leopoldo, Prince of that province, who is honoured, even in life, with the nickname of «Merciful», because it was always peace obrador and friend of the poor and of the clergy.
In Pavia, Italy city, saint Leopoldo (Bogdan) of Castelnuovo Mandic, priest of the order of the brothers minor Capuchins, that burned of zeal for the unity of Christians and spent his life working for the reconciliation of the same.
In the city of Auch, in Aquitaine, saint Leotadio, Bishop (s. VII).
In Cordoba, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, holy martyrs Leovigild and Christopher, monks. During the persecution carried out by the Muslims they proclaimed spontaneously to Christ in front of the judge, who were beheaded, thus receiving the Palm of martyrdom.
In Hispania Cartaginense, memory of Saints Vicente and Leto, mártires (s. inc.).
In Brindisi, in Puglia (today Italy), saint Leucio, who is considered the first bishop of the city (s. IV).
In Toul, of Austrasia (today France), saint Leudino or Bodon, Bishop, who, being married, he became a monk and later, by its Council, also his wife Odila embraced the monastic life (before 680).
In the region of Evreux, in Neustria, saint Leufredo, abad, who founded the monastery of the Holy Cross, who chaired during forty-eight years.
Also in Rome, on the via Salaria Antigua, in the cemetery next to the seven doves, saint Liberal (released or Liberato), martyr, who, reportedly, held the Office of consul (s. inc.).
At Altino, in the region of Venice, saint Liberal, hermit (c. 400).
Commemoration of the holy martyrs Liberato, Abbot, Bonifacio, Deacon, Servo and rustic, subdeacons, Rogato and Septimius, monks, and children Max, who in Cartago, during the persecution unleashed by the Vandals under the Arian King Hunnerico, by confessing the true Catholic faith and one baptism, were subjected to cruel torments, nailed to the timbers that were going to be burned and beaten with paddles until their heads were brokensucceeding them brightly, so it deserved to be crowned by the Lord.
In Agrigento, Sicily, saint libertine, Bishop and martyr (s. III/IV).
In the city of the cenomani (now Le Mans), in the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Liborio, Bishop (s. IV).
In Couserans, the Aquitania, saint Licerio, Bishop, who, a native of Hispania, was a disciple of saint Fausto de Riez and with his prayers freed the city from being destroyed by the Visigoths (c. 540).
In Anjou, in Neustria, saint Licinio, Bishop, whom the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I entrusted the monks who moved to England (c. 606).
Sezze, in Lazio, saint Lídano, Abbot, founder of the monastery of this place, with its monks filled the surrounding lands, liberating that way its inhabitants from malarial fever.
Commemoration of saint Lydia of Thyatira, seller of purple, who was the first who believed in the Gospel at Philippi in Macedonia, when the Apostle Paul preached it (s. I).
Meung-sur-Loire, in the territory of Orleans, Gaul, St. Lifardo, priest, that in this place took solitary life.
In Córdoba, in the Spanish province of Andalusia, holy martyrs George, Deacon and Monk originally from Syria, Aurelio and Sabigotona, husbands, and Felix and Liliosa, husbands also, in the persecution unleashed by the Saracens, looking forward to bear witness to his Christian faith, not ceased to praise Christ in prison, where they were finally beheaded.
In Rome, commemoration of Saint linen, Pope, who, according to testimony of Ireneo, the Holy Apostles entrusted to him the episcopate of the Church founded in the city. Paul Apostle remembers him as companion (century I).
In Pavia, in Lombardy, St. Litifredo, Bishop.
In Tours, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), St. Litorio, Bishop, first Builder of a Church within the walls of the city, already have Christians in it.
In Mettlach, in Rhineland, on the banks of the Saar river, burial of Saint Liudwino, Bishop of Trier, founder of the monastery of this place and died at Reims (c. 717).
Commemoration of the holy martyrs Vindemial, Bishop of Capsa, in Numidia, and Longinus, Bishop Pamaria, in Mauritania, who were beheaded by order of Huneric, King of vandals, after having faced the Arians at the Council of Carthage.
In Jerusalem, commemoration of Saint Longinos, venerated as the soldier who opened the side of the crucified Lord with Lance (century I).
In the city of Venice (today Italy), saint Lorenzo Giustiniani, Bishop, who illustrated this church with its doctrine of eternal wisdom.
In the town of Eu, in Normandy, transit saint Loenzo O´Toole (Lorcan Ua Tualthail), Bishop of Dublin, who, among the difficulties of his time, vigorously promoted the regular discipline of the Church, attempted to make peace between princes, and finally, having gone to visit Henry, King of England, got the joys of eternal peace.
In Canterbury, England, saint Lorenzo, Bishop, that governed this Church after Augustine and waxed great, even it to convert to the faith to King Edbaldo.
In the village of Fraxanone, in Sicily, saint Lorenzo, monk according to rule Eastern, distinguished by the austerity of life and his constant preaching (c. 1162).
In Novara, Liguria, saint Lorenzo, priest and martyr, who built a baptismal font that baptized children who trusted him for their education, and one day, while preparing to take to the bathroom of a high number of children living, some wicked killed him along with newcomers (s. IV).
In Siponte, Puglia, saint Lorenzo, Bishop (c. 545).
In Kobern, next to the Moselle, in the territory of Trier, St. Lubencio, presbyter (s. IV).
In Agira, Sicily, saint Lucas Casali de Nicosia, monk, famous for his humility and other virtues (s. IX).
In Soterion, of Phocis, saint Lucas el Joven, hermit.
In London, in England, saint Lucas Kirby, priest and martyr, in the persecution during the reign of Isabel I was hanged in Tyburn triple jib after many torments. With the blessed priests and martyrs suffered the torment in the same scaffold Guillermo Filby and Lorenzo Johnson, as well as Tomás Cottam, of the society of Jesus.
In the monastery of Saint Nicolás de Viotorito, in Calabria, saint Lucas, Bishop of island (Isola Capo Rizzuto), who worked with insistence in favor of the poor and the formation of the monks
In Messina, in Sicily, saint Lucas, Abbot of the monastery of the Holy Savior, following the rules of the Eastern monks.
In Hanoi, in Tonquin, saint Lucas Vu Ba Loan, priest and martyr, beheaded in the time of Emperor Minh Mang for their faith in Christ.
In Lucania, Luke, Abbot, who embraced the monastic life, according to the institutions of the Holy Eastern, first in Sicily, his homeland, but due to the invasion of the Saracens moved to other places, dying in the monastery of the Saints Elias and Anastasius of Carbone, who he himself had founded.
In the Montefiascone, Tuscany, saint Lucía Filippini, founder of the Institute of the pious teachers, to promote Christian education of young people and women, particularly the lack of resources.
In the village of Kaiyang, near Mianyang, in the Chinese province of Sichuan, saint Lucía Yi Zhenmei, Virgin and martyr, who was sentenced to be cutthroat by confessing his Catholic faith.
In Lentini, Sicily (now Italy), saint Luciano, Bishop (s. X).
In the city of Nicomedia, in Bithynia (today Turkey), passion of saint Luciano, presbyter of the Church of Antioch and martyr, who, distinguished by its doctrine and eloquence, to be brought before the Court, in the midst of continuous interrogation accompanied by torture remained fearless in confessing Christian.
In Nicomedia, Bithynia, saints Luciano and Marciano, martyrs, that in time the Emperor Decio, by order of the prefect Sabino, were burned alive (c. 250).
In Nicomedia, Bithynia, saints Luciano and Marciano, martyrs, that in time the Emperor Decio, by order of the prefect Sabino, were burned alive (c. 250).
In the monastery of Saint Pedro de Aquara, in Lucania, saint lucid, monk (c. 983).
In Cagliari, on the island of Sardinia, saint Lucifero, Bishop, who, courageous defender of the nicena faith, suffered many persecutions by the Emperor Constantius, being sent into exile, and returning to his seat died as a confessor of Christ.
Saint Lucina, Rome, s. i. discupula of the Apostles in Rome; which with its finance provided to the needs of the Saints, visited the imprisoned Christians, and dealt in bury the martyrs, alongside which was buried in a cave that she had made to build.
In Chur (Chur), Reece, among the Helvetii (today Switzerland), saint Lucio, hermit to the 4th century.
Commemoration of Saint Lucius of Cyrene, to whom the book of the acts of the Apostles names among the prophets and doctors of the Iglesia de Antioquía (s. I).
In Rome, in via Apia, in the cemetery of Calisto, burial of Saint Lucius, Pope, successor to Cornelius, who suffered exile for the faith of Christ and was at times harrowing, eximious confessor of the faith, acting with moderation and prudence.
In the place of Northeim, in Alsace, along the river Ill, saint Ludano, a native of Scotland, who rested in the Lord while herself to the grave of the Holy Apostles.
Saint Ludgero, first bishop of Münster.
In Prague, in the territory of Bohemia, St. Ludmila, martyr, Duchess of Bohemia, who as responsible for the education of his grandson St. Wenceslas, sought to instill the love of Christ, died strangled by the conjuring of his daughter-in-law Drahomíra and other noble pagan in your mood.
In Wismar, Holstein, in Germany, St. Ludolfo, Bishop of Ratzeburg and martyr, for defending the freedom of the Church was thrown into a small prison by mandate of the Alberto duque, where that was so drained physically to be released from prison, migrated towards the Lord.
In Valencia, in Spain, saint Luis Bertrán, priest of the order of preachers, that in South America preached the Gospel of Christ and defended several indigenous peoples.
Saint Luis IX, King of France, who, both in peacetime and during the war for defense of Christians, was distinguished by its active faith, his righteousness in Government, love of the poor and patience in adverse situations. He had eleven children in his marriage, who educated in a way that is unblessedble and pious, and spent his assets, forces and his own life in the worship of the cross, the Crown and the tomb of the Lord, until infected plague, died in the camp of Tunisia, on the coast of North Africa.
In Brignoles, Provence, France, death of saint Luis, Bishop. Nephew of the King St. Louis, preferred poverty Gospel to praise and honors of the world, and young in years but mature in virtue, was elevated to the see of Toulouse. Due to his delicate health, he piously rested in the Lord.
The city of Saintremo, Liguria, in Italy, blessed Luis Orione, presbyter, who instituted the little work of Divine Providence.
In Udine, in the region of Venice, saint Luis Scrosoppi, presbyter of the Congregation of the oratory, who founded the Congregation of sisters of Divine Providence, for the Christian education of female youth.
In Paris, in France, saint Luisa de Marillac, widow, who, by example, formed the Institute of sisters of charity to help those in need, thus completing the work outlined by saint Vicente de Paúl.
In the monastery of Hersfeld, in the Franconia, Germania, saint Lulo, Bishop of Mainz, who being companion and collaborator of St. Boniface mission to evangelize, was ordained bishop by him, so that he was master of the presbyters, doctor of the rule for monks, faithful preacher and pastor to the Christian people.
In the region of Châlons, in Neustria, saint Lupencio or Luvencio, Abbot of the basilica of Saint-Privat-de-Javols, who, after having wrongfully received many insults on the part of innocent, count of the city, was beheaded (c. 684).
In the city of Leon, in Hispania, Claudio saints, Lupercio and Victorio, martyrs, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano suffered death by Christ (c. 303/304).
In Lyon, Gaul, St. Lupicino, Bishop, who lived in the time of the persecution under the Vandals (s. ex V.).
In Limoges, in Aquitaine, saint Lupo, Bishop, who had adopted the Charter of Foundation of the monastery of Solignac.
In Lyon, in Gaul, saint Lupo, Bishop, who had previously lived as a hermit (post 528).
In Nove, Moesia inferior, saint Lupo martyr, who, according to tradition, reached the freedom of Christ to be beheaded (s. inc.).
In Sens, Neustria, saint Lupo, Bishop, who was banished for having said to a local hierarch that suited the people being governed by a priest and obey God rather than the Princes (c. 623).
In Troyes, city of the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Lupo, Bishop, who went to Britain to combat the heresy of the Pelagians, with saint Germán de Auxerre then defended with prayer to your city from the fury of Attila, and having exercised admirable way the priesthood for fifty years, rested in peace (c. 478).
In the city of Capua, in Campania, saint hops, martyr (s. inc.).
In the monastery of Cistercian nuns of Aywieres, in Brabant, saint Lutgarda, Virgin, distinguished by its devotion to the sacred heart of the Lord.
Forum of Trajan (today Fordongianus), Sardinia, St. Luxorio, martyr (s. IV).
In the Isle of Man, in the northern part of Cambria, saint Macaldo, or Maughold, Bishop, renowned for his Holiness (s. VII).
In Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Macanisio, Bishop.
In Alexandria, in Egypt, commemoration of saint Macario, martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Decio, advise the judge with many reasons that renegase of Christ, he professed faith, with greater consistency for which reason was finally burned alive.
Commemoration of saint Macario large, presbyter and Abbot of the monastery of Scete in Egypt, that being dead to the world, lived only for God, teaching it to his monks (c. 390).
In Bithynia, death of saint Macario, hegumen of the monastery of Pelecete, who, at the time of Emperor León V, suffered many trials for the defence of the sacred images, dying in exile.
In Lucania, saint Macario de Collesainto, monk, virtuoso by his humility and abstinence, who chaired several monastery in the Mercurion and the Latiniano
In Ghent, in Flanders, saint Macario, Peregrine, who received between the monks of St. Bavón, the following year died consumed by the plague.
Commemoration of St. Macarius, Bishop of Jerusalem, who with their exhortations obtained that the Holy places were restored and enriched with basilicas by the Emperor Constantino el Grande and his mother, St. Helena.
On the island of Maleo, in Scotland, saint Macario, Bishop, a native of Ireland, who is considered saint Columbano disciple and founder of this Church (s. VI)
In Clogher in Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Maccartemio, Bishop, who is held by disciple of St. Patrick (s. V).
In lower Brittany, saint Maclovio or Macuto, Bishop of Alet, who, born in Cambria, he died in Saintes.
In the monastery of Annesis, near the River Iris, in Pontus, saint Macrina, Virgin, sister of the Saints Basilio Magno, Gregorio de Nisa and Pedro de Sebaste, great connoisseur of the Sacred Scriptures, who embraced the solitary life and was a wonderful example of love of God and of remoteness from the vanities of the world.
In the monastery of Applecroos, in Scotland, St. Maelrubo, Abbot, who, a native of Ireland and monk of Bangor, founded a missionary monastery, from which circulated, for fifty years, the light of faith to the people of those regions.
In Verona, in the territory of Venice, saint Magdalena de Canossa, Virgin, who spontaneously renounced all the wealth of its heritage to follow Christ and founded a double Institute: the daughters and the children's charity, to promote the Christian instruction of children.
In Nagasaki, Japan, saint Magdalena, Virgin and martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Yemitsu, was strong mood both keep the faith and endure the torment of the gallows for thirteen days.
In Paris, France, St Madeleine Sophie Barat, Virgin, who founded the society of the Sacred Heart and very busily worked for the Christian formation of young women.
In the region of Tarragona, in Hispania, saint Magín (Magi), martyr.
In lower Brittany, saint Maglorio, that disciple of saint Iltuto, saint Samson he succeeded as Bishop of Dol and then took lonely in the Serk island life, according to tradition (c. 605).
Commenting in Trier, city of Rhineland, in Austrasia, St. Magnerico, Bishop, saint Niceto disciple, who faithfully accompanied when this was banished, and he emulated, to succeed him in the episcopate, in the zeal for the salvation of the souls (c. 596).
In the place called «Fabrateria Vetus», near Ceccano, Lazio, saint Magno, martyr (s. inc.).
In the monastery of Füssen in Bavaria, saint Magno, Abbot (s. VIII).
In Scotland, saint Magno, martyr, who, being Prince of Orkney, embraced the Christian faith and, finding himself in difficulties with the King of Norway by accusations that it had been made, arose unarmed to his colleague in the Government to sign the peace, being treacherously murdered.
In Milan, the Lombardy, saint Magno, Bishop (s. VI).
In Venice, commemoration of saint Magno, Bishop, who, by taking the Lombards their episcopal see of Opitergio, with most of his flock moved next to the Venetian Lagoon, founded the new city of Heraclia or Eraclea, as well as several churches in the place where later stood the city of Venice (c. 670).
At Dampierre, near Besaintçon, Burgundy (today France), saint Mainbodo or Maimbodi, a native of Hibernia (Ireland today), who Pilgrim and hermit, was murdered by thieves (c. s. VIII).
In Luimneach, city of Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Mainquino, celebrated as Bishop (s. VII).
Commemoration of St. Malachy, Prophet, who, after the Babylonian exile, announced the great day of the Lord and his coming in the temple, and offer you the pure oblation who always and everywhere.
In the monastery of Clairvaux in Burgundy, burial of Saint Malachy, Bishop of Down and Connor in Ireland, who restored there the life of the Church, and on his way to Rome, in this monastery, and in the presence of the Abbot Saint Bernard, gave his spirit to the Lord.
In the city of Chartres, in Neustria (today France), saint Malardo, Bishop (c. 650).
Commemoration of St. Malchus, monk, that Jerome presented written testimony of his asceticism and his life in Maronia, near Antioch (s. IV).
In Rouen, Lugdunensis Gaul, Saint Malon, Bishop, who is considered as the first Apostle of the faith Christian in this city and initiator of the episcopal see (s. IV).
Cesarea de Capadocia, St. Mamas, Mamante or HP, martyr, who, being very lowly shepherd, lived alone in the woods with maximum frugality and proclaiming his faith in Christ, accomplished martyrdom during the rule of Aurelian (273/274).
In Vienne, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, St. Mamerto, Bishop, who, on the occasion of an imminent misfortune, instituted a solemn litanies to the preparatory Triduum of the feast of the Ascension of the Lord (c. 475) in this city.
Commemoration of saint Mamlaca, Virgin and martyr, who, a native of the region of Beth Garmay, moved to Persia, where he was sentenced to death by King Sapor II (c. 343).
Commemoration of St. Manaen, brother of milk of the Tetrarch Herod, who was a doctor in the Church of Antioch, in Syria, excelling as a prophet under the grace of the New Testament (century I).
In Evora, in Lusitania, saint Mancio, martyr (s. VI).
In the territory of Chalons en Champagne, of Gaul, saint Manequilde, Virgin (s. V).
In Milan, Lombardy, saint Mansueto, Bishop, who fought firmly against the heresy of the monoteletas (c. 680).
In Toul, the Belgium Gaul (now France), saint Mansueto, first bishop of this city (s. IV).
In Hue, from Annam (Viet Nam today), passion of saint Manuel Nguyen Van Trieu, priest and martyr, under the regime of Emperor Canh Thinh.
In Africa, St. Mapálico, martyr, who during the persecution under the Emperor Decio, moved from Mercy to his family, asked to be given ecclesiastical peace to his mother and his sister, who had renounced, and thus led to the Court, was crowned with martyrdom. With him died many other holy martyrs, who also confessed Christ, namely: Baso, in a quarry; Fortunio, in prison; Paul, in the Court; Fortunata, Victorino, Victor, Heremio, Credula, inherits, Donato, firm, Venusto, fruits, Julia, martial and Ariston, dead in jail for hunger.
Commemoration of Saints tangle and Cira, Virgin, who lived in a narrow and closed place homeless, in Berea, in Syria, receiving the necessary food through a window and keeping silent (s. V).
In Milan, city of Liguria, saint Marcelina, Virgin, sister of the Bishop Ambrose, to which Pope Liberius imposed veil of consecrated in the Roman basilica of Saint Peter, on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord (s. ex IV.).
In the territory of Cori, thirty milestones of the city of Rome, narcissus, Argeus, martyrs and Marcelino saints (s. IV).
In the city of Ancona, in the Piceno (today Italy), saint Marcelino, Bishop, who, wrote Pope saint Gregorio I Magno, by grace of God delivered to the city of fire (s. VI).
In Carthage, in Africa, saint Marcelino, martyr, that being high imperial official closely related to the Saints Augustine and Jerome, he was accused of being a supporter of the usurper Heraklion and, despite being innocent, for defending the Catholic faith was killed by donatistas heretics.
Embrun, in Gaul, saint Marcelino, first bishop of this city, who, a native of Africa, converted to the faith of Christ most of the population of the Maritime Alps, being ordained bishop by saint Eusebio de Vercelli.
In the city of Die, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Marcelo, Bishop, defender of the city, who, to have maintained the Catholic faith, was exiled by the Arian King Euric.
In Apamea in Syria, saint Marcelo, Bishop and martyr, that have destroyed a temple of Jupiter, was killed by the enraged gentiles (c. 390).
At Capua, in Campania, saint Marcelo, martyr (s. III/IV).
In Chalons-sur-Saône, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Marcelo, martyr (s. III-IV).
In Paris, the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Marcelo, Bishop (s. IV).
In Deventer, of East Frisia, saint Marchelmo, priest and Monk, Anglo-Saxon of origin, disciple from his youth of saint Wilibrordo, he accompanied in the works which it undertook by Christ (c. 775).
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
Saint Marcial, Bishop. Limoges (France), s. i. Bishop, with two priests, called Alpiniano and Austricliniano, in Limoges, France; whose life was very illustrious by his miracles.
Mauritania Cesarea, saint Marciana, Virgin, who, condemned to the menagerie, reached the Palm of martyrdom (c. 303).
In Auxerre, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Marciano, monk (c. 488).
Commemoration of saint Marciano, hermit, who, born in Cirrus, withdrew to the desert of chalcedony and there, living in a House very close, only in the afternoon ate a small amount of bread and water, but getting ahead of fasting brotherly love (s. IV).
At Iconium, of Lycaonia, saint Marciano, martyr, who under the prefect Perennis reached the Palm of martyrdom, passing through many torments (s. III / IV).
In Syracuse, Sicily, saint Marciano, regarded as the first bishop of this city (s. II).
In Tortona, in Liguria, saint Marciano, venerated as a bishop and martyr (s.inc.).
In Constantinople (Istanbul today in Turkey), saint Marciano, priest, who was distinguished in the ornamentation of churches and in the assistance provided to the poor.
In the city of Ye-Tchoang-Teu, in Hebei province, in China, saint Marcos Ji Tianxiang, martyr, who, despite having forbidden during forty years approaching the feast of the Eucharist because it was impossible to stop the use of opium, despite this not ceased continue asking for a Holy death, having been summoned to trial, strongly professed their faith in Christ and was admitted to the eternal banquet.
Commemoration of saint Marcos, Bishop of Arethusa, in Syria, during the Arian controversy not deviated the least of the Orthodox faith, and under the Emperor Julian the apostate, he was persecuted. St. Gregory Nazianzen greeted him as virtuoso male and most Holy elder.
In Apulia, saint Marcos-Ecano Bishop (now Tróia) (s. V).
Commemoration of St. mark, Bishop of Jerusalem, who was the first bishop of the gentiles who occupied the headquarters of the Church of the Holy City, working with faith and zeal to bring together the faithful dispersed by the war (s. II).
In Mesía, commemoration of Saints mark and Mutien, martyrs, who were beheaded for refusing to sacrifice to idols and by courageously confessing Christ (s. c. IV).
In Rome, Saint Mark, Pope, who founded the title 'in Palacinis' and built a basilica in the cemetery of Balbina, in the via Ardeatina, where he was buried.
On an island in lower Brittany, saint Marculfo, hermit, and afterwards monk and Abbot of the monastery of Nanteuil (c. 558).
In Numidia, St. Márculo, Bishop, who, according to tradition, died martyr in time of the constant Emperor, Lord from a rock by a such Macario.
In Montreal, in the province of Quebec, in Canada, saint Margarita Bourgeoys, Virgin, who provided great assistance to the settlers and the soldiers, and worked to ensure the Christian formation of young women, founding the Congregation of the Sisters of our Lady to do this.
In York, England, saint Margarita Clitherow (Daisy Clitherow), martyr, who, with the consent of her husband, embraced the Catholic faith, who also raised their children, and worried about hiding in her house to priests who were persecuted, for which reason was arrested several times during the reign of Isabel I, and finally, refusing their cause was carried before the Court so that tempers of the advisers of the judge does not carry with the responsibility of his death sentence, condemned it, because of his faith in Christ, to be suffocated to death under a great weight.
Cortona, in Tuscany, saint Margarita, deeply moved by the death of her lover, erased the sins of his youth with a healthy penance, received in the third order of St. Francis, it surrendered to the contemplation of God, and it was favoured by the special charisms.
In Buda, city of Hungary, Saint Margaret, Virgin, daughter of King Bela IV, to which his parents dedicated to God to obtain the release of the Tartars, and girl, entered the monastery of nuns of the order of preachers and made profession at the age of twelve and completely surrendered to God, devoting himself to imitate generously to Christ crucified.
In Saint Severino Marche (Septempeda), also in the region of Piceno, saint Margarita, widow.
In the city of Tuliman, in Mexico, saint Margarito Flores, priest and martyr, who, in the great persecution against the Church, by being a priest was imprisoned and executed, thus obtaining the glory of martyrdom.
In Treviso, Italy, saint María Bertila (Ana Francisca) Boscardin, Virgin of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Dorotea of the sacred hearts, who was shown at work in a hospital requests of physical and spiritual health of the sick.
In Brescia, Lombardy, crucified saint Maria de Rosa, Virgin, who spent his wealth and she was delivered by the health of the souls and the bodies of others, and founded the Institute of the slaves of the charity.
In the place of Jieshuiwang, near the city of Shenxian, in the same province of Hebei, saint María Du Zhaozhi, martyr, mother of a priest, who after having fled, but not wanting to betray his faith in Christ, voluntarily submitted his neck to the axe from his pursuers.
In Palestine, saint María Egipcíaca, famous sinner of Alexandria, that by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin became a God in the Holy City, and led a penitent and lonely life to the other side of the Jordan (s. V).
In Naples, Campania, saint Maria Francisca of the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ana María) Gallo, Virgin of the third order Regular of St. Francis, who was admirable by endure continued and many trials, showing great patience, penance, and love of God and souls.
In the place of Daliucun in Wuyi, in the same Chinese province, Holy Mary Fu Guilin, master, who, during the same persecution, was delivered to the enemies of the Gospel, being decapitated while he invoked to our Savior Jesus Christ.
In Villefranche, in the region of Rodez, in France, saint María Guillerma Emilia de Rodat, Virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy family, dedicated to the education of girls and help for those in need.
In the village of Hujiacun, in Shenxian, also in the Chinese province of Hebei, saint María Guo Lizhi, martyr, than during the same persecution, who another mother of the Maccabees, gave encouragement to the seven members of his family accompanying him in the place of the torment, asking to be her last in be executed, and there are thus seen to split previously all to heavenfollowed them finally.
In Bilbao, in the Basque country, in Spain, saint Maria Josefa of the heart of Jesus Saintcho war, Virgin, who founded the Congregation of the sisters servants of Jesus and formed them especially for the care of the sick and the poor.
In Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, village in Normandy, in France, saint María Magdalena Postel, Virgin, who, during the same revolution, when having been expelled all priests, provided all kinds of services to patients and, in general, to all the faithful. Turned peace, he founded the Congregation of the daughters of mercy, for the formation of the young poor in complete poverty.
In Nizza Monferrato, Piedmont, Italy, saint Maria Domenica (or Dominga) Mazzarello, founder, together with saint Juan Bosco, of the Institute of the daughters of Mary help of Christians, dedicated to the instruction of poor girls. He stood out for his humility, prudence, and charity.
In Barcelona, in the Spanish region of Catalonia, saint María de Cervelló, Lady of the order of Saint María de la Merced, popularly called María del Socorro assistance provided to their devotees.
In Jerusalem, commemoration of the Holy Women Mary of Cleophas and Saint Salome, who, together with Magdalena María, early in the morning of Easter day came to the grave of the Lord to anoint his body and received the first announcement of the resurrection (century I).
In Guadalajara, Mexico, Blessed Mary of Jesus sacrament Venegas de la Torre, Virgin, who spent 54 years curing sick poor in a small infirmary, who founded the Congregation of the daughters of the sacred heart of Jesus.
In Madrid, Spain, saint María Soledad (Manuela) Torres Acosta, Virgin, who since his youth showed great application to poor patients, who attended with total abnegation, especially founding the Congregation of the servants of Mary, Ministers of the sick.
In the territory of Bourges, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Mariano, hermit, who only fed wild apples and sometimes honey, if he found it (s. VI).
Antioch in Pisidia (today, Yalvaç), saint Marina or Margarita, who is tradition that devoted herself to Christ with her virginity and martyrdom.
In Nagasaki, Japan, saint Marina de Omura, Virgin and martyr, imprisoned and taken to force a public home for derision of her chastity, was finally burnt alive.
In Tarsus, Cilicia, I martyrdom of saint Marino, elder of Anazarbe, who, in time of the Emperor Diocleciano and the prefect Lysia, was beheaded, and his body, by order of the prefect, slung so beasts (c. 303-311) eat it.
In Cesarea of Palestine, Saints marine, soldier, and Asterius, Senator, martyrs under Emperor Galieno. The first, betrayed that it was Christian by an envious colleague, professed their faith to the judge with very clear words, and beheaded, reached the Crown of martyrdom. Asterius, for having honoured the body of the martyr extending below the own veste with which it was covered, was at the same time be martyred (c. 260).
In Porec, Istria, saint Marino, Bishop and martyr (s. c. IV).
At monte Titano, near Rimini, on the Flaminia, saint Marino, Deacon and Anchorite, carrier to the gentle people of the Gospel and of the freedom of Christ (s. IV/V).
In Lausaintne, between the Helvetii (today Switzerland), saint Mario, Bishop, who moved there the headquarters of Aventicum, built many churches and was a defender of the poor.
In Milan, in the region of Liguria, Saint Marolus, Bishop, a friend of the Pope saint Inocencio I (s. V).
On a mountain near Apamea in Syria, St. Maron, hermit, died after a life of harsh penance and intense piety, based on his grave a famous monastery, around which originated the nation that bears his name: the Maronites (c. 423).
In the monte Aureo, of the Piceno, Italy, Saint Maron, martyr.
In Persia, saint Marta, Virgin and martyr, in the time of King Sapor II, the next day of the death of his father, Pusicio, suffered martyrdom in the solemnity of the resurrection of the Lord.
In the Admirable mount, in Syria, saint Marta, mother saint Simeón Estilita el Joven.
In the ravine, in the region of Saintes, in Aquitaine, saint Martín, presbyter and Abbot of this monastery (s. VI).
In the monastery of Saint María de Huerta, in the Spanish region of Castile, transit of saint Martin, called the priest, who, being Cistercian Abbot, was ordained bishop of Sigüenza and strove to reform the clergy, retired, finally, to his own monastery.
Saint Martín I, Pope and martyr, condemned the heresy of the monoteletas at the Council of Lateran and, by order of the Emperor constant II, was ripped out of its headquarters by the Exarch Caliopa, who entered forcibly into the basilica of Lateran, by sending to the Pontiff to Constantinople and enclosing it in a hard Dungeon under close surveillance, being finally banished to the Chersonesuswhere, after about two years, concluded their tribulations, reaching eternal Crown.
The mountain mass of Campania, saint Martin, who, leading a solitary life, spent many years locked in a very close cave.
In the monastery of Vertou, on the territory of Armorica, in Gaul, saint Martin, Abbot and deacon, saint Félix, Bishop of Nantes, sent to convert the pagans in the region (s. VI).
In Vienne, Gaul Lugdunensis city, saint Martin, Bishop (s. ex III.).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Damasus, in the second milestone of the via Aurelia, saints process and Martiniano, martyrs (sec. inc.).
In Athens, in Greece, St. Martiniano, who had embraced the eremitical life near Caesarea in Palestine (c. 398).
In the Kingdom of the Persians, saint Maruta, Bishop, who, with the establishment of the peace of the Church, presided at the Council of Seleucia, repaired churches destroyed during the persecution under King Shapur and placed the relics of the martyrs of Persia in the episcopal city, who received the name of Martiropolis (before 420) on that occasion.
Commemoration of St. Maryahb, who means "the Lord", chorbishop and martyr in Persia, who suffered martyrdom for Christ under the persecution triggered by Sapor II, during the octave of Easter.
In Durango, Mexico City, saint Mateo Correa, priest and martyr, in the midst of persecution unleashed against the Church refused to reveal the secret of confession, receiving the Crown of martyrdom.
In Saigon, in the Conchinchina (Viet Nam today), saint Mateo Lê Van Gâm, martyr, who was arrested by introducing with his small boat to European missionaries and, at the end of a year in jail, was beheaded by order of the Emperor Thiêu Tri.
In Colonia Agrippina, Germania, St. Maternus, Bishop, who converted to the faith of Christ to people of Tongres, Cologne, and trier (post 314).
In Milan, city of the Liguria, saint Materno, Bishop, that achieved the peace of the Church, moved with great solemnity from Lodi to this city the bodies of the martyrs Nabor and Felix (s. IV).
In Kampala, Uganda, saint Matías Kalemba, Mulumba nickname or the strong, martyr, who, having abandoned the Muslim cult, after his baptism in Christ resigned from the Office of judge, and spread the Christian faith with enthusiasm, for which he suffered torture in time of King Mwanga and deprived of all comfort, finally gave his spirit to God.
In Jerusalem, saint Matías, Bishop, who, after supporting many contradictions by Christ, rested in peace (s. II).
In the monastery of Helfta in Saxony, saint Matilde, Virgin, who was a woman of exquisite doctrine and humility, illustrated with the heavenly gift of mystical contemplation.
In Thessaloniki, Macedonia, saint midwife, martyr, who, being a Hebrew slave, secretly gave cult to Christ, and discovered by her mistress, suffered many hardships, was whipped with rods and in the confession of Christ gave to God their uncorrupted spirit (s. inc.).
In Larchant, city of the Gatinais Aquitanian, saint Maturino, presbyter (c. s. VII).
In lower Brittany, Saint Maudeto, Abbot, monastic life on a desert island, and as a teacher of spiritual life, who brought together many saints among the number of disciples (s. VI).
At Antinoe, in Thebaid in Egypt, Saints Timothy and Maura, martyrs.
In Troyes, on the banks of the Seine, in the Gallia Lugdunensis (now France), saint Maura, Virgin, dedicated to works of piety and charity (c. 850).
In lower Brittany (today France), St. Maurice, first Abbot of the monastery of Langonet and after the de Carnoët, of the Cistercian order, founded by him, where he died in the odour of saintctity.
In Angers, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Maurilio, Bishop, born in Milan and disciple of saint Martín de Tours, he was ordained priest by putting you in front of the village of Colonna, and later elevated to Bishop, focused concern on banishing the superstitions of Pagans farmers.
Agen in Aquitaine region, saint Maurino, martyr, dedicated to the evangelization of the people in the field, was ruthlessly shattered by the pagans, they say the Chronicles. He died in the 6th century.
In Rome, in the cemetery of Trasona, of the via Salaria new, saint Mauro, martyr, to whom Pope St. Damasus celebrated as an innocent child, he torments did not aparatar of faith (s. c. IV).
In Cesainta, from the province of Flaminia, saint Mauro, Bishop.
In the city of Pecs, in Hungary, saint Mauro, Bishop, who, man of solid ecclesiastical training, was monk and Abbot of the monastery of Saint Martín de Pannonhalma.
In Marchiennes, in the Belgium Gaul, St. Mauronto, Abbot and deacon, who was a disciple of saint loving.
In Marseille, city of Provence, in Gaul, St. Mauronto, Bishop, who was also Abbot of the monastery of saint Victorca.
In the region of Cambrai, in Gaul, saint Maxelendis, Virgin and martyr, who, according to tradition, to choose Christ as her husband and reject the individual who his parents had promised her, this slew it with his sword.
In the region of Poitiers, in Aquitaine, saint Maxencio, Abbot, distinguished by its virtue (c. 515).
In Sirmium, the present Hungary (Pannonia antigua), saint Maxima, and saint Montano her husband, priest, having confessed Christ Lord, were thrown into the waters by the infidels (c. 304).
Commemoration of Saints Bonoso and Maximiano, martyrs. Historical criticism says that they died at Antioch, in Syria, but the Church of Jaén considers them martyred in the city of Arjona.
Commemoration of St. Maximian, Bishop of Bagai, in Numidia, who bludgeoned repeatedly by the heretics, was precipitated from the top of a tower, leaving him for dead, but picked up by some passers-by, recovered and did not fight for the Catholic faith (c. 410).
In Syracuse, in Sicily, saint Maximiano, Bishop, to which often mentions the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I.
In the province of Noricum, next to the Danube, saint Maximiliano, venerated as Bishop of Lorch (with s. c. VII).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Bsila, on the via Salaria, saint Maximiliano, martyr (s. inc.).
In Aix, Provence, in Gaul, saint Maximino, who is attributed to the beginning of the faith Christian in this city (s. I inc.).
In the region of Orleans, in the Lugdunensis Galia, saint Maximino, presbyter, considered as first Abbot of Micy (s. VI).
Near Riez in Provence, Saint Max, Abbot of the monastery of Lérins, successor of saint Honorato, founder of the monastery and, later, Bishop of the Church of Riez.
In the city of Pavia, in Liguria (today Italy), saint Max, Bishop (c. 514).
In Alexandria, in Egypt, saint Max, Bishop, who, being a presbyter, shared exile and the confession of faith with Bishop saint Dionisio, who later came to pass.
In Asia, province of Turkey, Saint Max, martyr during the persecution under the Emperor Decius and say that he died stoned to death (c. 250).
In Cesarea de Capadocia, saint Max, chorbishop and martyr.
Near the fortress of Chinon, on the territory of Tours on Aquitaine, saint Max, saint Martín disciple, who first was a monk in the place of île-Barbe, near Lyon, and later founded a monastery on the banks of the Vigenne River, where he died in very advanced age (s. V).
In Cuma, Campania, saint Max, martyr (c. 303).
Commemoration of St. Max, Bishop of Jerusalem, who was condemned by Maximino Daya Caesar to forced labor in the mines, once they had ripped out an eye and burned a foot with a hot iron. Achieved freedom, you could go from there and he was appointed Bishop of the Church of Jerusalem, where, with the prestige of their glorious confession, rested in peace (c. 350).
In Naples, Campania, saint Max, Bishop, who defend the faith of Nicaea was banished by Emperor Constantius, dying consumed by various calamities (s. IV).
At Nola in Campania, saint Max, Bishop, who governed the Church of this city in the period of persecution and, after a long life, rested in peace (s. III).
In Padua, in the region of Venice, saint Max, Bishop, considered successor to saint Prosdócimo (s. III/IV).
In Bizacena, St. Mayulo, martyr in Adrumeto, who was sentenced to be devoured by the wild beasts (s. II/III).
In Paris, in Neustria, saint Mederico, priest, and Abbot of Autun, who lived in a retired place, close to the city (c. 700).
In the city of Riga, near the Baltic Sea, commemoration of Saint Meinardo, Bishop, who was a monk in Germania, and old man, when he decided to go to Livonia to evangelize that town, built the Church of Uxkul, he was ordained bishop and laid the foundations of the faith Christian in that region.
In the mountains surrounding the Lake of Zurich, among the Helvetii (today Switzerland), saint Meinrado, presbyter, who carried the first cenobite and later hermit, life being killed by thieves (c. 861).
In Paderborn, Saxony, saint Meinulfo, Deacon, who built and enriched the monastery of Böddeken, trusting a community of virgins (c. 857).
In Tallaght, in Ireland, St. Mel Ruain, Bishop and Abbot, who worked tirelessly in renewing the sacred liturgy, the cult of Saints and monastic life.
In Rennes, of lower Brittany, saint Melanio, Bishop, who went on to meet the Lord in the place called Palace, on the banks of the Vicenon River, where he himself, with his own hands, had built a church and gathered monks for the service of God (c. 511).
In the city of Rinocorurua, in Egypt, saint Melas, Bishop, who by their adherence to the Orthodox faith suffered banishment at the time of the Arian Emperor Valente, after which rested in peace (c. 390).
In Nam Dinh, Tonquin, saint Melchor García Sampedro, Bishop, of the order of preachers and martyr, enclosed first by being a Christian in a close prison, and then, by order of Emperor Tu Duc, materially sloughed.
In Sevastopol, of Pontus, saint Melecio, Bishop, who, although already famous for his erudition, was even more famous for his virtue and simplicity of life (s. IV).
Commemoration of St. MELETIUS, Bishop of Antioch, who, by defending the faith of Nicaea, was exiled several times, and died while it was presiding at the first Ecumenical Council of Constantinople. St. Gregory of NYSSA and saint Juan Crisóstomo exalted her figure.
Ardagh, in Ireland, in saint Melis, Bishop.
In Canterbury, England, St. Melito, Bishop, who, being Abbot, was sent to England, where he was ordained bishop of the East Saxons by St. Augustine, by the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I and, after suffering many tribulations, agreed to the see of Canterbury.
In Rome, in the cemetery of Callixtus, in via Apia, saint Melquíades, Pope, a native of Africa, who knew the peace granted by Emperor Constantine to the Church, but a victim of the attacks of the Donatists, distinguished himself by his efforts to obtain the concordia.
Commemoration of St. Melchizedek, King of Salem and priest of the most high God, who greeted and blessed Abraham when he returned victorious, offering to the Lord, a Holy sacrifice, an immaculate host. As a typical figure of Christ, King of peace and justice and eternal, still lacking in genealogy priest has been interpreted.
At Chalons, in the Belgium Galia, saint Memmio, who is venerated as the first bishop of this city (s. III/IV).
Bizia (Visado today), in Thrace, saint Memnón, centurion and martyr, converted to the faith in times of Diocletian and Maximian by saint Severo, together with this was subjected to cruel torments, climbing the first victorious to Heaven (c. s. III).
The province of Samnium, in Italy, memory of St. Menas, solitary, whose virtues the saint Gregorio Magno I Pope mentions (s. VI).
In Constantinople, St. Menas, Bishop, ordained by the Pope saint Agapito, resettled temporarily broken communion with Pope Vigilio and dedicated the great Church, built by the Emperor Justiniano, in honor of the divine wisdom.
Next to the Lake of Mariotide in Egypt, St. Menas martyr.
In Menat, the Galia Arvernense, saint Meneleo, Abbot (c. 700).
Saints wiggle and Cape o' Tbelly, martyrs, Licia, s. III.
At Pario, on the Hellespont, saint Menigno, fuller, who, according to tradition, had suffered under the Emperor Decio (c.250).
In Forlì, Emilia, saint Mercurial, Bishop, whom tradition considered the founder of this episcopal see (s. IV).
In Cesarea de Capadocia, saint mercury, martyr.
In Armenia, Saint Mesrob, doctor of the Armenians, who, being disciple of saint Narsete and enter in the Royal Palace, monk was made. He invented the signs of the alphabet so that the people were instructed in the Scriptures, translated into Armenian the two wills and composed hymns and chants (c. 440).
In Constantinople, Metodio, Bishop, who being monk traveled to Rome to meet with Pope Pascual I, to defend the veneration of images, and elected Bishop, he could solemnly celebrate the triumph of the Orthodox faith.
Commemoration of St. Methodius, Bishop of Olympus and martyr, who wrote several books in style concise and elegant, and at the end of the persecution under Diocletian was crowned by the martyrdom (c. 312).
Commemoration of St. Metrano, martyr of Alexandria, in Egypt, who, being Emperor Decio, for refusing to utter impious words as pagans, demanded him cruelly tormented him, and taken outside the city, stoned him to death (c. 249).
In Constantinople, St. Metrófano, Bishop of Byzantium, who was consecrated to the Lord the new Rome.
In Verona, in the region of Venice, saint Metron, hermit, who is said that it took a rough and penitent life (c. s. VIII).
In Gael, in lower Brittany, saint Meveno, abad, who, born in Cambria, withdrew to the forests of the Armorica and founded a monastery (s. VI).
In the place of Betharram, near Pau, in the Pyrenees of France, saint Miguel Garicoïts, priest, who founded the Congregation of priests of the sacred heart of Jesus).
Saint Miguel Ho Dihn Hy, martyr, who being mandarin, senior official of the Emperor and Catechist, to be betrayed like Christian died in Annam, slain after atrocious torments.
In Colima, Mexico, of saint Miguel de la Mora, priest and martyr, who, in the fury of the persecution against the Church, was crowned with martyrdom.
In Valladolid, in Spain, saint Miguel de los Saints, priest of the order of the Holy Trinity, who was handed over to charities and the preaching of the word of God.
At Synnada in Phrygia (today Cifitkasaba, in Turkey), saint Miguel, Bishop, who was peaceful man, and favored peace and harmony among Greeks and Latins, but was sent into exile away from his homeland because of the cult of the sacred images.
At Wenlock, in England, saint Milburga or Milburgues, Virgin, of the Royal family of Mercia, who was Abbess of the monastery (c. 722).
Saint thousaintds, Bishop and martyr.
In Florence, city of the Tuscany, saint Miniato, martyr (c. s. III).
Commemoration of Saint MICAH, Prophet, who, in the days of Joatán, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Kings of Judah, fought back with his preaching to the oppressed, condemned the idols and the perversities, and announced to the chosen people who, since the eternal days, a leader born in Belén de Judea that it apacentaría to Israel with the strength of the Lord.
He died about the year 314 in Milan, from Liguria, saint Mirocleto, Bishop, of which Ambrose made memory among the faithful bishops who preceded him.
Cyzicus, in the Hellespont, St. Miron, priest and martyr, who, according to tradition, during the reign of Decius and under the prefect Antipater, was beheaded after suffering many torments (s. III).
On the island of Chios, saint Miropa, martyr (s. III/IV).
In Aix-en-Provence, de Narbonnaise Gaul, St. Mitrio, who, although servant of condition, the Holiness made you free (s. IV).
In Byzantium, saint Mocio, priest and martyr (s. inc.).
In the monastery of Berceto, in Lombardy, saint Moderano or Moderon, Abbot, formerly Bishop of Rennes, in Gaul, distinguished by their love of the solitude and the devotion to the Holy places (c. 720).
In Trier, of Austrasia, saint Modesta, Abbess, who consecrated to God from childhood, was the first who chaired the community of nuns of the monastery "ad Horreum" (Kahvaltının) in the city, and was United with saint Gertrudis de Nivelles in total familiarity, based in God.
In Jerusalem, saint Modesto, Bishop, who, since the Holy City was conquered and devastated by the Arabs rebuilt monasteries and filled them with monks, and with hard work he re-fashioned saintctuaries destroyed by the fire.
In Trier, in the Rhineland, in Austrasia, St. Modoaldo, Bishop, who founded and enriched several churches and monasteries, and was also different groupings of virgins, being buried alongside his sister Severa (c. 647).
In Egypt, saint Moisés Etíope. After having been a known thief, became a hermit, developed many of their own and took them with him to the monastery (c. 400).
In Leighlin, Ireland, saint Molasio or Laisren, abad, who extended the celebration of Easter, according to the Roman custom peacefully on the island.
In Roosmarkei, in Scotland, saint Molech or Luano, Bishop (c. 592).
In Milan, in the region of transpadana, saint Mona, Bishop (c. 300).
In Tours, Neustria, saint Monegunda, consecrated to God, who, leaving homeland and relatives, surrendered only to prayer (p. 557).
In the region of Armagh, in Ireland, saint Monena, Abbess of the monastery of Killeevy, who she herself had founded.
In Nassogne, in Brabant, in Austrasia, saint Monón, revered as a hermit in the forests of Ardennes and martyr (c. 630/640).
In Sirmium, in the present Hungary (Pannonia antigua), saint Montano, presbyter, and Max, his wife, having confessed Christ Lord, they were thrown into the waters by the infidels (c. 304).
In the village of Altkirch in the Basel region, among the Helvetii, saint Morando, monk, a native of Rhineland, who went on to be priest pilgrimage to Compostela and return entered the monastery of Cluny, founded most later the monastery where he ended his Holy life (c. 1115).
In Malonne, place of Belgium, saint Muciano María Viaux, of the brothers of the Christian schools, who devoted all his life with perseverance and generosity to the formation of young people.
In Mesía, commemoration of Saints mark and Mutien, martyrs, who were beheaded for refusing to sacrifice to idols and by courageously confessing Christ (s. c. IV).
In Bordeaux, Aquitaine, saint Mummolo, Abbot of the monastery of Fleury
In Noyon, of Neustria, St. Mumolno, Bishop, who, being a monk, helped saint Audomaro in the task of evangelizing, even who was elected bishop to succeed saint Eligio (c. 680).
Saints Ireneo and Mustiola, martyrs in Chiusi (Italy).
In Milan, city of Liguria, Saints Nabor and Felix, martyrs, who, being soldiers from Mauritania, it is said that they suffered martyrdom in Laus Pompeia (Lodi today) and they were buried in Milan (c. 304).
In the region of Ontario, in Canada, passion of saint Nadal Chabanel, priest of the society of Jesus and martyr, who, having made a vow before God stay until death in his beloved mission of the Huron territory, walking in the woods with a true apostate was killed by him in hatred of the faith. His memory is celebrated on October nineteenth, along with his companions.
Saint Nanfanión martyr in Madaura (Africa).
Commemoration of St. Nahum (or Saint Nahún), Prophet, who preached God as that governs the evolution of time and judging the peoples with justice.
In Vienne, of Burgundy, Saint Namacio, Bishop, Cuddles civilian trades that governed and honoured episcopal headquarters that he was straight.
In Arvernia, Aquitaine, saint Namancio, Bishop, who built the Cathedral Church (c. 460).
In the city of Girona, in Hispania Tarraconensis, commemoration of Saint Narcissus, Bishop and martyr (s. inc.).
In Bergamo, in the province of Liguria, Saint Narno, who is considered the first bishop of the city (s. IV).
In the region of Aberdeen, in Scotland, St. Natalán, Bishop, famous for his charity towards the poor (c. 678).
Saint Natalia, wife of the martyr saint Adrián; which, in the persecution of Diocletian, served long imprisoned at Nicomedia holy martyrs, and, when these ended the bout, he went to Constantinople, and there rested in peace.
In the monastery of Achad in Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Nateo, Bishop and Abbot (s. VI).
Of his life we know little. Only its end, martyrdom, has reached us us. In the year 250, during the persecutions of Decius, the Bishop Dionisio de Alejandría gives account of it. Estimated that most of the people for the conduct of fair and healthy habits; in the end, appreciated for his kindness and faultless ethical conduct, as it should be and should be expected in a disciple's true Christ. But envy pushes accusers to ratting him to justice, first as a criminal, that leaves acquitted, and after Christian, fatal load. Nemesio confirms the accusation and ends up burned at the stake in the company of some thieves and murderers of his time.
In Alexandria, in Egypt, saint Nemesio, martyr, who, falsely accused of thief, was put on trial and acquitted by the judge, but then in the persecution under the Emperor Decio, was charged before Judge Emiliano profess the Christian religion, being, therefore, tormented with repeated torture and burned with thieves in the likeness of el Salvador, who endured the cross among them.
In Nicaea, town of Bithynia (today Turkey), Saint neophyte, martyr (s. IV).
At Egea, of Cilicia, holy martyrs Claudius, Asterius and Neon, brothers, who, according to tradition, accused by his stepmother to be Christians, they were beheaded in time, the Emperor Diocleciano and the prefect Lysias.
Saints Nereo and Achilles, martyrs, who, according to concerns the Pope saint Damaso, were two young men who had enlisted in the army and swept away by fear, were willing to obey ungodly orders of the magistrate, but after being converted to the true God left the army, throwing their shields, weapons and uniforms, pleased of his triumph as confessors of Christ. Their bodies were buried on this day in the cemetery of Domitilla, located in via Roma Ardeatina (s. ex III.).
In PERGA, in Pamfilia, passion of Saint Nestor, Bishop of Magydos and martyr, in time of persecution under the Emperor Decio was sentenced by the prefect of the province to be nailed to a cross, so you suffer the same penalty that the crucified one who confessed (c. 250).
Sight of Lycia, holy martyrs Nicandro, Bishop, and Hermas, presbyter (s. c. IV).
In Reims, the Gaul Belgium, passion of saint Nicasio, Bishop, who, before the door of the basilica he had built, was murdered along with his sister Eutropia, Virgin consecrated to Christ, Florencio, Deacon, and Jocundo, by some pagans who broke violently.
In Lyon, in Gaul, St. Nicecio, Bishop, he was distinguished by his dedication to the poor and his kindness to singles, establishing the standard of singing Psalms in this church.
In Trier, in the Rhineland, of Austrasia, St. Nicecio, Bishop, who, according to the testimony of saint Gregorio de Tours, was terrible in argumentation, constant education strong in preaching, and suffered banishment under Chlothar, King of the Franks.
In Vienne, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, saint Nicecio or Niceto, Bishop (s. V).
In Vesoncio (today Besaintçon), in Burgundy, saint Nicecio, Bishop (c. 610).
In Bosphorus, the Propontide, death of St. Nicéforo, Bishop of Constantinople, who, staunch advocate of the traditions of their fathers, opposed decisively the iconoclastic Emperor León the Armenian, defending the cult of sacred images. Expelled from its headquarters and locked up in a monastery long, he gave his soul to God.
Saints Nicetas and Aquilesia, martyrs, Lycia (Asia minor), s. III.
On the banks of the Danube, St. Nicetas Godo, martyr, who the Arian King Athanaric commanded to burn in hatred of the Catholic faith (c. 370).
Commemoration of St. Nicetas, Bishop of Apollonia, in Macedonia, who by give worship to the Holy images was banished by Emperor León el Armenio.
In the monastery of measurings, in Bithynia, St. Nicetas, hegumen, who, for defending the cult of sacred images, Lion Emperor the Armenian time suffered imprisonment and exile.
Commemoration of St. Nicetas, Bishop of Remesiana, Dacia, who saint Paulino de Nola praised in one of his poems have become sheep to the barbarians to teach them the Gospel, by persuading them to live together in peace and for uneducated people and thieves to learn to sing Christ with a Roman heart (c. 414).
In Mammola, near Gerace in Calabria, saint Nicodemo, hermit, who was master of monastic life celebrated by the austerity of life and its virtues.
In Constantinople, saint Nicolás Estudita, monk, who was exiled again and again to defend the cult of Holy images and ended his days as a hegumen of the monastery of explored.
In the basilica of Saint Peter, Rome, saint Nicolás I, Pope, who stood out for his apostolic power to reaffirm the authority of the Roman pontiff in the entire Church.
In Trani, in Apulia, saint Nicolas, Peregrine, who, native of Greece, toured the region carrying a crucifix in his hand and repeating incensainttemente: «Lord, have mercy».
In London, in England, saint Nicolás Owen, religious of the society of Jesus and martyr, who for many years established hideouts for repair of priests, who, under King Jacobo I, was imprisoned and cruelly tortured on the rack until exhaling the spirit, having gloriously confessed Christ Lord.
In Rome, Saint Nicomedes, martyr, to whom Pope Bonifacio V honoured his burial in the via Nomentana a burial Temple (s. inc.).
In Sparta, the Peloponnese, saint Nicón, monk, that after a lifetime cenobite and hermit once in Asia, he worked with Evangelical zeal for the Christian life to the inhabitants of the island of Crete, newly liberated from the yoke of the Saracens, and then toured Greece preaching penance, until he died in the monastery of Sparta, his Foundation.
In the territory of Tuscolo (Frascati today), the young saint Nilo, Abbot, a native of Greece, spiritual, cultivator conversationalist of the life of abstinence, humility and pilgrimage, and enlightened in the gift of prophecy and doctrine wise, who founded a famous monastery in Grotaferrata, endowing it with the regulation of the Eastern fathers, and there, prayerfully, and nonagenarian gave his spirit to God (1004 / 1005).
At Ancira, Galatia, saint Nilo abad, that had for saint Juan Crisóstomo disciple, he was head of his monastery long time and spread in his writings the ascetic doctrine.
In Candida Casa (today Whitehorn), in the region of Galloway, in Scotland, commemoration of St. Niniano, Bishop, breton by birth, who led to the Picts to the truth of the faith, founded there an episcopal see (c. 432).
In the region of the Iberians, on the other side of the Pontus Euxinio (current Georgia, the Black Sea), saint Niño, that being Christian was taken to that country, where, by his Holy life, reverence and admiration of all, were raised to the extent that the same Queen, who cured one of his sons with their prayers, the King and all the people embraced the Christian faith (s. IV).
Instead of Mityana, Uganda, St. Noah Mawaggali, martyr, who, being King server, initiated the persecution and refusing undaunted take flight, he offered voluntarily his chest to the Spears of the soldiers, who went through being hung from a tree, until he gave up his spirit by Christ.
Nazianzus in Cappadocia, saint Nona, wife of saint Gregorio el Viejo and mother of Saints Gregorio the theologian, Cesareo and Gorgon.
On Mount Soracte, on the via Flaminia, of Lazio, St. Nonoso, Abbot (c. 570).
St. Norbert, Bishop, man of austere habits and given entirely to the union with God and the preaching of the Gospel, founded near Laon, in France, the Premonstratensian order of canons regular, and then appointed Bishop of Magdeburg in Saxony, eximious pastor, said he was reforming the Christian life and working to spread the faith between neighboring populations.
Commemoration of St. Nostriano, Bishop of Naples (c. 450).
In the town of Eben, in the Tyrol, saint Notburga, Virgin, whose dedication to household chores and in the service of Christ in the poor was example of Holiness for his countrymen.
St. Numeriano, Archbishop of Trier (Germany), 657.
In Huesca, city of Aragon, in Hispania, Saints Nunilo (or Nunilona) and Alodia, virgins and martyrs, that daughters of father not Christian, but educated in the Christian faith by his mother, not wanting to to reject Christ, after a long imprisonment were degolladas by order of the King of Cordoba, Abd ar-Rahman II.
In Brescia, Lombardy, saint Obicio, who, being military Cavalry, became God, embraced a life of penance and distributed their goods to public utility.
In Nicomedia, Bithynia (today Turkey), St. Ocean, martyr (s. inc.).
In Souvigny, of Burgundy (today France), death of St. Odilón, Abbot of Cluny, who was severe with itself, but sweet and gracious with each other. It established truces between those who fought each other, and in time of famine, helped those in need with all his strength. Was the first to establish in their monasteries the commemoration of all the faithful departed, setting it for the next day to the solemnity of all saints.
In Urgell, in the County of Catalonia, the Kingdom of Aragon, saint Odón, that elected Bishop by acclamation of the people when it was still lay, once confirmed he defended to the most humble and was kind to all.
In Alem, of Flanders, commemoration of saint Odrada, Virgin (c. s. XI).
In Utrecht, Gelderland, in Lotharingia, saint Odulfo, priest, who evangelized the inhabitants of Friesland (c. 855).
In the monastery of Tallaght, in Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Oengo, nicknamed "Cúldeo", monk, who wrote the catalogue of Saints of that country (c. 824).
In Nidaros town of Norway, Saint Olav, martyr, that being King of his people, freed (today Trondheim), of idolatry and spread the Christian faith he had met in England with great diligence, but finally, attacked by his enemies, he was murdered.
In Kiev, city of Russia (now in Ukraine), saint Olga, grandmother of saint Vladimiro, the first of the dynasty of Ruriks received baptism, where he was sentenced to the name of Helena, leaving his conversion opened the way for the Russian people abrazase Christianity.
In Nicomedia, Bithynia, transit of saint Olimpíada, who, having become a widower still young, spent the rest of his life piisimamente in Constantinople between women consecrated to God, serving the poor, and remained always faithful to saint Juan Crisostomo, to who accompanied when the Saint was banished.
Saint Olimpio, Bishop, Thrace (European Turkey), s. IV.
In Anagni, Campania, saint Oliva, Virgin (s. VI/VII).
In London again, St. Oliverio Plunkett, Bishop of Armagh and martyr, who in time of King Carlos II, falsely accused of treason, was sentenced to the death penalty, and to the gallows, surrounding a multitude, after forgiving their enemies, confessed the Catholic faith with great firmness.
Saint Olivia or Olivaria, Virgin and martyr
Commemoration of St. Onesíforo, who served many times St. Paul at Ephesus and, without feeling shame for their chains, arrived in Rome, became interested first in their fate (s. I).
In the forests of Panaia, near Catanzaro in Calabria, saint Onofre, hermit, distinguished by their fasts and the austerity of life.
In Piacenza, Emilia, saint Opilio, Deacon City (c. s. V).
In the region of Séez, in Neustria, saint Oportuna, Abbess, renowned for his abstinence and austerity (c. 770).
In Brescia, in the region of Venice, saint Optaciano, Bishop, who subscribed the sinodicas cards on the Catholic faith in the incarnation, sent by Eusebius, Bishop of Milan, the Pope saint Leon (s. V).
In Milevi, in Numidia, commemoration of St. Optato, Bishop, in whose writings focused on the universality of the Church, the need for the intimate unity of Christians and the errors committed by the Donatists (s. IV).
In Zaragoza, in Hispania Tarraconensis, commemoration of St. Optato and his seventeen companions, martyrs who were executed, after being tormented, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano composing Prudencio verses about his glorious martyrdom (s. IV). Their names are: Luperco, event, martial, urban, Julia, Quintilian, Publius, Fronto, Felix, Ceciliano, Evodius, Primitivo, Apodemio and four others carrying all name Saturnino.
In Auch, in Aquitaine, saint Orencio or Oriencio, Bishop, who strove to eradicate the customs of the pagans of his city and seek peace between the Romans and the King of the Visigoths of Toulouse (c. 440).
In Tiana, of Cappadocia, St. Orestes, martyr (s. III/IV).
In the monastery of Landelles, in the region of Bayeux, in Normandy, Saint Ortario, Abbot, famous by its austerity and his life of prayer, as well as its dedication to heal the sick and help the poor (s. XI).
In Coventry, in England, saint Osburga, first Abbess of the monastery of this place (c. 1018).
Commemoration of St. Hoshea, Prophet of the old testament, showing not only with their words, but with his own life to the Lord the unfaithful people of Israel, as a husband always faithful and moved by an infinite mercy (s. VIII to. C.).
In Salisbury, England, saint Osmundo, Bishop, who along with King William moved from Normandy to England and immediately promoted to the episcopate, consecrated the Cathedral Church, providing the administration of headquarters and divine worship.
Saint Ostiano, confessor, Viviers (France).
In Worchester, England, Osvaldo St. Oswald (Aswaldo), Bishop, who was the first Canon and later monk, presided over the headquarters of Worchester and York, introduced in many monasteries the rule of Saint Benedict, being a benign, joyful and learned teacher.
On the island of Iona in Scotland, St. Oterano, a monk, who was one of the first disciples of saint Columbano (s. VI).
In Strasbourg, of Burgundy (today Alsace), Ottilien, Virgin and first Abbess of the monastery of Hohenburg, founded by Duke Aldarico, its parent (s. VII).
Among the Helvetii (today Switzerland), St. Otmar u Otmaro, Abbot, who, along with the cell built by St. Gallen, founded a small hospital for lepers and a monastery under the observance of the rule of St Benedict, and to defend their rights, was deported by powerful neighbors to an island in the Rhine, where he died.
In Ariano, Irpinia in Italy, saint Otón, hermit (c. 1120).
In the city of León (today Saint-Paul-de-León), in the Armorica Brittany, saint Pablo Aureliano, first bishop of this city (s. VI).
In the Thebaid, in Egypt, saint Pablo, surnamed "Simple", disciple of saint Antonio (s. IV).
In the Thebaid (Egypt today), saint Pablo, hermit, one of the first to embrace the monastic life (s. IV).
In the place of Cho Quan in Conchinchina, saint Pablo Hanh, martyr, who, having forgotten the Christian morality, led a band of thieves, but imprisoned in the time of Emperor Tu Duc, confessed that he was Christian, and not being away from their faith by flatteries, stripes, or by lacerations with tongs, culminated glorious martyrdom with beheading.
In the city of Seoul in Korea, saint Pablo Ho Hyob, martyr, who, being a soldier, was imprisoned by confessing Christian and subjected to torment, his forces surrendered and it seemed that he recant, but repented, he appeared before the judge confirming their faith in Christ, therefore jailed again, after long died from the beatings.
In Rome, saint Pablo I, Pope, who, affable and gracious, at night, in silence, visited the homes of the sick poor, assisting them. Defender of the Orthodox faith, wrote to the emperors Constantine and Leon, to which withheld worship the sacred images. Very devout Saints, he cared for move from cemeteries in ruins to the interior of the city, in the various titles and monasteries, the bodies of the martyrs, in the midst of hymns and chants.
In the village Xisiaodun, near Xinhexian, in Hebei province, in China, saint Pablo Ke Tingzhu, martyr. He was the head of the Christian village and in the persecution unleashed by the followers of the Yihetuan movement, to the being a el ser despedazado torn offered others a shining example of Christian resignation.
In the city of Vinh Tri, in Tonquin, saint Pablo Le Bao Tinh, priest and martyr, who, being still a cleric, long remained in jail and, ordained a priest, addressed the seminar, compiled a book of homilies and a compendium of Christian doctrine, and finally, again led to jail time of Emperor Tu Duc, was sentenced to beheading.
In Thi-Nghe Conchinchina, saint Pablo Le-Van-Loc, priest and martyr, who in the time of Emperor Tu Duc was slain in the city gate by confessing Christ.
In the village of Dongjaochang, near the city of Lezhi, in the province of Szechuan, China, saint Pablo Liu Hanzou, priest and martyr, strangled by being a Christian.
In the island of Cyprus, saint Pablo, monk, who was burned alive by defending the cult of Holy images (c. 770).
Commemoration of St. Paul, Bishop of Constantinople and martyr, to whom the Arians to maintain the faith of Nicaea and so many other expelled many times returned to its headquarters, but in the end, the Emperor Constantius him relegated to Cucuso, small town of Cappadocia, and there itself was cruelly strangled, according to the tradition, by snares of the Arians.
In Cordoba, city of the Spanish region of Andalusia, saint Pablo, Deacon and martyr, who lectured with the example and the word of saint Sisenando, not feared take on face at Princes and dignitaries Saracens the falsity of his cult, so it died confessing Christ as the true God.
In Narbonne, in the South of Gaul, on the via Domitia, outside the city, burial of Saint Paul, Bishop and martyr (s. III).
In Prusa in Bithynia, St. Paul, Bishop, who defend the cult of sacred images was expelled from the country and died in exile.
At Verdun, in Gaul, St. Paul, Bishop, who, after being a monk, was elevated to the episcopal see of this city, who promoted the divine worship and the regular life of the canons (c. 647).
In the city of Tho Duc, in Annam, saint Pablo Tong Viet Buong, martyr, who, being a soldier, he suffered death for Christ in the time of Emperor Minh Mang.
In Barcelona, in Hispania Tarraconensis, saint Paciano, Bishop, that exposing their faith, stated that "Christian" was his name and "Catholic" his last name.
In the city of Metz, also in Belgium Gaul (now France), saint patient, Bishop (s. IV).
In Lyon, Gaul, saint patient, Bishop, who, moved by charity, distributed free of charge food for all the cities on the banks of the Rhône and the Saône, helping the peoples oppressed by the hunger and exercising the apostolate everywhere, for conversion of heretics and care of the needy (c. 480).
Thebaid, saint Pacomio, abad, that when he was still a pagan he was impressed by the testimony of Christian charity towards soldiers arrested in the common jail and after embracing Christianity, received the monastic habit from the hands of the Anchorite Palamon. Seven years later, by divine inspiration, it was opening up many monasteries in order to receive the monks in regime of common life, writing for them a famous rule (347/348).
In Auxerre, of Neustria, saint PD, Bishop, who was Abbot of the monastery of Germán and received the episcopate participated in many Councils and dedicated himself to restore discipline ecclesiastical.
In Scotland, commemoration of Saint PD, Bishop, who sent from Rome to Ireland, died in that country when saint Germán de Auxerre England fought the heresy of Pelagius.
In the city of Saintes, also in Aquitaine, saint PD, Bishop, who erected a basilica over the grave of saint Eutropio and promoted the cult of the Saints in his episcopal city.
In Tabennese, Thebaid in Egypt, saint Palemón, Anchorite, assiduous prayer and austerity man, who was master of St. Pachomius (s. IV).
In Rome, on the via Salaria, St. Pámfilo, martyr (s. inc.).
In Taormina, Sicily, saint Pancrazio, martyr, who apparently was the first bishop of this Church (s. inc.).
In Sulmona in Abruzzo, burial of saint Panfilo, Bishop of Corfinio (c. 700).
In Burgundy, saint Pantagato or Panatagato in Vienne, Bishop.
In Nicomedia, in Bithynia, St. Pantaleon and Pantalaimon, martyr, venerated in the East as doctor who exercised his art without any payment (c. 305).
Commemoration of Saint Pantaenus of Alexandria, male Apostolic, enriched with all sorts of wisdom, expert in high degree of the word of God and passionate lover of the same, who has the tradition that their faith and burning charity drove him to go to the far East to preach the Gospel to the gentiles, returning at the end of his life in Alexandria, where rested in peace, in the time of the emperor Antoninus Caracalla (s. III).
In Seleucia, in Persia, saint potatoes, a native of Lycaonia, who, after many torments, faced martyrdom for the faith of Christ (s. IV).
In Hierapolis in Phrygia, St. Papías, Bishop, who said he heard the old Juan, who was a companion of St. Polycarp, and discourses of the Lord who said (s. II)
In Rome, in the cemetery of the via Nomentana, holy martyrs Papias and Mauro, soldiers (c. s. III).
In Rome, in the cemetery of the via Nomentana, holy martyrs Papias and Mauro, soldiers (c. s. III).
At Tomis, in Escitia (today Constanţa, Romania) saints Cresto Papo, and martyrs (s. c. IV).
In the region of Lauragais, in the Narbonnaise Galia, saint Pápulo or Paplo, revered as a martyr (s. III/IV).
In Guéret, in the region of Limoges, in Aquitaine, saint Pardulfo, Abbot, of which, illustrious for their saintctity of life, has he did flee their church to the Saracens who were regressing to Carlos Martel.
In Teano in Campania, saint Páride, Bishop, who was the first, as is believed, in dealing with this episcopal see (s. IV)
In Treviso, in the territory of Venice, St. Paris, presbyter of the camaldolese order, who was spiritual director of religious for seventy-seven years, dying at the age of one hundred eight years.
Saint Parmerio, priest and martyr.
At Lampsacus, in the region of the Hellespont, saint Partenio, Bishop, who at the time of the Emperor Constantine was a great propagator of the faith with his preaching and example (s. IV).
In Nantes, in lower Brittany, St. Pascario, Bishop, welcomed saint Hermelando and twelve monks ordered to the community of Fontenelle, who founded a monastery on the island of clubs (s. VII).
In the monastery of Corbie, in Neustria (today France), saint Pascasio Radbertus, Abbot, who presented clear and lucid manner the truth about the body and blood of the Lord in the mystery of the Eucharist.
Also in Rome, memory saint Pascual I, Pope, who, led by devotion, moved many bodies of martyrs from the catacombs to various churches of the city.
In Dorostoro, in Moesia (today Romania), saints Pasícrates and Valencio, martyrs, that by confess Christ as the only God, submitted determined their necks to the sword.
In Compluto (today Alcalá de Henares), in the Hispania Cartaginense, holy martyrs Justo and Pastor. Still children, they voluntarily rushed to martyrdom, abandoning the school their slats school and detained by order of the judge and immediately hit, is encouraging and exhorting each other were beheaded by their love for Christ.
Commemoration of St. Patápio, solo, who hails from la Tebaida, he lived in Constantinople, in Blaquernas, and was buried in the monastery of the Egyptians (s. V/VI).
Fano, in the region of the Piceno, Italy, saint Paterniano, Bishop (s. IV).
In Dariorige (today Vannes), in lower Brittany, commemoration of Saint Paternò, Bishop, of whom it is said that on this day was ordained bishop in the provincial Council met at the saint Perpetuo de Tours in this same venue (c. 460-490).
In Scissy, in the region of Coutances, in Gaul, burial of Saint Paternò, Bishop of Avranches, who, after having founded many monasteries, already septuagenario was elected to the episcopal function, and full of merits, gave his soul to God in the monastery.
In the town of Troyes, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), St. Patroclo, martyr (c. s. III).
In Colombiers, in the region of Bourges, in Aquitaine, saint Patroclo, priest, who was a hermit and missionary (c. 576).
In Rome, saint Paula Frassinetti, Virgin, who, in the midst of difficulties, founded the Congregation of sisters of Saint Dorotea, to the Christian formation of young women, distinguished by its fortitude, very smooth in the work and energy to steer his Institute.
In Africa, Saints and martyrs, Ciriaco (s. c. IV).
In the region of Fulda, in Germany, saint Paulina, religious.
In Forlì, city in the region of Venice (today Italy), St. Paulinus, Bishop of Aquileia, he endeavoured to convert to the greedy and the Slovenes, and presented to King Charlemagne a famous poem about the rule of faith.
St. Paulinus, Bishop, who received the baptism in Bordeaux, resigned from the consular dignity and noble and rich, Christ became poor and humble. Having moved to Nola, at the tomb of saint Félix, priest, to follow his example, he embraced a form of ascetic life with his wife and fellow. Ordained bishop, he distinguished himself by his erudition and saintctity, welcoming the pilgrims and helping the destitute.
In Rochester, England, death of St. Paulinus, Bishop of York, who monk and disciple of the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I, was sent to England to preach the Gospel, making Edwino, King of Northumbria, washing in the waters of baptism unto all his people.
In Trier, in the Belgium Gaul, St. Paulinus, Bishop and martyr, who at the time of the Arian heresy was the true Herald of the truth and during the Synod of Arles, summoned by the Arian Emperor Constantius, neither threats nor flattery might lead you to condemn St. Athanasius and deviate from the straight faith, so was banished to Phrygiawhere he finished his martyrdom, last five years.
In Thrace, saints Teodoro and Pausilipo, martyrs, who, according to tradition, suffered martyrdom at the time of the emperor Hadrian.
In Cesarea of Palestine, saint Pedro, surnamed Apselami or Balsami, martyr in the time of Emperor Maximino, both the President of the Court and other attendees to judgment invited who to consider his youth, but he ignored these indications and showed his faith in Christ dying spirit tried in the fire, as pure gold.
At Zaragoza, in Aragon, Spain, saint Pedro Arbués, priest and martyr, Canon regular of the order of St. Augustine, who dedicated this Kingdom to fight against superstition and heresies, was murdered before the altar of the Cathedral Church at the hands of some affected by its Office of Inquisitor.
In the village of Tomhom, the island of Guam in Oceania, blessed martyrs Diego Luis de Saint Vitores, Jesuit priest, and Pedro Calungsod, Catechist, who were cruelly precipitated to the sea, in hatred to the Christian faith, by some apostates and followers natives of paganism.
In the place of Qua Linh, in Tonquin, saint Pedro Da, martyr, who, ex officio Carpenter and sacristan, was subjected to many and cruel torments in the time of Emperor Tu Duc, remaining steadfast in the profession of their faith, so it was finally thrown into the flames.
In the city of Avila, Castile, death of saint Pedro de el Barco, priest, who retired lived in solitude near the River Tormes
In Tonquin, saint Pedro Doan Van Van, martyr, catechist and Bau not parish administrator, who, already an octogenarian, in the time of Emperor Tu Duc (T ự Đ ứ c) confirmed the constancy of their faith with their blood.
In the town of Au Thi, in Tonquin, saint Pedro Dong, martyr, father family, who preferred to suffer cruel torture before stepping on the cross, and made so that in their front write 'true religion' instead of 'false religion', as intended, being slain in the time of Emperor Tu Duc.
In Gray, Burgundy, where he had retired to be banished, transit saint Pedro Fourier, presbyter, who chose for himself the poor parish of Mattaincourt, in Lorraine, served you admirably, and renewed the regular canons of el Salvador, as well as founded the Institute of Canossian regular of our Lady, free of girls education.
Next to the fortress Xa Doai, in Tonquin, saint Pedro Francisco Nerón, priest of the society of foreign missions of Paris and martyr, who, in time of Emperor Tu Duc, lived three months locked in a very close cave, where, wounded atrociously with rods, abstained during three weeks of all food and consummated their martyrdom to be finally beheaded.
In Tuy, Galicia, Spain, blessed Pedro González, vulgarly called "Telmo", priest of the order of preachers, that tried to be as humble as before had wanted the glory, delivering help to the most humble, especially to sailors and fishermen.
In the place of Naas, near Dublin, in Ireland, blessed Pedro Higgins, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, by keeping fidelity to the Roman Church, in the time of King Carlos I was hanged without trial.
Saint Pedro Julián Eymard, priest, who was first priest diocesaint and later member of the society of Mary. Eximious worshiper of the Eucharistic mystery, founded new congregations, clergy and women, to promote and disseminate the piety towards the Blessed Sacrament. He died in the village of La Mure near Grenoble, in France, where he was born.
In the province of Nghe An, in Annam (Viet Nam), saint Pedro Khanh, priest and martyr, to be recognized as a Christian when he was at his table of collector, prisoner spent six months in prison, and refused to recant the faith, he was beheaded by order of the Emperor Thiêu Tri.
In Hanoi, Tonquin, saint Pedro Le Tuy, priest and martyr, who, because of his faith in Christ, was slain in the time of Emperor Minh Mang.
In the city of Kweyang, in Guizhou province, in China, saint Pedro Liu Wenyuan, martyr and Catechist, who was strangled because of the name of Christ.
In Zhujiaxiezhuang, village near Shenxian, in the Chinese province of Hebei, saint Pedro Liu Ziyu, martyr, who, during the persecution unleashed by the movement of the Yihetuan, ignoring friends who advised her to Apostatize, remained steadfast in the Christian faith to the mandarin, so it was pierced with sword.
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saint Pedro Nguyên Bá Tuân, priest and martyr, who, imprisoned for being Christian in the time of Emperor Minh Mang, died of starvation in prison.
Conchinchina, saint Pedro Nguyen Van Luu, priest and martyr, in the time of Emperor Tu Duc death was sentenced to and climbed gladly to the scaffold.
In Alexandria, in Egypt, saint Pedro, Bishop and martyr, who, endowed with all the virtues, was beheaded by order of the Emperor Galerio Maximiano, coming to be the latest victim of the great persecution and as the seal of the martyrs. With him are commemorated three Egyptian bishops, who are Hesychius, Pachomius and Theodore, along with many others that also in Alexandria, suffered the same persecution and went up to Heaven by cruel sword. He died between 305 and 311.
In Anagni, in Lazio, saint Pedro, Bishop, first shone in the monastic observance and then in the pastoral zeal, who led to end the construction of the Cathedral Church.
Argo, in Greece, in saint Pedro, Bishop, who showed a great charity towards the poor and worked tireless to bring peace in disputes for well of souls (c. 922).
In the monastery of Bellevaux, in the region of Besaintçon, France, transit of saint Pedro, Bishop, who, being Cistercian Abbot, was promoted to the headquarters of Tarantasia, governed with fervent diligence and spirited promotion of harmony among peoples.
In Antigua, Guatemala, in Central America, saint Pedro de Betancur, religious of the third order of Saint Francisco, who, under the patronage of our Lady of Bethlehem, near he gave exemplary care for pilgrims abandoned without education, orphans, beggars, sick, young and also sentenced to forced labour.
In Pébrac, territory of Le-Puy-en-Velay, in France, saint Pedro de Chavanon, priest, that, aspiring to a more perfect life, withdrew to this place, where built and presided over a monastery of canons regular (c. 1080).
In Palencia, in the Spanish region of Castilla, death of saint Pedro, Bishop of Osma. It was first a monk, later Archdeacon of the Church of Toledo, and finally elevated to the headquarters of Osma, recently released from the Mohammedan domain, who organized with pastoral zeal.
In Poitiers, in Aquitaine, saint Pedro, Bishop, who favored the beginnings of the order of Fontevrault, and removed unjustly headquarters, died exiled in Chauvigny.
Trevi in Lazio, saint Pedro, who, despite being illiterate, practiced in solitude the Evangelical wisdom (c. 1050).
In Milan, Lombardy, passion of saint Pedro de Verona, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, who, born of Manichean parents, still child he embraced the Catholic faith, and while still a teenager, received the habit of the same saint Domingo. Dedicated to combat heresy, way to as fell victim to enemies, reciting the last moments in the symbol of faith.
In the same city, commemoration of Saint Peter, called "Palatino", martyr, who indeed was heir of the faith and the name of the Apostle Peter, and breathed his spirit to be burned alive.
In Madrid, capital of Spain, blessed Pedro Poveda Castroverde, priest and martyr, founder of the Teresian aimed at promoting Christian formation, who at the beginning of the persecution of the Church was killed by hatred of religion, giving a clear testimony of their faith.
In the city of Capitolias, in Batanea (now Israel), saint Pedro, priest and martyr, that defendant to Walid, Prince of the Saracens, to preach in public faith in Christ, consummated their martyrdom nailed to a cross, when it amputasen you tongue, hands and feet.
In Fuzhou, in Fujian province of China, saint Pedro Saints and Jorda, Bishop of the order of preachers and martyr, who, having been arrested together with other priests and taken prisoner to the Court through a long journey, he knelt at the place of the torment, and finished his prayer, willingly offered their necks to the axe.
At Ciano, near Miletus, in Calabria, saint Pedro Spanò (Spina), hermit, famous for its poverty and conviction (s. XII).
In Famagusta, Cyprus city, transit saint Pedro Tomas, Bishop of Constantinople, of the order of the Carmelites, who was inherited from the Roman pontiff in the East.
In the monastery of Cuixà, in the Pyrenees (today France), saint Pedro Urseolo, who, being dux of Venice, he became a monk, distinguished for his piety and austerity, and living in a Hermitage near the monastery (c. 987/988).
In Perugia, Umbria, saint Pedro Vincioli, presbyter and Abbot, he rebuilt an ancient church dedicated to saint Pedro, threatening to ruin, and she joined a monastery where he, overcome great opposition and with great patience, introduced Cluniac customs.
In Shuangzhong, near Jixian, Hebei province, in China, saint Pedro Wang Zuolong, martyr, in the persecution carried out by followers of the Yihetuan movement, he was hanged for refusing to worship idols and to reject the Christian faith.
In Zunyi, Guizhou province, in China, saint Pedro Wu Guosheng, catechist and martyr, who was strangled by their fidelity to Christ.
In Seoul, Korea, saint Pedro Yi Hoyong, martyr, who, being a Catechist, was taken prisoner by a few Hitmen, together with its sister saint Águeda Yi So-sa, and remaining steadfast in the confession of faith, after break three times bones remained you four years in prison, where he finally died, being the first of the glorious martyrs squad.
In Pyongyang, in Korea, saint Pedro Yu Chong-nyul, martyr, who, being the parent, while reading the faithful gathered overnight in the Catechist House, he was captured and beaten to death by their status as Christian.
In Seoul, Korea, Saint Peter Yu Tae-ch'l, martyr, who, at thirteen, urged colleagues in prison to accept the torments, consummating his martyrdom to receive one hundred lashes and be strangled.
In the village of Lujiazhuang, near Yinngxian, in the same Chinese province of Hebei, saint Pedro Zhou Rixin, martyr, who during the persecution cited said before the prefect, who demanded it, that could not recant Dios Creador of the world, so he was beheaded.
In the monastery of Cava, in Campania, saint Pedro, who having followed since his youth eremitical life, he was elected Bishop of Policastro, but tired of the noise of the outdoor life, he returned to the monastery, where, constituted abad, admirably restored discipline.
In Sebaste in Armenia, saint Pedro, Bishop, who was the younger brother of saint Basilio Magno and eminent defender of the Orthodox faith against the Arians (c. 391).
Constance of Hohenstaufen, commemoration of saint Pelagio, martyr (c. s. III).
In Alexandria, Egypt, saint Pelusio, priest and martyr.
In Foggia, in the Apulia saints William Pilgrim, and hermits (s. XII).
In Forlì, in the province of Emilia, St. Peregrine Laziosi, religious of the order of the servants of Mary, who since its dedication to the mother of God was distinguished by his love of Jesus Christ and its application to the poor.
In the place of Bouhy, of the territory of Auxerre, Gaul, St. Peregrine, martyr, venerated as first bishop of this city (s. IV/V).
In Tours, Lugdunensis Gaul, saint perpetual, Bishop, who built the basilica of Saint Martin and many others in honor of Saints, and regulated the practice of fasting and vigils in his Church.
In Maastricht, next to the Mossa, in Brabant, Austrasia, saint perpetual, Bishop (c. 620).
In Cornwall, St. Petroco, Abbot, originally from Wales.
Saint Petronaco or Petronax, Abbot, and Bishop of Montecassino.
In the city of Die, in the region of Viennese Gaul (now France), saint Petronio, Bishop, who had earlier embraced the monastic life in the island of Lérins (after 463).
In Bologna, Emilia, saint Petronio, Bishop, who joined the priestly function of political responsibilities, and taught with his writings and example of the episcopal Office (c. 450) reality.
In Seclin, in the Belgium Galia, saint Piatón, priest, who is revered as an evangelizer of Tournai and martyr (s. III/IV).
In Poitiers, Aquitaine, saint Pientio, Bishop, who much helped Radegonde blessed in the founding of monasteries (s. VI).
Commemoration of St. Pierio, presbyter of Alexandria, illustrated in the issues of philosophical, but more informed even by the integrity of his life and his voluntary poverty. While Teonas governed the Alexandrian Church, explained in depth to the people the divine Scriptures, and in Rome, after the prosecution rested in peace (s. IV).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Ponciano, in via Portuense, saint Pimenio, was presbyter and martyr in the century III/IV.
Commemoration of St. Pinito, Bishop of Knossos, on the island of Crete, who, under the framework emperors Antonino Vero and Lucio Aurelio comfortable, distinguished himself by his writings on faith and concern for the growth of the grey which is entrusted him (c. 180).
At Rome, commemoration of Saint Pius I, Pope, brother of Hermas, author of a work whose title is El Pastor, denomination that the Holy Pontiff, well deserved because for fifteen years was really a good shepherd who kept the Church.
In Smyrna, in Asia, saint Pionio, priest and martyr, who narrates the tradition that, for having made an apology of the faith to the people, was imprisoned, and there, in prison, with their exhortations encouraged many brethren to endure martyrdom and, after suffering various torments, by means of fire achieved death for Christ (c. 250).
In the monastery of Hornbach, near Strasbourg, in Burgundy, burial of Saint Pirmino, Bishop and Abbot of Reichenau, who evangelized Alamanni and Bavarians, he founded many monasteries and wrote a book for his disciples to catechize to the wild (s. III/IV).
In Disentis, in the upper Reece (today Switzerland) and saints Plácido, martyr, Sigisberto, abad, this last companion of saint Columbano and founder of the monastery of Saint Martin in Disentis, where he was the first who crowned their monastic life with the martyrdom (s. VII).
Close of okra, in Abruzzo, Saint Placido, Abbot, who lived as a hermit in a cave, and then gathered numerous disciples in the monastery of the Holy Spirit.
At Ancira, Galatia, St. Plato, martyr (s. III/IV).
In Constantinople, St. Plato, hegumen, who for years fought invincible spirit against the destroyers of the sacred images and, with his nephew Teodoro, organized the famous Studion monastery.
Near Roermond, on the banks of the Meuse, in the Netherlands, St. Plequelmo, Bishop, a native of Nortumbria, who dedicated his life to meet many riches of the faith in Christ (c. 713).
In Egypt, saint Poemeno or Pemon in la Tebaida, Abbot, had in addition consideration between the anchorites and which concern many maxims full of wisdom (s. IV/V).
In Cesarea de Capadocia, St. Polieucto, martyr (s. inc.).
In Melitene, in the city of Armenia, St. Polieuto, martyr, who, being a soldier, as a result of the Decree of the Emperor Decio which forced to sacrifice to the gods, broke idols, so it was cruelly martyred to be beheaded, thus receiving the baptism with his own blood (c. 250).
In London, saints Poliodoro Plasden and Eustacio White, priests, and also the blessed Brian Lacy, Juan Mason and Sidney Hogdson, all of them martyrs, who in the same year suffered identical torment in Tyburn, the first because, being priests, had come into England, and the others for having helped.
Cibali, in Pannonia, saint Polión, reader and martyr, arrested in the persecution during Emperor Diocleciano, and interrogated by the prefect Probus, as he repeatedly confess Christ and refusing to sacrifice to idols, was burned alive outside the city (c. 303).
Saint Polión or Polyene, martyr.
In Pavia, of Liguria, saint Pompey, Bishop, who, by few but peaceful years, happened to saint Ciro, and rested in the Lord (s. IV).
In Campi Salentina (Apulia), St. Pompilio María Pirrotti, priest, religious of the order of clerks regular of the pious schools, popular preacher.
In Naples, Campania, saint Pomponio, Bishop, who built a church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary within the city and, at the time of the occupation by the Goths, defended his flock against the Arian heresy (s. VI).
In Cordoba, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, saint Pomposa, Virgin and martyr, who, during the persecution by the Saracens, aware of the martyrdom of saint Columba, came out unbeknown to Cordoba Penamelera monastery and intrepid confessed Christ before the judge immediately being cutthroat at the gates of the Palace and thus the Palm of martyrdom.
Close of Spoleto, city of Umbria (today Italy), saint Ponciano, martyr, who was severely beaten with sticks and, finally, beheaded for their faith in Christ, in the time of emperor Antoninus (s. II).
Village of Ttaka Jiunge, also in Uganda, saint Ponciano Ngondwe, martyr, who escort the King, received baptism when he urged the persecution and was immediately imprisoned him, being pierced with a spear by the executioner.
Holy Martyrs Pontian, Pope, and Hipolito, priest, who were deported together, Sardinia, and with equal conviction, ornate, apparently with the same Crown, were finally transferred to Rome, Hippolytus, the cemetery of the via Tiburtina, and the Pope Pontian, the cemetery of Calisto (c. 236).
Commemoration of St. Pontius, in Carthage, Deacon of saint Cipriano, who accompanied in exile to death, leaving a valuable volume about his life and passion (s. III).
At Cimiez, in Provence, St. Pontius, martyr (c. s. III).
In Serrancolin, in the region of Comminges, at the foot of the Pyrenees, St. Pontius, or Eboncio, that revered by tradition as a Benedictine monk, he was ordained bishop of Roda de Isábena, in Aragon, headquarters, who subsequently moved to Barbastro, being famous for its pastoral vigilance (c. 1104).
In Marchiennes, Flanders (now Belgium), St. Popón, Abbot of the monasteries of Stavelot and Malmedy, who diffused in many monasteries of Lotharingia the observance of Cluny.
In the island of Lérins in Provence, holy martyrs Porcaro, Abbot, and several monks, who, according to tradition, were killed by the Saracens (c. s. VIII).
In the territory of Auvergne, in Aquitaine, saint Porciano, Abbot, that being young slave sought refuge and freedom in a monastery which became a monk and where became Abbot, dying already old, exhausted by fasting. He died about the year 532.
Commemoration of St. Possidius, Bishop of Calama, in Numidia (today Guelma in Algeria), disciple and faithful friend of Augustine, who assisted him in his death and wrote his admirable life (c. 437)
In Alexandria, in Egypt, saints Potamón, Ortasio and Serapion, priests, and his companions, martyrs (s. IV).
In the city called Villanueva de la Reina, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, saint Potenciana, Virgin.
In Lyon, Gaul, Holy Martyr Pothinus, Bishop, and Blandina, along with forty-six companions, who the letter of the Church of Lyon to the churches of Asia and Phrygia has detail their courageous and repeated event, at the time of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Bishop Potino, already nonagenarian, shortly after being imprisoned died, some others also died in prison, while the remaining were exposed as spectacle in the Amphitheater, before thousaintds of people, where those who were Roman citizens were beheaded and the others given to the wild beasts, and finally Blandina, reserved for a more cruel and prolonged combatAfter encouraging
Commemoration of saint Potito, martyr, who, after being tormented in the city of Sardica, in the ancient Roman province of Dacia (today Romania), finally achieved martyrdom to be executed by the sword (s. inc.)
At Rome, commemoration of saint Praxedes, with whose name was dedicated to God a church on the Esquiline (before 491).
On the banks of the River Cea, Galicia, Facundo and Primitivo, martyrs of the 4th century Saints.
In the place of Gabio, in 1930 milestone of the via Prenestina, saint Primitivo, martyr.
In Via Nomentana, in the place called «ad arks», fifteen milestones of saint Primo, Rome, martyrs and saint Feliciano (s. inc.).
At Soissons, in the Belgium Gaul (now France), saint principle, Bishop, brother of Saint Remi (s. VI).
Commemoration of the Holy spouses Aquila and Prisca or Priscilla, contributors to the Apostle Paul, welcomed who in his house and that exposed their heads (century I).
At Capua, in Campania, in the via Aquarian age, saint Prisco, martyr (s. IV).
In Nocera of the pagans, in Campania (today Italy), saint Prisco, Bishop and martyr, to whom saint Paulino de Nola dedicated indicated poetics (c. s. IV).
In the territory of Auxerre in Gaul, martyrdom of St. Prisco and his companions (s. in.).
In the territory of the Gabali (today Mende), in Gaul, St. private, Bishop and martyr, who, in the invasion of the Vandals, was found in a crypt, who was delivered to prayer and fasting, and for refusing to deliver his sheep and sacrifice to idols, died crushed to death (c. 407).
In the city of Rieti, in the Sabina (today Italy), commemoration of Saint Probus, Bishop, praised by the Pope saint Gregorio I Magno (c. 570).
In Ravenna, from the province of Flaminia, saint Probo, Bishop, in whose name the Bishop St. Maximiano dedicated the famous basilica Clasense (s. III / IV).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Damasus, in the second milestone of the via Aurelia Holy process Martiniano, and martyrs (sec. inc.).
Bisignano, near Cosenza, in Calabria, saint Proclo, monk, who, very well shaped doctrinally, was a harbinger of the monastic life (c. 970).
At Ancira, of Galatia, saints Proclo e Hilarion, martyrs in the time of the Emperor Trajan and the maximum prefect (s. II).
In Constantinople, St. Proclo, Bishop, who insistently proclaimed the Virgin Mary as mother of God, ordered the solemn return of the remains of saint Juan Crisóstomo to this city, and in the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, it deserved to be called 'Great'.
In Sázava, in Bohemia, saint Procopio, who, leaving wife and son, he embraced the eremitical life and then presided over the Monastery founded there by himself, celebrating the divine praises in the Greek Rite and in Slavic language.
In Bologna, Emilia town, St. Próculo, martyr, by his Christian faith was crucified (c. 300).
In Padua, in the region of Venice, saint Prosdócimo, who is held by the first bishop of this church.
Commemoration of St. prosper of Aquitaine, who trained in philosophy and letters, led a full and modest life with his wife. Having embraced the monastic life in Marseilles, he defended vigorously against the pelagian doctrine of St. Augustine on divine grace and the gift of perseverance, and in Rome he was clerk of the Pope saint León I Magno (c. 463).
In Orleans, town of Lugdunensis Gaul, saint Prospero, Bishop (s. V).
In Reggio, in the region of Emilia, saint Prospero, Bishop (s. V/VI)
In Tarragona, of Hispania, saint Prospero, Bishop (s. IV/V).
In Vesoncio (today Besaintçon), in Burgundy, saint Protadio, Bishop (c. 624).
In Milan, in the province of Liguria, St. Protasius, Bishop, who defended the cause of St. Athanasius against the constant Emperor and took part at the Council of Sardica.
In Seoul, Korea, saint Protásio Chong Kuk-bo, martyr, who returned to the faith Christian that he had left earlier and professed it to death in the prison, who caused him in the midst of cruel torture.
Between the Helvetii, into the Kingdom of Burgundy, saint Protásio, who is venerated as Bishop of Lausaintne (s. VII).
In Alexandria, in Egypt, St. Proterio, Bishop, the Holy Thursday, in a popular tumult, was cruelly killed by the monofisitas, followers of his predecessor Dioscorus.
In Aquileia, in the region of Venice, saint Proto, martyr (s. inc.).
In Como, in the province of Liguria, saint came, Bishop, faithful disciple of St. Ambrose, who preserved the Church which they had entrusted to him (c. 420) of the Arian heresy.
In Troyes, saint Prudencio, Bishop, who prepared for itinerant people a Breviary of the Psalter, collected the precepts of Scripture for candidates to the priesthood and restored the discipline of the monasteries.
In Antioch, Syria, commemoration of saint Publia, that, on the death of her husband, he entered a monastery, and as he saintg the words with her Virgin companions Psalm "idols of the gentiles are gold and silver» and «are such that make them», to spend there the Emperor Julian the apostate ordered that they abofeteasen it and reprendiesen with roughness.
Commemoration of St. Publius, Bishop of Athens, in Greece, who bore witness to Christ with his martyrdom (s. II).
In Constantinople, saint Pulqueria, Defender and promoter of the Orthodox faith.
In Persia, St. Pusicio, martyr, prefect of the artisaints of King Sapor II, who have comforted the wavering priest Ananias was wounded in the neck and died on Holy Saturday, occupying so a distinguished place in the Group of martyrs sacrificed after saint Simeon.
Commemoration of Saints Chaeremon, Bishop of Nilopolis, and other martyrs in Egypt, some of whom, during the persecution under the Emperor Decio, were on the run and, erring by solitary places, part succumbed to predators, others consumed by hunger, cold and disease, and the rest, finally, exterminated by the barbarians and the robbers, and thus, all dying variously, were crowned with the glory of martyrdom.
At Viborg, on Denmark, saint Quetilo, regular Canon, who put great interest in the operation of the chapter school, being model for all (c. 1151).
In Herbipoli (today Würzburg), city of Austrasia, saint Quiliano, Bishop and martyr, born in Ireland, from where he travelled to this region to preach the Gospel, and in which, by diligently to ensure are observed in her Christian life, was martyred (s. ex VII.).
In Auvergne, Aquitaine, saint Quinciano, Bishop, who first occupied the headquarters of Rodez, but later exiled by the Goths, was appointed Bishop of the auvernios.
In Vaison, in Lugdunensis Gaul, St. Quinidio, Bishop.
In the region of the Turon Galia, saint Quintin, martyr (s. VI).
Near the city of Vermand, in the Belgium Galia, saint Quintin, martyr, of the senatorial order, he suffered for Christ the time of Emperor Maximiano (s. III).
At Capua, in Campania, saint Quinto, martyr (s. inc.).
In Thessaloniki, Macedonia, saint Quionia and saint Agape, virgins and martyrs, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano, for not wanting to eat meat sacrificed to idols were handed over to the prefect he Dulcecio, who condemned them to be burnt alive.
In Palestine, saint Quiríaco, Anchorite, reason life who lived in caves until almost nonagenarian and example of anchorites and defender of the true faith against the errors of the leftover.
In the region of Asia minor, commemoration of saint Quirico and saint Julita, martyrs.
In Trier, in the Belgium Galia, saint Quirico, presbyter (s. IV in.).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Ponciano, in via Portuense, saint Quirino, martyr (s. inc.).
At Sabaria (today Szombathely), from Pannonia, passion of saint Quirino, Bishop of Sisak (today Siszeck), the Illirico, and martyr, that bass Galerio emperor was thrown into a river with a mill wheel attached to the neck.
In Rome, in the cemetery of Pretextato, on the via Appia, saint Quirino, martyr, who, being Tribune, crowned his confession of faith with the martyrdom (c. s. III).
In the region of air, in Aquitaine, saint Quiteria, virgen (s. in.).
In Naples, in Campania, burial of Saint Quodvultdeus (Quodvuldeo), Bishop of Carthage, who was banished along with its clergy by the Arian King Geiseric, and abandoned at sea, in old ships and no oars or sails, against all hope arrived at Naples, where died as a confessor of the faith.
In Mainz, the Franconia in Germany, saint Rabano, surnamed "Mauro", Bishop, who, being a monk of Fulda, was elevated to the see of Mainz, and learned man in science and eloquent in speaking, never ceased to carry out everything that could redound to the greater glory of God.
In Daventer, Friesland, translation of St. Radbodo, Bishop of Utrecht, learned, wise Shepherd, who died by visiting farmers.
In Poitiers, Aquitaine, saint Radegunda, Queen of the Franks. When still alive her husband, King Clotario, he received the sacred veil of religious, and in the monastery of the Saint Cruz de Poitiers, that she had commissioned, served Christ under the rule of saint Cesareo of Arles.
Bourges, France, in Aquitaine, saint Radulfo, Bishop, who, caring for life priests, together with priests of the Church which had entrusted collected texts of Saints parents and cannons for pastoral use.
City of Mexico, transit of Saint Rafael Guizar Valencia, Bishop of Veracruz, in Mexico, that during the time of persecution was banished or exercised his episcopal Ministry in a clandestine way.
In Rome, saint Rafaela María of the Sacred Heart batons Ayllon, Virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the slaves of the sacred heart, that being regarded as mental ill, became Holy the last years of his life between tribulations and penance.
In the monastery of Denain, in Hainaut, saint Ragenfreda, Abbess, who with real founded the monastery and presided over it with dignity (s. VIII).
In Toulouse, alongside the Garonne, in France, saint Raimundo Gayrard, teacher school, who, in being a widower, devoted her life to charity, founded this hospital, and, last time, was admitted among the canons of the basilica of Saint Saturnino.
In Huesca, in Aragon, saint Raimundo, who, being regular Canon, was appointed Bishop of Roda and Barbastro, where was expelled three years headquarters for not wanting to fight never with weapons against the enemies of the Christian name.
In Nocera, in Umbria, saint Rainaldo, Bishop, who was a camaldolese monk at Fonte Avellana, and once appointed Bishop, kept the customs of the monastic life.
In the region of the Vestini, on Italy, saint Rainerio, Bishop of Furcone (today L'Aquila), whose ability to manage assets praised Pope Alejandro II.
In Split (Spalato) in Dalmatia, saint Rainero, Bishop and martyr. He was first a monk and then endured great suffering by defending the rights of the Church in the episcopal see of Cagli, and died subsequently stoned in the Split.
In Pisa, in Tuscany, saint Rainerio or Raniero, poor and Pilgrim for Christ
In the monastery of saint Claudio, in the city of León, memory saint Ramiro and his twelve companions, monks, and martyrs, who perished at the hands of the Arians (s. VI).
It was a very fervent monk sent by Saint Bernard in the year 1132 founded the famous monastery of the Valley of the cells, to the North of France, in chambray.
In place of ad-Dahr, in the Lebanon, Himlaya saint Cardigan (Rakqa) ar-Rayy_s, Virgin of the order Libanense from Saint Antonio of the Maronites, that blind at the age of thirty, and paralyzed after in all members, remained in prayer, fixed only in God.
At Senlis, in Gaul lugdonense, St. Regulus, Bishop (s. IV).
In Melinais, in the territory of Angers, in Gaul, saint Reinaldo, who embraced the eremitical life in the mountains of Craon, for better living the precepts of the Lord (c. 1104).
In Bremen, Saxony, saint Remberto, Bishop of Hamburg and Bremen, faithful disciple and successor of saint Oscar, he continued his Ministry for lands of Denmark and Sweden, and in time of the incursions of the Normans worried about redeeming the captives.
Bishop, who after starting the King Clovis in the baptismal font and the sacraments of faith, became Christ all the honest people and, after more than sixty years in the episcopacy, died in the city of Reims, in the Belgium Gaul (now France), death of saint Remigio, famous for his life and his Holiness (c. 530).
In Rouen, city of Neustria (today France), saint Remigio, Bishop, brother of King Pipino, who was concerned about introducing the Roman mode in the singing of the psalmody.
At Ossernenon, territory of Canada, passion of saint Renato Goupil, martyr, doctor and cooperator with St. Isaac Jogues, was murdered with AX blows by a native.
In the town of Sorrento, Campania, saint Renato, Bishop (c. s. V).
In Tongres, in Brabant, in Austrasia, saint Renula or Reinildis, Abbess of the monastery of Eiken (s. VIII).
Commemoration of saint repaired, who is venerated in many places such as Virgin and martyr (s. c. IV).
In Proconsular Africa, commemoration of saint Restituta, Virgin and martyr during the persecution of Diocletian (c. 304).
On the via Nomentana, in the sixteenth milestone from the city of Rome, saint Restituto, martyr (s. c. IV).
In Cartago, saint Restituto, Bishop, whose holiday delivered Augustine a sermon to the people talking about it (c. 360).
In Autun in Gaul Lugdunensis, St. Reticio, Bishop, of whom Augustine concerns the great authority that he enjoyed as a bishop in the Church, and Jerome remembers him for his illustrious comments to Holy Scripture (s. IV).
Andlau, of the lower Lotharingia (Alsace), saint Ricarda, who, being Queen, scorned the power ground by serving God in the Monastery founded by herself (c. 895).
Saint Ricardo Gwyn, martyr, that parent and school teacher, professed the Catholic faith, being imprisoned on charges of persuading other people to conversion, and after repeated torture, keeping their faith, was hanged in the town of Wrexham, in Wales, and even breathing, quartered.
In Andria, Apulia, saint Ricardo, Bishop, who English birth and famous for its merits, it received with devotion the relics of the Saints Erasmus and Ponciano.
In Milan, in Italy, saint Ricardo (Herminio Felipe) Pampuri, who, after having exercised in the world with great generosity his profession as a doctor, he entered the order of St. John of God, and at the end of two years, piously rested in the Lord.
The eremo of Crezy forest, the region of Amiens in Neustria, saint Ricario or Riquerio, priest, who, moved by the preaching of Scottish monks, became a life of penance.
In the monastery of Marchiennes, in the region of Cambray, in Austrasia, saint Rictrudis, Abbess of origin basco, who, after the violent death of her husband Adalbaldo, took the Holy veil religious Council of saint loving, ruling with great success to its nuns in that monastery (c. 688).
In Meaux, city of Neustria (today France), St. Rigomerio, Bishop (s. VI)
In the monastery of Stavelot, in Brabant, St. Rimagilo, Bishop and Abbot, who, in addition to the monastery of Solignac, in Limoges, founded two others: Stavelot and Malmedy, in the forested solitude of Ardennes (c. 671-679).
In the monastery of Chaise-Dieu in Auvergne, France, Saint Robert, Abbot, who, having been removed to this place to live as solitary, many brothers, joined him and with his preaching and example of life he met a good number of them.
In the monastery of Molesme, France, Saint Robert, Abbot, who, desirous of a monastic life more simple and strict, and founder of monasteries and upper endeavored, now director of hermits and eminent Restorer of monastic discipline, founded the monastery of Cistercian, who governed as the first Abbot, and called again as Abbot to Molesmes, there rested in peace.
In Newminster, Northumberland, England, St. Robert, Abbot of the Cistercian order, who, lover of poverty and the life of prayer, together with twelve monks established this monastery, who in turn was the origin of the other three houses.
In London, (Robert) Robert Southwell, priest of the society of Jesus and martyr, who for several years exercised his Ministry in the city and its surroundings and composed spiritual writings. Arrested for being a priest, by order of the same Queen was severely tortured, ending his martyrdom to be hanged at Tyburn.
In the Argona forest, on the banks of the Meuse, in Austrasia (today France), St. Rodingo, Abbot, founder and pious superior of the monastery of Beaulieu, close to Lyon (s. VIII inc.).
In London, England, Saints Edmundo Campion, Rodolfo Sherwin and Alejandro Briant, priests and martyrs during the reign of Isabel I, distinguished by its strength and character.
In the town of Ejutla, in Mexico, saint Rodrigo Aguilar, priest and martyr during the persecution was hung from a tree by soldiers, gloriously achieving martyrdom who wished to.
In Cartago, commemoration of Saint Rogaciano, presbyter, who, during the persecution under the Emperor Decio, its Bishop, St. Cyprian, entrusted with the administration of the Church of Carthage, and along with saint Felicisimo suffered torture and prisons by the name of Christ (s. III).
In Canne, in Apulia, saint Rogerio, Bishop (s. XII).
In Constance, of Neustria, St. Romacario, Bishop (s. VI).
In the Jura Mountain, in the lugdunensis region of Gaul, burial of the Abbot saint Román, who, following the examples of the ancient monks, first embraced the eremetica life and then was the father of many monks.
In Antioch of Syria, St. Román, martyr, Deacon in the Church of Caesarea, who when he saw, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano, that Christians obeyed his decrees and approached the statues of idols, called them in public to the resistance, by which, after a cruel torments and cut off his tongue, was strangled in prison, thus causing his glorious martyrdom.
In Auxerre, of Neustria, saint Román, Bishop (c. 564).
In Rouen, of Neustria, saint Román, Bishop, who downed the symbols of the pagans who were still revered in his city, convinced the good to improve and the bad guys to abandon his way of acting.
In the place of Blaye, in the territory of Bordeaux, Aquitaine, saint Romano, priest.
In Constantinople, saint Romano, Deacon, who was named melodist by their sublime skill in composing Church hymns in honor of the Lord and the Saints (c. 500).
In the monte en el monte vosego Vosegus (Remiremont today), in Burgundy, saint Romarico, Abbot, who, being noble of the Teudeberto King, retired to the monastery of Luxueil and later founded a monastery on his property, who he directed.
In Nochistlan, in the territory of Guadalajara, Mexico, saint Romas Adame, priest and martyr, in the persecution of the Church was martyred by confessing to Christ the King (1927).
In the town of Bourges, in Aquitaine, St. Romulus, presbyter and Abbot (s. V).
Fiesole, Tuscany, St. Romulus, Deacon, to whom this town celebrates its first martyr (s. inc.).
Mater Matuta (today Saintremo), on the coast of Liguria, St. Romulus, Bishop of Genoa, who I filled with Apostolic ardor, died during a pastoral visit (s. V).
In lower Brittany, saint Ronón (Ronan, Rhone), Bishop, who, a native of Hibernia (Ireland today), how solitary lived in the forests of the region (c. s. VIII).
One of the first South American martyrs. They were killed by Indians in 1628, and canonized by the Pope Juan Pablo II.
In the village Fanjiazhuang, near Wujiao, in china of Hebei province, saint Rosa Fan Hui, Virgin and martyr, who, during the persecution unleashed by the followers of the sect "Yihetuan", was thrown into a river covered with wounds, still with life.
In Tortosa, Spain, saint Rosa Francisca Maria of pains (María Rosa) Molas Vallvé, Virgin, who became the Congregation of sisters of our Lady of consolation, a group of pious women to assist afflicted people.
In Palermo, Sicily, saint Rosalía, Virgin, who is said he practiced the solitary life in the monte Pellegrino (s. XII).
Fréjus, city of Provence, in France, saint Roselina, prioress of Celle-Roubaud, of the order of la Cartuja, who was distinguished by his selflessness and his austerity in food, sleep, and fasting.
In Celanova, Galicia, in Spain, saint Rosendo, formerly Bishop of Dumio, who took care of promote or establish the monastic life in the same region and having renounced the episcopal function, took the monastic habit in the monastery of Celanova, who then presided as Abbot.
In Pavia, Lombardy, St. Rotobaldo, Bishop, exemplary male for his withdrawal, who was distinguished by its interest in divine worship and relics of the Saints.
In the town of Forlimpopoli, Emilia, saint Rufilo, Bishop, who seems to have been the first to this church, ruled from which won for Christ to the people of the surrounding area (s. V).
In Assisi, Umbria, saint Rufino, who is considered first bishop of that city and martyr (s. c. IV).
At Soissons, in the Gaul Belgium, saint Valerio and saint Rufino, martyrs (s. IV).
In Avignon, Provence, saint Rufo, regarded as the first that was at the forefront of the Christian community in this city (s. IV).
At Capua, in Campania, saint Rufo, martyr (s. III/IV).
Commemoration of St. Rufus, whom the blessed Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, says it was a chosen of the Lord (century I).
In Mechelen, Brabant, Saint Rumoldo, who is revered as a hermit and martyr.
At Bingen, in Austrasia, the Rhine and near Mainz, St. Rupert, Duke, that, when I was still very young, made a pilgrimage to Rome to visit the tombs of the Apostles, and to return to their lands, erected several churches. He went to meet the Lord just turned nineteen (s. VIII).
In Auvergne, Aquitaine (now France), saint rustic, Bishop, who, being a priest in the same city, took the bishopric with great applause from the people (s. V).
In Narbonne, in the South of Gaul, saint rustic, Bishop, who eager to depose its function to retire to a life of silence, was convinced by the Pope saint León I Magno to the perseverance, comforted, remained in Office and in the work that it had entrusted to him (c. 461).
In Arles, in Provence, in Gaul, saint Rusticola, Abbess, who ruled their nuns Holy for almost sixty years.
In Africa, commemoration of Saint Rutilio, martyr. For a long time he escaped persecution, fleeing from one place to another and, sometimes, saved from danger by money, but finally arrested unexpectedly and presented to the President, he was tortured with great torments and finally thrown into the fire, receiving the Crown of a glorious martyrdom (c. 212).
In Rome, in the monastery of Saint Cesareo, saint Sabas, monk, called the young, together with his brother saint Macario spread the monastic life by Calabria and Lucania, in time of the devastation caused by the Saracens.
In Cappadocia, St. Sabas Godo, martyr during the persecution of Christians under Athanaric, King of the Goths, by rejecting three days after the celebration of the Easter food inmolados idols, after cruel torments was thrown into a river.
In the village of Totoclan, in the region of Guadalajara, Mexico, saint Saba Reyes, priest and martyr, who, by Christ the priest and King of the universe, he was executed during the Mexican persecution.
At Rome, commemoration of saint Sabina, whose Church holder built on the Aventine hill bears his name, worthy of veneration (422-432).
Saints Vicente, Sabina and Cristeta (brothers martyrs of the 4th century)
In the region of Troyes, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), St. Sabiniano, martyr (s. III).
In Spoleto, Umbria, saint Sabino, who is venerated as a bishop and martyr (c. 300).
In the region of Bigorre (Saint-Savin-of-Lavedan), at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains, saint Sabino, hermit, who illustrated the monastic life in Aquitaine (s. V).
Sabino Saints and Cipriano, martyrs, Brescia, V. s.
In Hermopolis, in Egypt, saint Sabino, martyr, who ended up being thrown into the river after several torture (s. IV).
In Canosa, Puglia, saint Sabino, Bishop, who was friend of saint Benito and legacy of the Roman see in Constantinople, to defend the real against the Monophysite heresy (c. 566) faith.
In Limoges, in Aquitaine, Saint priest, Bishop, who was a monk and Abbot, and later Bishop, but at the end of his life would again return to monastic life (s. VIII).
In Paris, from Gaul, transit of St. priest, Bishop of Lyon, who lived in the love and fear of God, dying in that city during a Council.
In Beth Lapat, the Kingdom of the Persians, passion of the Sadoth Saints, Bishop of Seleucia, along with one hundred and twenty-eight fellow martyrs, priests, clergy and consecrated virgins, who, refusing to worship the Sun, were imprisoned and, after cruel torments, suffered death by actual sentence.
In Laodicea, Phrygia, St. Ságar, Bishop and martyr, who suffered from in time of Servilius Paulo, proconsul of Asia, (c. 170).
Laon, of Neustria (today France), saint Salaberga, Abbess, who is said to saint Columbano cured him of his blindness and channeled it to the service of God (c. 664).
In Jerusalem, commemoration of the Holy Women María de Cleofás and Salome, who, together with Magdalena María, early in the morning of Easter day came to the grave of the Lord to anoint his body and received the first announcement of the resurrection (century I).
In lower Brittany, saint Solomon, martyr, who while was King instituted Episcopal headquarters, he enlarged the monasteries and it retained the justice, but by giving up his post he was blinded and killed by his enemies in the Church.
In Geneva, between the Helvetii (today Switzerland), saint Salonio, Bishop, and before monk on the island of Lerins, that during his bishopric said the doctrine of the Pope Saint Leo the great and explained the Scriptures (post 450) in mystical sense.
Married to Saint Cereal, converted to Christianity, educated in the faith by St. Cornelius Pope. Martyred in the persecutions of Decius, died in Rome the year 251
In Cagliari, in Sardinia, saint Salvador de Horta Grionesos, religious of the order of the Friars Minor, that for the salvation of souls and bodies became a humble instrument of Christ.
In Africa, saint Salvio, martyr, who addressed St. Augustine the people of Carthage on the anniversary of his death (c. s. III).
In Albi, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Salvio, Bishop, who, coming from the cloistered life, was promoted to the headquarters in spite, and declaring a strong epidemic, how good Shepherd did not want to leave their city.
In Amiens, of Neustria, in Gaul, saint Salvio, Bishop, dedicated to the divine Sciences from his youth and decorated by the integrity of Customs (c. 625).
In Valenciennes, in Austrasia, saints Salvio, Bishop, and his disciple, who came to this region from Arvernia, and who were killed under Winegardo, Lord of the place (s. VIII).
In Edessa, in the region of Osrhoena, martyrs Saints Gurias, ascetic, and Samonà, who, under the rule of Diocletian, after prolonged and cruel torments were sentenced to death by the prefect Misiano and beheaded.
In Cordoba, Hispania Baetica, saint Saintdalio, martyr (s. c. IV).
In Constantinople, St. Samson, priest, friend of the poor, having healed of an illness to the Emperor Justinian, attained this lifted a hospital.
At Dol, city of lower Brittany, Saint Samson, Abbot and Bishop, who propagated in Dumnonia Gospel and monastic discipline, he had learned in Wales of the Abbot St. Iltudo (c. 565).
At Verdun, also in Gaul, saint Sainttino, Bishop, who, it is believed, was the first to preach the Gospel in this city (s. IV).
Saint Sarbelio (Joseph) Makhluf, priest of the order of the Lebanese Maronites, that love of solitude and to achieve the highest perfection, left the monastery in Annaya, in the Lebanon, and retired to the desert, where he served God day and night, living with great austerity, fasting and praying.
In the city of Edessa, in Osroene (today Turkey), holy martyrs Sarbelio, presbyter, and Bebaia, his sister, who, baptized by the Holy Bishop Barsimeo, for Christ they suffered martyrdom (c. 250).
Commemoration of St. Demel, Abbot in la Tebaida, who, being disciple of saint Antonio, received the death at the hands of the Saracens.
In Milan, from Liguria, burial of saint Satiro, whose distinguished merits tells his brother saint Ambrosio de Milán. When he was not yet started in the Christian mysteries, he suffered a shipwreck without fear of death, but saved from the waters, he entered the Church of God to not die with empty hands. United in mutual and intimate fraternity to his brother Ambrose, was buried by the Bishop of Milan, next to the martyr Saint Victor of Milan.
At Numancia, in Hispania Cartaginense, saint Saturio, hermit.
In Rome, in the cemetery of Trason, on the via Salaria new, saint Saturnino of Carthage, martyr, who, according to Pope St. Damasus, under Emperor Decio, by confessing Christ, refers in its same homeland was tormented in the Colt and, expatriates, to Rome, after overcoming other atrocious torments, converted to the faith the tyrant Graciano and reached, beheaded, the Crown of martyrdom.
In Carthage, city of Africa, commemoration of the holy martyrs of Abitinia, during the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano, by having met to celebrate the Sunday Eucharist against what was established by the authority, they were taken by the judges of the colony and guard soldiers. Led to Carthage and interrogated by proconsul Anulino, despite the torture they confessed their Christian faith and the impossibility of giving up the celebration of the sacrifice of the Lord, spilling their blood in different times and places.
Commemoration of Saint Armogastes, Saint Arquinimo and Saint Saturno, martyrs who suffered serious torture and reproach by the confession of the truth (c. 462) in Africa, in time of persecution unleashed by the Vandals under the Arian King Geiseric.
In Nuremberg, in Franconia, Germany, saint Sebaldo, hermit (s. IX/X).
In Seoul, Korea, passion of the Saints Sebastian Nam I-gwan and eight fellow martyrs, beheaded by his Christian faith after suffering cruel torments. They are also commemorated the holy martyrs Lucía Kim, Catalina Yi, widow, and their daughter Magdalena Cho, Virgin, who, imprisoned for his faith in Christ, also died from cruel torment day uncertain of this month. Their names: Saints Ignacio Kim Che-jun, Carlos Cho Shin-ch'ol; Columba Kim Hyoim, Virgin; Magdalena Pak Pong-son and perpetual Hong Kum-ju, widowed; Julita Kim, Agueda Chon Kyong-hyob and Magdalena Ho Kye-im.
In London, in England, commemoration of Saint Sebbo, who, being King of the Saxon Eastern, very devoted to the Lord, let the reign and wanted to die with the monastic habit, who long had wanted (c. 693).
In the monastery of Cestre (today Saint-Seine-l'Abbaye), in the territory of Langres, also in Gaul, St. Secuano, presbyter and Abbot (s. VI).
In the city of Anagni, in Lazio (today Italy), saint Secundina, Virgin and martyr (s. inc.).
In Apulia, saint Secundino, Bishop (s. V/VI).
Via Prenestina, thirty milestones of Rome, saint Secundino, martyr (s. inc).
In Cordoba, Hispania Baetica, saint Secundino, martyr (s. IV).
In Mauritania, St. Secúndulo, martyr, who suffered for the faith of Christ (s. inc.).
At Agaune in Reece, burial of St. Sigismund, King of the Burgundians, who become the place of the Arian heresy to the Catholic faith, instituted a community that should engage without interruption in the psalmody to the graves of the martyrs and atoned for a crime which was perpetrated with penance, tears and fasting. Later, and in the region of Orleans, was thrown into a well by his enemies.
Asti, in the region of transpadana, saint Segundo, martyr (s. inc).
In Iluro (today Mataró), near Barcelona, in Hispania Tarraconensis, memory of Saints Juliana and Semproniana, mártires (s. inc.).
In Albano, of Lazio, in Italy, St. Senator, martyr (s. III/IV).
In Milan, in the province of Liguria, saint Senator, Bishop, whom the Pope Saint Leo the great had sent as legate to Constantinople when it was still priest (c. 480).
In the island Cathaig (Scattery today), in Hibernia (Ireland today), saint Senano, Abbot (s. VI).
In Avranches, at the edge of lower Brittany, saint Senario, Bishop (s. VI).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Ponciano, in via Portuense, Saints Abdon and Senen, martyrs (c. s. III).
In the region of Tours, in Neustria, saint Senoco, priest, who built a monastery in some old ruins, showing regular vigils, prayer and charity towards servants.
In rough, in Portugal, saint Senorina, Abbess, who tells that, through his intercession, God provided bread nuns that need (c. 980).
In Ascoli, city of the Piceno, Italy, Saint Seraphim of Mt. Granario (Felix) by Nicola, religious of the order of the brothers minor Capuchins, who was distinguished by his humility, poverty and piety.
Saint Serafina, converted to the faith by the Apostle Sainttiago, Galicia, s. I
In Algiers, North Africa, saint Serapión, the order of Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, who was the first that, for the redemption of captives loyal and preaching in Christian faith, won the Palm of martyrdom.
In Egypt, saint Serapión, Anchorite (s. inc.).
Alexandria, in Egypt, in commemoration of St. Serapión, martyr, who, at the time of Emperor Decio, was the victim of atrocious torments and after dislocate you all members, precipitated from atop his own house (c. 248).
Commemoration of Saint Serapion, Bishop of Antioch, famous for his erudition and doctrine, who left great fame of saintctity (c. 211).
Saint Serena in Rome, Empress, wife of Emperor Diocleciano. Converted and baptized by Saint Ciriaco, he practiced the Catholic religion in the Palace of the Emperor, and saved the lives of many Christians, interposing his influence before this monster of cruelty.
In Marseille, in Provence, in Gaul, Sereno St., Bishop. When the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I sent Augustine and his companions to evangelize England, it gave them hospitality, and as he headed to Rome, piously rested in the Lord in Biandrate, near Vercelli.
In Rome, at Saint Peter's basilica, burial of Pope Saint Sergio I, of Syrian origin, who worked in favor of the evangelization of Saxony and Friesland, and looking for the arrangement of dissensions and disputes, preferred death to allow for errors.
In Betsaloe, in the province of Augusta Eufratesia, in Syria, saints Sergio and Bacchus, mártires (s. III/IV).
In the monastery of the Holy Trinity, in the region of Moscow, Russia, saint Sergio de Radonez, who elected hegumen or Abbot, the hermitic and monastic life which he had practiced first spread, and affable man, was Princes counselor and comforter of Christian faithful.
Commemoration of St. Serrano or Serano, Bishop.
In Maastricht, next to the Meuse, in the Belgium Gaul, St. Servacio, Bishop of Tongeren, who tenaciously defended the Orthodox faith nicena about the nature of Christ in controversies raised at several Councils (c. 384).
At Rome, commemoration of Saint Sérvulo, who paralyzed from early childhood, lying on a porch, near the Church of saint Clemente, was always thank God in pain, writes St. Gregory I the great, and collecting alms giving to the poor (c. 590).
In Trieste, in the peninsula of Istria, St. Sérvulo, martyr (s. in.).
In Pavia, in the province of Liguria, commemoration of saint Severino Boecio, martyr, distinguished by his science and his writings, who being imprisoned composed a treatise on consolation of philosophy and served God faithfully until the death it inflicted the King Theodoric.
In Bordeaux, Aquitaine, saint Severino, Bishop, who, originating in the regions of East, was warmly received by saint loving, that wanted you as his successor (s. V).
In the city of Cologne, in Germany, commemoration of saint Severino, Bishop, worthy of praise for its virtues.
In Septempeda, in the region of the Piceno, Italy, saint Severino, Bishop, who gave its name to the episcopal City (s. in.).
In Tivoli, Lazio, saint Severino, monk (s. c. VI).
In Château-Laudon, in Gaul, saint Severino, Abbot of the monastery of Agaune (s. VI).
In Agde in the Narbonnaise Galia, saint Severo, Abbot of the monastery he founded in this city (s. V).
In Aquitaine, saint Severo, priest, used their property in the founding of churches and service to the poor (c. 500).
In Bizia (today Wizard), in Thrace, saint Severo, martyr in time of the emperors Diocletian and Maximian, who, according to tradition, converted to the centurion saint Memnón and was martyred after it (c. 304).
In Catania, Sicily, saint Severo, Bishop.
In Naples, Campania, saint Severo, Bishop, he Ambrose loved as a brother and his Church as a father (c. 409).
In Trier, in the Belgium Galia, saint Severo, Bishop, who, disciple of saint Lupo de Troyes, accompanied saint Germán de Auxerre to Britain to extirpate the heresy of Pelagius, and also preached the Gospel among the Germanic tribes (s. V).
In the Valley of Interocrina, in the province of Valeria, in Italy, saint Severo, priest, Pope St. Gregorio Magno I remembered (s. VI).
In Vienne, Gaul Lugdunensis, saint Severo, priest. (c. s. V)
In Ravenna, in the region of Flaminia, saint Severo, Bishop (p. 342).
In Nice, Provence, Saint Siagrio, Bishop, who built a monastery over the grave of St. Pontius.
In Autun, Burgundy (Burgundy today, in France), St. Siagrio, Bishop, whose science and zeal shone in the Councils where intervened (599/600).
At Mariengaarde, in East Frisia, St. Siardo, Abbot of the Premonstratensian order, remarkable by its regular observance and its lavishness to the poor.
In Auvergne, in Aquitaine, saint Apollinare Sidónio. Was prefect of the city of Rome when he was ordained bishop of Clermont, and very well trained in the divine and the human, and owner of great Christian fortress, was faced with the ferocity of the barbarians, as father of the Church and famous doctor (c. 479).
In Rouen, in Neustria, saint Sidónio, Abbot, a native of Ireland, who made monastic life first in Jumièges, then at the monastery of Herio, on the île de Noirmoutier, under the direction of St. Philibert, and finally in the monastery of Saint-Saëns for he founded (c. 684).
Saint Sidronio, martyr, Sens, s. III.
In Carpentras, Provence, Saint Sifrido, Bishop.
In Metz, city of Austrasia, St. Sigebaldo, Bishop, founder of several monasteries.
In Metz, in Austrasia, the Holy King Sigeberto III, who founded the monasteries of Stavelot and Malmedy, as well as many others, and is distinguished by its liberality in alms to the churches and the poor.
In Vaxjo, in Sweden, saint Siegfried, Bishop, who, a native of England, evangelized with great patience to those people and named after their King Olaf (c. 1045).
In the region of Bourges, in Aquitaine, saint Sigiramnio, Pilgrim and Abbot of Longoret (s. VII).
In Disentis, in the upper Reece (today Switzerland) and saints Plácido, martyr, Sigisberto, abad, this last companion of saint Columbano and founder of the monastery of Saint Martin in Disentis, where he was the first who crowned their monastic life with the martyrdom (s. VII).
In the region of Albi, Aquitaine, saint Sigolena, religious (s. c. VI).
Commemoration of St. Silas, chosen and sent by the Apostles with Paul and Barnabas to the pagan churches to proclaim the Gospel, mission, full of the grace of God, put great effort (s. I).
In the mines of Feno in Palestine, where they were convicted, saint Silvano, Bishop of Gaza, and thirty-nine companions, martyrs, all crowned with martyrdom during the same persecution under Diocletian, to be beheaded by order of Caesar Maximino Daya (c. 304).
In Levroux, the territory of Bourges, in Aquitaine, saint Silvano, hermit (c. s. V).
In Emesa (Homs today), in Syria, saint Silvano, Bishop, who presided over the Church for forty years, and under the Emperor Maximiano, was thrown into wild beasts, together with the deacon Luke and Mocio reader, thus obtaining the Palm of martyrdom (c. 235/238).
On the island of Palmaria, in Italy, transit of saint Silverio, Pope and martyr, who, not wanting to rehabilitate Antimo, heretical bishop of Constantinople, deposed by his predecessor saint Agapito, by order of Empress Theodora was deprived of its headquarters and sent into exile, where he died worn by the suffering.
Troina, Sicily (now Italy), saint Silvestre, Abbot, who lived under the discipline of the Holy fathers from the East (s. XII).
At Rome, commemoration of saint Silvia, mother of the saint Gregorio Magno I Pope, that the same Pontiff wrote that he had reached the Summit of prayer and penance, being optimum example for others (s. VII).
In Auchy, in the region of Morins, burial of Saint Silvino, Bishop (s. VIII).
In Toulouse, in the Narbonnaise Galia, saint Silvio, Bishop, who began the construction of a basilica to welcome with dignity saint Saturnino (c. 400) grave.
In Rome, in the basilica of St. Peter, St. Symmachus, Pope, schismatics who soured life and died like a true confessor of the faith.
In Augsburg, Bavaria, in Germania, St. Simberto, Bishop, who was Abbot of Murbach (c. 807).
In Jerusalem, commemoration of Saint Simeon, Bishop and martyr, who, according to tradition, was the son of Clopas and relative of el Salvador, according to the flesh. Ordained bishop of Jerusalem after Sainttiago, the relative of the Lord, in the persecution under the Emperor Trajan was subjected to various tortures until already elderly, died on the cross.
In the Admirable mount, in Syria, saint Simeón Estilita el Joven, priest and hermit, who lived on a column in intimate relationship with Christ, and composed various treaties of ascetic subjects and enjoyed spiritual charisms.
In the monastery of St. Benedict, along the Po River, in the territory of Mantua, saint Simeon, monk and hermit.
In Trier, in the Rhineland, in Lotharingia, saint Simeon, who, born of Greek father in Syracuse, after carrying eremitical life in Bethlehem and in the Sinai mountain, finally detained in the Tower of the Black Gate of that city, where he died.
In Rome, in the cemetery of Priscilla, on via Salaria new, St. Simetrio, martyr (s. in.).
In Autun, Gaul Lugdubense, St. Simfoniano, martyr, who, while he was taken to the ordeal, her mother, from the wall of the city, called him with these words: "child, child, Simforiano, put your thoughts on living God. Today is not removed you life, but it is you changed by a better» (s. III/IV).
In Nantes, also in the Lugdunensis Gaul, St. Similiano, Bishop, whom saint Gregorio de Tours considered as a great confessor (s. IV).
In the mercury mount, in Calabria, saint Simon, hermit (s. X).
In Rome, saint Simon, monk, formerly count of Crespy, in France, who chose the monastic life, renouncing his homeland, marriage and everything, and then the hermit in the mountains of the Jura, and claimed many times as a legacy of peace for conciliation between princes, died finally in Rome, being buried in the city, in St. Peter's basilica.
In Madrid, Spain, saint Simón de Rojas, priest of the order of the Holy Trinity for the redemption of captives, that accompanied the Entourage of the Queen of Spain, he never traveled on float or perceived salary, but rather between Regal pomp, always was humble, poor, merciful towards those in need, and fervently devoted to God.
In Hue, from Annam, saint Simón Phan Dác Hòa, martyr, who, being medical, family and great charity, reigning Emperor Minh Mang was arrested because he had hosted a few missionaries, and consummated the martyrdom with the decapitation after having endured prison and flogging.
In Milan, in the province of Liguria, saint Simpliciano, Bishop, he Ambrose appointed as his successor and St. Augustine dedicated high praise.
In Autun in Gaul Lugdunensis, saint Simplicio, who, noble and godly lineage, lived with his wife in perfect chastity and was elected Bishop (c. 375).
In the island of Sardinia, saint Simplicio, presbyter (s. III/IV).
In Alexandria of Egypt, saint Sinclética, Virgin, of who has which led eremitical life (s. IV).
In Aussonce, in the region of Rheims, in Neustria, saint Sindulfo, hermit, who chose the solitary life, only known by God (c. 600).
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
Saint Sintiques; He was disciple of St. Paul and their cooperative in the propagation of the Gospel, as says the writing to the Philippians: "pray to Evodia and Sintiques who feel the same in the Lord. Also please you, faithful companion, that you attend those who worked with me in the Gospel..." And, as St. Chrysostom, it seems that these women were the first fruits of the Church at Philippi, 78.
In Sirmium, in Pannonia, saint Sireno or Sinerio, martyr, Office Manger, who was reported by a woman who had accused his lust, and having declared before the judge their condition of Christian and refusing to sacrifice to the gods, was beheaded (c. 307).
In the cemetery of Priscilla, on the via Salaria new Rome, saint Siricio, papa, to whom St. Ambrose as a true master, praises, conscious of its responsibility over all the bishops, unveiled them documents of parents, confirming them with his apostolic authority.
In Genoa, in Liguria, saint Siro, venerated as Bishop (c. 330).
Near Burgos, in the region of Castile, in Spain, saint Sisebuto, Abbot of Cardeña.
In the city of Cordoba, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, saint Sisenando, Deacon and martyr, beheaded by the Saracens for their faith in Christ.
In Egypt, saint Sísoes, nickname "Magno", hermit, renowned for the perfection with which practiced the monastic life (c. 429).
Near Cenomanum (now Le Mans), in Neustria, St. Siviardo, Abbot of Anille (c. 680).
In Rheims, of the Belgium Gaul, St. Sixtus, considered the first bishop of this city (s. III).
In Rome, Saint Sixto I, Pope, in the time of Emperor Hadrian ruled the Roman Church, being the sixth after Saint Pedro.
In Rome, on the via Tiburtina, along with saint Lorenzo, burial of Saint Sixto III, Pope, who reestablished the Concord between the Patriarchate of Antioch and Alexandria, and the basilica of Saint Maria in monte Esquilino erected for God's people in the eternal city.
Sofia or Sonia (Russian variant of the name), martyr who saw how tormented his own daughters.
In Fermo, from the Piceno, Italy, Visia and Sophia, Virgin Saints and martyrs (s. inc.).
Commemoration of St. Zephaniah, Prophet, who in the days of Josiah, King of Judah, announced the ruin of the wicked in the day of the wrath of the Lord and strengthened with the hope of salvation to the poor and needy.
In Jerusalem, saint Sofronio, Bishop, who was master and friend Juan Mosco, who visited various places monastics, being elected to the death of Modesto for the headquarters of the Holy City, who, when it fell into the hands of the Saracens, valiantly defended the faith and the security of the people.
In the monastery of Ellwangen, in Bavaria, saint Sola, priest and hermit.
Bourges, France, in Aquitaine, saint Solangia, Virgin, who tradition has conveyed that he suffered martyrdom in defense of their virginity (s. c. IX).
In the Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint solemn or Solemnio in Chartres, Bishop (before 511).
In Constantinople, Eustolia and Sopatra, Virgin Saints and nuns (s. VII).
Saint Sosípatro, disciple. São Paulo, Berea (Asia minor), s. i. having been sent by the same St. Paul Apostle to preach the Gospel to the island of Corsica, was later Bishop of Iconium. Come back then to Corsica, Cercilino, King of the island, mado which was tormented together with seven robbers, who had converted while in prison; But while the Saints were suffering, he came down fire from heaven which consumed the two children and the wife of the King. In view of the miracle, the King invoked the Dios de Sosipatro, and was later baptized.
In Misena of Campania, in Italy, saint Sosso (formerly Sosio), Deacon and martyr, who, in the words of the Pope saint Símaco, wishing to protect the death to his Bishop, he got also the martyrdom with equal price and glory (c. 305).
In Rome, in via Apia, in the cemetery that bears his name, saint Soteris, Virgin and martyr, who relates St. Ambrose, resigning because of the faith to the nobility and the honours of his family, not provided to sacrifice to idols, let himself overcome by the humiliating insults or feared dying wound by a sword (c. 304).
In Pompeiopolis in Cilicia (today Turkey), St. Sozonte, martyr (s. inc.).
In Norcia, saint Spes, Abbot, who for forty years withstood blindness with admirable patience (c. 517).
In London, in England, holy martyrs Edmundo Gennings, presbyter, and Suintino Wells, who, in time of cruel persecution during the reign of Isabel I, were sentenced to the death penalty, the first as priest, and the second for having hosted, choking them hung on the door of his house and martyring them until death.
In Werda (today Kaiserswerth), island in the Rhine, in Saxony, St. Suitberto, Bishop, who, monk in Northumbria, was fellow of saint Willibrordo and ordained bishop by St. Wifrido, preached the Gospel to the Batavians, Friesians and other peoples of Germania, dying piously in the monastery which had been founded, being already old.
In Bourges, city of Aquitaine (now France), saint Sulpicio, surnamed Pius, Bishop, who passed the Royal Palace to the episcopate, his biggest concern was the care of the poor.
In the town of Bourges, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Severo Sulpicio, Bishop, family of Senators of Gaul, who saint Gregorio de Tours extols his wisdom, his pastoral ministry and its efforts to restore discipline.
At Rome, commemoration of saint Susainta, under whose name, held among the martyrs in the ancient Annals, in the 6th century was dedicated to God the basilica of the title of Gaio, next to the thermal baths of Diocletian (s. inc.).
Winchester, England, St Swithun, Bishop, famous for his austerity and for his love of the poor. He built many churches, visiting always walking.
At Claudiopolis, Honoriade, St. Tación, martyr (s. inc.).
In the place called Quxian, in Sichuan province, in China, saint Tadeo Liu Ruiting, priest and martyr, strangled by hatred of the faith.
At Egea, of Cilicia, St. Talaleo, martyr (s. III).
Near Ramerude (today Arcis-sur-Aube), in the region of Troyes, in Neustria, saint Tanca, Virgin and martyr, who, as he narrates the tradition, to defend her virginity not hesitate accepting death (s. VI/VII).
In Constantinople, saint Tarasio, Bishop, distinguished for his piety and his erudition, who initiated the Nicene Council II, in which parents defended the cult of Holy images.
In Rome, in the cemetery of Callixtus, via Appia, commemoration of saint Tarsicio, martyr, seeking to defend the Holy Eucharist from Christ, a furious mob of gentiles profaning, preferred be slain, dying stoned before that give dogs the Holy things (c. 257). Patron of the servers of the Altar (altar).
In the region of Rodez, in Gaul (now France), saint Tarsicia, Virgin and martyr (s. VI/VII).
At Rome, commemoration of saint Tarsila, Virgin, whose continuous prayer, seriousness of life and singular abstinence praises St. Gregory I the great, his nephew (c. 593).
In the town of Evreux, in Gaul, saint taurine, who is celebrated as first bishop of this city (c. s. V).
In Kitzingen, Germany, saint Tecla, Abbess, who, sent from England to help St. Boniface, chairing first the monastery in Ochsenfurt and then of Kitzingen (c. 790).
In Rome, death of saint Telesforo, Pope, who recalls Ireneo, being the seventh successor of the Apostles, was a glorious martyrdom (c. 136).
In the monastery of Llandaf, Cambria, saint Teliavo, Bishop and Abbot, whose distinguished pastoral efforts are remembered by many churches of Cambria, Cornwall and Armorica.
In the monastery of Jouarre, in the territory of Meaux, in Neustria, saint Telquilde, Abbess, who, noble and remarkable family on its merits and austere in their customs, taught the sacred virgins out to encounter Christ with lighted lamps (c. 670).
In Lycia, St. Temístocles, martyr, who, according to legend, the Emperor Decio time volunteered instead of saint Dióscoro, that was sought to be executed and tortured on the rack, dragged and beaten, reached the Crown of martyrdom (s. III).
In the monastery of Le Dorat, Limoges, in Aquitaine region, saint Teobaldo, priest, who, being regular Canon, was in charge of the Church and never left the monastery than to put at the service of the sick and attend to their needs.
In the monastery of Vaux-de-Cernay, in the Paris region, saint Teobaldo de Marliaco, Abbot of the Cistercian order, serving the most humble to his brothers.
In Salanica, in the territory of Vicenza, saint Teobaldo, priest and hermit, who having been born in the family of the counts of Champagne, France, with his friend Walter resigned to the riches and honors, embracing Christ loneliness and poverty.
In Vienne, of Burgundy, saint Teobaldo, Bishop, who illustrated with his Magisterium that Headquarters for forty-four years, emphasizing charity and piety.
In the region of Montauban, in the Narbonnaise Gaul, death of St. Teodardo, Bishop of Narbonne, who restored his Cathedral Church, stood out for their diligent teaching and undermined by disease, ultimately died in a monastery, giving his soul to God.
Close to Spira in the Rhineland, of Austrasia, in Germania, passion of St. Teodardo, Bishop of Tongeren and martyr, who was killed going to visit King Childerico.
In the territory of Vienne in Gaul, St. Teodario, Abbot, who, disciple of Césareo of Arles saint, established a few cells for monks and was appointed by the Bishop as intercessor before God and presbyter penitentiary for all inhabitants of the city (c. 575).
In Vestervig, in Denmark, saint Teodgaro, priest, missionary in this region, he says is that built the first Church of wood (c. 1065).
In Cordoba, city of the Spanish region of Andalusia, saint Teodomiro, Carmona, martyred monk, still young, during the persecution unleashed by the Saracens.
Near Rossainto, in Calabria, saint Teodora, Abbess, disciple of Saint Nile, the young teacher in the monastic life.
Saint Teodora, Virgin, natural shot, who have greeted the confessors of the faith standing in court, pleading them to remember her, arriving before the Lord was arrested by soldiers and carried the same prefect, and mandate of this was tortured with his torments and finally thrown into the sea.
In Antioch, Syria, saint Teodoreto, priest and martyr, who, according to tradition, it relates the apostate, was captured by Julián Regent of East and, by persisting in the confession of the Christian faith, was martyred.
In territory of Neustria Remense, Theodoric, priest, disciple of Bishop saint Remigio-saint.
In Thrace, saints Teodoro and Pausilipo, martyrs, who, according to tradition, suffered martyrdom at the time of the emperor Hadrian.
In Constantinople, saint Teodoro Estudita, abad, who made a school of scholars, Saints and martyrs who died victims of persecutions by the iconoclasts of their monastery. Three times he was expelled into exile, it was endearing veneration by the traditions of the fathers of the Church and wrote famous treatises about the Catholic faith, exposing the Christian doctrine.
In Marseille, city of Provence, in Gaul (now France), saint Teodoro, Bishop, who, striving to establish ecclesiastical discipline, was persecuted by King Childebert and Guntramno, who exiled him three times.
In Canterbury, England, saint Teodoro, Bishop, formerly monk of Tarsus, elevated to the episcopacy by Pope saint Vitaliano and sent to England almost septuagenario, moderated with fortitude the church he entrusted.
General of the army in time of Emperor Licinio, martyred in 319. In the early days of Christianity, becoming a member of the army was not necessarily a good thing. Be a general was still less positive. However, the only thing we know for sure about Saint Teodoro de Heraclea is that he was a general of the Greek army. When was beheaded by Emperor Licinio because of their faith. Probably many people are surprised to know that an army officer could also be a Christian of deep convictions. The testimony of Saint Teodoro shows that no worthy occupation is a barrier to holiness. A decoy, is clear, and the
In Pavia, in Lombardy, saint Teodoro, Bishop, who suffered exile during the terrible war between the Franks and Lombards (c. 785).
In the village of Siceone, in Galatia (current Turkey), saint Teodoro, Bishop and hegumen, since childhood was distinguished by his love of solitude, embracing a life of austere, and obliged to accept his ordination as Bishop of Anastasiopolis, insisted to the Patriarch of Constantinople to be dispensed from his post and return to his beloved solitude.
Sion in Valais, between the Helvetii (today Switzerland), saint Teodoro, first bishop of that city, who, following the example of St. Ambrose, defended against the Arians Catholic faith and worshipped with magnificence the relics of the martyrs of Agauno (s. IV).
In Tabennese, of the Thebaid in Egypt, saint Teodoro, Abbot, disciple of saint Pacomio and father of a congregation of monasteries (s. IV).
In Constantinople, saint Teodoro, who was called "Triquino" by the rough sackcloth with which it was covered, and led an admirable existence in solitude (s. V).
In Constantinople, saint Teodosia, nun, who suffered martyrdom for objecting to that is throw, as ordered by the Emperor León Isáurico, an image of Christ from the top of the so-called bronze door (s. VIII).
In the desert of Judea, saint Teodosio, cenobita, friend of St. Sabas, who after a long life of solitude accepted along with him many disciples instilled the community life in the monasteries built and already Centennial, having suffered persecution because of the Catholic faith, rested in the peace of Christ.
In Auxerre, in the Gallia Lugdunensis, St. Theodosius, Bishop (s. VI).
In Kiev, Russia (now in Ukraine), St. Theodosius, Abbot, who, according to tradition, he founded the monastery known as the caves, instituting the monastic life.
At Heraclea in Thrace, Saint Teodoto martyr (c. s. III).
In the monastery of Lobbes, in Austrasia, St. Teodulfo, Bishop and Abbot.
In Thessaloniki, Macedonia, saints mártires Agatopodo, Deacon, and Teodulo, reader, that because of his confession of the Christian faith, in the time of Emperor Maximiano, and by order of the prefect Faustino, were thrown into the sea with a stone tied around the neck (s. IV in.).
In Sigriana, in Bithynia, in the monastery of Campogrande, burial of saint Teófanes, surnamed "Chronograph", or Saint Theophanes chronicler who being very rich preferred to become a poor monk, and for defending the cult of sacred images was imprisoned by the Emperor León el Armenio for two years and then deported to Samothrace, where, exhausted from suffering, gave up his spirit.
In Hanoi, in Tonquin, saint Juan Teófano Vénard, priest of the society of foreign missions of Paris and martyr, after spending six years of Ministry work in secrecy and amid great difficulties, agreed with cheerful mood, time of Emperor Tu Duc, being locked in a cave and then slain.
In Nicomedia, Bithynia, St. Teofilacto, Bishop, who banished for defending the cult of sacred images, died in cones of Caria (c. 840).
Commemoration of St. Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch, very erudite man, that occupied this site as the sixth successor of St. Peter and wrote a book for defending the Orthodox faith against the heretic Marcion (s. II).
Commemoration of St. Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, who at time of the Septimio Emperor Severus shone for his wisdom and integrity of life.
In Constantinople, commemoration of Saint Theophilus, monk, who, by defending the cult of Holy images, was cruelly tortured by the Emperor Leon the Isauricus and then exiled.
In Fucecchio in Tuscany, saint Teófilo de Corte, priest of the order of the Friars Minor, who spread greatly retreat houses for the friars, showing a great devotion to the passion of Christ and the Virgin Mary.
Passion of Saint Theophilus, surnamed the young, martyr, who, being prefect of the Christian army, was arrested in Cyprus and led to the presence of Harun ar-Rashid, Caliph Supreme of the Saracens, and since neither threats nor promises could make him forsake Christ, was wounded in death with the sword.
In the region of Calmeliac, in Aquitaine, saint Teofredo, Abbot and martyr (c. 752).
In the city of Hippo, in Numidia (now Algeria), St. Teógenes, martyr, about which St. Augustine preached a sermon (c. 257).
In the Hellespont (today Turkey), saint Teógeno or Teogenes in Parios, martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Licinius, refusing to be part of the recruits because of their Christian faith, was martyred in jail and finally thrown into the sea.
In Alexandria, in Egypt, saint Teona, Bishop, who was the master and predecessor of St. Peter Martyr.
In Nicomedia, in the Roman province of Bithynia (today Turkey), Teopempo and Teonas, Saints who suffered martyrdom in the persecution carried out under Diocletian (c. 304).
At Verceli in Liguria, saint Teonesto, martyr, in whose honor Eusebius built the basilica (c. 313).
In Nicomedia, in the Roman province of Bithynia (today Turkey), Teopempo and Teonas, Saints who suffered martyrdom in the persecution carried out under Diocletian (c. 304).
At Coimbra, in Portugal, saint Teotónio, who twice made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and, after challenge the custody of the Holy Sepulchre, returned to his homeland and founded the Congregation of canons regular of the Holy Cross (c. 1162).
In Todi, Umbria, saint Terenciano, Bishop (s. c. IV).
In the village of Saint Giulia, in Piedmont, Italy, blessed Teresa Bracco, Virgin and martyr, than in time of war, while working in the field, died from injuries that caused the blows of soldiers, to bravely defend their chastity.
In Lyon, in France, saint Teresa (Victoria María) Couderc, Virgin, founder, not without great tribulations, but with serene mood, in the company of our Lady of the retreat of the Cenacle in the town of La Louvesc, next to the grave of saint Juan Francisco de Regis.
In Brescia, in Lombardy, saint Teresa Eustoquio (Ignacia) Verzeri, Virgin, foundress of the Institute of the daughters of the Sacratisimo heart of Jesus.
In Seoul, city of Korea, holy martyrs Saint Águeda Yi, Virgin, whose parents also died martyrs, and Teresa Kim, widow, who, while in prison, first were flogged and then degolladas.
In Florence, in Tuscany, saint Teresa Margaret Redi, Virgin, who having entered the order of Discalced Carmelites, advanced along the arduous path of perfection and died while he was still young.
In Zhangjiaji, village of Ningjin, also in the Chinese province of Hebei, saint Teresa Zhang Hezhi, martyr, who during the same persecution, having been born to a pagan pagoda, refused to worship idols, so she and her two children were thus.
Saint chat or Tertula Virgin and martyr
In Rome, on the via Latina, St. Tertulino, martyr (s. c. IV).
Saint penitent Thais.
In Iceland, St. Thorlaco, Bishop of Skálholt, committed to the reform of the customs of the clergy and the people.
In Rome, in the cemetery called "Ad duas lauros», on the via Labicana, three milestones of the city, saint Tiburcio, martyr, whose praises saintg the Pope saint Damaso (s. III/IV).
In Brescia, in the region of Venice, saint Tiziano, Bishop (c. 526).
In Amatonte, on the island of Cyprus, saint Ticón, Bishop, at the time of the Emperor Theodosius the younger (s. V).
In Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey today) and holy martyrs Tigrio, presbyter, Eutropius, reader, to which, in time of Emperor Arcadio, they were accused falsely of having burnt the main church and the senatorial Palace as a reaction to the banishment of Bishop saint Juan Crisóstomo, and underwent the martyrdom under Optatus, prefect of the city, supporter of the worship of false gods and contrary to the Christian religion.
In Maurienne, Savoy, saint Tigris, Virgin, who was dedicated to spread the cult there St. John, the predecessor (s. VI).
In the monastery of Solignac, in the region of Limoges, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Tilón, disciple of Saint Eligio, who was a goldsmith and Monk (c. 702).
At Antinoe, in Thebaid in Egypt, Saints Timothy and Maura, martyrs.
In Gaza, in Palestine, St. Timothy, martyr, in the persecution carried out by the Emperor Diocleciano and the urban prefect, after suffering many torments, victoriously was burned to a simmer (c. 350).
In Mauritania, St. Timothy, Deacon and martyr (s. inc.).
In Rome, on the via Ostiense, in its cemetery, St. Timothy, martyr.
In Tigava, city of the Roman province of Mauritania (now Algeria), St. Tipaso, martyr, who, having been legitimately retired Army, to be claimed again refused to sacrifice to the gods, and it slashed (297/298).
Commemoration in St. Tychicus, disciple of St. Paul Apostle, who, in his Epistles, called expensive brother, faithful Minister and fellow servant in the Lord (s. I).
At Antioch, in Syria, commemoration of St. Tiranión or Tiranio, Bishop of tyre and martyr, who, educated in the faith Christian from his early age, overtook the Crown of glory shattered with iron, along with the priest Zenobius gaffs.
In the city of Oderzo, in the region of Venice (today Italy), saint Tiziano, Bishop (s. V).
In Alexandria, in Egypt, saint Tomáide or Tomaides, martyr.
In Montefiascone, Tuscany, death of saint Tomás Cantelupe, Bishop of Hereford, England, who, famous for his knowledge, was severe for itself, but exceptionally splendid to the poor.
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saints Tomás Dinh Viét Du and Domingo Nguyen Van Xuyen, priests of the order of preachers and martyrs, by Decree of the Emperor Minh Mang were beheaded at the same time.
In London, in England, Holy Tomás Garnet, priest of the society of Jesus and martyr, who ordered the College of the English of Valladolid, in Spain, returning to England was imprisoned twice and, finally, in the time of King Jacobo I, executed at Tyburn.
In Tonquin (today North Viet Nam), Holy Tomás Khuong, priest and martyr, who, in the persecution under the Emperor Tu Duc confessed with great strength of mind that was Christian and imprisoned, kneeling before the cross he was beheaded with an axe.
In the monastery of Saint María de Terreto, near Reggio Calabria, saint Tomás, Abbot.
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saint Tomás Toán, martyr, who, being a catechist and head of the Mission of Trung Linh, in the time of Emperor Minh Mang suffered, for his faith in Christ, new and terrible tortures in prison, until he died of hunger and thirst.
In southern Hispania, commemoration of St. torquatus, Bishop of Acci (Guadix today), and other six bishops, who settled in different cities: Tesifonte, Bishop of Bergium (today Berja); Esicio, Bishop of Carcer (today Carcesa); Indalecio, Bishop of Urci (today Almeria); Second, Bishop of Abula (today Abla); Eufrasio, Bishop of Iliturgi (Andújar today), and Caecilius, Bishop of Illíberis (today Elvira, Granada) (s. III/IV).
In Astorga, during the reign of the Suebi in Hispania, saint Toribio, Bishop, who, by order of the Pope Saint Leo the great, definitely faced the priscilianista sect which was disseminated by Hispania (s. V).
In the region of Cantabria, memory of St. Toribio, monk. A native of Palencia, tradition credited with the foundation of the monastery of saint Martín de Turieno (s. VI).
In Pisa, Tuscany, St. Torpetes, martyr (s. inc.).
Saint Colomano martyr. He evangelized the Franconian and East Thuringia. He worked and was fellow of martyrdom of saint Quiliano (Kilian) and Saint Colomano.
In the place of Tepatitlan, Mexico, saint Tranquilino Ubiarco, priest and martyr, who did not fulfill their ministerial functions, in the persecution against the Church which was hung from a tree, thus ending his glorious martyrdom.
In Smyrna, in Asia, saint Trásea, Bishop of Eumenia of Phrygia and martyr (c. 170/180).
At Leucosia (Nicosia today), in the island of Cyprus, saint Trifilio, Bishop, who vigorously defended the faith of Nicaea and was an excellent orator in his time, commenting on the song of songs, as account Jerome splendidly.
Saints Agathon and Trifina, martyrs, Sicily.
In Phrygia, commemoration of St. Trifón, martyr (s. inc.)
In the place of Dombes, in the lugdunensis territory of Gaul (now France), saint Triverio, presbyter and later hermit (c. 550).
In Neocesarea, in Pontus, saint Troadio, martyred in the persecution under the Emperor Decio, whose combat has witnessed saint Gregorio Taumaturgo (c. 250).
At Synnada in Phrygia, St. Trófimo, martyr (s. inc.).
In the city of Saintnas (now Saintes), in Aquitaine, saint Trojan, Bishop (c. 550).
In Sarquinium (today Saint-Trond) of Brabant, in Austrasia, saint Trudón, priest, who gave all his possessions to the Church of Metz and there himself he built a monastery, where met his disciples.
In lower Brittany, Saint Tugdual, named "Pabu", Abbot and Bishop, who built a monastery in the town of Tréguier (s. VI).
In lower Brittany, St. Turiavo, Abbot of the monastery of Dole and Bishop (s. VII/VIII).
In Verona, in the confines of the region of Venice, saint Tuscana, who killed her husband, distributed all his goods to the poor, and as a member of the order of St. John of Jerusalem dedicated his life to the care of the sick (1343 / 1344).
In Guizhou, China town, saint Juan Pedro Néel, priest of the society of foreign missions of Paris, that defendant for preaching the Christian faith, was tied to the tail of a horse and dragged a long trecho, subjected to all kinds of taunts and torments, and finally degollado. With the Saints Martín Wu Xuesheng, Catechist, Juan Zhang Tianshen, neophyte, and Juan Chen Xianheng suffered martyrdom.
In Pisa, Tuscany, saint Ubaldesca, Virgin, who for fifty years, from the sixteen of age until his death, made consistent and perfectly works of mercy in the hospital of his city.
In Gubbio, in Umbria, St. Ubaldo, Bishop, who was given to the work of reforming the common life of the clergy.
In Augsburg, Bavaria city, St. Udalrico, Bishop, illustrious for his admirable abstinence, their generosity and their vigils, dying ninety-plus having been Bishop for fifty years.
In Tyre, in Phoenicia, saint Ulpiano, martyr, who, while still a teenager, during the persecution under the Emperor Maximinus Daza was locked up in a wineskin with an ASP and a dog and submerged in the sea, thus completing his martyrdom.
In Rome and in the cemetery of Callixtus, on via Apia, St. urban I, Pope, who the Roman Church faithfully governed for eight years, after the martyrdom of Rome.
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
In Teano in Campania, saint Urbano, Bishop (s. IV).
In Metz, in the Belgium Gaul, St. Urbicio, Bishop (c. 450).
In the Jura Mountain, on the banks of the Doubs, among the Helvetii, saint Ursicino, disciple of saint Columbano, who first carried life hermit in solitude and, after being discovered, induced many to embrace this kind of life (c. 620).
In the Illyricum, St. Ursicino, martyr (s. IV).
In the just, St. Ursicino, Bishop of Chur (Chur) and first Abbot of the monastery in Disentis, who he himself had founded (s. VIII).
Bourges in Gaul, saint Ursino, its first bishop, who announced Christ Lord the people and became Church of the House of Leocadio, Senator of the Gauls, even Pagan, for use by the faithful, most poor (s. III).
In the monastery of Lobbes in Hainaut, Saint Ursmaro, Bishop and Abbot, who spread the rule of St Benedict and attracted people to the Christian faith.
In Augusta Pretoria (Aosta today), in the Graian Alps, saint Urso, presbyter (before century IX).
In the city of Auxerre in Gaul Lugdunensis saint Urso, Bishop (s. VI).
In Loches, town of Touraine, next to the Indre River, in France, saint Urso, Abbot, father of many monasteries, famous for its withdrawal and its virtues (s. V/VI).
In Ravenna, the Flaminia, saint Urso, Bishop, who moved the episcopal see from Classe to that city, dedicating the Church Cathedral, under the title of saint Anástasis, the day of Easter, and on the same date, after some years, he emigrated to the glory of the resurrection (c. 425).
In Rome, blessed (Julia) Ursula Ledóchowska, Virgin, who founded the Institute of sisters Ursulines of the heart of Jesus dying, undertook tiring journeys by Poland, Scandinavia, Finland and Russia, and finally died in Rome
Also commemoration of martyrs who, after the death of saint Simeon, the region didn't, and also under King Sapor II, were beheaded due to the name of Christ, among them saint Ustazades, eunuch of the Royal Palace, who was the godfather of the King himself and that, in the first burst of the persecution, suffered martyrdom in the Palace of Artaxerxesbrother of King Shapur, in the province of Adiabena.
In En Castroloco Castroloco (now Mons), Henao, in Neustria, saint Valdetrudis (Valtruda or Waldetrudis), sister of saint Aldegundis, who, being saint Vicente Madelgario wife and mother of four saints, in the likeness of her husband are offered to God and received the monastic habit in the Monastery founded by herself.
In Dorostoro, in Moesia (today Romania), saints Pasícrates and Valencio, martyrs, that by confess Christ as the only God, submitted determined their necks to the sword.
In Passau, in the former Roman province of Noricum (now Germany), Valentine, Bishop of the Rhaetian (c. 450).
In Langres, in Aquitaine, Saint Valentine, priest and hermit (c. s. V).
The city of Chur, in the region of the Helvetii (today Switzerland), St. Valentinian, Bishop, who, with great generosity, gave alms to the poor, redeemed captives and clothed the naked.
In Aquileia, in the region of Venice, saint Valeriano, Bishop, who, against the Arians, defended the Orthodox faith in the Illyricum, and brought together clergy and laity to live in community.
At Cimiez, also in Provence, saint Valeriano, Bishop, who, out of the monastery of Lérins to be elevated to the episcopate, placed written examples of the lives of several saints for edification of monks and the people in general (c. 460).
In Tournus, on the territory of Châlons, on the banks of the Saône, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Valeriano, martyr (s. inc.).
In the city of Limoges, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Valerio, who led a solitary life (s. VI).
In Trier, the Belgium Gaul (today Luxembourg) city, saint Valerio, second Bishop who ruled this headquarters (s. ex III.).
In the territory of Besaintçon, in Germania, saint Valerio, Deacon of the Church of Langres, a few Pagans given death (s. IV).
In Lauconay, near Amiens, in Gaul, Valeric saint or Valerio, presbyter, who attracted many colleagues to eremitical life (s. VII).
At Soissons, in the Belgium Galia, saint Valerio and saint Rufino, martyrs (s. IV).
Saint Valerio's commemoration or Valero, Bishop of Zaragoza, in the Hispania Tarraconensis (now Spain), who took part in the first Council of Illíberis, and led to Valencia along with St. Vincent, died in exile (305/315).
In the monastery of Fontenelle, in Neustria, saint Vandregisilo, abad, who, having renounced to live at the Court with the King Dagoberto, he made monastic life in various places, and promoted to the priesthood by Saint Audeno, Bishop of Rouen, in the forest called Gemeticense founded and governed the monastery of the same name (c. 668).
In Egypt, St. Varus, soldier, who, under the Emperor Maximiano, to visit and help six Holy hermits imprisoned, knowing that a seventh had died in the desert, wanted to take their place, and with them, after many torments, acquired the Palm of martyrdom.
In Arras, in the Belgium Galia, saint Vedasto, Bishop, who was sent by Saint Remigius, Bishop of Reims, this devastated city, and there catequizó the King Clovis, ruled that Church for forty years and carried out an important evangelising work among the pagans in the region (c. 540).
In Poitiers, Aquitaine, saint Venancio Fortunato, Bishop, who wrote the heroic deeds of many saints and with elegant hymns honored the Holy Cross.
In the city of Luni in Liguria, commemoration of Saint Venancio, Bishop, who took care of the clergy and monks, and was a friend of the Pope saint Gregorio Magno I (s. VII).
In Tours, Lugdunensis Gaul, saint Venancio, Abbot, who, having been married in his youth, visit the basilica of St. Martin was moved to the life of the monks and, with the permission of his wife, is along with them to live for Christ (s. V).
In Viviers, along the Rhone, in Gaul, saint Venancio, Bishop (d. 535).
At Rome, commemoration of the holy martyrs Venancio, Bishop, and companions of Dalmatia and Istria, namely, Anastasio, Mauro, Pauliniano, Telio, Asterius, Septimius, Antioquiano and Gayano, that the Church is pleased to honor together (s. III/IV).
In Trier, of Austrasia, saint Vendelino, hermit (s. VII).
In Milan, from Liguria (today Italy), saint Venerio, Bishop, disciple and deacon of Ambrose, who came to the aid of the African bishops sending clerics and helped saint Juan Crisóstomo in his exile.
On the island of shooting Maggiore (today Palmarola), on the shores of the Bay of la Spezia, in Liguria, of Italy, saint Venerio, hermit (s. VII).
In the city of Caivallon, in Provence, saint summer or Veronica, Bishop, who enjoyed great authority, above all for the cures of the sick (s. VI).
In Vence, Provence, in Gaul, commemoration of St. summer, Bishop, being son of St. Eucherius, Bishop of Lyon, was educated at the monastery of Lérins and wrote to the Pope Saint Leo the great thanking him for his profession of faith in the incarnation of the word, contained in the letter to Flavian (s. V).
In the city of Estella, Navarra, saint Veremundo, Abbot of Hirache, who, having embraced the monastic life, from young encouraged his monks to seek perfection with their example and fasts and vigils.
In Zurzach (Zurich today), next to the Rhine, in the region of the tigurini's Germania, saint Verena (s. IV).
In Lyon, Gaul, commemoration of St. Viator, reader, disciple and Minister of the Bishop Justo de Lyon, followed this in his removal to Egypt and his death (post 481).
In Tremblevif, in the Sologne region, France, St. Viator, hermit. (s. VI).
In the place of Saintkt Gallen, in the region of the Helvetii, Holy Wiborada or Wiborada, Virgin and martyr, who lived locked up in a cell next to the Church of Saint Magno, from which catered to the people. Because of their faith and their religious vows, it solvents braved death at the hands of Hungarian invaders.
In Neumünster in Holstein, in Germany, death of St. Vicelino, Bishop of Oldenburg, who was dedicated with interest to the evangelization of the Slavs.
In Lovere, in Lombardy, saint Vicenta Gerosa, Virgin, he founded, together with saint Bartolomea Captanio, the Institute of the Sisters of charity.
In the town of Coria, in the Spanish province of Lusitania, saint Vicenta, Virgin and martyr.
In Hispania Cartaginense, memory of Saints Vicente and Leto, martyrs.
In the town of Hai Duong, in Tonquin, saint Vicente Do Yen, priest of the order of preachers and martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Minh Mang, was slain by hatred of the Christian faith.
In Rome, saint Vicente María Strambi, Bishop of Macerata and Tolentino, of the Congregation of the passion, who ruled the diocese which had entrusted Holy and by their fidelity to the Roman pontiff was banished.
Soignies, of Brabant, in Austrasia, saint Vicente or Madelgario, with the consent of his wife saint Valtrudis embraced the monastic life and, according to tradition, he founded two monasteries (c. 677).
In Dax, Aquitaine, saint Vicente, celebrated as Bishop and martyr (c. IV).
In the monastery of Lérins in Provence, Saint Vincent, priest and Monk, who was very famous for its Christian doctrine and holiness of life, and insisted boldly on the progress of the faith of the believers (c. 450).
Saints Vicente, Sabina and Cristeta (brothers martyrs of the 4th century)
In Vernemet, in the region of Agen in Aquitaine, saint Vicente, martyr, who, according to tradition, while the village held a party in honor of the Sun, he consummated their martyrdom in the name of Christ.
In Rome, saint Vicente Pallotti, priest, founder of the society of the apostolate Catholic, than with his writings and activities fostered the vocation of all the baptized in Christ to work in favor of the Church.
In Leon, in Hispania, saint Vicente, Abbot of the monastery of Saint Claudio (630).
At Sarsina, the Romagnola, saint Vicinio, first bishop of this city (s. IV/V).
At Capua, in Campania, saint Víctor, Bishop, conspicuous by his erudition and his Holiness.
In Rome, on the via Salaria Antigua, in the cemetery of Basilla, St. Víctor, martyr (s. c. IV).
Mauritania Cesarea, St. Víctor, martyr, who, according to tradition, sentenced to death, was crucified on Saturday (s. III/IV).
In Milan, in the province of Liguria, commemoration of St. Víctor, martyr, who, originally from Mauritania, was a soldier of the imperial army, and imposing the obligation to sacrifice to idols, Emperor Maximiano desciñó of their weapons, who led him to the city of Lodi, where he was beheaded (c. 304).
In the region of Nantes, in lower Brittany, Saint-Víctor, solo, who lived secluded in a small oratory, built by himself alongside Bonchamp (c. s. VII).
In Arcis-sur-Aube, champagne, France, Saint-Víctor, hermit, whose praises wrote saint Bernardo (s. VII).
In Africa, commemoration of St. Víctor, martyr, in whose feast St. Augustine wrote a treatise for the people about him (s. inc.).
In the monastery of Ashan, in the region of Barbastro, the Kingdom of Aragon, saint Victorian, who, having been born in Italy, he embraced the monastic life, and being dedicated to prayer in solitude of the mountains, accepted the responsibility of leading the monastery which then took its name (c. 561).
In Nicomedia, Bithynia, saint Victorino, martyr (sec. inc.).
Commemoration of saint Victorino, Bishop of Pettau (today Ptuj), in Pannonia, who drafted many writings to explain the books of the Holy Bible and was crowned with martyrdom in the persecution triggered by Diocletian (c. 303).
In Le Mans, Lugdunensis Gaul (now France), saint Victorio, Bishop, who saint Gregorio de Tours is talking about.
In the city of Leon, in Hispania, Claudio saints, Lupercio and Victorio, martyrs, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano suffered death by Christ (c. 303/304).
In Rouen, in Gaul, St. Victricio, Bishop. It was soldered in the time of the Emperor Julian, and rejecting the military insignia for the love of Christ, suffered various torture on the orders of the Tribune, who sentenced him to death, but, however, having achieved freedom and after being consecrated Bishop, also led to faith in Christ to fierce of the Morini and peoples nerves, in the North of Gaul.
Saints Ariston, Crescenciano, Eutiquiano, urban, Vidal, fair, Merry, Felix, Marcia and Sinforosa, Campania (Italy), 285.
In Bologna, Emilia, Vidal and agricultural Saints, martyrs, who, according to us concerns Ambrose, the first of them was before servant of the second and then companion and colleague in martyrdom. Vidal suffered many torments that he was not part of your body without wounds and Agricola, in turn, without panic by the torment of his old servant, imitated him in the same martyrdom, being crucified.
In the region of Retz, near Nantes, in lower Brittany, saint Vidal, hermit (s. VIII).
In Hanonia, of Neustria, St. Vidiciano, Bishop of Cambrai and Arras, who, following the death of saint Leodegario, invited King Theuderic III to atone for his crime with the penance (c. 712).
In Fritzlar in Hesse, Austrasia, saint Vigberto, priest and Abbot, that St. Boniface entrusted the care of the monastery of the place (c. 739).
In Trento, in the region of Venice, saint Vigilio, Bishop, who received the institutionis logo, along with a pastoral instruction, saint Ambrosio de Milán dedicated to evangelize the region entrusted and trying to remove what remained of idolatry. Ensures that he consummated their martyrdom by the name of Christ, beaten by cruel men.
In Bayeux, in the Lugdunensis Gallia St. Vigor, Bishop, disciple of saint Vedasto (c. 538).
In Osnabrück, in Saxony, St. Vihón, Bishop, that being a native of Friesland, was sent by the Emperor Charlemagne, as Abbot to evangelize the region and ordained bishop of this church, had to suffer much for Christ.
In the region of Tulle, in Aquitaine (now France), saint Vincenciano, eremita.
Commemoration of the holy martyrs Vindemial or Vindemia, Bishop of Capsa, in Numidia, and Longinos, Bishop of Pamaria, in Mauritania, who were beheaded by order of Huneric, King of vandals, after having faced the Arians at the Council of Carthage.
In Arles, in Provence, saint Virgilio, Bishop, received as guests to saint Augustine and his monks, when they traveled to England on behalf of the Pope saint Gregorio I Magno (c. 618).
In Salzburg, in the region of Bavaria, saint Virgilio, Bishop, doctisimo man, born in Ireland, who, with the support of King Pipino, stood in front of the Church of Salzburg, where built in honor of St. Rupert Cathedral and joyfully and happily devoted himself to spread the faith between the Carinthians.
Castro Fiorentino, Tuscany, saint Viridiana or Veridiana, Virgin, who lived as a recluse from youth to old age (1236 / 1242).
Abbot in the monastery of Saint Salvador de Leyre, Navarra, memory of saint Virila, (s. X).
In the region of Leicester, in England, St. Vistano, martyr, who, belonging to the Royal lineage of Mercia, for opposing the incestuous marriage of his mother was killed by the sword of the tyrant.
In the city of Spoleto, in Umbria, St. Vital, martyr, saintctified by faith preserved and the imitation of Christ (s. inc.).
In the place of Rapolla, in the Lucania, St. Vital de Castronovo, monk.
In Salzburg, Bavaria, St. Vital, Bishop, who, originally from Hibernia (Ireland today), was a disciple of St. Rupert, companion in his travels and imitator of his works and vigils, and elected his successor, converted to the faith of Christ to the people of Pinsgau (c. 730).
In Savigny, in Normandy, in Gaul, St. Vital, Abbot, who left the secular occupations, surrendered in solitude to the cultivation of rigorous enforcement, gaining many followers to the monastery he founded.
In the ancient city of Caudium (today Montesarchio), in Campania, saint Vitaliano, Bishop (s. VII).
At Verdun, of the Belgium Gaul, St. Vitón, Bishop.
In Lyon, city of Gaul, St. Vivenciolo, Bishop, who was promoted to the episcopate when he taught at the monastic from Saint Eugendio school, and encouraged clerics and lay persons to be present at the Council of Pau, so that the people know best what the Popes established (c. 523).
In Saintes, in Gaul, saint Viviano, Bishop (s. V).
Close to Brussels in Brabant, Lotharingia, saint Vivina, first Abbess of the monastery of the Blessed Mary of Grand-Bigard.
In Kiev, city of Russia (now in Ukraine), saint Vladimiro, Prince, baptized with the name of basil, who is worried about spreading the Orthodox faith in the peoples they governed.
Close to de Foix, in the Narbonese Gaul (now France), transit of St. Volusiano, Bishop of Tours, who, after being captured by the Goths, gave his spirit in exile (c. 498).
In the monastery of Fantanelle, in Neustria (today France), saint Vulframno or Wulfrano burial, who, being a monk, he was elected Bishop of Sens and devoted himself to evangelize the Frisians. Finally, he returned to the mentioned monastery, there rested in peace (c. 700).
In the region of Boulogne, in Gaul, St. Vulmaro, priest, that being humble Shepherd with a keen interest in learning, acquired a good education and was ordained a priest, living as the ancient fathers desert and, later, in Hautmont, Hainaut, in the forests of their homeland, founded two monasteries: one of monks and one from Virgin.
In the monastery of Luxeuil in Burgundy, saint Waldeberto or Walberto, Abbot (665 / 670).
Palazzuolo, in Tuscany, saint Walfrido, Abbot, who after having five children, decided, together with his wife, embracing the monastic life (c. 765).
Onhaye, in Hainaut, saint Walhero, priest, who, while crossing the Meuse River, killed a presbyter that recriminaba their customs to stroke.
Condé-sur-l ' Escaut, in Hainaut, of Austrasia, saint Wasnulfo, monk, born in Scotland (s. VII).
In Chester, in the region of Mercia in England, saint Wereburga, Abbess of Ely, who founded several monasteries.
In Bremen, Saxony, St. Wilehado, Bishop, who, born in Northumbria and friend of Alcuin, spread the Gospel in Friesland and Saxony after St. Boniface and ordained bishop, he founded the see of Bremen and ruled it wisely.
In York, in Northumbria, saint Wilfrido, Bishop, who, after working with all care, was forced to leave his seat and died between the monks of Ripon, who was Abbot at one time.
He lived between the end of the 7th century and the beginning of the VIII. His father belonged to the first generation of Christians converted Anglo-Saxon paganism. The child was handed over to the monastery of Ripon for his upbringing and custody when she decided to live alone after the death of his wife. Already in his youth, Willibrord decides freely to religious profession. Leave the monastery of Ripon by taking advantage of the economic situation on the journey to Rome from the Holy Abbot Wilfrido. From now on you will stay twelve years in the monastery of Rathmelsigui, in Ireland, learning of eagerness missionary of the Abbot Egberto that already failed evangelization of Friesland on the continent. When in
In Dryopolis (today Eichstätt), in Franconia, saint Willibaldo or Wilebaldo, Bishop, who, having embraced the monastic life, toured as a pilgrim many shrines and holy sites in order to establish therein the monastic life, until St. Boniface ordered Bishop of this headquarters and made him a valuable contributor yours in the evangelization of Germania, converting many peoples to Christ.
In Troyes, of Neustria, saint Winebaldo (Vinebaldo, Winebald), Abbot of the monastery of Saint Lupo, illustrious for his austerity (c. 620).
Next to the fountain of Holywell, Cambria, saint Winefrida, Virgin, venerated which is as eximia nun (s. c. VII).
In the Taruanense of Austrasia, saint Winoco, region which was first received by saint Bertino of breton origin, in the community of monks of Sithiu, and then built the monastery of Wormhoudt, who led Holy as prior, working hard with their own hands.
In the peninsula of Armorica (Brittany), saint Winwaleo, first Abbot of Landevenec, who tradition tells that he was a disciple of saint Budoco in the island of Lavret, and that his life illustrated the monastic rule.
In Roermond, along the Meuse, Brabant, of Austrasia, Saint Wiro, who, according to tradition, devoted himself to the evangelization of this region together with his companions Plechelmo and Odgero (c. 700).
In Cordoba, in the Spanish region of Andalusia, commemoration of Saint Witesindo (Vintesindo), martyr, who fear Muslims turned to the Catholic faith, but then refused to take part in the Muslim cult, was killed by hatred of the Christian faith.
In the monastery of Hersfeld, in Germania, burial of Saint Witta or Albino, first bishop of Burberg, who, a native of England, was called by St. Boniface and was commissioned to sow the seed of the word of God in the region of Hesse (c. 786).
In Ratisbon (Regensburg), of Bavaria, saint Wolfgango, Bishop, who, after being a school teacher and have professed as a monk, was elevated to the episcopal see, establishing the discipline of the clergy, and while visiting the region of Pupping rested in the Lord.
In the city of Worchester, England, St. Wulfstano, Bishop, who, from the cloister to the headquarters, maintained monastic customs together with the pastoral zeal. It tirelessly visited the parishes of his diocese, in erect churches, encourage studies and condemn the sale of slaves.
Daughter of a Roman Senator, fled his home to give your life to God and to others, and ended his days serving the poor in the city of Milass, being an example of humility and spirit of service.
In the place of Dechao, also in Hebei, commemoration of St. Xi Guizi, martyr, who while still not more than catechumen, before a crowd in an uproar is confessed Christian, being baptized with the blood that flowed from his wounds.
In lower Brittany, saint Ywio, Deacon and Monk, disciple of saint Cutberto, Bishop of Lindisfarne, who went from England to this region, where lived delivered to vigils and fasts (c. 704).
Commemoration of saint Zaccaria, Prophet, dictionary of the return of the banished people to the promised land, announcing at the same time as a peaceful King, Christ the Lord, enter triumphant in the Holy City of Jerusalem, who led to compliance.
In the mercury mount, in Lucania (today Italy), saint Zaccaria, surnamed "angelic", master of the monastic life (c. 950).
In Rome, saint Zaccaria, potato, with utmost vigilance and prudence ruled the Church of God, slowing the momentum of the Lombards, indicating the order straight to the Franks, providing churches the Germans and seeking the understanding with the Greeks.
In Bologna, in the region of Emilia, in Italy, saint Zama, considered as the first bishop of this city (s. c. IV).
Commemoration of Saint Zacchaeus, Bishop, who, according to tradition, was the fourth successor of James, brother of the Lord, in the Government of the Church of Jerusalem (s. II).
In Gablonne, Bohemia (today Czech Republic), saint Zdislava, mother, who lent comfort to the afflicted.
Zenas, Assistant to the military of the Roman Empire Zeno and martyred with him. Zenon thrown to the Dungeon is visited by his assistant, who can not contain without kissing the chains of the martyr; and, also arrested by Christian, both are beheaded on 23 June of the year 304.
In Florence, in Tuscany, saint Zenobio, Bishop of Florence. Friend Saint Ambriosio of Milan, Director of Saint Dámaso I papa, worked with Saint Eugenio and Saint Crescencio.
In Sidon, Phoenicia, saint Zenobio, priest, that during the grueling persecution under the Emperor Diocleciano encouraged others to martyrdom, being also crowned with death (s. IV).
In Rome, in the cemetery of Pretextato, in via Apia, saint Zeno, martyr (s. inc.).
Commemoration of saint Zeno, Bishop of Maiuma, in Palestine, who built a basilica to his nephews martyrs Eusebius, Nestabio and Zenon, and until the end of his life worked as a Weaver for procuring livelihoods and help the poor (c. 400).
Saints Zenon and Zenas, martyrs, Arabia, 304. Military of the Roman Empire, resident in Arabia Philadelphia, his hometown. After having given everything theirs to the needy, is filed firm the most prefect ready to give witness to Christ against any suffering and death itself. Thrown into the black hole it is visited by his assistant, who can not contain without kissing the chains of the martyr; and, also arrested by Christian, both are beheaded on 23 June of the year 304.
In Nicomedia, Bithynia (today Turkey), saint Zeno, martyr (s. III).
In Verona, in the territory of Venice, saint Zeno, Bishop, who with their work and preaching led to the city until the baptism of Christ (c. 372).
In the village of Zhuhedian, near Jieshui, in Hunan province, in China, saint Zhang Huailu, martyr, who, pursued by the followers of the Yihetuan movement, still only a catechumen spontaneously confessed that he was Christian, and armed with the sign of the cross, deserved to be baptized in Christ with his own blood.
Atalia, of Pamphylia (Antalya today, in Turkey), saints burnish and his wife Zoe, along with their children Ciriaco and Teodulo, martyrs, who, according to tradition, in the time of Emperor Hadrian were slaves in the service of a pagan, and by order of the same master were first whipped, then brutally tormented because of his free confession of the Christian faith and finally thrown into an oven on, in which gave their souls to God (s. II).
In Lystra in Lycaonia (today Zoldera, in Turkey), St. Zoelo, martyr (s. II/III).
In Córdoba, in the Spanish province of Betica, saint Zoilo, martyr.
In Rome, on the via Tiburtina, along with saint Lorenzo, burial of Pope St. Zosimus.
In Constantinople, St. Zótico, presbyter, who worried about feeding orphans (s. IV).
In the Archdiocese of Lviv, Saint Zygmunt Gorazdowski, priest, born in Saintok (Poland) 1845. He promoted numerous works for priests, young, sick and poor. He founded a new newspaper, various institutions of charity and the Congregation of the religious of St. Joseph. He died on January 1, 1920 in Lviv (Ukraine)
In London, in England, saint Ana Line, widow and martyr, who, having died her husband, banished for being Catholic, offered his home to accommodate priests and, for this reason, under the reign of Isabel I was hanged at Tyburn. It suffered the priests and martyrs Marcos Barkworth, of the order of Saint Benedict, and Roger Filcock, of the society of Jesus, who were descuartizados before he died.
In the city of Nam Dinh, in Tonquin, saints Domingo Henares, Bishop of the order of preachers, and Francisco Do Minh Chieu, martyrs, the first of which spread Christianity for forty-nine years, and the second worked with him as a Catechist, both being beheaded for their faith in Christ, in the time of Emperor Minh Mang.
In Uzès, of the Narbonnaise Galia, saint Fermín, Bishop, disciple of saint Cesareo of Arles, who taught his people the way of truth (c. 552).
In Naples, Campania, saint Gaudioso's grave, Bishop, who, because of the persecution of the Vandals, went from Abitinia to Campania, ending his days in the peace of a monastery (s. V/VI).
At a place called Goriano Sicoli, in Abruzzo, blessed Gemma, Virgin, that she lived in a very small cell attached to the Church, from which could see only the altar.
In Savona, on Italy, transit of the blessed José Marello, Bishop of Acqui, in Piedmont, who founded the Congregation of the Oblates of Saint Jose, dedicated to the moral and Christian formation of young people.
In the city of Vinh Long, on Conchinchina, saint José Nguyên Van Luu, martyr, farmer and Catechist, who volunteered instead of the priest Pedro Luu, who was wanted by the soldiers, dying in prison in the time of Emperor Tu Duc.
In Saint-Crespin, in Hainaut, saint Landelino, Abbot, converted by saint Autberto, abandoned the larceny to devote himself to virtue, founded the monastery of Lobbes and, then, the Saint-Crespin, who piously died (c. 686).
In Séez, in Neustria, saint Lotario, Bishop, who, deposed from Office waited death living as solitary.
In Ravenna, in the province of Flaminia, Italy, commemoration of St. Vital (Saint Vidal). On this day, according to tradition, was dedicated to God the famous basilica of that city, in which this Saint is venerated since time immemorial with the holy martyrs Valeria, Gervasio and Protasio Ursicinus, for tenaciously defending the faith (s. inc.).
In Lucania, saint Vito, teenage martyr.
Marian feast of the society of Jesus